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The aim of the work was to study changes in the yield and nutritional characteristics of whole crop semi-leafless field pea over two growing seasons in the Po plain, Italy. Samples of two cultivars (Baccara and Sidney) were collected from flowering to grain maturity. The developmental stage, yield, dry matter (DM) content, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), starch, water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), gross energy (GE), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and the net energy for lactation (NEL) were determined at each harvest. The forage characteristics were regressed on the growing degree days (GDD) with 4.4 °C as the base temperature. The DM yield increased with advancing maturity from 0.5 to 8.91 Mg ha−1, while the CP decreased from 261 to 159 g kg−1 DM. During the whole growth cycle the GE, OMD, NEL and milk forage units (milk FU) were almost steady. No differences were observed between the cultivars for any of the measured parameters. At grain maturity, the crop produced over 4.0 Mg ha−1 DM of grain. The CP, starch and WSC of the grain did not show any differences between the cultivars or years. The data showed that the nutritive quality of the forage of the semi-leafless grain pea harvested as a whole crop for ensiling purposes did not diminish with maturity and could help improve the self-sufficiency of dairy farms, in terms of home-grown protein forages.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.), faba bean (Vicia faba L. spp. minor), and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) meals, protein concentrates and isolates were analyzed for proximate composition, oligosaccharides, and amino acid composition. Protein quality was evaluated using a mouse bio-assay. The concentrates contained 59.2 to 70.6% and the isolates 86.7 to 90.8% protein (N × 6.25) on moisture-free basis. Glucose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose and verbascose were present in the highest concentrations in the protein concentrates (7.1 to 11.1%), the pea protein concentrate contained 8.7% sugars and faba bean and lentil protein concentrates 7.1% and 6.6% respectively. The protein isolates were almost free (containing less than 0.79%) of the sugars. Amino acid composition of the meals, concentrates and isolates showed, as expected, sulfur-amino acid deficiency (about two thirds of the rat requirement), which was probably largely responsible for the low protein efficiency ratios (0.75 to 1.18), and net protein ratios (0.25 to 0.73) of the three products, compared to values of 2.56 and 2.18 respectively obtained for casein. The protein digestibilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates (81 to 90%) were similar to that of casein (87%). The poor growth-promoting abilities of the meals, concentrates and isolates were possibly also due to growth-depressing factors such as tannins, trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinins present, particularly in faba bean and lentil.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to study the effect ofcooking on protein solubility profiles of mycorrhizal inoculated, phosphorusand sulphur fertilized faba beans under two water regimes. The resultsindicated that cooking significantly (p 0.05) increasedthe G3-glutelin fraction as well as the insoluble protein butsignificantly (p 0.05) decreased the globulin and albuminfractions; prolamin, G1-glutelin and G2-glutelin fractionswere slightly increased. Mycorrhizal inoculation and mycorrhiza +phosphorus + sulphur fertilization significantly (p 0.05) increased albumin content. All fertilizer treatments significantly (p 0.05) decreased the insoluble protein.  相似文献   

Effects of season (SEAS), organic fertilization with laying hen manure (N) and harvest frequency (FREQ) on forage yield and composition were evaluated in a high‐density mulberry forage bank, established under low‐input tropical farming conditions. The experiment, replicated over two consecutive years, was arranged in 18 treatments resulting from a 3 × 3×2 factorial design which combined three FREQ (60, 90 and 120 d), 3 N rates (100, 300 and 500 kg N ha?1 year?1) and the two seasons (RAIN and DRY). Forage yield, leaf‐to‐stem ratio, the edible fraction (EDIB, %), nutrient content and the maturity indexes were monitored. Either forage yield or qualities by plant fraction were strongly affected by SEAS, FREQ, N rate and by their interactions. Effects of FREQ and N were modulated by SEAS. Increasing FREQ during RAIN negatively affected EDIB yield and quality after 90 d, while increasing ligneous fraction. During DRY, longer FREQ allowed higher total forage and EDIB yields. Leaves were more abundant in RAIN, and its yield was increased with fertilization but only during this season. Maturity indexes were higher in DRY than in RAIN. Under the conditions of this experiment, harvesting at 60 and 90 d in RAIN and DRY, respectively, with an N rate of 300 kg N ha?1 year?1 seems the best agronomic choice for an optimal compromise between forage yield and nutritive value.  相似文献   

