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Collective action, on communal grazing land, has evolved in the highlands of northwestern Ethiopia to mitigate the problems of feed shortage and land degradation due to overgrazing. The exercise is liked by farmers for improving the availability of natural pasture during the long dry season when other feed sources get depleted. However, large portions of the communal grazing lands are still managed under free grazing throughout the year. This study was undertaken in Maynet village in the upper Blue Nile basin, northwestern Ethiopia, to assess the impacts of three different types of grazing land management (GLM) and two slope gradients (<10%; 15–25%) on aboveground herbaceous biomass yield, ground cover, species richness, runoff, soil loss and soil bulk density of grazing lands. The GLMs include (a) freely open communal GLM, (b) restricted communal GLM – collective management of communal grazing land locally named as ‘yebere sar’ and (c) private holding GLM. Stocking density was more than carrying capacity of grazing lands across all GLMs. However, the extent of overstocking problem was exceptionally severe in freely open communal GLM. The interaction between GLM and slope was significant (P<0.05) for runoff, soil loss and runoff coefficient. The average runoff coefficient was close to 50% in freely open communal GLM on steeper slopes (15–25%). Freely open communal GLM on steeper slopes resulted in consistently highest cumulative runoff and soil loss amounting to 491 mm and 32 t/ha per year, respectively. Polynomial regression analysis showed that quadratic relationship (r2=0.87) existed between soil loss and runoff. But, soil loss was close to nil when runoff did not exceed 2 mm per rainfall event. As expected, restricted communal GLM appeared to reduce surface runoff by more than 40% and curb the rate of soil erosion by more than 50% compared to freely open communal GLM. Its vegetation cover persisted above 70% throughout the year, meeting the threshold level recommended to keep surface runoff and soil loss to minimum. Reducing the problem of overstocking and pasture resting in August–November are important components to improve ground cover and aboveground herbaceous biomass yield, which in turn reduce land degradation on grazing lands.  相似文献   

The prevalences of antibodies against Bartonella henselae and Ehrlichia canis were determined in sera from 228 dogs in 5 communal lands of Zimbabwe, areas where traditional subsistence agro-pastoralism is practised. The sera were collected from apparently healthy dogs during routine rabies vaccination programmes and tested with indirect fluorescent antibody assays using B. henselae (Houston-I) and E. canis (Oklahoma) as antigens. We found reactive antibodies (> or =1:80) against B. henselae in 14% of the dogs tested. Seropositive animals were found in Bikita (41%; 17/42), Omay (13%; 6/48), Chinamora (5%; 2/38) and Matusadona (15%; 7/48). No seropositive dogs were found in Chiredzi (0%; 0/52). Antibodies reactive with E. canis (> or =1:80) were found in 34% of the dogs tested, from Bikita (88%; 37/42), Chiredzi (31%; 16/52), Omay (17%; 8/48), Chinamora (26%; 10/38) and Matusadona (15%; 7/48). Our survey shows dogs in the communal lands of Zimbabwe are frequently exposed to E. canis and B. henselae or closely related species. Further studies are indicated to determine the pathogenicity of the organisms infecting these dogs and their clinical significance.  相似文献   


Owing to the difficulty of examining succession theory in the Karoo, it is suggested the ecological index method (EIM), be replaced by the grazing index method (GIM), through the introduction of grazing index values (GIV) for Karoo plant species. The GIM may provide more acceptable range condition scores and more realistic estimates of the current grazing capacity. Using GIVs, arrived at by scoring the agronomic attributes of the plant species (productivity, forage value, perenniality), the estimated current grazing capacities are found to be closely similar to the grazing capacity norms established for the different agro‐ecological areas in the Karoo. The manner in which the range condition survey is conducted and the application of the grazing index method, ensures the computation of a figure representative of the agronomic potential of the area to support livestock. The cover figure and the range condition score determined for a sample site, can be employed in monitoring the trend in changes in the vegetation, brought about by climatic and biotic variables. Grazing capacity norms are closely related to median annual precipitation (r2 = 0.98). The GIM is more closely related to grazing capacities than the EIM (r2 = 0.96 and 0.68 respectively).  相似文献   

