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Self-sterility in cherry (Prunus avium L.) is one of the most important problems in commercial cherry orchards in Iran and many other countries. The main objective of this research was to determine self-fertility rate and blooming phenology of 25 commercial cherry (P. avium L.) cultivars in Iran. This study was conducted during 2006–2007.Results revealed that the stage of bud swell in all cultivars began late second decade of March, which lasts 8–11 days. In all cultivars the duration end bloom to petal fall stage took 5 days. Cherry cultivars were classified into three groups considering their overlapping pollination. The cultivars each group had a great overlapped pollination toward each other. The results also showed that there was a significant difference among cultivars in respect of the fruit set (P < 1%). The fruit set of open pollination treatment among the cultivars varied in range of 7.36–41.58%. However fruit set was not observed in isolated pollination (artificial and natural self-pollination). In open pollination, the cultivars were also classified into four groups, i.e. weak fertility (Moreau and Ferracida), mean fertility (Siah Mashhad, Napelon, Proteva, Haj usefy, Lambert, Roshun, Sefid Ghermeze Baghno, Arak, Belamarka, Siah Shabestar, Ghermeze Rezaeyeh, Abardeh, Soraty Lavisan and Victoria), good fertility (Peshrase Mashhad, Dovoumras Mashhad, Bing, Shesheiy Mashhad, Siah Ghazvin and Sefid Rezaeyeh), very good fertility (Zarde Daneshkadeh, Dirrase Italia and No. 1 karaj). All cultivars were found to need cross-pollination and included in self-sterile group.  相似文献   

Shoot regeneration was achieved from stored mature cotyledons of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in vitro. The influences of different cytokinins (thidiazuron (TDZ) and benzylaminopurine (BA)) and their levels, the dark incubation for the first 10 days of the culture and TDZ pretreatments on shoot regeneration were determined. All varieties regenerated in the presence of TDZ if cotyledons were maintained in darkness for the first 10 days of the culture; however, only three varieties regenerated with low frequencies in the absence of dark incubation. Dark incubation at the early stage of culture was critical for obtaining higher regeneration efficiencies from stored cherry cotyledons. TDZ was more effective than BA in inducing shoot regeneration. The highest regeneration efficiencies were obtained with intermediate concentrations of TDZ (3.6 and 7.2 μM) in combination with dark incubation and the best regeneration frequencies for ‘Vista’, ‘Sunburst’, ‘Tehranivee’, ‘Vouge’ and ‘Heidelfingen’ cotyledons were 70.0%, 53.3%, 23.3%, 30% and 26.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Six enzyme systems were surveyed in 12 peach cultivars using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of leaf extracts. Variation between cultivars was observed in four enzymes: peroxidase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. Genetic variation parameters revealed that the maximum proportion of polymorphic loci was 46.1%. Out of 15 loci studied, 9 were monomorphic and 6 were polymorphic for 20 alleles. A dendrogram showed the grouping of cultivars on the basis of genetic distance values. The use of isozyme electrophoresis to find the inter-relationship of cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of water deprivation on plant water status, photosynthetic gas exchange and fluorescence parameters in two different olive tree varieties (Olea europaea L. var. ‘koroneiki’, ‘Meski’) was studied. Two-year-old olive trees, grown in pots in greenhouse, were subjected to one of three drought treatments (i.e., mild, moderate and severe drought stress) and compared to control trees. Both the leaf water potential (Ψw) and the relative water content (RWC) of the two varieties decreased with increasing levels of drought stress. Koroneiki showed higher (less negative) values of Ψw and lower values of RWC than the Meski, particularly during severe drought stress.

Net photosynthetic assimilation and stomatal conductance declined with drought. This inactivation of photosynthetic activity was accompanied by changes in the fluorescence characteristics. The PSII maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm), the intrinsic efficiency of open PSII reaction centres (Fv′/Fm′), the photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) and the total electron flow (Jt) decreased during the development of drought stress.

