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稿件录用条件 以“科技创新”为主题,刊登录用广大科研、教学、技术推广等人员在实践中研究、积累、总结出的先进的具有实用价值及推广价值的科技成果、新技术、新产品等的论文、简报等,内容包括:造林与经营,育苗,森林保护,林副特产种植、加工、养殖,城市、园林绿化,森林旅游,森林公园,自然保护区,资源保护与开发,数字林业,机械与设备,术材加工,名优特新物种介绍等内容。优先录用具有自主创新、自主知识产权、原创的,国家、省基金项目的,国家、省重点攻关(支撑)项目的科技成果、新技术研究、  相似文献   

尤齐钧 《国际木业》2010,40(8):28-29
危机后,世界各国家具原材料,从原木起,锯材、人造板、皮革、海绵、塑料、玻璃、木纹纸、五金件,以及钢材、胶料、涂料等全面普涨,所有家具原材料都卷入全球性的涨价浪潮,涨幅最低的3%~5%,一般的10%-30%,高的60%,最高涨幅以倍数计算。  相似文献   

梁瑞龙 《广西林业》2014,(12):25-26
香樟是中国传统稀有的名贵树种,与楠、梓、稠并称江南四大名木。其木材坚硬细密,纹理美观,散发浓郁芳香,不易折断,不易产生裂纹,耐腐朽,防虫蛀,是上等家具、高级建筑、造船和雕刻的理想良材。旧时,香樟衣箱为名贵家具,盛行于江南地区。香樟,别名樟树、樟木、油樟、芳樟、臭樟、乌樟等,为樟科樟属常绿大乔木。香樟是中国南方重要的特种经济树种,广泛应用于用材、医药、化工、国防、园林绿化等领域。  相似文献   

搬进新居,自然想到要在阳台上养些花卉,营造一个美丽的花园。于是,我买来花盆、花,取来山土、木屑,栽下了赏花的月季、蟹爪兰,观叶的棕竹、万年青,调节气味的茉莉、夜来香,净化空气的吊兰、仙人掌……  相似文献   

紫薇,又名百日红、痒痒树、光皮树,落叶小乔木,属千屈菜科紫薇属植物。紫薇圆锥花序顶生,长7—20cm,花淡红色、紫色或白色,花期6—9月。紫薇通常花色鲜艳,着花繁密,开花时间长达百天;而且树皮光滑,枝干多扭曲,形态各异,观赏价值极高,是公园、道路及庭园绿化的优良树种,也是制作盆景的绝佳材料。同时,紫薇有很高的药用价值,其根、皮、叶、花均可入药,对有害气体二氧化硫不仅具有抗性,而且还能吸收,可以起到净化空气的作用。  相似文献   

坚持以人为本,植根于民,唱响构建和谐社会的主旋律,实现共创、共进、共赢,是胡锦涛总书记关于构建和谐社会的创新理论。江西省奉新县森林公安局抢抓机遇,因势利导,以实际行动践行科学发展观,树群众观、走群众路,突出在增强群众亲和感、信任感和幸福感上的强势作为,身体力行谋民生、谋民利、谋民福,真情实意亲民、爱民、助民,奏响了一曲曲警民鱼水情的时代新歌。  相似文献   

榆树又名白榆、家榆,高达20米,胸径80厘米,寿命百年以上。榆树属阳性树种,耐酷寒、干旱、瘠薄、风沙、盐碱及大气污染,在土壤含盐量0.3%、PH值为9的土壤中能够生长。根系发达,为深根性树种,抗风力、保土力、萌芽力强,耐修剪,生长快,是良好的园林绿化树种,  相似文献   

长春是一座年轻而富有魅力的城市。改革开放以来,坚持发展不动摇,综合经济实力显著增强,城乡建设和管理日新月异,社会事业快速发展。同时,坚持造林绿化不动摇。按照国家和省的部署,贯彻以人为本,为民造绿,生态优先的理念,以增绿量、出精品、抓管护、上水平为指针,以创建工作为载体,科学规划,持之以恒,大手笔、大投入、大动作、大绿量、近自然,  相似文献   