Bighorn sheep currently occupy just 30% of their historic distribution, and persist in populations less than 5% as abundant overall as their early 19th century counterparts. Present-day recovery of bighorn sheep populations is in large part limited by periodic outbreaks of respiratory disease, which can be transmitted to bighorn sheep via contact with domestic sheep grazing in their vicinity. In order to assess the viability of bighorn sheep populations on the Payette National Forest (PNF) under several alternative proposals for domestic sheep grazing, we developed a series of interlinked models. Using telemetry and habitat data, we characterized herd home ranges and foray movements of bighorn sheep from their home ranges. Combining foray model movement estimates with known domestic sheep grazing areas (allotments), a Risk of Contact Model estimated bighorn sheep contact rates with domestic sheep allotments. Finally, we used demographic and epidemiologic data to construct population and disease transmission models (Disease Model), which we used to estimate bighorn sheep persistence under each alternative grazing scenario. Depending on the probability of disease transmission following interspecies contact, extirpation probabilities for the seven bighorn sheep herds examined here ranged from 20% to 100%. The Disease Model allowed us to assess the probabilities that varied domestic sheep management scenarios would support persistent populations of free-ranging bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

During the period between January 1999 and December 2000, the distribution and seasonal patterns of amphistome infections in cattle in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas of Zimbabwe were determined through monthly coprological examination. Cattle faecal samples were collected from 12 and nine dipping sites in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas, respectively. Patterns of distribution and seasonal fluctuations of intermediate host-snail populations and the climatic factors influencing the distribution were also determined by sampling at monthly intervals for a period of 24 months (November 1998 to October 2000) in six dams and six streams in the highveld and in nine dams in the lowveld communal grazing areas. Each site was sampled for relative snail density and the vegetation cover and type, physical and chemical properties of water, and mean monthly rainfall and temperature were recorded. Aquatic vegetation and grass samples 0-1 m from the edges of the snail habitats were collected monthly to determine the presence or absence of amphistome metacercariae. Snails collected at the same time were individually checked for the emergence of larval stages of amphistomes. A total of 16,264 (calves 5418, weaners 5461 and adults 5385) faecal samples were collected during the entire period of the study and 4790 (29.5%) of the samples were positive for amphistome eggs. For both regions the number of animals positive for amphistome eggs differed significantly between the 2 years, with the second year having a significantly higher prevalence (P < 0.01) than the first year. Significantly higher prevalences were found in the highveld compared to the lowveld (P < 0.001), for adult cattle than calves (P < 0.01), and in the wet over the dry season (P < 0.01). Faecal egg output peaked from October to March in both years of the study. Bulinus tropicus, Bulinus forskalii and Biomphalaria pfeifferi were recorded from the study sites. The main intermediate host for amphistomes was B. tropicus with a prevalence of infection of 8.5%. However, amphistome cercariae were also recorded in Biom. pfeifferi and B. forskalii. Amphistome cercariae were recorded from both the highveld and lowveld areas with peak prevalence during the post-rainy season (March to May). Metacercariae were found on herbage from the fringes of the snail habitats between February and August, with most of the metacercariae concentrated on herbage 0-1 m from the edges of the habitats. Based on the epidemiological findings a control programme was devised. From this study, large burdens of immature flukes could be expected in cattle during the dry months. Since adult cattle would be resistant to the pathogenic effects of the migrating immature amphistomes the target for control would be young animals being exposed to the infection for the first time. Therefore, the first anthelmintic treatment can be administered in calves in mid June when maximum migration of immature amphistomes starting 3-4 weeks after infection in the early dry season would be expected. A second treatment could be given in late July or early August to remove potentially dangerous burdens of immature flukes acquired later in the dry season. Where resources permit, another strategy would be to treat against the mature flukes in March or April in order to reduce the number of eggs deposited on pastures and the opportunity for infection of the intermediate host snails. To reduce cercarial shedding by the intermediate host snails molluscicides can also be applied during the peak transmission periods (April/May and August/September).  相似文献   