The non-quenching photochimique (qN) showed an increase in the response to water deficit. These observations are discussed in relation to the strategies developed to grow drought-resistant olive trees in arid areas.  相似文献   

Sweet cherry has a short post-harvest shelf life and this greatly affects the consumer preference and export of fresh fruits. In this study, the effects of pre-harvest application of a hexanal formulation (enhanced freshness formulation, EFF) and post-harvest application of hexanal vapour and 1-MCP on quality parameters and shelf life of sweet cherry were investigated. Cherries subjected to pre-harvest spray with EFF had better color, brightness and firmness than unsprayed cherries even after 30 days of storage at 4 °C. These EFF-treated cherries also showed higher chroma values indicative of enhanced red color. Post-harvest application of either, hexanal vapour, 1-MCP, or a combination of both, enhanced the firmness of cherries. These treatments also resulted in higher levels of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase activities. The levels of anthocyanins and phenolic components were either enhanced or maintained during the 30-day storage period. Our results suggest that a pre-harvest application of EFF combined with post-harvest treatment of hexanal and 1-MCP may enhance the quality and shelf life of sweet cherry.  相似文献   

Fruit quality characters were analysed in the sweet cherry cultivars, Burlat, Van, Tragana and Mpakirtzeika, harvested from low (39–59 m), medium (216 m) or high (490–546 m) elevation sites. The effects of storage for 2 or 4 days at 2 °C and 1 day at 20 °C on the fruit antioxidant contents were also evaluated. Tragana and Mpakirtzeika had greater fruit fresh weight (FW) and total soluble solid content compared to Van and Burlat, the latter being the most red colored. Tragana and Burlat had greater total phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity, measured by DPPH extinction, compared to Mpakirtzeika and Van (mean values 204.4 mg vs. 103.7 mg gallic acid equivalent 100 g−1 FW, and 176.1 mg vs. 79.3 mg ascorbic acid equivalent 100 g−1 FW, respectively). The geographic elevation had a marked influence on the cherry antioxidant content in all studied cultivars, apart from Van, with high elevation orchards producing cherries with greater contents of antioxidant compounds compared to lower elevation orchards. Changes in the antioxidant contents during storage were depended on the cultivar and some times on the orchard elevation. Total antioxidant capacity was significantly correlated with total phenolic content in Tragana, Burlat and Mpakirtzeika, but not in Van; nevertheless this was not the case during storage.  相似文献   

Leaf structural adaptations for the reduction of water loss were examined in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Chemlali and Chétoui) growing under water stress conditions. Leaf measurements included leaf tissue thickness, stomatal density, trichome density, specific leaf area, leaf density, water relations, and gas exchange. We found considerable genotypic differences between the two cultivars. Chemlali exhibited more tolerance to water stress, with a thicker palisade parenchyma, and a higher stomatal and trichome density. Chemlali leaves also revealed lower specific leaf area and had higher density of foliar tissue and lower reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate. The mechanisms employed by these two cultivars to cope with water deficit are discussed at the morpho-structural level. The morphological and structural characteristics of the leaves are in accordance with physiological observations and contribute to the interpretation of why the olive cv. Chemlali is more drought-tolerant than cv. Chetoui. Furthermore, from the behaviour of Chemlali plants we consider this cultivar very promising for cultivation in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Three previously described highly polymorphic SSR (microsatellite) primer pairs were tested on 126 sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) accessions to adapt a fast, reliable method for preliminary screening of sweet cherry germplasm collections and to compare two sweet cherry germplasm collections: at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing, Dobele (LIFG-Dobele) and at the Division of Horticultural Genetics and Plant Breeding at Balsgård, Department of Crop Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU-Balsgård). The SSR loci were highly polymorphic with 4–10 different alleles and 5–18 genotypes. Heterozygosity values ranged from 0.431 to 0.809, gene diversity (PIC) values ranged from 0.400 to 0.753, and the discriminating power of each locus varied from 0.631 to 0.894. The combined discriminating power of all loci was highly effective (0.996). Sixteen identical accession groups with the same allele profile were discovered in both collections. This study demonstrated that SSR fingerprinting with the three primer pairs tested, can be used for preliminary characterization of sweet cherry germplasm collections.  相似文献   

