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An adult male blue shark, Prionace glauca (L.), caught in July 2000 by a recreational fisherman off Long Island, New York, USA, had a retained fishing hook from a previous capture. The hook penetrated the gastric wall and lacerated the right liver lobe. Macroscopic lesions consisted of transmural gastritis and peritonitis. Alteromonas sp. and Vibrio alginolyticus were isolated from the peritoneal fluid. In addition, a well delineated, sessile mass was found on the otherwise normal serosa of the right testis. Histopathological findings included mesothelial hyperplasia and hypertrophy involving diffusely the gastric, hepatic and parietal serosae, and forming a discrete testicular capsular mass compatible with mesothelioma. In the liver an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, chronic hepatitis, biliary hyperplasia and increased numbers of melanomacrophages were found. In addition organisms compatible with histozoic and coelozoic myxosporeans were found within the skeletal muscle of the abdomen and intrahepatic bile ducts, respectively. This is the third literature report of a liver tumour and the first report of a coelomic mesothelioma from a shark.  相似文献   

Fishing hooks retained from previous capture events were found in 6 of 211 blue sharks, Prionace glauca (L.), landed in the summers of 1999 and 2000 by recreational fishermen off Long Island (New York, USA). The hooks were embedded within the distal oesophagus ( n =3), or perforated the gastric wall ( n =3) and lacerated the liver ( n =2). The hooks were surrounded by excessive fibronecrotic tissue which ablated the normal anatomical structures and in the three sharks with oesophageal hooks caused partial luminal obstruction. Accompanying lesions included oesophagitis, gastritis, hepatitis and proliferative peritonitis. Aeromonas sp. and Vibrio sp. were isolated from the peritoneal fluid of one shark with peritonitis and intralesional bacteria were seen on histological examination in all sharks. This is the first report of the prevalence and pathology of retained fishing hooks in a large number of wild-caught sharks.  相似文献   

根据2011年10月~2013年12月期间金枪鱼延绳钓渔船海上兼捕采集的样品(雌性66尾、雄性81尾,未鉴定性别1尾),首次对东太平洋公海海域(25°S~15°N,175°E~105°W)的大青鲨(Prionace glauca)胃含物组成及其多样性进行了探究。结果表明,摄食强度以1级为主(68%),雌雄间无显著差异(χ2,df=4,P0.1);胃含物种类组成结构,硬骨鱼类占最大比例(占57.3%),其次是头足类(其中鱿占总饵料数的97.9%),雌雄间无显著差异(χ~2检验,df=15,P0.05),但个体间差异大,重叠率低。饵料总体多样性Shannon-Weiner指数(H)为1.78,Simpson指数(C)为0.28。随大青鲨叉长增加,H略呈下降趋势,C略呈上升趋势。成熟中、排卵中、已怀孕3个阶段的雌性个体饵料组成多样性略有差异。聚类分析显示,1月~3月、8月~10月和11月~12月的饵料组成结构中,8月~10月和11月~12月的相似性较高。  相似文献   

运用数据缺乏方法估算印度洋大青鲨可持续渔获量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用数据缺乏方法,即基于资源衰减的可持续渔获量估算模型(DCAC),结合Monte Carol模拟,对印度洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)的可持续渔获量进行估计。结果表明,若大青鲨资源衰减比率(Δ)为正值,当自然死亡系数M增大或最大可持续产量对应的捕捞死亡系数(F_(MSY))与M的比值c增大时,可持续渔获量估算值(Y_(sust))增大;若Δ接近零甚至为负值,当M或c增大时,Y_(sust)呈减小趋势。资源丰度指数的选择对DCAC结果有较大影响,基于日本延绳钓渔业1998—2014年和2001—2014年两个时间序列的丰度指数得到的Y_(sust)结果可靠,且与其他模型估算的MSY值接近。2014年印度洋大青鲨的年渔获量正好处在或略高于最大可持续产量(MSY)水平,但该结果仍具有一定的不确定性。本研究表明运用DCAC方法估算印度洋大青鲨可持续渔获量是可行的,但对其他鲨鱼种类的适用性仍需进一步研究,该结果可为数据缺乏方法在大洋和中国近海渔业中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is the most frequently captured shark in pelagic oceanic fisheries, especially pelagic longlines targeting swordfish and/or tunas. As part of cooperative scientific efforts for fisheries and biological data collection, information from fishery observers, scientific projects and surveys, and from recreational fisheries from several nations in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans was compiled. Data sets included information on location, size and sex, in a total of 478,220 blue shark records collected between 1966 and 2014. Sizes ranged from 36 to 394 cm fork length. Considerable variability was observed in the size distribution by region and season in both oceans. Larger blue sharks tend to occur in equatorial and tropical regions, and smaller specimens in higher latitudes in temperate waters. Differences in sex ratios were also detected spatially and seasonally. Nursery areas in the Atlantic seem to occur in the temperate south‐east off South Africa and Namibia, in the south‐west off southern Brazil and Uruguay, and in the north‐east off the Iberian Peninsula and the Azores. Parturition may occur in the tropical north‐east off West Africa. In the Indian Ocean, nursery areas also seem to occur in temperate waters, especially in the south‐west Indian Ocean off South Africa, and in the south‐east off south‐western Australia. The distributional patterns presented in this study provide a better understanding of how blue sharks segregate by size and sex, spatially and temporally, and improve the scientific advice to help adopt more informed and efficient management and conservation measures for this cosmopolitan species.  相似文献   