禾草/白三叶(Trifolium repens)草地是中国南方喀斯特地区主要刈牧地之一,探究不同家畜放牧下禾草/白三叶草地植被构成和群落稳定性,可一定程度揭示其植被演替特征。本研究定量分析了多年放牧牛(grazing cattle pasture,GC)、放牧羊(grazing sheep pasture,GS)的禾草/白三叶草地群落特征、物种多样性、生物量构成及群落稳定性。结果显示:1)草地死物质量及植物物种数为GC>GS,植物物种Simpson指数为GS>GC;2)草地禾草[多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)及原生禾草]、原生双子叶(马鞭草科、车前科、酢浆草科和十字花科)及适口性中等植物地上生物量组分为GC>GS,播种白三叶地上生物量组分为GS>GC;且GC草地地上生物量以禾草为主(77.20%),GS草地地上生物量以禾草(51.79%)和豆科(28.02%)为主;3)草地土壤K含量为GC>GS;4)GC草地植物种Raunkiaer频度直方图呈反J型,群落演替度(37.08)比GS草地(45.45)的低。研究认为,GC草地群落处于相对稳定状态,而GS草地群落处于更高演替阶段,牛放牧更利于禾草/白三叶草地群落稳定性和物种多样性的维持。因此,放牧时可实行牛、羊混牧制,或牛、羊轮牧制,以提高禾草/白三叶草地的稳定性和生产力。  相似文献   

The application of n-alkanes as faecal markers to estimate feed intake and apparent digestibility (DMDap) of equines and cattle was studied. Additionally, the effect of using different data on diet composition, known proportions of the diet components (DC1) and those estimated using the alkane markers (DC2), on the accuracy of intake and DMDap estimates was evaluated. Six mature horses, divided in two groups of three animals (H1 and H2), and three adult non-lactating cows of Asturiana de los Valles breed (C) were housed in individual stalls. H1 and C groups were fed on a diet composed of Lolium perenne L. (70%) and heather (30%) and H2 received L. perenne (40%), heather (30%) and Ulex gallii Planchon (30%). The dietary component heather represented the field proportions of different plant species of heathland, namely Erica umbellata L., Erica cinerea L. and Calluna vulgaris L., at this experimental period. All animals received a daily dose of paper pellets containing C24, C32 and C36 n-alkanes as external markers with the purpose of using different n-alkane pairs of adjacent chain length for feed intake estimations. The results indicated that a period of 3 and 5 days was sufficient for these external markers to reach a steady concentration in faeces of cattle and equines, respectively. In contrast to the results obtained in cattle, the alkane faecal recovery in equines was unrelated to the carbon chain length. Diet composition only affected the faecal recovery of the alkanes C24 (P < 0.05), C31 (P < 0.05), C32 (P < 0.05) and C36 (P < 0.01) in the faeces of the equines, suggesting a different dispersion of the synthetic n-alkanes in the digesta. In equines, DMDap estimates were not affected by the n-alkane (C27, C29, C31 and C33) used in the calculations, contrasting with the significant (P < 0.001) effect observed in cattle. In both animal species, the data on diet composition (DC1 or DC2) used in the calculations did not affect DMDap estimates. Feed intake estimates were affected by the alkane pair used in the calculations in H1 (P < 0.05), H2 (P < 0.001) and C (P < 0.001). The data on diet composition used in the intake calculations affected the resultant estimates in H1 (P < 0.05) but not in H2 and C. The differences from the known intake values were lower when using C31:C32 alkane pair, overestimating intake in only an average of 4.5, 13.0 and 1.3% in H1, H2 and C, respectively, using DC1 or DC2. The results obtained in this study confirm the accuracy of the n-alkane markers to estimate simultaneously feed intake, apparent digestibility and diet composition of equines and cattle grazing these type vegetation communities.  相似文献   

阿拉善草地健康评价的CVOR指数   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
依据草原发生学原理,确定了阿拉善草地生态系统健康评价的参照系统,用当地水热因子重建参照系统的初级生产力和植被组成等主要特征,作为评价现有草地健康的参照指标.根据多维生态位理论以及地境要素之间的定量关系,用土壤有机碳作为评价草地基况的重要指标.在地境-牧草界面,围绕生产力形成及其分布格局这一关键生态过程,建立草地健康评价的CVOR综合指数和测算模型,并应用于阿拉善草地的健康评价.结果表明,CVOR能够定量放牧压力和封育对草地健康的作用,避免各单项指标容易造成的误差,揭示VOR不能完全反映的草地健康信息.认为,生态系统健康更多地依赖于管理水平,CVOR具有综合、简单、准确、适用的特点.  相似文献   

