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中国环志五年来,已建环志站点45处,累计环志放飞鸟类达186种、37060只。同期回收到国内外环志鸟171只、计57种。来自7个国家和地区的环志鸟提供了候鸟跨亚洲—澳洲、亚洲—欧洲迁徙途径,以及候鸟飞越喜马拉雅山脉迁徙的证据,解释了历史上对此问题的疑点。中国的复杂生态环境和地理位置、已知候鸟迁徙于中国与各洲之间的信息、中国与亚太地区24个国家和地区相同种候鸟的分析统计情况表明:中国大陆作为东亚与北亚、南亚次大陆、澳、美、欧、南太平洋之间候鸟迁徙终端的夏候鸟繁殖地、冬候鸟越冬地以及旅鸟的停息地的国家,对于研究亚太地区候鸟迁徙规律,对于研究各国环志鸟信息的回收和繁殖生态特点、生存率及其他生态生物学信息的收集都起着重要作用。  相似文献   

候鸟是指在春秋两季沿着比较稳定的路线,在繁殖地域和越冬地域之间迁徙的鸟类。近几年来,“禽流感”的传播被证明与候鸟迁徙有关,因此,对候鸟迁徙的研究更具实践指导意义。目前,进行候鸟迁徙研究的方法主要采用环志和雷达监测,由于涉及鸟的种类野外识别困难、持久不断野外观察工作的限制,国内在同一地区长期定点研究的报道尚很少。我们于1996年~2006年对山西庞泉沟国家级自然保护区候鸟迁徙进行了系统观察,现将结果整理如下。  相似文献   

李依麦 《湖南林业》2011,(12):25-25
湖南省是鸟类主要越冬地和迁徙途经地之一。时下,正是候鸟南迁越冬时节,湖南省林业厅密切关注、高度重视部分山区出现的乱捕滥猎越冬候鸟的现象,并于近期在邵阳市召开了全省候鸟迁徙保护现场会,进一步部署候鸟保护专项行动。  相似文献   

候鸟是指在春秋两季,沿着相对固定的路线,在繁殖地和越冬地之间作远距离迁徙的鸟类。候鸟在经济、生态、社会和美学等方面都具有极大的价值,候鸟没有国界,在候鸟迁徙经过的路线上,所有国家和地区均有保护的责任。  相似文献   

对湖南省隆回县候鸟种类及迁徙路线的调查结果表明,隆回县候鸟资源较为丰富,共记录鸟类26科95种,其中国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类18种。同时确定了该地区主要候鸟类迁徙停歇地及春秋两季迁徙路线,为该地区鸟类资源的有效保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

张连友 《森林与人类》2006,26(1):F0005-F0005
“候鸟的迁徙是一个关于承诺的故事,一种对于回归的承诺。”法国导演雅克·贝汉的纪录片《迁徙的鸟》开头的这句话,打动了无数观众的心。候鸟的一生,要扇动它的翅膀,不断的迁徙,年复一年地飞翔,不肯有一次的停歇。它们为什么迁徙?它们又怎样的迁徙?是怎样动力驱使它们承受体力的消耗和未知的伤害甚至生命的危险?对于我们人类来说,几乎所有的候鸟我们都有所了解,但是它们生命最关键的部分我们却依然还只能是猜测。这种感觉就象我们的一个老朋友,我们已经非常熟悉了,但他却依然留给我们谜团。这种未知和神秘让我们无法用寻常的理由解释候鸟的…  相似文献   

候鸟迁徙是大自然最壮丽的史诗。每年3月初至4月,无数的“天上来客”远道而来.驻足丁广。西茂密的森林植被及食物丰富的沿海滩涂,包括鹭鸟在内的300多种数候鸟纷纷沿着海岸线栖息,从印度洋等地翩翩迁徙,给美丽的八桂大地带来了“莺歌燕舞”的春天。  相似文献   

巴彦淖尔市为严防候鸟迁徙传播高致病性禽流感,紧急下发了《关于加强监测防控候鸟迁徙传播高致病性禽流感的紧急通知》。要求各自然保护区管理站掌握本区候鸟的种类、迁飞路线和时间,将候鸟栖息觅食地划为重点防疫区,向社会公告,并联合动物防疫部门加强对候鸟栖息地周围的消毒.采取必要的隔离防范措施,安排巡查监测人员,  相似文献   

根据2001年至2004年每年9月初到10月底4次候鸟迁徙地调查结果,桂东县共有16科61种候鸟,其中有岩鹭、毛脚、猎隼、小杓鹬、蓝翅八色鸫等16种国家二级保护动物候鸟。又以隼科为多,另有多种属于有益的和有经济价值的候鸟,主要为鹭类和鹬类。  相似文献   

以色列是世界著名的候鸟迁徙中转站之一,每年都有数亿只候鸟两次途径此地。为保护候鸟的生存环境,德以两国研究人员将共建候鸟研究和保护基金,重点研究和保护那些往返于德国、以色列和埃塞俄比亚的大雁。  相似文献   

