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The effects of N-source and Al on the growth of seedlings of Melastoma malabathricum, Acacia mangium, and Melaleuca cajuputi, which are tropical woody plants and are very tolerant to Al, and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which is a typical Al-sensitive plant, were investigated. The Al and N treatments consisted of the application of either 0 or 0.5 mM Al, and 2 mM NH4 + or N03 -, respectively. Growth of the tropical plants was enhanced by Al and NH4 application. In all the plant species, the pH of the culture solution decreased and the concentrations of soluble Al and P increased with the + NH4 treatment, which positively affected the growth of the tropical plant species. Excised roots of M. malabathricum dissolved insoluble Al with NH4 application and absorbed Al mainly from root tips. Al did not affect the leaf N concentration except in the case of barley. Roots of M. cajuputi exuded a large amount of citrate, which slightly increased by the + Al treatment. In A. mangium, the reactivity of soluble Al to PCV (pyrocatecholviolet) decreased in the culture solution of the + Al + NH4. treatment and Al concentration of roots in this treatment was very low. Roots of M. malabathricum released H+ along with Al uptake as well as NH4 + uptake. It is concluded that Al and NH4 + exert beneficial effects on the growth of tropical tree seedlings.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max Merrill) crop production in Brazil relies mainly on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) for nitrogen (N) supply. Recent adoption of indeterminate growth-type genotypes has raised doubts on the need for supplemental mineral N that might negatively affect the BNF. We assessed the effects of mineral N on BNF attributes of soybean genotypes grown in central and southern Brazil. Genotypes were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. and/or received mineral N in three sets of experiments. In the first set, two genotypes received increasing rates of mineral N in nutrient solution, which consistently reduced the BNF. In the second set, mineral N applied at sowing and/or topdressing reduced nodulation and ureides-N in determinate and indeterminate growth-type genotypes. In the third set, mineral N applied at R5.3 stage, foliar or as topdressing, did not increase grain yield in four field experiments. Mineral N impaired BNF irrespective of the growth type and had no effect on grain yield.  相似文献   

Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum), desmodium (Desmodium intortum), and soybean (Glycine max) were grown in pots with or without irrigation for 20 d at the vegetative growth stage in order to examine the effects of water stress on the leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, biomass production, biological nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen accumulation. Whole plant weight decreased under water stress conditions and the decrease was less pronounced in siratro than in desmodium and soybean. Decrease in total leaf area was the largest and dry matter partition to stem and petioles was the highest in siratro. Decrease in leaf water potential was lower in desmodium and soybean than in siratro. Although water stress decreased biological nitrogen fixation in all the species, the decrease was relatively less pronounced in siratro than in desmodium and soybean. Whole plant nitrogen concentration was higher in siratro than in soybean and desmodium. The results indicated that siratro is more tolerant to water stress than soybean and desmodium. This could be partially attributed to the maintenance of a higher water potential and higher biological nitrogen fixation by siratro under water stress conditions.  相似文献   

为探究施肥对美国山核桃幼苗生长和叶片养分状况的影响,以美国山核桃1年生实生苗为试验材料,共设置0 (CK)、100、200、400、600、800 mg/株6个不同的施氮处理,运用指数施肥法研究了6种氮素施肥处理下美国山核桃生长和叶片养分含量的变化。结果表明:美国山核桃幼苗的苗高、地径、生物量随着施氮量的增加均呈现出先增加后减小的趋势,分别在N600处理(600 mg/株)达到最大值,分别为33. 4 cm、5. 08 mm和9. 33 g/株。运用临界浓度法确定出美国山核桃幼苗叶片氮、磷、钾含量的临界值分别为22. 58、1. 89和12. 71 g/kg,最适含量范围分别为22. 58~32. 73、1. 89~3. 15和12. 72~22. 05 g/kg。综合3种养分的最适含量范围,推断出美国山核桃幼苗的最适施氮量为600 mg/株。  相似文献   

