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This article primarily reviews recent work on ultrafast experiments on excited state intramolecular electron and proton transfer, with an emphasis on experiments on chemical systems that have been analyzed theoretically. In particular, those systems that have been quantitatively characterized by static spectroscopy, which provides detailed information about the reaction potential energy surface and about other parameters that are necessary to make a direct comparison to theoretical predictions, are described.  相似文献   

In a suspension of reverse micelles, in which the surfactant sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate (AOT) separates a water nanodroplet from a bulk nonpolar CCl4 phase, ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy was used to study vibrational energy transfer from the nanodroplet through the AOT interfacial monolayer to the surrounding CCl4. Most of the vibrational energy from the nanodroplet was transferred to the polar AOT head group within 1.8 picoseconds and then out to the CCl4 within 10 picoseconds. Vibrational energy pumped directly into the AOT tail resulted in a slower 20- to 40-picosecond transfer of energy to the CCl4.  相似文献   

Li B  Zhao J  Onda K  Jordan KD  Yang J  Petek H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2006,311(5766):1436-1440
The coupling of electron and nuclear motions in ultrafast charge transfer at molecule-semiconductor interfaces is central to many phenomena, including catalysis, photocatalysis, and molecular electronics. By using femtosecond laser excitation, we transferred electrons from a rutile titanium dioxide (110) surface into a CH3OH overlayer state that is 2.3 +/- 0.2 electron volts above the Fermi level. The redistributed charge was stabilized within 30 femtoseconds by the inertial motion of substrate ions (polaron formation) and, more slowly, by adsorbate molecules (solvation). According to a pronounced deuterium isotope effect (CH3OD), this motion of heavy atoms transforms the reverse charge transfer from a purely electronic process (nonadiabatic) to a correlated response of electrons and protons.  相似文献   

Electronically excited molecules, being better electron donors and acceptors than their ground states, form charge-transfer complexes (exciplexes) which can lead to radical ions. Exciplex emission is widely used to probe polymers and organized media such as membranes and micelles. Exciplexes are also intermediates in photoreactions that lead to unique products. Photochemical electron-transfer processes, which are the basis of silver halide photography and electrophotography, are involved in many reactions of wide scope. Recent studies have led to the discovery of several electron-transfer photooxygenations with a diversity that will probably rival that of singlet oxygen. Both exciplex emission and photochemical electron transfer play important roles in organic photochemistry.  相似文献   

Long-range electron transfer in heme proteins   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Kinetic experiments have conclusively shown that electron transfer can take place over large distances (greater than 10 angstroms) through protein interiors. Current research focuses on the elucidation of the factors that determine the rates of long-range electron-transfer reactions in modified proteins and protein complexes. Factors receiving experimental and theoretical attention include the donor-acceptor distance, changes in geometry of the donor and acceptor upon electron transfer, and the thermodynamic driving force. Recent experimental work on heme proteins indicates that the electron-transfer rate falls off exponentially with donor-acceptor distance at long range. The rate is greatly enhanced in proteins in which the structural changes accompanying electron transfer are very small.  相似文献   

The recombination dynamics of a transition metal redox system monitored by femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy are shown to be sensitive to high magnetic fields at times shorter than 10 picoseconds. The effect, based on coherent population beats of different spin states, is quantitatively accounted for and allows direct access to spin relaxation rates far beyond the time resolution of the fastest electron paramagnetic resonance technique. The presence of this ultrafast magnetic field effect helps in understanding complex reaction schemes in transition metal chemistry, which occur in a wide range of fields, such as bioinorganic chemistry and catalysis.  相似文献   