Histomorphological features of piscine thyroids are widely accepted and frequently used as bioindicators of environmental pollution. This despite the fact that there is marked variation in thyroid morphology resulting from numerous pathological and physiological conditions. Our hypothesis was that there will be variations in histological features in thyroids collected from different shark species during the summer season in the northwestern Atlantic. To test our hypothesis, we examined histological features encountered in grossly normal thyroids from three species of sharks, the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhinchus , thresher, Alopias vulpinus and blue sharks, Prionace glauca . In addition, microscopic lesions from these thyroids were described. Ninety-four sharks were collected in summer 2001, 2002 and 2004. Routine, haematoxylin and eosin-stained paraffin-embedded sections were studied by light microscopy. We found inter-species but not intra-species variation in histological patterns of thyroids, which were distinct enough to allow 'blind' assignment of a thyroid to the specific species. The most common lesions encountered were lymphofollicular hyperplasia and chronic thyroiditis. In addition, one case each of intravascular larval nematodes and a myxosporean infection was found. Our results provide the first data on species-specific morphology of thyroids collected during summer months from sharks. The results indicate that familiarity with normal thyroid morphology is crucial before using shark thyroids in biomonitoring of environmental contamination or interpreting data from this gland in shark-health studies.  相似文献   

大青鲨(Prionace glauca)是一种分布广泛的大型中上层远洋性鲨鱼,在以金枪鱼等经济鱼种为目标的延绳钓渔业中渔获率较高.根据中国远洋延绳钓渔船2015—2018年在中西太平洋(Western Central Pacific Ocean,WCPO)海域共51个航次采集的兼捕大青鲨数据,分析了该海域兼捕到的大青鲨...  相似文献   

The melanomacrophage aggregates or cells (MMC) are commonly used as biomarkers of exposure to pollution in fish, albeit their numbers and morphological characteristics can be influenced not only by environmental toxins but also by a range of physiological parameters and pathological conditions. Accordingly, before we can use MMC as biomarkers in any fish species, their normal, 'background' characteristics have to be established in apparently healthy fish. The knowledge of MMC in sharks is minimal. The aim of this study was to characterize MMC from 51 free-ranging, large pelagic sharks from the northwestern Atlantic, including shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhinchus , thresher, Alopias vulpinus and blue shark, Prionacae glauca . The rationale of this study was twofold. First, because, sharks have life histories predisposing them to the accumulation of environmental toxins they constitute good sentinel species of the health of the global marine ecosystem. Second, because many shark populations are in decline or threatened by extinction, we need to expand our understanding of their health status in order to develop appropriate protective measures. All sharks were collected by sports fishing gear between June and August in 2007. Their health condition was assessed by necropsy, morphometrics, and by microscopic examination of gonads, livers, spleens and kidneys. Routine, haematoxylin and eosin and/or Pearl's reagent-stained paraffin embedded sections were studied by light microscopy. Our results provide the first data on the morphometric and morphological characteristics of MMC in viscera of apparently healthy free-ranging sharks from the northwestern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Archival formalin-fixed tissues from wild-caught adult blue sharks, Prionace glauca (L.), were used for immunocytochemical detection of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), two oncoproteins from the oncogenes c-myc and pan-ras, and a protein product from the tumour suppressor gene p-53. All sharks were caught during summer months between 2000 and 2006 by recreational fishermen off the USA coast in the northwestern Atlantic. The sharks were necropsied on landing and selected organ samples were collected into elasmobranch formalin and processed for paraffin embedding and light microscopy. Paraffin-embedded sections from collected tissue were both stained with haematoxylin and eosin and processed by immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies raised against the PCNA, p-ras, c-myc and p-53 proteins. The lesions examined in this study included two well differentiated adenomatous gastric polyps, a testicular capsular mesothelioma, a gingival fibropapilloma with elements of ameloblastoma, three liver tumours, two pericardial fibropapillomas and six cases of proliferative serositis (pericarditis and peritonitis). Normal and hyperplastic tissues from blue sharks, and human neoplastic tissues served as negative and positive controls, respectively. We detected upregulation of PCNA in many neoplastic, one dysplastic and in some hyperplastic lesions, and positive p-ras and c-myc signals in some of the neoplastic lesions. None of the examined tissues showed positive p-53 signalling. This is the first literature report on immunocytochemical detection of molecular markers of cancer in sharks and in fish of the class Chondrichthyes.  相似文献   