Conventional flat planting is commonly used for growing wheat in Pakistan and the crop is irrigated by flood irrigation, but it leads to ineffective use of applied nitrogen owing to poor aeration and leaching and volatilization losses. The practice also results in greater crop lodging, lower water use efficiency, and crusting of the soil surface. In contrast, bed planting of wheat not only saves water but improves fertilizer use efficiency and grain yield. Three years of pooled data from the present study showed that wheat planting on beds and nitrogen application at 120 kg ha-1produced 15.06% higher grain yield than flat planting at the same nitrogen rate. Similarly, 25.04%, 15.02%, 14.59%, and 29.83% higher nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use, and agronomic and recovery efficiencies, respectively, were recorded for bed compared to flat planting. Wheat planting on beds with a nitrogen application of80 kg ha-1gave a yield similar to that of flat planting with 120 kg ha-1nitrogen. However,the economic return was 29% higher in bed planting as compared to flat planting, when nitrogen was applied at 120 kg ha-1.  相似文献   

To evaluate the allelopathic effects of major crops and weeds, studies were conducted during 2011–12 and 2012–13 by utilizing water extracts of allelopathic plants namely rice (Oryza sativa L.), Parthenium hysterophorus L., Phragmites australis Cav., and Datura alba L. with reduced rates of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and bromoxynil plus MCPA to control weeds. Application of Phragmites australis and Parthenium hysterophorus along with lower rates of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and bromoxynil plus MCPA showed promising results by controlling weeds and improving yield. Parthenium hysterophorus extract with half of the recommended dose of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and bromoxynil plus MCPA reduced weed density by 51 and 50% during year 1 and year 2, respectively, compared with the control. Phragmites australis extract with half of the recommended dose of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl produced grain yield (5.7 and 6.1 t ha−1 during year 1 and 2, respectively) in wheat. However, these results were also at par with Parthenium hysterophorus and Datura alba extracts in combinations with half the recommended doses of the above mentioned herbicides. The study of microbial activity showed higher amount of mineralizable carbon in D. alba with half the recommended dose of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl treated plots (0.073 g during both the years). The lowest amount of mineralizable carbon (0.035 and 0.030 g during year 1 and 2, respectively) was observed in the control plots. The presence of allelopathic plants in field crops and subsequent mixing in soil by tillage may create problems in crop production. Therefore, further studies are suggested to fully explore all the possible interactions among allelochemicals and herbicides.  相似文献   

Whole-grain wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) products provide essential nutrients to humans, but bran attributes may hinder consumption. Differences in grain attributes including flavor/aroma can be identified using the house mouse (Mus musculus L.) as a model system. A potential application of this model system is to identify genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring consumption-related traits using genetic mapping. These analyses require a quantitative phenotype to test marker–trait associations. Two-choice feeding trials are common in consumption studies, but do not provide an independent, quantitative phenotype. The objective of this study was to examine the use of ‘check’ varieties against which to compare sample varieties to generate Student's t values for use as phenotypic values. Two checks, which had previously been identified as “Yummy” and “yucky” (Y, y) were compared against each sample variety. The resulting t values provided an independent quantitative phenotype of the sample varieties.  相似文献   


Relationships between wheat (Triticum æstivum L.) yield components and growing season weather conditions (e.g. temperature, precipitation, and sunshine duration) were investigated for a rice-wheat rotation paddy system situated in Northern Kyushu, Japan over a 17-year period (2000–2016). A 1.0 mm increase in precipitation from 21 to 32 days after sowing decreased wheat yield by about 27 kg ha?1 at early seedling stage with one to two leaves (Zadoks (Z) growth stage Z1.1–1.2). Number of tillers and spikes showed significant negative correlations to the amount of precipitation during the period. An hour increase in mean daily sunshine hours from 94 to 111 days after sowing resulted in an 328 kg ha?1 rise in grain yield at stem elongation stage with the first and second node detection (Z3.1–3.2). The grain number per square meter also showed strong positive correlations to sunshine hours during the same period. However, this positive effect of sunshine was negated when precipitation exceeded about 30 mm during the early seedling stage. Consequently, precipitations at early seedling stage and sunshine hours at stem elongation stage mostly determined wheat yield in Northern Kyushu paddy field. Increasing precipitations during the early seedling stage highlights the pressing need for effective paddy field drainage management from wheat sowing through harvest.

