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黑翅大白蚁又名黑翅土白蚁,是一种严重危害园林树木的害虫。广布于华南、华中和华东地区,其取食性很杂,主要危害油松、马尾松、侧柏、刺槐、乌桕、樟树、广玉兰、大叶女贞、樱花、枫杨、紫荆、连翅、白蜡等多种园林树木。以工蚁取食树木的根茎部,并在树上啮食树皮,亦能从伤口侵入木质部,造成树木长势衰减,甚至死亡。  相似文献   

温州市区9个公园的树木受白蚁危害比率为0~56.2%,其中翠微山公园和华盖山公园的树木受害最重。危害树木的白蚁共有2科4属5种,分别为黑翅土白蚁Odontoterms formosanus、黄翅大白蚁Macrotermtes barneyi、台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus、黄胸散白蚁Reticulitermes flaviceps和黑胸散白蚁R.chinensis。在调查的9个公园内共有29科37属41种树木受到白蚁危害,其中香樟、枫杨、构树、大叶桉、女贞等树木受害最为严重。采用草堆诱杀法及诱饵包诱杀法防治园林树木白蚁效果明显,在华益山公园,树木受害率从防治前的42.3%下降到5%左右。  相似文献   

通过2013年夏季持续高温天气对南京河西地区城市绿化树木影响的观测,分析持续高温对树木的危害影响,对部分绿化树木耐热性进行评价.发现水杉、银杏、乐昌含笑、金叶女贞、毛鹃耐高温能力较差,雪松、垂柳、悬铃木、紫叶李、紫薇、红叶石楠、构骨、火棘耐高温能力较强.其中:水杉总受害率最高,耐高温性最差;垂柳总受害率最低,耐高温性最强,并针对高温危害提出缓解灾害发生及蔓延的相关技术措施.研究结果可为城市绿化树种选择、配置及养护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

通过分析上海浦东新区2006年至2010年五年间高桥、合庆、三林、张江和川沙五个乡镇的13个主要造林树种的树高、胸径和单株平均材积生长量数据,并对13个树种的适应性进行了初步的评价。结果表明:13个树种在上海浦东新区的生长表现和适应性大致可分为三类:第一类为金合欢、乐昌含笑、香樟、水杉和马褂木等,具有较高的生长量和较强的适应性,胸径年均生长量在1cm以上,树高年均生长量在1m以上;其次为女贞、广玉兰、无患子等树种,胸径年均生长量在1cm以上,树高年均生长量也接近1m;而杜英、银杏、喜树、悬铃木长势较差。  相似文献   

北方的常绿乔木——女贞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
80年代初,北京市园林局和北京林业大学,将女贞(又称桢木、大叶女贞:Ligustrumm/u-cidum Ait)引种到北京获得成功。从此,北京有了常绿阔叶乔木,引种工作者获得科技奖。但是,众人对女贞进京落户的意义认识平淡,应用推广不快。其实,女贞能在京城正常生长发育,超出了京城以前和同期的任何树木引种。众所周知,这些年京城引来了悬铃木、雪松、水杉、黄杨、桂树和一些竹种等,但有的冬季落叶,有的是灌木或针叶树。也  相似文献   

研究合肥市区不同功能区景观林组成与结构,共记录102个样方。结果表明:景观林主要组成种有111种,分属45科、81属;主要优势种是香樟、枫杨、水杉、杨树、桂花、石楠等;不同功能区景观林树种相似性系数分别为0.4(公园与居住区)、0.24(高校与居住区)、0.22(公园与高校);林分平均密度560株/hm2,平均基盖度18.83 m2/hm2,平均胸径16.99 cm,平均树高10.13 m,均为正态分布。群落类型可归纳为5个植被型、16个群系及69个群丛,以落叶阔叶型与常绿落叶阔叶混交型为主。建群树种主要有香樟、广玉兰、女贞、雪松、水杉;群落外貌较整齐,树木整体较为健康,景观效果较佳;但层次结构、树种多样性不高,应丰富树种,增加群落的垂直层次,采用近自然经营。    相似文献   

杭州湾上虞新区由于土壤碱性重,含盐量高,绿化难度大.通过对新区内绿化树种的调查及物理改良、水利改良、化学改良、生物改良等绿地改良措施的应用试验,总结出杭州湾上虞新区的绿化技术.试验结果表明:女贞、洋白蜡、枣树、樱花、苦楝、桑树、椤木石楠、木槿、木芙蓉、龙爪槐、红叶李、意杨、乌桕等树种非常适应园区环境,喜树等树种也可在该地种植;绿地改良措施能明显地改善片林、林带树木的生长,对银杏、马褂木、枇杷的片林和广玉兰、雪松的林带改良中效果都较明显,物理改良对香樟、杜英、桂花效果明显,对林带中的茶梅、红花(楼)木、含笑、杜鹃有较大作用,化学改良对广玉兰效果明显.  相似文献   