人工固沙灌丛粗蛋白、粗脂肪平均含量比天然草地牧草分别高出16.22%、43.50%,钙的含量除紫穗槐外,平均高出27.37.%。磷的含量低于天然牧草,氨基酸总量平均值为10.85%,略低于草地牧草,7种必须氨基酸含量与天然牧草接近,沙柳、紫穗槐的镁、锌含量高,踏郎铁含量。铜的含量各灌丛均高。灌丛地放牧,杂交绵羊体重平均加3.4 ̄32.0%,羊毛增加20.0 ̄79.3%,产羔率也有较大提高。  相似文献   

人工固沙灌丛粗蛋白、粗脂肪平均含量比天然草地牧草分别高出16.22%、43.50%,钙的含量除紫穗槐外,平均高出27.37%.磷的含量低于天然牧草,氨基酸总量平均值为10.85%,略低于草地牧草,7种必须氨基酸含量与天然牧草接近,沙柳、紫穗槐的镁、锌含量高,踏郎铁含量高,铜的含量各灌丛均高.灌丛地放牧,杂交绵羊体重平均增加3.4%一32.0%,羊毛增加20.0%~79.3%,产羔率也有较大提高.  相似文献   

放牧家畜的践踏强度指标探讨   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6  
基于对践踏强度评定中存在问题的分析,提出践踏强度是在特定的放牧方式(自由放牧或轮牧)下,单一种或组合种畜群单位时间内(通常指1个放牧季内)对单位草地面积所施加的践踏重力或践踏面积,它应有3种表示方法:重力表示法、面积表示法和频率表示法。首次提出了践踏单位和践踏当量概念,以明确践踏强度的计算标准和折算标准。具体是指在放牧季中,一头体重40 kg的滩羊每蹄践踏1次所施加于草地的践踏称为1个践踏单位——羊践踏,促进了践踏强度单位表示方法的统一化。引入的践踏当量概念,使得不同类别、不同年龄的家畜个体对草地的践踏量,均可通过践踏当量换算为统一单位——羊践踏,是制定出合理而简明的践踏强度指标计算公式的依据,有助于使当前不统一的践踏强度表示方法规范化。从纷繁复杂的影响践踏强度的众多因素中提炼出践踏次数或行走步数作为变量指标,把家畜的放牧行为及其时间分配模式归结到践踏次数中去,为计算单一种群或混合群践踏强度指标奠定了计算基础。在相同的放牧强度下,通过对虚拟的3个单一种群和1个混合畜群践踏强度的计算比较表明,如果忽略畜种在践踏次数上的差异,牛群和马群的践踏强度分别是羊群的5.6和4.7倍,混合群的践踏强度是羊群的4.8倍。而在此种情况下,用放牧强度或用单位面积草地上家畜体重与放牧时间的乘积表示的践踏强度均相等,因此有理由认为用放牧强度或用单位面积草地上家畜体重与放牧时间的乘积表示单一种群或混合畜群的践踏强度均是不准确的。  相似文献   

放牧强度对羊草草地植被特征的影响   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
刘颖  王德利  王旭  巴雷  孙伟 《草业学报》2002,11(2):22-28
通过小区控制放牧实验,研究了放牧强度对松嫩平原羊草草地植被特征的影响。结果表明:主要种群的高度、密度和生物量随季节的变化趋势不同,草地高度随放牧强度的增大而降低;一定程度的放牧可增加禾草在群落中的比例,提高牧草质量;随着放牧强度的增大,群落密度有增大的趋势,植物多样性指数先增高后降低,即中度放牧下多样性指数最大,有利于多样性的维持,多样性增加又增强草地对放牧的缓冲力。植物种数与多样性指数间没有明显的线性关系。  相似文献   