Abbreviations: CP: Chikushi Plains; FARC: Fukuoka prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center; SARC: Saga prefectural Agricultural Research Center; DAS: days after sowing  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):189-195

To clarify the effect of artificial dwarfing induced by uniconazole-P, a gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor, on the snow tolerance of faba bean, we examined the snow damage, non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentration, and resistance to snow molds of the seedlings treated with uniconazole-P. Artificial dwarfing markedly decreased snow damage caused by continuous snow cover for 62 days. NSC concentration, which affects physiological snow tolerance and snow mold resistance, was lower in dwarfed plants than in non-dwarfed plants. However, there was no difference in the rate of decrease of NSC concentration between dwarfed and non-dwarfed plants under cold and dark conditions simulating snow cover. In inoculation tests, the lesions of Pythium iwayamai and Sclerotinia trifoliorum on the leaves detached from dwarfed plants were shorter than those on the leaves from non-dwarfed plants. In artificially dwarfed plants, the leaves were thicker and darker in color, and mesophyll cells were larger and denser than those in the non-dwarfed plants. Our findings suggest that the artificial dwarfing caused by uniconazole-P increased the resistance of the leaves to snow molds, thereby increasing snow tolerance, without increasing NSC concentration. The microstructural changes that occur with dwarfing may be a factor in snow tolerance.  相似文献   

The effects of domestic processing methods like soaking for 12 h dehulling, ordinary cooking of whole as well as dehulled seeds at 151bs/inch2 pressure for 15 and 25 min, and germination for 24, 36 and 48 h were observed on trypsin inhibitor (TIA) and tannin content of two varieties of faba bean viz. VH-131 and WF. A non-significant reduction in TIA was observed on soaking and dehulling, while tannins showed a reduction of 42 and 51% on soaking in VH 131 and WF, respectively. Dehulled seeds showed a decline in tannin content by 70 to 73% in two varieties. There was a significant reduction in TIA (75–76 per cent) and tannin (76–81%) on cooking, while autoclaving for 25 min almost completely eliminated both of these stress factors. Germination of seeds for 48 h led to a reduction of 64–65% in TIA and 90–91% in tannins, which was more than germination for 24 and 36 h. Soaked seeds gave positive results of both these antinutrients.  相似文献   

Crosses among inbred lines from different Mediterranean-type faba bean gene pools appear promising for the production of high yielding synthetic varieties. The purpose of the present study was to (1) describe the genetic diversity of Greek faba bean local populations, using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs), and (2) classify the local populations and compare the classification results with those derived from morphological/agronomic data. Four ISSR primers were used on 57 bulked samples of 20 faba bean local populations, five minor-type and 15 Mediterranean-type populations. A total of 192 DNA bands were obtained, of which 190 were polymorphic. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed high levels of within population genetic variation. Based on Nei's standard genetic distances, both cluster analysis using unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) separated four minor-type populations from the Mediterranean-type populations. The Mediterranean-type populations were further classified into two clusters, with the resultant groups being less diverse than the initial Mediterranean-type gene pool. Mantel test showed that the ISSR markers classification using Nei's genetic distances was statistically different from that derived from morphological/agronomic data using Manhattan distances. Conclusively, the present study supported the suggestion that Mediterranean-type faba beans can be subdivided into at least two different germplasm pools. The groups studied are promising for the production of synthetic varieties.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(1):35-49
There is an increasing need for diagnostic tools that can assess the crop nitrogen (N) nutrition status during the growth cycle. In addition to the leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content, we proposed here the use of the leaf content of polyphenolics (Phen) as a potential indicator of crop N status. Because of their absorption features in the visible and in the UV part of the spectrum, both Chl and Phen can be measured by rapid and non-destructive optical methods. Therefore, we used two leaf-clip devices, the Minolta SPAD-502 for Chl, and the Dualex for Phen. The latter is a prototype (patent pending) that measures the UV absorbance of the leaf epidermis, which is related to the leaf Phen content. Dynamics of Phen and Chl were measured on the last fully developed leaves of two winter wheat cultivars subjected to different levels of N availability, from tillering to flowering, in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Both Phen and Chl contents were found to increase along the leaf, starting from the ligula, regardless of the stage of development. Both variables were highly correlated with the N concentration of leaves. The average Chl content of the leaf increased, and the average Phen content decreased, with the increased application of N to the field, irrespective of the growth stage, the cultivar and the year of experiment. Therefore, both Phen and Chl can be considered as probes of the crop N nutrition status. Still, the relationship between Chl and the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), used as a reference indicator of N deficiency, was influenced by the growth stage, whereas the year of experiment affected the relationship between Phen and the NNI. We also propose the use of the simple Chl/Phen ratio as an indicator of leaf N content at the canopy level, for future application in precision agriculture. This ratio would alleviate, at least partially, the problem of gradients along leaves, and would even accentuate the differences among levels of crop N deficiencies because of the Chl and Phen inverse dependence on the crop N nutrition status.  相似文献   

