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作者通过对东北不同地区不同松树松针锈病Coleosporiumspp.的调查发现,单维松上可表现1种症状类型,双维松上可表现出3种症状类型;锈孢子表面纹饰与这4种症状类型有内在联系,这在研究鞘锈菌的系统发育和分类学上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Needle retention (number of needle sets), needle density, height increment and radial increment were surveyed on seven Japanese black pines (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) and seven Japanese red pines (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) growing on the same site. Number of needle sets on branches with respect to whorl position was estimated visually. In 1999, maximum summer needle retention was observed on the fifth and sixth whorl from the top, with values of 3.4 needle sets for the black pines and 2.4 needle sets for the red pines, respectively. The needle trace method (NTM) was used to determine needle retention and needle density along the main stems retrospectively for the years 1968–1998. The long-term mean summer needle retention along the main stem was 3.7 needle sets for the black pines and 2.2 needle sets for the red pines. In both pine species, the number of needle sets varied from year to year. However, the long-term budget between newly born and annually shed needle sets was in equilibrium. The long-term average of needle density per cm of stem shoot was 9.4 needle pairs for the black pines and 7.4 needle pairs for the red pines. The results showed clear intra-specific and inter-specific similarities in needle retention, height increment and radial increment trends. The values for number of needle sets, height increment and radial increment positively increased with favorable growing conditions, whereas the value of needle density had an opposite tendency.  相似文献   

A nondestructive technique for repeatedly estimating total surface area of water-stressed pine (Pinus taeda L.) fascicle segments was evaluated. Fascicle radius was measured with a digital caliper and needle surface area calculated on the assumption that the needles were segments of a cylinder. High correlations (r >/= 0.94) were found between surface area estimated in this way and surface area calculated (a) from needle displacement, also on the assumption that needles are segments of a cylinder, and (b) from needle dry weight using a regression between dry weight and surface area estimated from needle displacement. The caliper-radius method gave slightly lower estimates of surface area than the other methods. However, differences among surface area estimates made with the three methods and between estimates made on water-stressed and fully hydrated needles were small relative to variances of leaf gas exchange measurements.  相似文献   

刘文慧 《河北林果研究》2011,26(2):117-120,139
从北京市植物种质资源调查数据中选取了48个样地对怀柔山区的油松人工林群落进行分析,得到怀柔山区油松人工林平均每公顷蓄积为82.8 m3,平均株数密度为2 083株/hm2。采用《中国植被》的分类原则将48个600 m2的样地分为5个群丛组,15个群丛。计算了各群丛不同层次上的丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、Pielou均匀度指数。结果表明,油松人工林不同林分蓄积、胸高断面积、林分密度差异比较大,油松人工林群落的组成成分比较简单。H表现为草本层〉灌木层〉乔木层,丰富度指数和均匀度指数的趋势和H相近,D则相反。  相似文献   

Pathophysiological changes during the symptom development of pine wilt disease are reconsidered from recent investigations. The symptom development is divided into two stages: the early and the advanced stages. In the early stage, small number of nematodes migrate in cortex, then in xylem of the stem, and induce denaturation and necrosis of parenchyma cells. These changes in parenchyma are regarded as defense reactions of pines which result in terpene synthesis in xylem cells and embolism in tracheids. Such changes in the early stage can be induced in both susceptible and resistant pine species by either virulent or avirulent isolates of pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), or byB. mucronatus. No change occur in physiological status of leaves, and nematode reproduction is suppressed during this stage. Pine trees can survive if symptom does not progress from this stage. The symptoms of the advanced stage usually occur only in susceptible pines infected by virulent nematode isolates. At the beginning of the advanced stage, enhanced ethylene production by stem which coincides with cambial destruction occurs, and results in embolism of the outermost xylem in the portion. The embolism causes decrease in leaf water potential and cessation of photosynthesis. After cessation of photosynthesis, symptoms develop drastically with a burst of nematode population. There seems to be some unknown mechanism which suppress nematode reproduction and invasion to the cambial zone. This mechanism is thought to be photosynthesis-dependent, so that in photosynthesis-decrased conditions, even avirulent nematodes can multiply and invade cambium to induce tree death. Water stress in hot and dry summer should accelerates symptom development from the early to the advanced stage through such decrease of photosynthesis-dependent “cambial resistance”.  相似文献   