During the period between January 1999 and December 2000, the distribution and seasonal patterns of Fasciola gigantica infections in cattle in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas of Zimbabwe were determined through monthly coprological examination. Cattle faecal samples were collected from 12 and nine dipping sites in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas respectively. Patterns of distribution and seasonal fluctuations of the intermediate host-snail populations and the climatic factors influencing the distribution were also determined by sampling at monthly intervals for a period of 24 months (November 1998 to October 2000) in six dams and six streams in the highveld and in nine dams in the lowveld communal grazing areas. Each site was sampled for relative snail density and the vegetation cover and type, physical and chemical properties of water, and mean monthly rainfall and temperature were recorded. Aquatic vegetation and grass samples 0-1 m from the edges of the snail habitats were collected monthly to determine the presence or absence of F. gigantica metacercariae. Snails collected at the same time were individually checked for the emergence of larval stages of F. gigantica. A total of 16264 (calves 5418; weaners 5461 and adults 5385) faecal samples were collected during the entire period of the study and 2500 (15.4%) of the samples were positive for F. gigantica eggs. Significantly higher prevalences were found in the highveld compared to the lowveld (P < 0.001), for adult cattle than calves (P < 0.01) and in the wet season over the dry season (P < 0.01). Faecal egg output peaked from August/September to March/April for both years of the study. Lymnaea natalensis, the snail intermediate host of F. gigantica was recorded from the study sites with the highveld having a significantly higher abundance of the snail species than the lowveld (P < 0.01). The snail population was low between December and March and started to increase in April reaching a peak in September/October. The number of juvenile snails peaked between April and August. The mean number of snails collected was negatively correlated with rainfall and positively correlated with temperature. Mean number of snails collected was also positively correlated with Potamogeton plant species and negatively correlated with Cyperus plant species. However, none of the L. natalensis collected from the habitats were found shedding Fasciola cercariae. Metacercariae were found on herbage from the fringes of the snail habitats between February and August for both years, with most of the metacercariae concentrated on herbage 0-1 m from the banks of the habitats. Based on the findings of this study, anthelmintic treatment should be administered in December/January to control chronic and mature fasciolosis. A second treatment should be given in April/May to reduce pasture contamination and subsequently snail infection, as this is the time the snail population starts to build up. To control acute fasciolosis due to the immature liver flukes a third treatment should be given in August. The first application of molluscicides to control the snail intermediate hosts can be done in June the time when the snail is harbouring the parasite and a second application in September in order to kill new generations of infected snails  相似文献   

During the period between January 1999 and December 2000, the distribution and seasonal patterns of Schistosoma mattheei infections in cattle in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas of Zimbabwe were determined through monthly coprological examination. Faecal samples of cattle were collected from 12 and nine dipping sites in the highveld and lowveld communal grazing areas, respectively. Patterns of distribution and seasonal fluctuations of the intermediate host-snail populations and the climatic factors influencing the distribution were also determined at monthly intervals from November 1998 to October 2000, a period of 24 months, in six dams and six streams in the highveld and nine dams in the lowveld communal grazing areas. Monthly, each site was sampled for relative snail density, the vegetation cover and type, and physical and chemical properties of the water. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature were recorded. Snails collected at the same time were individually examined for shedding of cercariae of S. mattheei and Schistosoma haematobium. A total of 16264 (5418 calves, 5461 weaners and 5385 adults) faecal samples were collected during the entire period of study and 734 (4.5%) were positive for S. mattheei eggs. Significantly higher prevalences were found in the highveld compared to the lowveld (P < 0.001), calves compared to adult cattle (P < 0.01) and the wet season compared to the dry season (P < 0.01). Faecal egg output peaked from October/ November to March/April for both years of the study. Bulinus globosus, the snail intermediate host of S. mattheei was recorded from the study sites with the highveld having a significantly higher abundance of the snails than the lowveld (P < 0.01). Monthly densities of B. globosus did not show a clear-cut pattern although there were peaks between March/May and September/November. The mean number of snails collected was positively correlated with the water plants Nymphaea caerulea and Typha species. Overall, 2.5% of B. globosus were shedding Schistosoma cercariae. In the highveld, 2.8% of B. globosus were infected with schistosome cercariae and 1.5% in the lowveld, with the figures at individual sites ranging from 0-18.8% in the highveld and from 0-4.5% in the lowveld. The cercariae recorded here were a mixture of S. mattheei and S. haematobium since they share the same intermediate host. The transmission of Schistosoma cercariae exhibited a marked seasonal pattern, being more intensive during the hot, dry season (September/November).  相似文献   