袋蛾又称避债蛾,属鳞翅目蓑蛾科。该科种类较多,在我地区危害四旁绿化林木较普遍的有大袋蛾(Clania varicgata Hampson)与小袋蛾(Acanthopsyche sp.)。受害的树种有水杉、悬铃木、香樟、长山核桃、泡桐、乌柏、枫杨、栎树、金钱松、桕类及果树等,以幼虫取食叶片及嫩枝外表,在大发生  相似文献   

本文通过对成都市沙河景观生态防护林带中6种典型林分土壤理化特征,了解林分对城市土壤的改良效应,指导城市土壤保育提供依据。选择了刺槐林,女贞榆树混交林,黄葛树女贞混交林、水杉林以及竹林、蒲葵林等6种典型林分类型为对象,通过对林分土壤的机械组成、孔隙度和全氮、全磷、全钾等主要营养元素含量的对比,开展不同林分类型对城市水岸土壤的改良效应研究。研究结果表明:(1)6种林分土壤中,女贞榆树混交林土壤的黏粒和粉粒含量最高,分别为7.79%±0.06%和60.01%±0.15%;黄葛树女贞混交林和刺槐林次之;蒲葵林和散生竹林最低。(2)土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度表现为刺槐林最高,分别为47.41%±0.79%和44.22%±0.87%;其次是女贞榆树混交林黄葛树女贞混交林竹林水杉林蒲葵林。(3)土壤全氮、全磷和全钾含量均以女贞榆树混交林最高;土壤全氮和全钾的最低含量为水杉林含量,土壤全磷的最低含量则为蒲葵林。综合土壤机械组成、孔隙度和全氮、全磷、全钾等主要营养元素含量的表现看,女贞榆树混交林对城市土壤的改良效应最好。  相似文献   

造林、绿化种子(元/500 g),量大可优惠5%~20%红豆杉60、柳杉28、雪松200、三角枫18、重阳木40、青冈栎20、桂花25、猴欢喜60、紫楠28、泡桐45、杜鹃40、黄山栾18、香椿20、刺槐10、枸桔15、山茶花25、落羽杉30、四照花35、黄栌30、大叶女贞10、深山含笑60、红叶乌桕35、三尖杉25、杉木20、马褂木35、鸡爪槭40、黄连木25、红椎20、香樟10、红楠30、喜树10、枫香100、灯台18、爬山虎30、樱花40、枫杨8、酸枣8、苦楝8、花榈木100、海桐40、乌桕10、常春藤20、乐昌含笑100、闽楠40、水杉100、马尾松35、观光木80、红枫80、青钱柳80、  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was treated with quat-silicone micro-emulsion (<40?nm), amino-silicone macro-emulsion (110?nm), alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion (740?nm) and solutions of inorganic water glass. Three treatment concentrations of 5, 15 and 30% (w/w) were used for the impregnation of the test specimens. Termite resistance was assessed following a 16-week field trial conducted in northern Queensland, Australia. Two different field sites were chosen for exposure to feeding by Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis (Froggatt). Following exposure, the test and feeder specimens were inspected and assessed for termite damage using a visual rating system (from 10 sound to 0 completely destroyed) and individual mass losses. The specimens treated with quat- and amino-silicone emulsions resisted damage by both termite species, even at less than 15% weight percent gains (WPGs). Alkyl-modified silicone macro-emulsion and water glass treatment induced somewhat less resistance to termite damage, but imparted protection at higher WPGs.  相似文献   

白蚁是危害武汉市农田林网的主要害虫之一,对全市立木、农作物、建筑和木材谷物等造成很大损失。本研究调查了武汉市主要农田林网地区白蚁的种类、生物学特性及活动生存环境,并分析了种群与土壤之间的关系。结果显示项目研究地农田林网树木白蚁主要为黑翅土白蚁,喜欢生活在潮湿的土壤中。在粘壤土中,主巢入土深度在150 cm以内的占总数80.2%。通过毒饵诱杀法和药物阻隔法,市售的三种药剂均对黑翅土白蚁具有较好的防治效果,平均防治效果达到80.0%以上。  相似文献   

经调查发现:武汉市城区古树后续资源有890株,分属30科47属61种,其优势种类与城区现有的古树优势种类相近,相同树种有樟树、珊瑚朴、朴树、桂花、女贞、银杏、枫杨、榔榆、三角枫、悬铃木等10个,但其乡土树种所占的数量比例下降明显;这些古树后续资源主要集中分布在武昌区,尤其是在东湖一带,在其它城区的古树后续资源分布十分零散。武汉市城区古树后续资源的生长状况总体上生长良好,但遭受白蚁的危害较为严重,占其数量比例的15·2%,有必要开展古树后续资源的白蚁防治工作。  相似文献   