In the current work attempts were made to investigate culture of leaf explants derived from in vitro seedlings of two sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) cultivars, Bingtangcheng and Valencia. Effects of several factors, including culture medium, lighting condition, explant age and genotype on regeneration response were examined based on three parameters, percentage of explants producing shoots, mean number of shoots per explant and shoot forming capacity. Culture of the explants on shoot-inducing media (SIM) composed of MT salts supplemented with different growth regulators gave rise to disparate shoot regeneration, in which SIM1 (MT + 0.5 mg L−1 BA + 0.5 mg L−1 Kinetin + 0.1 mg L−1 NAA + 3% sucrose + 0.8% agar, pH 5.8) was shown to be the most effective medium for direct induction of shoots from leaf explants. Highly significant difference in the response of shoot bud regeneration was noted between the two cultivars, with Bingtangcheng being more responsive than Valencia. Culture of explants from fully developed leaves led to better shoot regeneration capacity in comparison to undeveloped ones. However, the two lighting conditions used herein did not cause significant difference in shoot regeneration. Phenotypic observation and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis confirmed that all the regenerated plants from both genotypes were genetically identical to their donor plants, suggesting absence of detectable genetic variation in the regenerated plants. The data presented here demonstrated that direct initiation of plants from leaf explants has been successfully accomplished. To our knowledge, this is the first report on direct regeneration of shoots from leaf explants in Citrus, which will provide an alternative source for citrus genetic manipulation in the future.  相似文献   

Pistachio is a drought tolerant fruit tree that can be cultivated in rainfed and irrigated conditions. The water requirements of the tree, however, are considerable so in most of the commercial orchards deficit irrigation is a common practice. Regulated deficit irrigation in pistachio trees has been described in several works, which reported that the phenological stage of shell hardening, so called stage II, is the most drought tolerant. This paper proposes that such drought resistance is related to changes in water relations linked to the phenological stages, even in conditions of no water stress. In order to evaluate such changes, the daily pattern of stem water potential and gas exchange (net photosynthesis, Pn, and leaf conductance, gs) was measured, determining also the pressure–volume curves, in three different phenological stages of mature pistachio trees (Pistacia vera cv Kerman on P. terebinthus L. rootstock.). The daily pattern of stem water potential and gas exchange were performed in three different irrigation treatments: control, regulated deficit irrigation and rainfed. The pressure–volume curves were made only in the control and rainfed treatments. Significant differences were found in the daily pattern of stem water potential in all the phenological stages considered, while only in the last one the net photosynthesis was affected by water stress. The daily pattern of gas exchange at the beginning of the season was not affected by the evaporative demand, with a constant value when radiation was not limiting. Moderate levels of water stress during the last measurement date reduced the maximum values of gs and Pn resulting also in a clear change in the pattern of the daily curve, with maximum values only at the beginning of the day. The relationships between stem water potential and gas exchange parameters were different during stage II and almost the same in stages I and III. The parameters drawn from the pressure–volume curves also indicated a change in the elastic modulus of the leaf cells in stage II. In addition, differences in the osmotic adjustment (OA) index suggested different degree of osmotic adjustment of the phenological stages in the response to water stress. The results showed that different mechanisms of drought resistance are operating in the different phenological stages in pistachio trees.  相似文献   