Fifteen accessions of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) were characterized for morphological and phenological traits at Reckenholz in the Swiss lowlands (Experiment 1). The effects of accession, harvest time and site on dry‐matter yield, condensed tannin (CT) concentration and forage value (Experiment 2) were determined at three sites in Switzerland varying in altitude from 440 to 559 m. Three to four harvests were taken in the first year after establishment (second year of stand) with harvests 1 and 2 chemically analysed. From the characterization in Experiment 1, a clear grouping of single flowering (Communis) and multiple flowering (Bifera) accessions emerged. Additionally, within the Communis accessions, distinct groupings were identified (historical landraces and newly collected ecotypes) based on morphological characteristics. Experiment 2 showed that Communis and Bifera accessions had a similar chemical composition in the first harvest. In the second harvest, Communis accessions were higher in crude protein and CT and lower in neutral and acid detergent fibre concentrations than Bifera accessions. Total dry‐matter yields were higher for Bifera accessions. Among the Communis accessions, ecotypes had consistently higher CT concentrations than landraces. In vitro organic matter digestibility did not significantly differ among accessions. There were clear effects of harvest time and site for most variables, with clear harvest time × sainfoin group interaction but no site × sainfoin group interactions. The results clearly demonstrate that historical landraces and newly collected ecotypes expand the range of available genetic variation for sainfoin breeding.  相似文献   

Protein content and protein yield of three spring wheat cultivars differing in morphological and physiological growth characters were found to be influenced by intercultivar competition, irrigation levels and nitrogen fertilization. The protein content of the tall cultivar C 306 and the protein yield of the dwarf cultivar HD 2160 were more than the other cultivars. Binary mixed stands were not superior to the better component cultivar. Intercultivar competition increased the protein content of dwarf and semi-dwarf cultivars, but decreased the protein content of tall cultivar. On the other hand, protein yield of the dwarf cultivar decreased and that of tall cultivar increased when grown in mixed stands. Protein yield of semi-dwarf cultivar increased when grown with dwarf cultivar, but decreased when grown with tall cultivar. Two or three irrigations increased the protein content and protein yield of all the three cultivars and their mixed stands over one irrigation. Protein content and protein yield of the cultivars and their mixed stands were higher when 150 kg N/ha was applied than when 80 kg N/ha was applied.  相似文献   

Nitrogen(N),a macronutrient essential for plant growth and development,is needed for biosynthesis of protein and starch,which affect grain yield and quality.Application of high-N fertilizer increases plant growth,grain yield,and flour quality.In this study,we performed the first comparative analysis of gliadin and glutenin subproteomes during kernel development in the elite Chinese wheat cultivar Zhongmai 175 under high-N conditions by reversed-phase ultra-performance liquid chromatography and twodimensional difference gel electrophoresis(2D-DIGE).Application of high-N fertilizer led to significant increases in gluten macropolymer content,total gliadin and glutenin content,and the accumulation of individual storage protein components.Of 126 differentially accumulated proteins(DAPs)induced by high-N conditions,24 gliadins,12 high-molecularweight glutenins,and 27 low-molecular-weight glutenins were significantly upregulated.DAPs during five kernel developmental stages displayed multiple patterns of accumulation.In particular,gliadins and glutenins showed respectively five and six accumulation patterns.The accumulation of storage proteins under high-N conditions may lead to improved dough properties and bread quality.  相似文献   

Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) utilizes Next-Generation sequencing to genetically and physically map traits of interest. Here we use GBS to identify QTLs and SNP markers associated with milling and end-use quality traits in an hard red spring wheat recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The RIL population and parents were phenotyped for eleven milling and end-use quality traits, and genotyped using GBS technology, simple sequence repeat (SSR) and allele specific sequence tagged site markers. A genetic map comprising 696 markers was used to map the end-use quality traits. Multiple QTL mapping identified 79 QTLs, 19 of which were declared ‘major’ as they explained greater than 15% of the phenotypic variance each. Transgressive segregants were observed for all phenotypes and co-locating QTLs controlling multiple quality traits were confirmed on chromosomes 1BL, 5AS, 7AS, 7AL and 7BS. To date, no GBS analysis to locate end-use quality QTLs in wheat has been conducted, thus the reporting and validation of these GBS sequence tags and their associated QTLs will shed light on the genetic architecture underlying these quantitative traits and assist wheat breeders in developing cultivars with favorable alleles through the use of marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) encoded by the Glu-3 loci are known to contribute to wheat breadmaking quality. However, the specific effect of individual Glu-3 alleles is not well understood due to their complex protein banding patterns in SDS-PAGE and tight linkage with gliadins at the Gli-1 locus. Using DNA markers and a backcross program, we developed a set of nine near isogenic lines (NILs) including different Glu-A3/Gli-A1 or Glu-B3/Gli-B1 alleles in the genetic background of the Argentine variety ProINTA Imperial. The nine NILs and the control were evaluated in three different field trials in Argentina. Significant genotype-by-environment interactions were detected for most quality parameters indicating that the effects of the Glu-3/Gli-1 alleles are modulated by environmental differences. None of the NILs showed differences in total flour protein content, but relative changes in the abundance of particular classes of proteins cannot be ruled out. On average, the Glu-A3f, Glu-B3b, Glu-B3g and Glu-B3iMan alleles were associated with the highest values in gluten strength-related parameters, while Glu-A3e, Glu-B3a and Glu-B3iChu were consistently associated with weak gluten and low quality values. The value of different Glu-3/Gli-1 allele combinations to improve breadmaking quality is discussed.  相似文献   