Several strains of Garm-positive short rod (coccibacilli)-shaped bacteria were isolated from diseased cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), in the North of Spain with lesions and signs of Spain with lesions and signs of streptocecosis. The α-haemolytic streptoceoccus-like organisms from diseased turbot were identified by physiological, biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Streptococcus parauberis. This is the first report of S. parauberis associated with fish disease.  相似文献   

During a survey of myxosporean parasites of cyprinid fish in Hungary, infections caused by unknown Myxobolus spp. were found in the internal organs of rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus, and bleak, Alburnus alburnus . Small plasmodia developed in blood vessels of the kidney, liver, testes and intestinal wall. The parasites were studied on the basis of spore morphology and by histological and molecular methods. In most cases, plasmodia were surrounded by host tissue without a host reaction; however, in advanced cases, a connective tissue capsule was seen around plasmodia. Spores collected from the two fish species differed from each other and from the known Myxobolus spp. both in their morphology and 18S rDNA sequences. The two species, described as M. erythrophthalmi sp. n. from rudd and M. shaharomae sp. n. from bleak, are characterized by a specific histotropism to blood vessels, while the organ specificity involves the kidney and for the latter species, most internal organs.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), and channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), were experimentally infected by immersion with three isolates (Lake, DL8O5 and MS91452) of Streptococcus sp. from diseased fish. To enhance infection, the lateral body surface of each fish was scraped prior to bacterial exposure. The Lake and DL8O5 isolates caused exophthalmia, ocular opacity and ocular haemorrhage in some tilapia. Histopathology of these fish revealed; meningitis; polyserositis of heart, liver, spleen, ovary and kidney; splenitis; ovaritis; and myocarditis. Isolate MS91452 induced only mild granulomas in spleen, kidney and ovary of tilapia. The Lake and DL8O5 isolates induced endophthalitis, Channel catfish infected with the Lake and DL805 isolates developed similar eye lesions to tilapia. Histologic lesions caused by all three isolates in channel catfish consisted of meningoencephalitis, mild myocarditis, splenitis and ovaritis, but these lesions were not as severe as in Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

Francisella sp. is an emergent bacterial pathogen that causes acute to chronic disease in warm and cold water cultured and wild fish species. During the past 3 years, the bacterium has been detected in tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus , cultured in Costa Rica. Infected fish presented non-specific clinical signs, such as erratic swimming, anorexia, anaemia, exophthalmia and high mortality. Upon macroscopic and microscopic examination, several internal organs (mainly spleen and kidney) were enlarged and contained white nodules. Histological examination revealed the presence of multifocal granulomatous lesions, with the presence of numerous small, pleomorphic, cocco-bacilli. The bacteria were isolated from infected tilapia on selective media and grown on several media with and without antibiotics. Specific PCR primers to the Francisella genus were used to confirm the preliminary diagnoses. In comparison with several bacterial 16S rRNA sequences, our isolate was found to share 99% identity with other Fransicella spp. isolated from fish, and more than 97% identity to the human pathogen Francisella tularensis . Koch's postulates were fulfilled after experimental intraperitoneal and gill exposure challenges.  相似文献   

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