Field margin vegetation is among the last vestiges of semi-natural habitat for birds in many agricultural landscapes of tropical regions. However, field margins differ in size, structure, and flora, and their value to birds depends on all these factors and on species-specific habitat preferences. Therefore, we analyzed data on resident and neotropical migratory birds found in 40 field margins of the agricultural landscape of El Bajío, Guanajuato, Mexico. The structural and botanical characteristics of the field margin, and those of the adjacent landscape, were related to bird species richness and abundance. We recorded 61 species of birds of which 36 were migratory. Locally, the size of the field margin (width, height, volume), its vegetative vertical complexity, and the abundance of trees and tree species had a positive effect on bird species richness and abundance. Native trees, especially mesquites, were especially important for many birds observed foraging, nesting, and perching. The most important landscape-scale variables were the density of hedgerows around field margins and the distance to natural vegetation remnants (scrub forest). Bird species richness and abundance were positively affected by the length of the hedgerows within 100 and 200-m-radius circles centered on each field margin. Field margins closer to natural vegetation also had more bird species and individuals. On the basis of our results, we suggest some general management recommendations for improving the habitat for birds in tropical agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

作者利用2a时间,对秦皇岛市鸟类资源进行了较为系统的调查。共发现鸟类359种,其中候鸟306种,国家级保护鸟60种。初步总结出鹤类迁飞时间,对银鸥的迁徒路线有新的发现。  相似文献   

We quantified species diversity of birds in mangroves at Kundapura from April-2010 to March-2013. We recorded 79 species of 36 families and 14 orders. Of these 71% are resident species, 22% are residential migrants and 8% are migratory. One endangered species, three near threatened species, and a few occasional visitors were re-corded. Species diversity and abundance of birds were greater during from October through May as there was availability of food, increased vegetation and the arrival of migratory birds. Minimum diversity was recorded from June through September owing to heavy rains, increased flow of water, limited availability of food and return of migratory birds.  相似文献   

2019年10—12月,采用样线法在广东三水云东海国家级湿地公园开展秋冬季鸟类多样性调查,共记录到鸟类10目28科56种,数量累计1875只.其中雀形目鸟类有18科40种,占鸟类总数量的83.25%,非雀形目有10科16种,占鸟类总数量的16.75%.在居留类型中,鸟类数量从高到低依次为留鸟、冬候鸟、夏候鸟、旅鸟.鸟类...  相似文献   

采用样带法和定点观察法调查黑龙江龙凤湿地自然保护区的鸟类得知:该地区有鸟类142种,隶属于16目33科77属,其中国家一级保护鸟类5种,二级保护鸟类19种;分析鸟类种数和多样性指数的季节变化,以及繁殖期鸟类的组成可知,保护区以迁徙的候鸟为主,繁殖鸟类对湿地生境有高度适应性。  相似文献   

莲花山自然保护区珍稀鸟类及其栖息地调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对莲花山自然保护区分布的珍稀鸟类及其栖息地进行了调查,并利用卫星影像资料分析了鸟类栖息地现状,表明该地区鸟类栖息地严重破碎化,严重威胁着保护区内珍稀鸟类的生存,提出了封山育林扩大保护区面积等加强珍稀鸟类保护的建议。  相似文献   

2009年9月至2020年9月,采用定点监测法、直接计数法、同步调查法、远红外相机监测等方法对三门峡湿地青头潜鸭资源进行系统的调查、研究;并对青头潜鸭分布及其栖息地选择的主要因子进行了初步研究.结果表明:三门峡湿地监测到青头潜鸭栖息地3处;有不连续分布的记录和变动较大的种群,最大监测种群数量为16只、最小记录为1只;居...  相似文献   

连续4 a对向海湿地迁徙鸟类进行调查与分析,结果表明:湿地整体生境呈缓慢恢复态势;以2005年为调查基准年,2006年2、007年、2008年迁徙鸟类的种类分别增加了8.6%、11.4%、10.0%,种群数量分别增加了87.8%、75.5%、59.8%,迁徙鸟类的种类和种群数量呈增加趋势。自然力作用的湿地缺水旱化和人畜活动仍是影响迁徙鸟类生境的2个主要原因。加强湿地生境保护、开展湿地功能恢复与提高技术的研究、开展迁徙伤病鸟救治、建立多方合作保护体系等是有效对策。  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations support high numbers of Neotropical migratory birds, but relatively little is known about the structural and floristic attributes used by individual species. From 2005 to 2007, we studied the relationship between habitat characteristics and Neotropical migratory birds in shade coffee plantations in the Venezuelan Andes. Our results indicate that density of migrants was significantly related to both structural and floristic attributes of coffee farms. Specifically, upper canopy foragers were positively associated with number of large trees (>38?cm dbh), tree canopy height, and understory vegetation density. Low canopy and ground foragers were positively associated with numbers of small (8?C23?cm dbh) and medium (23?C38?cm dbh) trees and increased shade cover. Moreover, certain tree species, especially Inga spp., Erythrina spp. and Acnistus arborescens, were important components of habitat for those species that forage in the canopy. For example, our detailed foraging observations showed that Inga trees were used in greater proportion than available throughout plantations by Cerulean Warblers (Dendroica cerulea), a species of high conservation concern. Overall, our research suggests that suitability of coffee plantations for migratory birds may be improved by managing for particular structural and floristic characteristics of plantations.  相似文献   

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