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猪营养学家、饲料生产商和养猪高一直坚持在断奶仔猪日粮中应用动物和值物油,他们之所以应用这些重要脂肪是因为:①提供高能,脂肪能量高于谷物2.25倍;②有时它们比其它能源更便宜;⑧减少饲料粉尘,尤其是饲喂粉状日粮;④有利于制粒,减少对压模的磨损。 然而,时至今日,依然没有研究资料证实复杂的现代断奶仔猪日粮中的高量脂肪对仔猪的营养  相似文献   

乳糖是仔猪日粮配方中的一种主要的成分,即便是世界上最便宜的仔猪日粮也含有乳糖。原因很简单,因为仔猪的健壮生长需要乳糖。然而,这种重要成分的确切功能及作用方式并没有得到广泛的认识,从而限制了人们在仔猪断奶后期饮食中合理利用乳糖以增加采食量而获得的效益。本文主要阐述乳糖的重要性以及如何在仔猪饲料中最好地利用乳糖。  相似文献   

张永泰 《养猪》2007,(6):2-2
据华中农大刘涛等(2003)试验,28日龄断奶二元杂种仔猪饲喂由玉米、豆粕、鱼粉、乳清粉组成的粉料,饲养3周,与对照相比,饲粮添加1%谷氨酰胺可显著提高断奶后第1周的日增重(246.4g:173.6g,P〈0.05),  相似文献   

断奶仔猪日粮酸度调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仔猪消化道酸度是其消化环境中的重要因素之一,也是调节仔猪内环境酸碱平衡、电解质平衡的基础条件,适宜的酸度是维持仔猪消化系统正常生理功能的关键,尤其是断奶仔猪。幼年仔猪消化系统发育不够完善,胃的泌酸能力不足,胃内 pH值一般高于成年猪水平,这对仔猪的消化酶活性、微生态平衡以及其它生理功能都有一定的影响。   日粮酸度是影响断奶仔猪胃内酸度的主要外源因素,日粮进入仔猪消化道后,与胃内的一些酸性物质结合,中和了部分游离酸,降低了胃内的酸度,从而影响仔猪的消化生理功能。衡量仔猪日粮酸度的指标一般有两种—— …  相似文献   

近年来,随着养猪技术的进步及对仔猪营养、代谢等特点的研究深入,断奶日龄逐渐提前,其结果造成断奶仔猪因生长迅速而引起缺铁性贫血.这是现代工厂化养猪业中面对的重要研究课题之一。目前,在断奶仔猪日粮中使用较多的高蛋白源是血浆蛋白粉,但血浆蛋白粉中一定程度缺乏蛋氨酸(Methionine,Met),由此引起了人们对仔猪日粮中Met添加的关注。  相似文献   

新的证据表明 ,由甜菜或甘蔗制成的糖蜜用于断奶日粮可降低日粮成本而不会影响仔猪的生长性能。  相似文献   

随着养猪业的不断发展.人们已逐步意识到通过营养调控来缓解仔猪断奶应激的重要性,在实际的生产中,乳清粉、血浆蛋白粉、膨化大豆等高品质原料的使用,大大缓解了仔猪断奶腹泻、食欲减退、生长受阻等“断奶应激综合症”症状.但在仔猪日粮配制和使用中也存在一定的问题。现结合我们多年经验将断奶仔猪日粮的配制原则介绍如下:  相似文献   

要获得客户满意,保证自身经济效益,饲料生产厂家在重视饲料成本与畜禽生产性能的同时,也应该考虑养分消化利用率.  相似文献   

断奶仔猪日粮酸度调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(接上期 )4不同系酸力水平日粮对断奶仔猪血液生化指标的影响   试验设计同前述的断奶仔猪日粮系酸力调控模型生物学试验,分别测定不同系酸力水平日粮对断奶仔猪血气指标、血清葡萄糖、尿素 N和总蛋白、胰岛素水平的影响。 4.1血气指标   日粮不同系酸力水平对仔猪血气指标的影响情况见表 9。   从表 9可以看出,随着日粮系酸力水平的降低, 表 9不同处理对仔猪血液血气指标的影响 仔猪血液中 BE负值增大, pH值、 BB、 HCO3-、 TCO2和 PCO2都有所降低,而 PO2则有所提高, O2SET(氧饱和度)的变化不大。有资料表明,人体…  相似文献   