黄连木(Pistacia chinensis Bunge)又称楷木、黄楝树、黄连茶、鸡冠木等,为漆树科黄连木属落叶乔木。黄连木是一种多用途的经济型树种,其种子含油率高达45%,是制取生物柴油的重要原料;树皮、叶可入药,根、枝、叶皮也可作农药;鲜叶可提芳香油,可制茶。其木材材质坚硬,纹理致密,不易开裂,耐腐蚀,可供建筑、家具、雕刻使用。此外,黄连木树冠开阔,叶片秀丽繁茂,秋季变红,红色的雄花序极为美观,  相似文献   

毛樱桃属蔷薇科、樱桃属,落叶灌木,一般株高2~3米,树冠呈伞形,萌芽力、成枝力强。花芽量大,花期4月初,花白色至淡粉红色,萼片红色;果实6月上旬成熟,形似珍珠,粉红或红色。毛樱桃喜光、抗寒、耐干旱和瘠薄,适应性强,原产中国,主产区为华北、东北地区,西南地区也有分布,以河北、辽宁地区栽培较多,是良好的城市园林绿化植物。  相似文献   

Early growth and physiology of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seedlings were studied in response to light, water and nitrogen under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was conducted with 1-year-old seedlings grown in 11.3 l pots. The experimental design was a split-plot factorial with two levels (low and high) of each of the factors, replicated in three blocks. The four factorial combinations of water and nitrogen were randomly applied to 15 pots (sub-plots) in each of the light treatment (main plot). Data were collected on survival, root collar diameter (RCD), and height on a monthly basis. Biomass (shoot, root and needle), leaf area index, specific needle area, and needle nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) concentrations were determined following final harvest after 16 months. Physiological data (net photosynthesis and transpiration) were collected monthly from March to July during the second growing season.

Height and RCD were significantly influenced by nitrogen and water and by the interaction between them with no apparent effect of light. Seedlings grew 93% taller in the high nitrogen and well watered (HNWW) treatment compared to the low nitrogen and water stressed (LNWS) treatment. Similarly, a significant increase (78%) in RCD was observed for seedlings in the HNWW treatment over the LNWS treatment. Light, along with water and nitrogen, played an important role in seedling biomass growth, especially when water was not limiting. Biomass partitioning (as measured by root:shoot ratio) was affected only by nitrogen and water. Nutrient stress had a greater influence on carbon allocation (69% increase in root:shoot ratio) than water stress (19% increase). Net photosynthesis (Pnet) was significantly higher for seedlings in the high resource than in the low resource treatments with significant light×water and nitrogen×water interactions. Transpiration rate was higher (75%) under the WW treatment compared to the WS treatment. Longleaf pine seedlings grown under the LNWW treatment had the lowest foliar nitrogen (0.71%) whereas seedlings in the HNWS treatment had the highest (1.46%). Increasing the availability of light (through larger canopy openings or controlling midstory density) and soil nitrogen (through fertilization) may not result in greater Pnet and improved seedling growth unless soil water is not limiting.  相似文献   

为探寻科尔沁沙地东南部草地生产力自然恢复的主要限制因素,该文采用3因素2水平析因设计研究了水、氮、磷添加对沙质草地的影响。8种处理分别为添加水(W)、加氮肥(N)、加磷肥(P)、加水+氮肥(WN)、加水+磷肥(WP)、加氮肥+磷肥(NP)、加水+氮肥+磷肥(WNP)和对照(CK),每种处理6次重复,随机分配在48个4m×4m的样方中,样方之间留2m缓冲带。研究结果表明:科尔沁沙质草地生产力的恢复受氮素的限制,与水和磷无关;2005年生长季所有添加氮肥的样方,生物量和地上净初级生产力均较对照明显增加(P<0.05);禾本科根量在地下生物量中占优势。受限于地下生物量测定,目前的研究可能低估了我国北方草地的净初级生产力。  相似文献   