氮素对玉米幼苗生长、根系形态及氮素吸收利用效率的影响   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:19  
采用水培试验,比较分析了氮素对高产玉米杂交种幼苗生长、根系形态及氮素吸收利用效率的影响。结果表明,在一定氮素范围内供氮量的增加能够促进玉米地上部的生长,也促进东单90(DD90)和沈玉21(SY21)根系干重的增加,而高量供氮会抑制根系的生长,导致根冠比下降。郑单958(ZD958)在8.0 mmol/L氮水平下地上部受抑制的程度大于根系,造成根冠比有所增加。在各氮素水平下,东单90具有很好的根系形态,提高了氮素的吸收能力,从而提高氮素积累量。随氮浓度的增加,玉米植株氮素吸收效率增大而氮素生理利用效率减小,无论在低氮还是高氮条件下,郑单958和东单90的氮素吸收效率均显著高于沈玉21和郝育12(HY12),氮素生理利用效率却显著低于沈玉21和郝育12。不同品种对氮素的响应存在显著差异,东单90和郑单958耐低氮和对氮素吸收的能力强,郑单958耐高氮能力相对较弱,沈玉21和郝育12对氮素需求量大,耐低氮能力弱。适宜的氮素供应能更好地协调根系与地上部的关系,促进根系形态发育,增加根系对氮素的接触面积,促进根系对氮素的高效吸收。  相似文献   

【目的】以富士(Fuji)、 秦冠(Qinguan)嫁接在平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)上的当年生盆栽苗为试验材料,采用砂培方法,研究了缺氮胁迫和干旱对富士和秦冠生长情况、 光合参数、 植株各部位氮磷钾含量及氮素利用效率的影响,分析比较了低氮干旱条件下富士和秦冠生长及氮素利用的差异,以期为果树生产高效肥水利用提供理论指导。【方法】试验共设四个处理: 正常氮正常水(ZZ)、 低氮正常水(DZ)、 正常氮干旱(ZG)、 低氮干旱(DG)。氮素和水分均设置两个水平,分别为正常氮(6 mmol/L NO-3-N)、 低氮(0.3 mmol/LNO-3-N)、 正常供水(保持盆中砂子相对含水量为饱和含水量的80%~85%)、 干旱处理(保持盆中砂子相对含水量为饱和含水量的60%~65%)。【结果】富士和秦冠的生物量(茎和叶)、 株高茎粗等生长指标以及光合速率、 气孔导度、 蒸腾速率均为正常氮正常水(ZZ)>低氮正常水(DZ)>正常氮干旱(ZG)>低氮干旱(DG),并且相对应处理下秦冠的以上指标均高于富士;正常供水下,缺氮处理使富士、 秦冠的根冠比比正常氮处理均有所增加,富士提高了2.05%,秦冠提高了22.40%。富士和秦冠的氮、 磷、 钾含量均表现出正常氮正常水(ZZ)>低氮正常水(DZ)>正常氮干旱(ZG)>低氮干旱(DG); 氮、 钾元素含量在植株各部位的分布顺序依次是叶>根>茎,磷元素则是根>叶>茎;光合氮素利用效率(PNUE)和氮素利用效率表现为秦冠处理之间差异极显著,富士处理之间差异不显著;秦冠的PNUE和NUE明显高于富士,在低氮正常水(DZ)处理下,秦冠氮肥利用率比富士高42.07%,在低氮干旱(DG)处理下高64.14%;低氮胁迫下富士和秦冠的NUE显著提高,并且秦冠提高的幅度高于富士。【结论】施用氮肥能够显著提高富士与秦冠的干物质量,同等水肥条件下,秦冠生长优于富士;水分亏缺会减少叶片对氮的吸收,干旱条件下适度增施氮肥,可提高果树的抗旱能力;低氮干旱胁迫下秦冠的生长指标、 光合指标及氮素利用效率指标均优于富士,表现出较强的抗低氮干旱胁迫的能力。  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the combined effect of some plant growth regulators and nitrogen (N) on corn growth, yield and nitrogen use efficiency. A potted experiment was conducted with two levels of growth regulators [i.e. with or without treatment with Seed king (Kinetine), Root king (Indole-butyric acid) and More king (Chitosan)], two maize cultivars (Calabar White and Obatanpa-98 and three nitrogen rates (0, 90 and 180 kg/ha in the form of urea). The measured parameters were growth attributes, nitrogen uptake, dry matter yield, harvest-index, shoot to root ratio, yield attributes and agronomic and physiological nitrogen use efficiency. Calabar