地表积水状况对芦苇形态结构及生物量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地表积水对芦苇形态结构及生长的影响研究结果表明:(1)地表积水深度对芦苇个体茎粗度、节间长度、节数均有显著影响。随着地表积水深度的增加芦苇平均茎粗度变大,节问变长,节数减少。(2)在不同积水状况下,芦苇地下茎形态变化明显,3种积水类型平均茎粗度排序为常年干旱〉季节性积水〉长期积水。季节性积水苇田的芦苇地下茎的节间长度较长,节数最多;常年干旱次之,但节数少;长期积水苇田的芦苇地下茎细、节间短、节数多。(3)土壤积水类型,芦苇地下茎与须根的比例差异很大。常年干旱苇田芦苇地下茎占地下部分总生物量的91.84%;季节性积水苇田芦苇地下茎占总量的54.95%;长期积水苇田的芦苇地下茎占总量的45.13%。(4)地表积水状况对芦苇个体生长有很大影响。表现为常年干旱苇田的芦苇个体粗大,密度过稀。季节性积水苇田的芦苇生物量最高,但密度较低。而长期积水苇田的芦苇粗度小,但密度最大。  相似文献   

通过选择6种具有代表性的道路常绿植物,应用接触角测定仪测定了不同树种叶片的接触角,通过扫描电镜观察比较了6种常绿植物的叶表面形态结构,分析其对滞尘能力的影响。试验结果表明常绿植物叶片正面接触角越大,滞尘能力越小;表面叶孔越多,粗糙度越大,滞尘能力越强。研究成果可为城市绿化树种的选择提供基础依据。  相似文献   

During fibre processing, wood fibres are subjected to a range of physical and chemical conditions sufficient to slightly alter their chemical composition and hence their ultimate performance when used in the manufacture of wood fibre-based composites. In order to better understand the effects of refiner conditions on material performance, wood fibres were subjected to processing at different refiner pressures (4, 6, 8 and 10 bar) and subsequently dried in a flash drier. The fibres were analysed for changes in surface area, surface energy, surface structure and water vapour sorption characteristics. The methods applied were nitrogen adsorption utilising the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller theory, inverse gas chromatography, scanning electron microscopy and dynamic vapour sorption. It was found that increasing refiner pressure resulted in fibres of lower surface area, accompanied by increasing dispersive surface energies up to operating refiner pressures of 8 bar. It was found with fibres refined at different pressures that as the refiner pressure increased the equilibrium moisture content of the fibre decreased at the set relative humidities. However, it was also noted that the hysteresis was not significantly different between each of the refiner pressures. The results suggest that different refiner pressures can be used to tune the surface characteristics which may be beneficial to product development and the improvement of the environmental profile of the wood fibre composites.  相似文献   

Dothistroma and Lecanosticta needle blight are among the most damaging foliage diseases in plantations and natural pine stands worldwide, and are therefore listed as quarantine organisms in numerous countries. The aim of this study was to validate different methodologies used for the detection of both diseases. Based on multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR), simultaneous detection and discrimination of the three pathogens Dothistroma septosporum, Dothistroma pini and Lecanosticta acicola were possible in symptomatic needles. Additionally, the same set of needles was analysed for the presence of all three pathogens using novel end‐point PCR assays followed by enzymatic digestion of PCR products. Results were compared with the qPCR data, and for validation, collected needles were screened morphologically for the presence of typical fruiting bodies and spores. Differences in detection sensitivity were found between the detection tools. The qPCR‐based detection allowed for specific and efficient identification and quantification of all three pathogens simultaneously. At the same time, conventional PCR assays, which target the multicopy ITS region, showed increased detection sensitivity and can be conducted without the use of expensive infrastructure and reagents.  相似文献   

【目的】研究林分空间结构与稳定性的关系是开展结构化森林经营的前提,旨在探索空间结构对林分稳定性的影响特征,为结构化森林经营提供支持与理论依据。【方法】以黄龙山油松人工林为研究对象,通过设置典型样地,采用最优林分的π值法则,选取10项稳定性指标进行稳定性评价,利用典型相关分析、逐步线性回归分析等方法研究空间结构(包括混交度M、角尺度W和Hegyi竞争指数CI)与林分稳定性ω的关联机制。【结果】1)林分稳定性ω平均值为0.18,变异系数为36%,总体评价结果偏差;混交度M平均值为0.26,变异系数为79%,研究区油松林分物种入侵差异大。2)典型相关分析显示,空间结构指数(包括混交度M、角尺度W和Hegyi竞争指数CI)与稳定性评价指标体系在整体上存在很强的线性相关,典型相关系数可达0.95。3)Pearson相关性分析中,W、M和CI均与ω强烈相关,相关系数分别为-0.5、0.61和-0.73。W与林分健康状态呈极显著负相关,相关系数为-0.63;M与树种多样性呈极显著正相关,与林分长势呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为0.86、-0.66;CI与林分健康、林分密度呈极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.60、-0.57。4)逐步回归分析显示,混交度和林木竞争是影响稳定性的主要因素;由标准化系数可看出,林木竞争(-0.58)对稳定性的影响比混交度(0.39)大。【结论】空间结构与林分稳定性在整体上显著相关;林分混交程度显著提高林分稳定性,但是会削弱优势林木长势;团状分布格局加大了林木竞争,不利于林分稳定性。在结构调控中应适当提高林分混交程度,对竞争强度进行调整时可以连带调整林分的团状分布格局,从而提高林分稳定性水平。  相似文献   