In cool-temperate regions, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is mainly grown as a spring crop despite the higher yield potential of the winter type, because of the insufficient winter-hardiness of the present winter genotypes. The objective of this study was to assess winter-hardiness and frost tolerance, to quantify the hardening effect on physiological traits, and to identify auxiliary traits for winter-hardiness. To do so, 31 representative entries were tested in controlled frost tests for frost tolerance and in 12 European environments for winter-hardiness. Total fatty acid composition, proline content, and electrolyte leakage of leaves were analysed. Across all environments, five European winter genotypes were identified with superior winter-hardiness. Controlled frost tests indicated that frost tolerance is a significant, but not an exhaustive component of winter-hardiness (0.021 < |r| < 0.737**). These tests revealed the high frost tolerance of several poorly winter-hardy experimental lines and the limited frost tolerance of well-known winter types. Fatty acid changes due to hardening, proline content, and electrolyte leakage were more strongly correlated with frost tolerance than with field-based winter-hardiness. Although frost tolerance, fatty acid composition, proline content, and electrolyte leakage were significantly correlated with winter-hardiness, the rather low correlation values do not allow a general use of one of them alone to indirectly select for winter-hardiness.  相似文献   

Common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important crop in the world and a typical allopolyploid with a large and complex genome. Pre-harvest sprouting(PHS) leads to a significant reduction in grain quality worldwide. PHS is a complex trait with related QTL located on different chromosomes.However, the study of markers and genes related to PHS resistance is limited especially for whitegrained wheat. Four pairs of near isogenic lines(NILs) from a white-grained wheat cross of Chara × DM5637B...  相似文献   

The object of this study was to determine the effect of closing date and date of harvest for conservation (accumulation period), on dry‐matter (DM) yield and forage quality of annual pasture in Western Australia. The field study comprised 48 plots, 2 m × 2 m, sown with either annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) or Italian ryegrass (L. multiflorum Lam.), and mixed with subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). Defoliation of swards until the end of winter was at the three leaves tiller–1 stage. In spring, once stem nodal development had commenced, swards were defoliated every 3–4 weeks. Swards were defoliated either twice with three leaves tiller–1 (accumulation period 1 commenced on 15 August); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then once after 4 weeks (accumulation period 2 commenced on 11 September); twice with three leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals (accumulation period 3 commenced on 9 October) or; twice with 3 leaves tiller–1 and then twice after 4‐week intervals and then once after 3 weeks (accumulation period 4 commenced on 30 October). From the commencement of the accumulation period, tiller density, DM yield and forage quality were determined weekly for up to 10 weeks. There was a positive quadratic association between DM yield and days after the commencement of the accumulation period. Yields were maximized from accumulation period 1 with 5·3, 6·6 and 9·5 t DM ha–1, and growth rates were 140, 128 and 145 kg DM ha–1 d–1, for Wimmera annual ryegrass and Richmond and Concord cultivars of Italian ryegrass respectively. In contrast, in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein (CP) content were negatively associated with days after the commencement of the accumulation period, and initial values were greater than 0·80 and 180 g kg DM–1 for IVDMD and CP content respectively. The rate of decline in IVDMD d–1 for Wimmera annual ryegrass was 0·005, 0·019 and 0·012 d–1 for accumulation periods 1, 2 and 3, respectively, while for Italian ryegrass cultivars Richmond was 0·015, 0·011, 0·02 and 0·012 d–1 and Concord was 0·014, 0·009, 0·013 and 0·01 d–1, for the 4 accumulation periods respectively. It is recommended that annual and Italian ryegrass pastures be harvested between 10% and 20% inflorescence emergence when IVDMD will exceed 0·70 regardless of cultivar and/or defoliation practice prior to the commencement of the accumulation period.  相似文献   

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