White had taller plants (154.53 cm) more leaves (12.00) and larger leaf area (466.98 cm2) than obatanpa-98 at 6 weeks after sowing. The dry matter yield of both leaf and stem increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing N rates but the growth regulators significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased only the leaf dry matter. The interaction between growth regulators and nitrogen significantly affected the leaf dry matter but not the stem dry matter. There was a considerable (P ≤ 0.05) increase in harvest-index (HI) at the 90 kg/ha N rate with growth regulators and Obatanpa-98 had better HI (30.81%) than Calabar White (27.41%). Obatanpa 98 also had much (P ≤ 0.05) higher grain yield (87.42 g/plant) than Calabar White (65.40 g/plant) but for both cultivars, the grain yield increased progressively with increasing N rate. The uptake of N differed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) among the different partitions of maize (leaves, stems and grains) at various growth stages. Calabar White had the highest N uptake in the leaves and stem whether at silking or at harvest. Obatanpa-98 partitioned more N to the grains than Calabar White. Agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (ANUE) was highest (21.31 gg?1) at the 90 kg/ha N rate with Obatanpa-98 having a superior (20.26 gg?1) ANUE to Calabar White (15.94 gg?1). The physiological nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) was also highest (8.14 g/kg) at the 90 kg/ha N rate with Obatanpa-98 being more efficient (8.08 gkg) than Calabar White (6.26 g/kg). Thus, both cultivars treated with 90 kgN/ha with or without growth regulators would best optimize nitrogen fertilizer use. However, the growth regulators increased the yield of Calabar White significantly only when no N was applied. In contrast, they increased the yield of the hybrid Obatanpa-98 at all N rates especially at the 180 kgN/ha rate. Thus, under the low input cropping common with Calabar White, treatment with the growth regulators would boost yield. A combined treatment of 180 kg N/ha with the growth regulators would ensure the best yield of Obatanpa-98.  相似文献   