A comparative study on decomposition of cellulose between supercritical water (400°C, 40MPa) and subcritical water (280°C, 40MPa) treatments was made to elucidate the difference in their decomposition behavior. Consequently, the supercritical water treatment was found to be more suitable for obtaining high yields of hydrolyzed products. However, cellulose was found to be more liable to fragment under supercritical water treatment, resulting in a decrease in the yield of hydrolyzed products. On the contrary, cellulose was found to be liable to more dehydration in the subcritical water treatment. Based on these results, we have proposed the combined process of short supercritical water treatment followed by subcritical water treatment so as to inhibit fragmentation. Consequently, this combined treatment was able to effectively control the reaction condition, and to increase the yield of hydrolyzed products.  相似文献   

Differences between rootstocks, 'Cleopatra' mandarin and 'Carrizo' citrange, in soil-plant water relations and the influence of these factors on vigor, crop yield, fruit quality and mineral nutrition were evaluated in field-grown Clemenules mandarin trees irrigated at 100% of potential seasonal evaporation (ET(c)) (control treatment), or irrigated at 100% ET(c), except during Phases I and III of fruit growth and post-harvest when no irrigation was applied (deficit irrigation (DI) treatment), for 3 years. Differences between rootstocks in plant-soil water relations were the primary cause of differences among trees in vegetative development and fruit yield. After 3 years of DI treatment, trees on 'Cleopatra' showed more efficient soil water extraction than trees on 'Carrizo', and maintained a higher plant water status, a higher gas exchange rate during periods of water stress and achieved faster recovery in gas exchange following irrigation after water stress. The DI treatment reduced vegetative development more in trees on 'Carrizo' than in trees on 'Cleopatra'. Cumulative fruit yield decreased more in DI trees on 'Carrizo' (40%) than on 'Cleopatra' (27%). The yield component most affected by DI in 'Cleopatra' was the number of fruit, whereas in 'Carrizo' it depended on the severity of water stress reached in each phase (severe water stress in Phase I affected mainly the number of fruit, whereas it affected fruit size the most in Phase III). In the third year of DI treatment, water-use efficiency decreased sharply in trees on 'Carrizo' (70%) compared to trees on 'Cleopatra' (30%). Thus, trees on 'Cleopatra' were able to tolerate moderate water stress, whereas trees on 'Carrizo' were more sensitive to changes in soil water content.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that clearcutting of northern hardwood forests mobilizes base cations, inorganic monomeric aluminum (Alim), and nitrate (NO3-N) from soils to surface waters, but the effects of partial harvests on NO3-N have been less frequently studied. In this study we describe the effects of a series of partial harvests of varying proportions of basal area removal (22%, 28% and 68%) on Alim, calcium (Ca2+), and NO3-N concentrations in soil extracts, soil water, and surface water in the Catskill Mountains of New York, USA. Increases in NO3-N concentrations relative to pre-harvest values were observed within a few months after harvest in soils, soil water, and stream water for all three harvests. Increases in Alim and Ca2+ concentrations were also evident in soil water and stream water over the same time period for all three harvests. The increases in Alim, Ca2+, and NO3-N concentrations in the 68% harvest were statistically significant as measured by comparing the 18-month pre-harvest period with the 18-month post-harvest period, with fewer significant responses in the two harvests of lowest intensity. All three solutes returned to pre-harvest concentrations in soil water and stream water in the two lowest intensity harvests in 2-3 years compared to a full 3 years in the 68% harvest. When the results of this study were combined with those of a previous nearby clearcut and 40% harvest, the post-harvest increases in NO3-N concentrations in stream water and soil water suggest a harvesting level above which the relation between concentration and harvest intensity changes; there was a greater change in concentration per unit change in harvest intensity when basal area removal was greater than 40%. These results indicate that the deleterious effects on aquatic ecosystems previously demonstrated for intensive harvests in northern hardwood forests of northeastern North America that receive high levels of atmospheric N deposition can be greatly diminished as harvesting intensity decreases below 40-68%. These results await confirmation through additional incremental forest harvest studies at other locations throughout the world that receive high levels of atmospheric N deposition.  相似文献   

湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园的湿地类型为库塘湿地和永久性河流湿地,具有多种重要的湿地生态系统功能。以湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园为研究对象,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,从水质净化、保持生物多样性、旅游休闲、涵养水源、保持土壤、气候调节、科研教育等9项生态系统服务价值进行研究;采用市场价值方法法、影子工程方法和成本参照方法等,对各项生态系统服务价值进行估算。结果表明,湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园生态系统服务功能总价值为15.4×108元,单位面积价值约为275万元/hm2,其中水源供给、水质净化、调蓄水源、气候调节、旅游休闲、科研教育是湖北宣恩贡水河国家湿地公园湿地生态系统的主导服务。研究结果有助于人们更加直观地认识湿地生态系统服务的重要性,同时也为湿地生态系统的保护和管理以及合理的开发利用提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

Effects of water supply on gas exchange, carbon isotopic composition, and relative growth rate were compared among seedlings from three populations of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) grown in a controlled environment chamber. The three populations were chosen to represent high, moderate and low drought tolerance. There was no indication that drought tolerance was related to high water-use efficiency. Populations differed (P < 0.05) in relative growth rate (RGR), but did not differ (P > 0.10) in gas exchange variables or carbon isotope ratio (delta(13)C). Well-watered seedlings had significantly higher RGR, xylem pressure potential (Psi(xpp)), net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance to water vapor (g), and lower delta(13)C and instantaneous water-use efficiency than water-stressed seedlings. With decreasing Psi(xpp), A decreased linearly, whereas g decreased exponentially. Seedlings of the highly drought-tolerant population were more sensitive to water availability than seedlings from the other populations; they used water quickly when water was available, but closed their stomata in response to water stress. We conclude that, in ponderosa pine, the drought avoidance mechanism is more important for survival and growth in arid and semiarid environments than the efficient use of water.  相似文献   

指出了随着国家经济的迅速发展和城市结构的不断变化,人们对饮用水的品质要求不断提高,饮用水安全问题已经成为当今社会的主要问题。以桂林市灌阳县为例,通过对取水口水质监测报告的分析,水源保护区范围内工业污染源、生活污染源和农业面源的调查,得出了水源水质良好和保护区范围内的主要污染源来自居民生活污水的结论,同时提出了饮用水水源保护区的监督与管理措施。  相似文献   

We estimated the water status of six 31-year-old hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) trees that were struck by a large typhoon. Measurements were made of the trunk water-conduction area of xylem, leaf water potentials, and diurnal changes in trunk diameters. The secondary woodboring insects, Callidiellum rufipenne and Ovalisia vivata, on the trees were captured by the sticky-trap banding method. In trees on which these wood borers were captured, water conduction areas were reduced, leaf water potentials were lower, and trunk diameter changes (R) fluctuated during the day, suggesting that the trees had been damaged by the typhoon and were under water stress. The secondary woodboring insects attacked the water-stressed trees.  相似文献   

梭梭(HaloxylonAmmodendronBge,一种C4灌木)苗种植在15升的容器中,给予不同的水分胁迫处理,研究了其水分关系和气体交换特征。结果表明:当土壤水分含量大于11%时,梭梭苗有高的蒸腾量;土壤水分含量低于6%时,苗木就不能从土壤中吸取水分;很好供水的苗木的蒸腾量与潜在蒸发量成线型相关。气体交换测定发现,随着土壤水分含量的下降,造成了不同程度的气孔导度、叶蒸腾强度和光合作用的下降。对同一苗木而言,由于这个地区有高的水气压亏缺(VPD),很好和中度供水的苗木在气孔反应方面有较宽的范围,气孔在决定光合作用方面起着较小的作用,二者没有明显的线型相关关系。虽然水分胁迫使蒸腾速率比光合速率下降的更快,提高了水分利用效率,而较高的蒸发需求增加了蒸腾量,限制了光合作用,但是总的趋势是光合作用和蒸腾强度成线型相关。图6表2参15。  相似文献   

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