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科学定植防止僵苗桂训跃,胡大恩(江西省德安县农牧局经作站330400)果树定植的成活率及栽植后的生长不但与苗木质量关系密切,而且与定植时期、方法和栽后管理都有直接关系。为提高果树定植成活率,尽快恢复生长和防止栽后‘僵’苗,栽植必须规范化。现将有关技术...  相似文献   

提高苹果苗栽植成活率和缩短缓苗期的措施春旱多风地区春栽苹果苗后,常因苗体水分蒸腾量大,根系供水不够充足,或降低栽植成活率,或延长缓苗期,致使苹果苗于栽植当年生长不良。为了解决上述问题,除了选用根系发达的壮苗和定植后充分灌水外,还可采取下述措施。选一些...  相似文献   

选用优质甜樱桃壮苗建园不仅可提高成活率和建园整齐度,而且定植后缓苗快,生长迅速,成形快,结果早,有利于早期产量的提高。在选栽甜樱桃优质壮苗时要注意:  相似文献   

大棚草莓9月中下旬定植,此时气温尚高,稍有疏忽,就使成活率下降,缓苗期延长,并严重影响草莓中后期的生长和发育,甚至出现全田毁苗重栽的严重后果。因此,掌握定植后的管理技术十分重要。1 草莓定植后的生长表现刚刚定植后的草莓植株由于伤根过多及强日光照射出现萎蔫,特别是栽后一周,必须每日多次浇水。这样到傍晚时叶片可渐渐挺起。一周后白天心叶也能保持挺直,并始发新根。栽后10天左右,叶色恢复,强光下叶片也能挺直,清晨叶缘出现吐水。15天以后新叶开展,叶色加深,有光泽,达到完全活棵。进入10月以后,气温渐降,…  相似文献   

通过同一品种、相同苗龄、同季定植的裸根苗直栽和营养袋大苗无伤根带土定植的甜橙苗木生长量和成活率的对比试验研究,结果表明:营养袋大苗无伤根带土定植消除了缓苗期,大幅度提高苗木成活率。  相似文献   

<正> 在早春干旱地区建立苹果园,一般认为秋栽比春栽的效果好。但秋栽究竟哪月成活率高、生长好,1986~1987年,我们在静宁县城关镇乡南关村以山定子砧木嫁接金冠和秦冠苹果苗为试材,按不同时期每期栽植1亩以上,亩栽111~222株。两年试验表明:秋栽以8月20日至9月10日最适宜,成活率达98.0%以上,定植当年末调查,每  相似文献   

我国多数枣区栽枣习惯用一、二年的根蘖苗。这类苗根量少,栽后缓苗期长达1~2年,生长慢,而且栽后三、五个月内稍遇旱情(土壤干旱或高温低湿天气),枣吊和叶片就会出现不同程度的萎蔫,缓苗、生长、成苗都受到威胁。近年,我省不少县市用这类枣苗栽种,成活率常不到60~80%,影响枣树发展速度。为探索解决这一问题,1989年春季,我们用植株健壮,根系发育良好的2年生优质根蘖归圃苗和实生酸枣嫁接苗,在平度县万家乡初家,北杜等6个村3000苗条田两侧,按枣粮间作方式定植金丝小枣11000株,效果十分理想。 定植的枣苗平均株高143.3cm,根颈直径1.9cm,基枝20…  相似文献   

多年以来,人们一直在探讨提高葡萄定植成活率、促进定植后植株生长健壮的措施,如葡萄定植后埋土技术,并收到了显著的效果。但葡萄定植后埋土技术,管理较困难,要经常进行撤土检查,检查后还需要重新埋土,如果管理不当,就会影响苗木的成活率。本试验旨在研究提高京亚葡萄定植成活率,促进定植后植株生长健壮,更简便、更行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

春栽柿树一般成活率较低,栽后当年长势也较弱。而秋季栽植成活率可高达98%以上,比春栽成活率提高13个百分点,栽后第1年新梢长达40cm以上,生长旺盛。具体做法:一是选用壮苗。苗高120cm以上,根颈粗度大于1.2cm,主根长20cm以上,侧根多于5条,须根多,芽体饱满充实,苗木直立无秋梢。起苗时尽量少伤根,保持根系完好,随起随栽。二是掌握好栽植时期。10月下旬叶柄产生离层前为最佳栽植期。柿树根的细胞渗透压较低,吸收肥水能力差,且含单宁较多,伤根难愈合。  相似文献   

1)一年定干保苗。定植后,于发芽前在苗木70~80cm饱满芽处定干,提高苗木的成活率。发芽后,将50cm以下的芽子全部抹除,以保证整形带内的枝条健壮生长,缩短缓苗期,为下年选择主枝打好基础。  相似文献   

Samples of the ‘Ashley’, ‘Hartley’ and ‘Franquette’ cultivars of English walnut (Juglans regia L.) were collected at weekly intervals from bloom to harvest, and development of the fruit, embryo and surrounding tissue was followed. The first division of the zygote occurred approximately one week after pollination, by which time the endosperm, nucellus and integument had shown considerable growth. The endosperm first formed cell walls at the 8-celled embryo stage and was completely cellular by the time the embryo contained approximately 64 cells. Rapid growth of the cotyledons started as the shell began to harden at Week 7. Measurement of fruit growth indicated that fresh weight gain in ‘Ashley’ and ‘Hartley’ fruits followed a double sigmoid pattern, characterized by a 3-week period of slowed growth that began approximately 7 weeks after bloom. Rate of increase in total length and diameter also slowed greatly at Week 7. Fresh weight gain in ‘Franquette’ appeared to follow a single sigmoid curve, with no prolonged period of slowed growth corresponding to that in the other cultivars. Kernel growth also described a double sigmoid curve, with its initial, rapid phase nearly coincident with the beginning of Stage III of the whole-fruit, fresh-weight curve at Week 10.  相似文献   