不同水、氮条件对水稻苗生长及伤流液的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
为探明不同水分供应和氮素形态对水稻根苗及伤流液的影响,设正常水分及50 g/L PEG模拟水分胁迫和3种不同质量比例的NH4+-N/NO3--N(9/1,5/5,1/9)氮素营养处理,测定了水稻幼苗生物量,根系形态指标,根系活力及根基伤流量。结果表明,正常水分条件下,NH4+-N促进水稻根系平均直径增大,有利于水稻地上部物质累积;NO3--N则使水稻根系总吸收面积增大,促进根系物质累积;NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5处理的水稻活跃吸收面积最大,活跃吸收面积比亦最高。水分胁迫条件下,NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5的处理更有利于水稻地上部分的生长,NO3--N有利于水稻鲜重和干重增加,促进根系平均直径增大,水稻的根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积均随NO3--N供应比例的增加呈上升趋势。正常水分条件下,水稻幼苗白天的耗水量随NH4+-N/ NO3--N比例降低呈下降趋势,水分胁迫条件降低了水稻对水分的吸收。水分胁迫显著降低各处理水稻伤流量,正常水分条件下,NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5处理的水稻伤流量最大;水分胁迫后,9/1处理的水稻伤流量相对较多。  相似文献   

氮、磷肥对杉木幼苗生物量及养分分配的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了不同氮、 磷肥对杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)幼苗生物量及养分分配的影响。结果表明,供磷可促进杉木幼苗植株和各器官生物量的增加,并影响叶、 茎、 根生物量的分配比例,氮、 磷处理幼苗叶生物量占全株生物量的45% 以上, 施氮反而降低杉木叶、 茎、 根的生物量; 施氮显著增加根和叶的氮含量,而显著降低根和叶的磷含量,对茎的氮、 磷含量没有明显影响; 施磷显著降低叶、 茎、 根的氮含量,叶、 茎、 根的磷含量随供磷水平的增加而逐渐增加。氮磷配施显著影响叶、 茎、 根的氮、 磷含量和氮、 磷累积量。叶片是主要的氮、 磷养分存储器官。氮(或磷)水平的增加可降低杉木幼苗的磷(或氮)利用效率,提高氮(或磷)的利用效率; 氮、 磷肥显著影响杉木幼苗叶、 茎、 根的N/P比。研究结果说明,氮、 磷肥增加了杉木幼苗各器官生物量和氮、 磷含量,影响了幼苗的养分分配和营养平衡。  相似文献   

Abstract. In a laboratory study, 15N ammonium fertilizer uptake and rice growth was determined in a non-acid sulphate marine soil (Typic Tropaquept) and an acid sulphate soil (Sulfic Tropaquept). Acid sulphate sensitive (IR 26) and acid sulphate tolerant (IR 46) rice varieties were grown in soil suspensions incubated at four Eh levels (+500, +250, +50, and -150 mV) in microcosms for three weeks. The results showed that rice grown in non-acid sulphate marine soils gave slightly better dry matter weight of 1.8g/pot, greater 15N uptake of 12.8 mg N/pot, and higher total N uptake of 38.4 mg N/pot than under acid sulphate soil conditions indicating the non-acid marine soil is more favourable to rice culture. Growth as measured by weight of dry matter was significantly reduced from 2.1g/pot under oxidized condition (+500 mV) to 0.8g/pot under highly reduced condition (-150 mV). N uptake by rice was significantly reduced from 16.9 mg/pot at + 500 mV to 4.5 mg N/pot at -150 mV Total N uptake also decreased with decreasing Eh. Growth, 15N uptake and total N uptake by acid sulphate tolerant rice, IR 46 were significantly higher than the acid sulphate sensitive rice variety, IR 26. Under highly reduced soil conditions (-150 mV), growing rice in acid sulphate soil would require additions of lime, intermittent irrigation and/or mid season drainage in order to increase soil redox potential and remove toxic substances.  相似文献   

局部无菌培养条件下,采用聚乙二醇(PEG6000)模拟水稻幼苗的干旱逆境,研究不同氮营养对其生长及抗氧化性能的影响。结果表明,与缺氮及无机氮处理相比,干旱胁迫后,有机氮营养处理的水稻具有较强的叶片抗脱水能力及茎叶干物质积累能力,并可维持相对较高的叶水势;抗氧化性能方面,有机氮营养的水稻叶片保护酶(SOD、POD、CAT)在干旱胁迫后可维持相对较高活性或受抑程度较低,所受膜脂过氧化(MDA含量)程度亦相对较低。  相似文献   

Oat consumption has been rapidly increased worldwide because its high β‐glucan concentration may lower the level of blood cholesterol. The rates of β‐glucan accumulation in two husk and two nude oats were determined with an interval of 5 d after anthesis in a pot experiment. The results showed that a higher nitrogen level increased oat grain yield per plant, thousand‐grain weight, and concentrations of protein and β‐glucan. β‐glucan concentration generally increased with development of grain after anthesis, whereas the accumulation rate of β‐glucan was greater at the early stage of grain development and reached a maximum around 25 d after anthesis. We also found a larger β‐glucan concentration when plants were grown with NO ‐N as compared to NH ‐N. This study may suggest that the agronomic approaches such as nutrient management by optimizing the time and the level of nitrogen application and a higher ratio of NO ‐N to NH ‐N can play an important role in enhancing β‐glucan concentration in oat grains.  相似文献   