根据丹麦学的研究,在母猪饲料中添加加量的维生素E并不能明显改善仔猪断奶后的维生素E状态,但对断奶后仔猪饲喂大量的维生素C则有额外的作用。  相似文献   

Four experiments involving 1,005 crossbred pigs weaned at 19 +/- 2 d of age evaluated the effect of diet complexity and lactose level on starter pig performances. Experiment 1 was a randomized complete block (RCB) conducted in nine replicates with 135 pigs. A complex diet using several protein sources, a semicomplex diet with fewer protein sources, and a simple diet of corn and soybean meal comprised the three treatment groups. All diets contained 25% lactose (as-fed basis) with lysine (total) constant from d 0 to 14 (1.55%) and d 14 to 28 (1.45%), respectively. Gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency (P < 0.05) improved as diet complexity increased during both periods. In Exp. 2, 240 pigs in eight replicates in a RCB design were fed complex diets, but dietary lactose (total; as-fed basis) levels ranged from 10 to 35% in 5% increments from 0 to 14 d after weaning. From 14 to 30 d, a common 17% lactose diet was fed to evaluate the effects of early lactose level on subsequent responses. Gains (P < 0.05) increased for the 0- to 7- and 0- to 14-d periods as lactose increased to 30%. Similar gains resulted for all treatment groups from 14 to 30 d after weaning, with no evidence of compensatory responses to early lactose levels. In Exp. 3, 330 pigs were fed complex diets. From 0 to 7 d after weaning, the diets contained 25% lactose (as-fed basis), and from 7 to 21 d postweaning, the lactose levels ranged from 7 to 31% in 5% increments. Gain (P < 0.01) and feed efficiency (P < 0.05) increased from 7 to 21 d to the 17% lactose level. In Exp. 4, 300 pigs were fed 25 and 17% (as-fed basis) lactose diets from 0 to 7 and 7 to 21 d postweaning, respectively. From 21 to 35 d postweaning, lactose levels of 0 to 20% in 5% increments were added to a corn-soybean meal diet. The experiment was conducted as a RCB design in 12 replicates. Gain (P < 0.05) and feed intake (P < 0.05) increased to 10 to 15% lactose. When the data from Exp. 4 were partitioned into lighter (15.0 kg) and heavier (17.7 kg) pig weight replicates, only the lighter replicates had significant improvements in gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency (P < 0.05) in response to dietary lactose. These results demonstrated that starter pigs performed better when fed complex diets, that dietary lactose levels of 25 to 30% (to 7 kg BW) during the initial week postweaning, 15 to 20% lactose during d 7 to 21 (to 12.5 kg BW), and 10 to 15% lactose during d 21 to 35 postweaning (to 25 kg BW) resulted in maximum performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of lactalbumin and lactose components of dried whey on gain and feed performance responses and N retention of weanling swine. In Exp. 1, a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design in seven replicates was used to evaluate the efficacy of two dietary lysine levels (.90 and 1.30%) in 1) a corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) mixture, 2) C-SBM and 20% dried whey (C-SBM-DW), or the dried whey component replaced with 3 lactalbumin and cornstarch, 4) lactose and an amino acid mixture, or 5) the combination of lactalbumin and lactose. A total of 420 pigs weaned at 23 +/- 2 d of age, weighing an average of 6.87 kg BW, were used in a 3-wk experiment. Experiment 2 was a balance trial conducted as a 3 x 2 x 3 factorial arrangement in a split-plot design in three replicates. The negative (i.e., C-SBM) and positive (i.e., C-SBM-DS) control diets and the C-SBM-lactalbumin-cornstarch diets at the two lysine levels of Exp. 1 were the main plots, each evaluated for a 3-wk postweaning period. Growth rate (P less than .05), feed intake (P less than .01), N retention (P less than .01), and apparent N digestibility (P less than .05) were increased when pigs were fed the C-SBM-DW compared with the C-SBM diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

刘晓兰  王博  何余湧 《饲料工业》2005,26(20):34-37
为了评定乳糖对不同阶段仔猪料中营养物质消化率的影响,将6窝58头1日龄长大哺乳仔猪随机分到2个处理组,组间平均体重差异不显著,每个处理组设3个重复。试验分3个阶段进行,每个阶段设2个乳糖添加水平,从出生后的第7d起对试验猪进行补料,22日龄早晨断奶,试验期共54d,各组日粮营养水平相近。试验结果表明:在7~21日龄阶段,含2.5%乳糖和含4.5%乳糖仔猪试验料间蛋白质、粗纤维、钙、总磷、铜、铁和锌的消化率差异均不显著(P>0.05);在22~40日龄阶段,含2.0%乳糖的试验料中蛋白质、粗纤维、钙、总磷、铜、铁和锌消化率均极显著(P<0.01)低于含4.0%乳糖的试验料中蛋白质、粗纤维、钙、总磷、铜、铁和锌消化率;在41~60日龄阶段,含1.0%乳糖的试验料中蛋白质、粗纤维、总磷、铜和铁的消化率均分别极显著(P<0.01)低于含3.0%乳糖的试验料中蛋白质、粗纤维、总磷、铜和铁的消化率。  相似文献   