Streamside management zones (SMZs) in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma are frequently established along headwater ephemeral and intermittent streams to protect water quality, provide wildlife habitat, and increase landscape diversity. To better understand the function of these riparian forest corridors, we characterized the tree density and composition, forest floor mass, and downed woody debris volume within SMZs located in undisturbed, mature, upper mid-slope shortleaf pine stands and then compared these attributes to those in upland portions of these stands. In addition to evaluate the impact of upland forest harvesting on these riparian corridors, we compared the amounts and distribution of forest floor, downed woody debris (DWD), snags, and windthrows in SMZs within shortleaf pine stands that had been clearcut, had a shelterwood harvest, and had no recent management activity (uncut stands). Total tree and hardwood basal area was significantly higher (4.4 and 4.2 m2 ha−1) while forest floor mass was significantly lower (0.5 kg m−2) in the SMZs than in the upland portion of the undisturbed stands. Five years following the reproduction cuttings tree basal area, DWD volume, and forest floor mass within SMZs did not significantly differ among stands that had or had not been harvested. Snag density was significantly lower within SMZs that occurred in clearcut stands compared to those in the uncut or shelterwood stands. Harvesting activities that retain few or no residual trees appear to increase the degradation of snags. This study provided evidence that clearcutting may also increase the risk of windthrow in SMZs as well. There was little difference in the distribution of forest floor within SMZs regardless of whether the stand was harvested or the type of harvesting that occurred in the stand. However, DWD amounts were higher near the SMZs edge than in the interior of the SMZs with the greatest differences in distributions in stands that were clearcut.  相似文献   

对国外松生态混交林的林分生长及其对土壤肥力的影响进行研究。结果表明,针阔混交林不仅可提高林分生产力,而且对土壤质地、通气性、土壤肥力都比纯林有明显的改善;通过逐步间伐国外松,把达到数量成熟年龄的国外松针阔混交林更替为生产大径材的阔叶林,是国外松生态栽培的一种有效途径;在国外松人工林早期间伐后的林分中引进速生阔叶树种和在灌木林下开天窗营造国外松的试验林,综合效益高。  相似文献   

Fixed quadrates were established in different stands. In continued six years, the occurring period, occurring amounts and the relation between epidemic disease and environmental factors were investigated according to spraying laws of spores and accounting measures of disease ranking. The occuring peak period of the disease was from the last ten days of May to the second ten days of June. The epidemic period was from the last ten days of June to the second ten days of July and the initial decease period was from the last ten days of July to the beginning of September. The change of the disease depended on air temperature, relative humidity and precipitation. A multiple linear regression model was established using computer, which can predict the disease index(Y) of 10 days later, with more than 95% reliability (Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai)  相似文献   

INTRODUCTloNbePthemp`vkoItw)isanli11pe1tclhabepeicinnoed1castO1ina.Thcspeic~rminn1bo\vithInanyhar~~,inbotScalledndbroadileated/KOrCantwthisisthecham~honin~toinla.bendboare~lycalledKrsPincbofOrdnd.ThebohavcboexPloitalforwtahalf~,withiISareabeing~boIhan5oto5~inthiswil,].TO-tw-oroldgrowthbonaatonlyiminfewedwr.beusePaSttimeduetOwithe~mCChanisl1isofthenabotwpePlanboonsofKrsptheunmaseeqclear~ofhsenahahenrstaredanopmcaedtyforndnd'l,.ndmamAnboontisetOPofnd3l.Hot`toodthehighqtaltyorboPli…  相似文献   

周文起 《林业研究》1996,7(1):77-80
DahurianlarchandMongolianscotchpinearetwomajorconunerciaIconilbroustTeesinDaxing'anlingForesnyArea.Itisob-viousthattbcwoodproPertiesandworkability'ofthetWoplantsarecompletelydifferent.Butlnrecert'years,ltlsfoundthattherearetwodiffer':nttypesinparameterofwood'scolour.phy'sicalandmechanicalproPertiesandwork-ability'inDahurianlarch,namelyredwoodandx"hite..od.l']Andthepropertiesofwhite`voodaresligl1tlyyellow-white,medianweightandhardness,goodinworkability'andLard-ness,goodinwodability'anduneas…  相似文献   