黄土高原氮磷肥水平对旱作冬小麦产量与氮素利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了探求氮磷肥合理和高效利用的科学依据,以黄土高原中南部的旱地农田生态系统长期定位试验为基础,选取了不同施氮和施磷水平,探讨了不同降水年份,氮磷肥用量对作物产量、氮素吸收和利用等相关指标的影响。结果表明,平水年份施氮水平在0~45?kg/hm2和干旱年份在0~90?kg/hm2范围内作物产量和收获指数均随施氮水平的增加迅速提高,超过这个范围后则差异较小;施磷水平在0~45?kg/hm2之间产量增幅较大,干旱年份施磷量反而降低了收获指数;吸氮量随氮磷用量变化与产量有相似趋势;不同降水年份施氮水平对氮素收获指数均无显著影响,而施磷水平在干旱年份对氮素收获指数没有显著影响,平水年份则随施磷水平增加而有所提高;平水年份氮素利用效率随施氮水平的增加呈降低趋势,而干旱年份施氮水平对冬小麦氮素利用效率没有显著影响,施磷则在不同降水年份均比不施磷肥的处理提高了冬小麦的氮素利用效率,但较高的施磷水平之间差别较小。冬小麦产量和吸氮量之间有显著相关关系,干旱年份更接近二次曲线,氮素利用效率随吸氮量增加呈直线下降趋势。旱作农田氮磷配施及采用适中的氮磷肥用量可以促进作物对氮素的吸收,同时得到较高的氮素利用效率,从而使冬小麦获得较高的产量和较强抵御干旱的能力。  相似文献   


Twenty rice cultivars, including three genetically-distinct groups (japonica, indica-1, and indica-2), were evaluated for their response to inoculation with Azospirillum sp. strain B510 in paddy fields with standard nitrogen (SN) and low nitrogen (LN) fertilization. In the SN field, the tiller numbers in most indica-2 cultivars, 37?days after transplanting (DAT), were significantly increased by the B510 inoculation, whereas those in 4 japonica cultivars were significantly decreased. A similar growth response was observed in the LN field, although the impacts of the B510 inoculation were more varied than in the SN field. At 58 DAT, the tiller numbers in most cultivars were lower or unaffected by the B510 inoculation under both SN and LN conditions, except that the tiller number of the Nipponbare cultivar, which is classified as japonica, was significantly higher in the LN field only. These results suggest that the effects of inoculation with Azospirillum sp. strain B510 on the growth of rice plants, especially on tiller numbers at the early growth stage, vary depending on the rice genotype, as well as nitrogen level. Therefore, the plant genotypes, growth stages, and fertilization managements must be considered when a plant-associated bacterium is evaluated for beneficial effects under field conditions.  相似文献   

采用称量控水方法,设置正常供水(CK)、轻度干旱胁迫(LD)、中度干旱胁迫(MD)和重度干旱胁迫(SD)4种水分处理,研究不同程度干旱胁迫对1年生台湾栾树盆栽苗生长和生理生化指标的影响,探讨台湾栾树耐旱机制.研究发现:随干旱胁迫程度的加剧,台湾栾树幼苗高生长量和生物量逐渐降低,但根冠比显著提高;台湾栾树幼苗叶丙二醛浓度、可溶性糖及脯氨酸质量分数增加,K+和Ca2质量分数在LD处理略有升高后缓慢下降,Mg2+质量分数则只有轻微减少;而叶可溶性蛋白质质量分数及CAT、POD、SOD、APX等活性表现为先增加后降低的规律,且在MD处理均达到最大.结果表明:干旱胁迫下台湾栾树膜脂过氧化加剧和生长受到抑制,但其能通过提高抗氧化酶系统的活性和积累可溶性糖、脯氨酸及可溶性蛋白质等渗透调节物质来保护膜结构,使其保持正常的生理活动,从而表现出较强的抗旱能力.  相似文献   