Intramolecular long-distance electron transfer (EI) has been actively studied in recent years in order to test existing theories in a quantitative way and to provide the necessary constants for predicting ET rates from simple structural parameters. Theoretical predictions of an "inverted region," where increasing the driving force of the reaction will decrease its rate, have begun to be experimentally confirmed. A predicted nonlinear dependence of ET rates on the polarity of the solvent has also been confirmed. This work has implications for the design of efficient photochemical charge-separation devices. Other studies have been directed toward determining the distance dependence of ET reactions. Model studies on different series of compounds give similar distance dependences. When different stereochemical structures are compared, it becomes apparent that geometrical factors must be taken into account. Finally, the mechanism of coupling between donor and acceptor in weakly interacting systems has become of major importance. The theoretical and experimental evidence favors a model in which coupling is provided by the interaction with the orbitals of the intervening molecular fragments, although more experimental evidence is needed.  相似文献   

Intermolecular electron transfer by quantum mechanical tunneling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transfer of electrons from one molecule to another by quantum mechanical tunneling has recently been implicated in biological electron transport. This report describes observations of electron transfer between aromatic molecules in a rigid matrix, in which electrons apparently tunnel through tens of angstroms of inert solvent. The kinetics tend to confirm the tunneling process, which is likely to be an important means of electron transfer when diffusion is blocked by steric factors or immobilization of the reactants.  相似文献   

An electronic shift-register memory at the molecular level is described. The memory elements are based on a chain of electron-transfer molecules and the information is shifted by photoinduced electron-transfer reactions. This device integrates designed electronic molecules onto a very large scale integrated (silicon microelectronic) substrate, providing an example of a "molecular electronic device" that could actually be made. The design requirements for such a device and possible synthetic strategies are discussed. Devices along these lines should have lower energy usage and enhanced storage density.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics occurring in the earliest stages following photo-induced charge transfer were investigated. Femtosecond time-resolved absorption anisotropy measurements on [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+), where bpy is 2,2'-bipyridine, reveal a time dependence in nitrile solutions attributed to initial delocalization of the excited state over all three ligands followed by charge localization onto a single ligand. The localization process is proposed to be coupled to nondiffusive solvation dynamics. In contrast, measurements sampling population dynamics show spectral evolution associated with wave packet motion on the excited state surface that is independent of solvent. The results therefore reveal two important contributions to the evolution of charge transfer states in condensed phase, one that is strongly coupled to the surrounding environment and another that follows a potential internal to the molecule.  相似文献   

Electron transfer is used as a probe for angstrom-scale structural changes in single protein molecules. In a flavin reductase, the fluorescence of flavin is quenched by a nearby tyrosine residue by means of photo-induced electron transfer. By probing the fluorescence lifetime of the single flavin on a photon-by-photon basis, we were able to observe the variation of flavin-tyrosine distance over time. We could then determine the potential of mean force between the flavin and the tyrosine, and a correlation analysis revealed conformational fluctuation at multiple time scales spanning from hundreds of microseconds to seconds. This phenomenon suggests the existence of multiple interconverting conformers related to the fluctuating catalytic reactivity.  相似文献   

Evidence for photoinduced electron transfer from the excited state of a conducting polymer onto buckminsterfullerene, C(60), is reported. After photo-excitation of the conjugated polymer with light of energy greater than the pi-pi* gap, an electron transfer to the C(60) molecule is initiated. Photoinduced optical absorption studies demonstrate a different excitation spectrum for the composite as compared to the separate components, consistent with photo-excited charge transfer. A photoinduced electron spin resonance signal exhibits signatures of both the conducting polymer cation and the C(60) anion. Because the photoluminescence in the conducting polymer is quenched by interaction with C(60), the data imply that charge transfer from the excited state occurs on a picosecond time scale. The charge-separated state in composite films is metastable at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Accelerated electron transfer between metal complexes mediated by DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA-mediated long-range electron transfer from photoexcited 1,10-phenanthroline complexes of ruthenium, Ru(phen)2(3)+, to isostructural complexes of cobalt(III), rhodium(III), and chromium(III) bound along the helical strand. The efficiency of transfer depended upon binding mode and driving force. For a given donor-acceptor pair, surface-bound complexes showed greater rate enhancements than those that were intercalatively bound. Even in rigid glycerol at 253 K, the rates for donor-acceptor pairs bound to DNA remained enhanced. For the series of acceptors, the greatest enhancement in electron-transfer rate was found with chromium, the acceptor of intermediate driving force. The DNA polymer appears to provide an efficient intervening medium to couple donor and acceptor metal complexes for electron transfer.  相似文献   