Soaking of bulbs in 3 concentrations of indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (cycocel) or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel) showed various responses on growth and flowering. IAA increased the weight and number of bulblets, GA3 increased bulb weight. Cycocel (1000 mg l?1) increased the number of flowers, while GA3 increased the diameter of the flowers.Application of IAA at 100 mg l?1 and GA3 at 10, 100 or 1000 mg l?1 twice as foliar spray at an interval of 30 days promoted the number of bulblets on the treated plants, while high concentrations of cycocel and ethrel (1000 mg l?1) increased the weight of bulblets. All concentrations of IAA, GA3 and 1000 mg l?1 cycocel increased the number and size of the flowers.  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate photoperiod, light intensities and sources, and growth regulators, necessary to produce Trachelium caeruleum as a commercially acceptable potted plant. T. caeruleum behaved as an LDP with a critical photoperiod of 14 h necessary for flower initiation but was day neutral for subsequent flower development (from macroscopic bud visibility to anthesis). Providing long days by daylength extension using metal halide (MH) lamps to provide high irradiance resulted in significantly earlier flowering and more flowers than using either MH or incandescent lamps at low irradiance. The use of incandescent lamps to extend the day resulted in slower flowering and fewer flowers than using MH lamps at the same irradiance. Daminozide was effective for controlling plant height but ancymidol and chlormequat were ineffective. Removal of the terminal bud resulted in more compact plants, and more blooms per plant, but delayed flowering by approximately one week.  相似文献   


Eight days after petal fall in 1991, mature 'Delicious'/MM. 106 apple trees and four days after petal fall in 1992, mature 'McintoshVMM. 106 were ringed, scored, root pruned (1 m from the trunk, two sides, 30 cm deep), or treated with ethephon (500 mg 11). Only ringing and scoring reduced vegetative growth. Ethephon advanced fruit maturation and fruit abscission, but root pruning did not affect the trees or fruit significantly. Mature 'Cort-land'/M.7a apple trees were root pruned 8 d after petal fall in 1991 and/or at full bloom in 1992. Root pruning reduced shoot growth, even in the year after treatment. Fruit abscission was reduced in 1991 and 1992 by root pruning in 1991, but root pruning in 1992 had no impact on abscission, in 1992. In an additional experiment, mature 'Mcintosh'/ MM.106 were root pruned 4 d after petal fall in 1991 or root pruned both in 1991 and at full bloom in 1992. Growth and preharvest fruit abscission were reduced in both the year of root pruning and the year after.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD), which is one type of senile deimentia,has three remarkable pathologic characteristics-senile plaque, neurofibrillar tangles and neuronal death. As a neurotrophic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is closely related to AD. This art icle reviewed the interaction between bFGF and AD-associated gene products (such as amyliod protein, presenilin, apoloprotein E and microtubulin-associated protein tau) and neuronal apoptosis. Some researchers suggested that bFGF may be put forward as potential therapeutic agent in AD and play a role in preventing or retarding the pathological process of this disease, alleviating or even eradicat ing the pathological insults of this disease.  相似文献   

There are multimechanism and multipathogens in the course of the progress and the metastasis of hepatocarcinoma. Growth factors play an important role in the process. In this review, the relationship between growth factors and hepatocarcinoma are summarized.  相似文献   

2006年用植物生长调节剂PBO、玉米素等在新疆兵团农二师二二三团的库尔勒香梨树(以下简称香梨树)上进行了应用试验,取得了较好的效果,现总结如下.  相似文献   

以厚皮甜瓜‘西洲密25号’为试验材料,采用3种植物生长延缓剂进行处理,探究其对温室厚皮甜瓜生长发育的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,3种植物生长延缓剂对厚皮甜瓜生长发育指标和产量的影响均达到显著水平。多效唑150 mg·L^-1的处理对蔓长、节间长的抑制效果以及对单瓜质量和总产量的增加效果达到极显著水平,矮壮素50 mg·L^-1处理对增加茎粗效果最为明显;多效唑250 mg·L^-1处理对叶柄长的抑制效果最明显;多效唑150 mg·L^-1与缩节胺200 mg·L^-1处理对增加叶绿素相对含量效果显著。缩节胺300 mg·L^-1处理对可滴定酸含量的增加作用最明显,缩节胺400 mg·L^-1处理减少可滴定酸含量;多效唑150 mg·L^-1处理对维生素C含量的增加作用最显著;多效唑50 mg·L^-1的处理对中心可溶性固性物含量的作用最显著;3种植物生长延缓剂处理对甜瓜硬度及果形指数均无明显影响。综上所述,多效唑150 mg·L^-1处理对厚皮甜瓜生长发育、果实品质及产量等相关指标的综合影响效果最显著,可为厚皮甜瓜温室栽培提供理论参考。  相似文献   

针对‘宁玉’草莓匍匐茎抽生能力强、繁苗系数高,易产生小苗、弱苗的问题,研究不同生长抑制剂处理对苗期及定植后匍匐茎、株高和花果期的影响。结果表明:拿敌稳(25%肟菌酯+50%戊唑醇)、烯唑醇和多效唑均可抑制苗期和定植前期的匍匐茎抽生以及植株的生长高度,多效唑抑制程度最高,在定植后促使侧芽的发生;与清水对照相比,拿敌稳处理果实成熟期提前14 d,烯唑醇和多效唑处理果实成熟期均推迟31 d。综合来看,拿敌稳在‘宁玉’草莓苗期使用效果最佳。  相似文献   

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