Three levels of partial rootzone drying (PRD) were evaluated and compared with conventional irrigation, in terms of gas exchange, water relations, growth, yield, fruit quality, and water use efficiency in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) saladette-type plants growing in pots with volcanic material and drip irrigation. There were four treatments, a control, in which available water (AW) in the whole root system was allowed to fall to 90%; PRD90-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 90% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%; PRD70-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 70% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%; PRD50-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 50% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%. When each treatment reached the desired AW level they were then irrigated. At the same time, when on one side AW reached values ≤30% irrigation was shifted to the other side. Results showed a significant decrease of leaf water potential up to 14% in PRD plants compared with control. Shoot dry weight and leaf area decreased in relation to substrate available water in PRD plants. Stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were lower, up to 31 and 18%, respectively, in plants with PRD compared with control. However, CO2 assimilation rate was similar among treatments which along with the reduction of transpiration in PRD plants, increased instantaneous water use efficiency by 28, 25, and 33% in PRD90-30, PRD70-30, and PRD50-30 treatments, respectively, compared to control. Yield, number of fruits and fruit total soluble solids content were similar among treatments. An increase of 25% in fruit titratable acidity was reached in PRD50-30. Fruit firmness increased up to 31% in PRD treatments. PRD treatments allowed a water irrigation saving up to 46%.  相似文献   

Cornus mas L. is a naturally growing dogwood species in Anatolia. In present study, physical, chemical and antioxidant properties of cornelian cherry fruits were studied. The fruit weight was in the range of 0.39–1.03 g, fruit length 14.24–22.20 mm, fruit width 9.59–13.21 mm, flesh/seed ratio 1.34 to 6.72. Hunter L values of the samples ranged between 10.82 and 19.69, and a value was between +6.25 and +15.59, and b value was between +3.46 and +6.64. In addition to the levels of dry matter, soluble solids, pH, total acidity, total sugar content, reduced sugar content, unreduced sugar content, ascorbic acid, total anthocyanin and total phenolics were within the range of 15.88–28.19%, 12.50–21.00%, 3.11–3.53, 1.10–2.53%, 76.80–154.00 g kg−1, 52.80–120.00 g kg−1, 0.00–32.30 g kg−1, 0.16–0.88 mg g−1, 1.12–2.92 mg g−1 and 2.81–5.79 mg g−1, respectively. On the other hand, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and EC50 values were between 16.21 mmol g−1 and 94.43 mmol g−1, 0.29–0.69 mg mL−1. Anthocyanin extracts of the fruits were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV–vis detection. Pelargonidin 3-glucoside was the main pigment found in cornelian cherry fruits.  相似文献   

The effects of water deficit and polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 on the growth and content of essential oil, photosynthetic pigments, soluble sugars, proline, macroelements (N–P–K) and microelements (Mg–Zn–Fe–Mn) of Pelargonium odoratissimum (L.) plants were investigated. Water deficits of 80% and 40% of field water capacity decreased certain growth characters (total leaf area, leaf number, and total fresh and dry mass). The photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls a and b, total carotenoids) and mineral content (N–P–K–Mg–Zn–Fe–Mn) also decreased as water deficit level increased. Water deficit promoted the accumulation of essential oil content and its main components (methyl eugenol, isomenthone and limonene) as well as total soluble sugars and proline contents. The water deficit × PEG 6000 interaction was greater than water deficit treatments alone on all plant growth characters assessed.  相似文献   

Individual organic acids and sugars were analysed in the fruits of scab resistant and susceptible apple cultivars. The total sugars ranged between 128.2 and 191.6 g/kg, and the total organic acid between 5.1 and 13.4 g/kg. In the flesh and peels of different apple varieties single phenolics (gallic, protocatehuic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic and p-coumaric acid, phloridzin, epicatechin, catechin, quercitrin and rutin) were analysed together with their total phenolic content (TPC). ‘Golden Delicious’ was the cultivar with the lowest TPC whereas ‘Rubinola’, ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Goldrush’ had the highest level of TPC in the pulp. Peels showed a 2–9 times higher phenolic content than the pulp. ‘Goldrush’ had the highest content of TPC in its peel. The total antioxidant capacity of peels was about 2–5 times higher than respective pulps. Scab resistant apple cultivars had significantly higher content of some single and total phenolic contents in comparison with the scab susceptible, especially the pulp.  相似文献   