Termite bait products that contain chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) protect structures from subterranean termites via colony elimination. A hallmark of CSI baits is their dose-independent lethal time, as workers exposed to a CSI do not die until they initiate the molting process. Due to this mode of action and termite behaviors such as trophallaxis and cannibalism, a relatively small quantity of ingested CSI can spread throughout an entire colony before secondary repellency or avoidance behaviors occur, ultimately resulting in total colony elimination. In the field, only a portion of a subterranean termite colony actively forages upon a CSI bait at any given time, suggesting that only a relatively small proportion of workers may need to feed upon a CSI bait for a colony to be eliminated. In the present study, we used varying proportions of workers from whole four-year-old laboratory-reared Coptotermes gestroi (Wasmann) colonies (~?62,500 termites/colony on average) to determine what proportion of workers need to feed upon a CSI bait in order to achieve colony elimination. A range of 0% (control), 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5% of the total worker population of colonies was allowed to feed on a formulated 0.5% noviflumuron bait for five days before being returned to their colonies. Colony elimination was observed for all 5%-fed and four out of six 2.5%-fed colonies by 107 days after CSI exposure. Our results confirm that only a small subset of the worker population of a colony must feed upon a CSI bait to achieve subterranean termite colony elimination.


绍兴市古树名木白蚁危害现状及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对绍兴市6县(市、区)古树名木白蚁危害情况的调查,查明危害古树名木的白蚁3科6种,其中黑翅土白蚁和黄翅大白蚁是优势种;古树名木受害率达25.1%以上;分析了易受白蚁危害的树种及古树名木受白蚁严重危害的原因;提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

Any means helpful for the promotion of termite feeding activity has potential for use in a matrix in termite bait application. Therefore, energy transfer by gamma irradiation is worthy of consideration for converting wood into termite-accessible material. Wood specimens gamma-irradiated at 100 kGy and at lower levels were tested for their degrees of polymerization (DP) of cellulose and biological resistance. The DP of cellulose adversely decreased with increased doses of gamma irradiation. Termite wood consumption rates, which were determined by laboratory tests using undifferentiated larvae (workers) of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, were significantly higher at 100 kGy than at other doses. On the other hand, the decay resistance of gamma-irradiated wood against the fungi Fomitopsis palustris (Berkeley et Curtis) Murrill and Trametes versicolor (L. ex Fr.) Quel did not vary by irradiation dose.  相似文献   

驱避剂防治土栖白蚁研究初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
土栖白蚁是园林树木的重要害虫[1],以往大多采用挖掘蚁巢和药剂毒杀等方法防治,前者往往挖掘不尽,有时还出现人为分巢,促进繁殖;后者易污染环境,杀伤天敌,特别是抑制白蚁对园林生态的积极作用[2]。笔者根据白蚁主要生活习性及园林生态特点,于1996~1998年应用驱避剂进行防治园林土栖白蚁试验,以达到既保护园林树木,又维护园林生态环境的目的。对防治土栖白蚁过去虽有报道[2,3],但应用驱避剂防治研究却尚属首次。现将初步研究结果报道如下,以供城市公园、森林公园及古树名木白蚁防治作参考。1 材料与方法1.1 试验地概况浙江省余杭市临平公…  相似文献   

We investigated the physiological responses of a lower termite, Coptotermes formosanus, fed on various lignocelluloses and purified lignins (milled-wood lignins, MWLs) from Japanese cedar (softwood), Japanese beech (hardwood), and rice (grass). Termite survival, body mass, and the changes of the symbiotic protists in the hindgut of workers were observed for 4 weeks. The survival, body mass and presence of both Pseudotrichonympha grassii and Holomastigotoides hartmanni in the hindgut of workers fed on rice lignocellulose at the 4th week of observation were significantly lower than those of the workers fed on Japanese cedar and Japanese beech lignocellulose samples, whereas there was no significant difference in Spirotrichonympha leidyi among all the diets. The three purified MWLs, regardless of their structural differences, did not show any significant differences for the termites’ survival or body mass or the survival of all the three protists. The three MWL diets resulted in significantly lower termite survival compared to starvation, although these diets showed no significant effects on body mass or the protist profiles. Overall, lignins are hardly utilized as a nutrient source by C. formosanus workers and are even rather detrimental to termites when fed on solely.  相似文献   

通过对上海松江中央公园内65株特大银杏树白蚁为害情况的调查,发现该公园银杏受害率为100%,其中存在活白蚁的银杏占总量的56.9%,采用毒土处理、粉剂疗法、建立白蚁监测点等措施,经过两次灭杀,活白蚁的灭杀率达到92.3%和93.3%,从而使存在活白蚁银杏树的比例从56.9%下降到2.7%,白蚁发生情况明显降低。    相似文献   

Termite feeding behavior and the chemoreception of plant extracts were evaluated to investigate the water extracts from akamatsu (Pinus densiflora), neem (Azadirachta indica), and their equivalent mixture using pseudoergates of Zootermopsis nevadensis. In behavioral assays, termite preference was akamatsu > akamatsu plus neem > neem. Electrophysiological recordings from the taste hairs on labial palps showed vigorous impulse discharge to akamatsu extract but much lower response to neem extract. The response to akamatsu plus neem was mostly the same as that to neem alone, suggesting the neem extracts inhibited the responses to akamatsu extracts. In the present article, we discuss the correlations between the feeding behaviors and the responses at their taste cells to these different extracts.  相似文献   

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