不同强度短期放牧对高寒草甸植被特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索不同强度短期放牧对高寒草甸植被特征的影响,在碌曲县加仓村选择禁牧5年的高寒草甸草地作为试验样地,通过不同强度放牧试验,探究其地上生物量变化规律及其相互之间的关系,结果表明:对照组禁牧的地上生物量值最大,为1084 g/m2,当放牧强度不断增大时,地上生物量逐步减小;重度放牧物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最低,中度放牧最高,与"中度干扰理论"相契合;禾草和莎草在中度放牧条件下密度最大,重度放牧使禾草物种丰富度和株高减小,与禁牧差异显著(P<0.05);杂类草在重度放牧条件下所占比重最高,其中,当放牧强度逐渐增大时,毒草和可食杂草物种丰富度明显减小,毒草密度随着放牧强度增大而增加,但差异不显著(P>0.05),重度放牧可食杂草密度与禁牧、轻度放牧差异显著(P<0.05);试验区出现的毛茛科植物绝大多数为毒草,其物种丰富度和密度表现出了和毒草相似的变化趋势,即物种丰富度逐渐下降,密度逐渐增加,禁牧株高与三个放牧实验组差异显著(P<0.05).因此适宜强度的牦牛放牧可使草地植被结构与功能得以改善,当高寒草甸发生退化时,可利用围栏禁牧作为有效恢复手段.  相似文献   

采用不同放牧方式,在宁夏干草原系统地开展了草地植物特性与生态学特性方面的研究,结果表明实行六区的划区轮牧方式是科学利用该类草地的最佳方式.轮牧比对照草地生产力提高73.84%.  相似文献   


Beef production from veld, in the short term, was found to be greater under a continuous grazing system than under a rotational grazing system. Average daily gains decreased from a maximum in late‐spring and the highest three‐year mean value was 0,5 kg/animal/day. Livemass gains/ha were highest at a stocking rate of 2,2 animals/ha and were 131,4 kg/ha under continuous grazing and 88,6 kg/ha under rotational grazing. Estimated mean maximum gains/ha were 0,78 kg/ha/day at a stocking rate of 2,5 animals/ha under continuous grazing and 0,55 kg/ha/day at a stocking rate of 1,7 animals/ha under rotational grazing. However, optimum economic stocking rates were estimated to occur below those where beef production/ha was maximum.  相似文献   

采用不同放牧方式,在宁夏干草原系统地开展了草地植物特性与生态学特性方面的研究,结果表明:实行六区的划区轮牧方式是科学利用该类草地的最佳方式。轮牧比对照草地生产力提高73.84%。  相似文献   

通过对安西温性荒漠化草原退牧还草围栏建设工程区生态环境监测点放牧与退牧管理后草地生物量的跟踪调查和牧草光合生理生态特征的监测,分析显示:与放牧区相比较,围栏退牧草场内的植株生长高度比围栏外放牧区高4.3~4.8 cm,植被覆盖度高16.6%~17.4%,草场平均产草量高235.2~300.5 kg/hm2,植被生长状况良好,同时草原环境中气温较低,湿度较高,且光合速率较高,有利于牧草的生长,表明退牧措施效果显著.高光谱遥感进一步监测结果显示退牧区牧草光谱反射率高,植被盖度大.草原围栏退牧封育,极大地改善了安西县草原生态环境,草原植被得到有效恢复,提高了草原防风固沙、净化空气、保护生物多样性等生态功能.  相似文献   

植物群落特征和生存状态变化能够反映植物群落内种间关系和演替进程。本研究以青海海北地区高寒草甸的冷季放牧场为研究对象,分析比较了禁牧封育(CK,禁牧)、轻度放牧(LG,4.5只羊·hm?2)、中度放牧(MG,7.5只羊·hm?2)和重度放牧(HG,15只羊·hm?2) 4种放牧压力对植物群落特征及各功能群代表性植物生存状态指数的影响。结果表明:1)禾本科的重要值在轻度放牧时最大,莎草科的重要值在禁牧样地中最大,杂草类植物的重要值在重度放牧样地中最大。2) Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、Patrick丰富度指数随着放牧强度的增加均呈增加趋势。3)轻度放牧样地中垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和山地早熟禾(Poa orinosa)的生存状态指数最高,禁牧样地中矮生嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和钝苞雪莲(Saussurea nigrescens)的生存状态指数最高,但随着放牧强度的增加,钝苞雪莲(Saussurea nigrescens)的生存状态指数也随之增加。研究结果表明放牧强度增加能提高高寒草甸群落多样性,禾草类生存状态和在群落中的优势地位下降,杂草类生存状态和在群落中的优势地位上升,草地质量下降。  相似文献   

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