通过对拉宾斯(Lapins),滨库(Bing)和红丰(Hongfeng)3个抗裂性不同的甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)品种进行果实发育期外源补钙处理,研究了甜樱桃果实整个发育过程中果肉Ca2+质量浓度变化规律,及其对甜樱桃裂果的影响。结果表明,1)拉宾斯果实在成熟后期果肉Ca2+质量浓度呈稳定的上升趋势,而滨库和红丰在果实成熟期果肉Ca2+质量浓度则呈下降趋势。2)外源补钙处理可明显提高果实中的钙含量,所有处理的果实在整个发育过程中果肉Ca2+质量浓度都明显高于对照,其中拉宾斯比对照高12%、比滨库高13%、比红丰高40%。3)在裂果试验中,高抗裂品种拉宾斯对于外源补钙不敏感,叶面补钙处理后裂果率由7%降为4%;而抗裂性较差的滨库和红丰则非常敏感,裂果率滨库由49%降为28%、红丰由92%降为60%,证明果肉Ca2+质量浓度的提高可明显降低果实裂果率。  相似文献   

Two eggplant cultivars, Dilnasheen and Bemisal, were selected to assess whether pure GB and sugarbeet extract could effectively ameliorate the harmful effects of salt stress on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), under saline conditions. Salt stress markedly suppressed the growth, yield, photosynthetic capacity, internal CO2 level, transpiration, and stomatal conductance in both cultivars. Potassium (K+) and Ca2+ contents and K+/Na+ ratios of both root and leaf were also reduced, while GB and proline in leaves, and Na+ and Cl contents in roots and leaves were significantly enhanced. Exogenously applied glycinebetaine and sugarbeet extracts significantly counteracted the salt-induced adverse effects on growth, yield, various gas exchange characteristics, GB and leaf K+, Ca+, Cl and Na+. However, GB and sugarbeet extract showed differential effects on photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration, internal CO2 level, Ci/Ca ratio, leaf K+, Ca2+, and Cl contents, and K+/Na+ ratio. Sugarbeet extract proved better than the GB in improving growth, photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, yield and GB accumulation. Since, sugarbeet extract contains a substantial amount of GB along with a variety of other important nutrients so it was found as effective as pure GB in improving growth and some key physiological processes in eggplant under salt stress. Thus, it can be used as an alternative cheaper source of GB for its use as an ameliorative agent for protecting plants against the hazardous effects of salt stress.  相似文献   

The response of 3-year-old grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cultivar ‘Thompson Seedless’) to furrow and drip irrigation was quantified in terms of water status, growth, and water use efficiency (WUE). Drip irrigation was applied daily according to best estimates of vineyard evapotranspiration while furrow irrigations were applied when 50% of the plant available soilwater content had been depleted. Drip and furrow irrigated vines showed similar water status (midday leaf water potential, Ψ1) and shoot growth patterns throughout the season. Dry weight partitioning was not significantly different between treatments but root mass was somewhat larger for the furrow than drip irrigated vines. Nitrogen concentrations of the fruit and roots were significantly (P < 0.05) less for the drip irrigated vines when compared with the furrow treatment. Similar WUE (kg water kg−1 fresh fruit wt.) were obtained for both treatments indicating that furrow irrigation was as efficient as drip irrigation under the conditions of this study. The data indicate that drip irrigation may increase the potential for control of vine growth by making vines more dependent on irrigation and N fertilization than furrow irrigation.  相似文献   

Three pepper cultivars (PM-702: resistant, Demre-8 and KM-hot: susceptible) with different resistances to Phytophthora capsici-22 (P. capsici-22) were inoculated with different concentrations of zoospores to analyze the time course of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), proline and total protein.  相似文献   

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