The performance and the physiological and metabolic consequences of three dietary levels of Na (.03, .09 and .18%) and of Cl (.08, .17 and .32%) arranged factorially were determined in growing-finishing pigs (36 to 89 kg). Average daily gain and feed efficiency of pigs fed .03% Na were lower than pigs fed .09 or .18% Na. Gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .32 or .17% Cl was greater than that of pigs fed .08% Cl during the finishing phase (58 to 89 kg) but not during the growing phase. Increasing dietary Cl levels increased average daily feed intake and gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .03% Na, but had no effect at the higher levels of Na. Plasma Na and Cl were lower (P less than .05) while plasma K (P less than .01), total protein, (P less than .04), albumin (P less than .07) and urea N (P less than .03) were higher in pigs fed .03% Na compared with those fed .09 or .18% Na. Increasing the dietary levels of Cl decreased urea N (P less than .05). Plasma lysine:arginine ratio increased as dietary Cl increased in pigs fed .18% Na diets, but not in pigs fed .03 or .09% Na. The urea cycle intermediate ornithine was highest in the plasma of pigs fed .18% Na. Dietary Na and Cl seem to interact to affect both plasma electrolytes and basic amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

1产前的影响因素加拿大Alberta大学的George R Foxcroft博士在PIC 2007年座谈会上说,虽然产品的质量或产量是很多生产环节的核心问题,但养猪业应"停止追求仔猪的数量转而关注其质量"。  相似文献   

断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征(PMWS) 是由PCV2引起的多发于断奶仔猪的一种疾病, 常对养猪生产造成重大损失。本文就PMWS的临床特征、病原、病理变化、诊断标准、促发因素、控制等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Heifer and steer progeny of 2-yr-old first-cross (F1) heifers and 3- to 6-yr-old F1 cows, from Hereford dams and five sire breeds, were evaluated for postweaning feedlot growth and carcass composition. Breeds of sire of dam were Angus (A), Red Poll (RP), Tarentaise (T), Simmental (Sm), and Pinzgauer (P). Calves from 2-yr-old heifers were sired by Shorthorn, and calves from 3- to 6-yr-old dams were sired by Charolais. Breed of sire of dam was significant (P less than .05 to P less than .01) for total gain and final weight for female progeny from 2-yr-old dams. At all weights, Sm, P, and T ranked above A and RP. Progeny of A, P, Sm, and T F1 2-yr-old dams were not significantly different but were higher (P less than .05) than RP heifers in total feedlot gain. Breed of sire of dam was significant (P less than .05) for carcass weight and longissimus muscle area; T ranked highest and RP lowest. Breed was not significant for any growth traits of steer progeny of 2-yr-old dams. Breed was significant for marbling score; A ranked highest and exceeded (P less than .01) both RP and Sm steers. Breed was significant (P less than .05) for most growth traits in the heifer progeny of the 3- to 6-yr-old dams bred to Charolais sires. Heifer calves of the Sm group were heavier (P less than .05) than all other groups for most weights and total gain. For total gain, P and T were intermediate and A and RP lowest. For heifer carcass traits from 3- to 6-yr-old dams, breed was significant (P less than .05 to P less than .01) for carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, percentage of cutability, and estimated kidney, heart, and pelvic fat. Heifers from Sm-sired dams were heavier (P less than .05) than those from all other groups but ranked second to heifers from P for percentage of cutability. Marbling scores of RP heifer carcasses ranked highest of all groups. Breed was not significant (P greater than .05) for any of the weights or gains in steer progeny of 3- to 6-yr-old dams; however, the Sm and P groups ranked above A and RP for all feedlot test weights.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To detect bovine adenovirus serotype 7 (BAV-7) infections in calves by use of viral isolation and serologic testing. ANIMALS: 205 postweaning calves. PROCEDURE: 121 calves were assembled by an order buyer through auction markets in eastern Tennessee and transported to New Mexico where they were commingled with 84 healthy ranch-reared calves. Tests included viral isolation in cell culture from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and detection of serum BAV-7 antibodies by use of microtitration viral neutralization. RESULTS: BAV-7 was isolated from PBL of 8 calves and seroconversion to BAV-7 was detected for 38 of 199 (19.1%) calves. Concurrent bovine viral diarrhea virus infections were detected in most calves from which BAV-7 was isolated. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of our study indicate that BAV-7 infections can be found in postweaning commingled calves and may develop more commonly in calves with concurrent infections with viruses such as bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV).  相似文献   

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