A synthetic five-part molecular device has been prepared that uses a multistep electron transfer strategy similar to that of photosynthetic organisms to capture light energy and convert it to chemical potential in the form of long-lived charge separation. It consists of two covalently linked porphyrin moieties, one containing a zinc ion (P(Zn)) and the other present as the free base (P). The metailated porphyrin bears a carotenoid polyene (C) and the other a diquinone species (Q(A)-Q(B)). Excitation of the free-base porphyrin in a chloroform solution of the pentad yields an initial charge-separated state, C-P(Zn)-P(.+).-Q(A)(-)-Q(B), with a quantum yield of 0.85. Subsequent electron transfer steps lead to a final charge-separated state, C(.+)-P(Zn)-P-Q(A)-Q(B)(.-), which is formed with an overall quantum yield of 0.83 and has a lifetime of 55 microseconds. Irradiation of the free-base form of the pentad, C-P-P-Q(A)-Q(B), gives a similar charge-separated state with a lower quantum yield (0.15 in dichloromethane), although the lifetime is increased to approximately 340 microseconds. The artificial photosynthetic system preserves a significant fraction ( approximately 1.0 electron volt) of the initial excitation energy (1.9 electron volts) in the long-lived, charge-separated state.  相似文献   

A microscopic method for simulating quantum mechanical, nuclear tunneling effects in biological electron transfer reactions is presented and applied to several electron transfer steps in photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers. In this "dispersed polaron" method the fluctuations of the protein and the electron carriers are projected as effective normal modes onto an appropriate reaction coordinate and used to evaluate the quantum mechanical rate constant. The simulations, based on the crystallographic structure of the reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas viridis, focus on electron transfer from a bacteriopheophytin to a quinone and the subsequent back-reaction. The rates of both of these reactions are almost independent of temperature or even increase with decreasing temperature. The simulations reproduce this unusual temperature dependence in a qualitative way, without the use of adjustable parameters for the protein's Franck-Condon factors. The observed dependence of the back-reaction on the free energy of the reaction also is reproduced, including the special behavior in the "inverted region."  相似文献   

The initial electron transfer dynamics during photosynthesis have been studied in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers from wild type and 14 mutants in which the driving force and the kinetics of charge separation vary over a broad range. Surprisingly, the protein relaxation kinetics, as measured by tryptophan absorbance changes, are invariant in these mutants. By applying a reaction-diffusion model, we can fit the complex electron transfer kinetics of each mutant quantitatively, varying only the driving force. These results indicate that initial photosynthetic charge separation is limited by protein dynamics rather than by a static electron transfer barrier.  相似文献   

Analysis of the polarized single-crystal absorption spectra of cytochrome cd1 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa shows that the heme c and heme d1 groups in each subunit are oriented perpendicularly to each other in both oxidized and reduced forms of the enzyme. These results, together with those of previous kinetic studies, indicate that a perpendicular heme-heme orientation may be an important factor in specifying kinetically slow steps in a sequential series of electron transfer reactions.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining heats of heterolysis, DeltaH(het), from the heats of reaction of resonancestabilized carbenium ions with carbanions in solution. These results can be converted into heats of homolysis, DeltaH(homo), for the same bonds by combining DeltaH(het) values with electron transfer energies, deltaG(ET) (deltaG(ET) approximately deltaH(ET)), obtained from redox potentials of the reacting ions. The results provide a comprehensive tabulation of DeltaH(het), DeltaH(homo), and DeltaG(ET) values for an extended series of organic compounds and are examined in terms of their interrelationships and a number of related properties of the ions and radicals.  相似文献   

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