The effects of grain angle of face veneer on surface wave velocity and dynamic shear modulus of three types of wood-based composites were examined using a surface wave propagation method. It was found that grain-angle dependence of surface wave velocity and dynamic shear modulus indeed exists for wood-based composites. Grain angles of face veneer were found to have substantial effects on the surface wave velocities and dynamic shear moduli of wood–plastic composite (WP), wood–fiberboard composite (WF), and wood–metal composite (WM). The orthotropic properties of the three composites were defined as the ratio of surface wave velocities at 0° and 90° grain angles (V0/V90), which were 3.7, 2.2, and 2.0 for WP, WF, and WM, respectively. For WP, WF, and WM, the dynamic shear moduli in the 90° grain angle of face veneer were approximately 7%, 19%, and 25% of that in the 0° grain angle, respectively. The relationships between grain angles of face veneer and the shear moduli of the three types of wood-based composites could be represented by Hankinson’s equation, and their optimal n values were 2.1, 1.2, and 1.3 for WP, WF, and WM, respectively.Part of this study was presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Chugoku Shikoku Branch of the Japan Wood Research Society, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, September 2003  相似文献   

习近平总书记在十九大报告中提出乡村振兴战略 , 建设美丽乡村的美好愿景已经成为社会上下的共识 。近年 来 , 在城市更新的进程中 , 中国乡村由于具有不同地域的差异性和多元性 , 其在城市更新的进程中表现出不同经济结构模 式和阶级人口更新等一系列的“ 乡村绅士化”现象 。伴随中国乡村绅士化的发展与推进 , 引发了 乡村绅士化进程中人 口迁 移或置换、乡村景观空间的更新与重塑、乡村经济结构模式的建设与重构等一系列问题 。本研究从中国 乡村绅士化的角度 出发 , 辨析中西方绅士化的差异 , 解释中国语境下乡村绅士化发展的背景与形成条件、发展过程以及影响机制 , 提出相应的 建议与对策 , 以期为城市更新环境下中国乡村的转型、更新与发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   


High global production of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) in recent years could generate an equal quantity of waste MDF at the end of its service life, requiring recycling of waste MDF instead of landfilling or incineration. This study investigated effects of the addition of recycled fiber (RF) obtained from surface laminated MDFs with three different materials to the properties of three-layer recycled MDF (rMDF). Three types of surface laminates such as low-pressure laminate, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyester coating were hammer milled, and then went through a patent-pending fiber recovery system to obtain the resultant RFs that were added to the core layer of rMDF. These RFs at three contents (10, 20, and 30%) were blended with 12% of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin prior to hot-pressing. Statistical analysis showed that the best internal bonding strength, modulus of rupture, and modulus of elasticity of rMDF panels were obtained for LPL-rMDF with a 20% RF content. Thickness swelling, water absorption, and formaldehyde emission of rMDF were reduced by increasing the RF content. These findings suggest that a minimum RF content of 20% can be replaced with virgin fibers for the rMDF manufacture, indicating the feasibility of recycling waste laminated MDF into three-layer rMDF.  相似文献   

By propagating lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) cuttings in vivo, we obtained after 7 growing cycles (ca 3.5 years) in a greenhouse, sufficient number of cuttings from most families to establish clonal progeny tests. Twenty-one full-sib families with approximately 20 clones per family were studied for five years. Years when cuttings were set, families within latitude and clones within families differed significantly in rooting percentages, with the variance components 4.2%, 8.2% and 9.5%, respectively. One way to get a frequent and uniform rooting is to take cuttings from non-leading shoots since they have higher rooting percentage than leading shoots. Neither total length of the cuttings nor length of the primary needles were significantly correlated to rooting percentage. With appropriate management of the ortets and the cuttings during rooting, most clones could be included in a cutting propagation program.  相似文献   

次改林地鼢鼠种群年龄结构和繁殖特性动态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对次改林地鼢鼠种群结构和繁殖参数的11 a研究发现,鼢鼠种群是一个稳定而略有增长的种群。其成年Ⅱ组和老年组个体数量少,亚成年组和成年Ⅰ组的数量较多。亚成体和成年Ⅰ组的组成比与雌雄比呈显著的正相关,成年Ⅱ组的组成比与雌雄比呈极显著的负相关,老年组的组成比与雌雄性比呈显著的负相关。林地鼢鼠种群是通过雌雄鼠的数量关系来调节种群繁殖。在鼢鼠密度下降阶段,可以用前一年林地鼢鼠的成亚比预测下一年林地的鼢鼠种群数量。林地鼢鼠种群繁殖力在造林后第2—4年有一个增加的过程,第4年以后,繁殖力逐年降低。繁殖参数与成亚比呈负相关,与雌雄比呈极显著的正相关。  相似文献   

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