氮素营养对芥蓝生长和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用营养液培养研究不同施氮水平对芥蓝生长和菜薹品质的影响.结果表明在一定施氮范围内,芥蓝单株经济产量和生物产量都随着施氮量的增加不断提高,当施氮水平达到1*N以上时,施氮量的增加对芥蓝产量无明显影响.高氮水平会导致Vc、糖等营养成分含量下降,品质变差.芥蓝体内硝酸盐含量随着施氮量的增加而不断提高,当施氮水平超过1*N以上,硝酸盐大量积累,且芥蓝薹叶硝酸盐积累量明显高于薹茎.  相似文献   

氮素营养对芥蓝生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用营养液培养研究不同施氮水平对芥蓝生长和菜薹品质的影响。结果表明:在一定施氮范围内,芥蓝单株经济产量和生物产量都随着施氮量的增加不断提高,当施氮水平达到1*N以上时,施氮量的增加对芥蓝产量无明显影响。高氮水平会导致Vc、糖等营养成分含量下降,品质变差。芥蓝体内硝酸盐含量随着施氮量的增加而不断提高,当施氮水平超过1*N以上,硝酸盐大量积累,且芥蓝薹叶硝酸盐积累量明显高于薹茎。  相似文献   


The present study investigated how foliar zinc (Zn) application affects seedling growth and Zn concentration of rice grown in a Zn-deficient calcareous soil with different soil Zn treatments. Seeds were sown in soil with five rates of Zn (0, 0.02, 0.1, 0.5 and 5.0?mg kg?1 soil) with and without foliar application of 0.5% ZnSO4. Seedlings were harvested at 35?days and separated into (i) the youngest leaves, (ii) the remaining shoot parts and (iii) roots. In soil with no Zn supply, shoot and root dry weight of the rice seedlings were significantly increased by foliar and soil Zn treatments. Plant growth was not clearly increased in low soil Zn treatments, while at each soil Zn treatment, foliar Zn application promoted growth of plants. Plants with adequate Zn supply had the highest Zn concentrations in the youngest leaf. Foliar Zn spray improved Zn concentration of the new growth formed after foliar spraying which shows that Zn is phloem mobile and moved from treated leaves into youngest new leaves. The results indicate clearly in rice seedlings that shoot growth shows more responsive to low Zn than the root growth. The results obtained in the present study are of great interest for proper rice growth in Zn-deficient calcareous soils but needs to be confirmed in other rice genotypes.  相似文献   

【目的】耐盐冬小麦作为盐渍化地区的先锋作物,结合适当的轮作方式,既可以提高盐碱地的当年生产力,又可以改良盐碱地土壤耕层的盐分状况,然而在施肥管理方面,耐盐冬小麦没有形成统一的管理技术模式,其营养特征尚不明确,为了探索耐盐冬小麦科学合理的氮肥施用技术模式,本文对冬小麦开展了不同氮肥施用方式对其干物质积累和氮素吸收利用的影响研究。【方法】基于冬小麦区域施肥状况调查和冬小麦不同生育阶段的氮素吸收量,设置4种施肥方式;采用田间小区试验,在不同时期采集冬小麦植物样品,收获期进行产量测定,并对采集的样品进行氮素吸收和干物质量的测定,再通过相关公式计算,获得冬小麦的氮素吸收量和干物质积累量,用SPSS统计软件做统计分析,研究处理间的差异。【结果】 1)从返青到孕穗期,各处理间干物质积累量和氮素积累量差异最大,N300/2(农民习惯施肥)和N210/3(氮肥分三次施用,基肥、拔节肥和穗肥各占1/3)处理干物质积累量和氮素积累量明显高于N150/3和不施氮(N0)处理; 2)在返青期、孕穗期和收获期,N0处理的氮素含量最低,与施氮处理间差异显著,而所有施氮处理间差异不显著; 3)N300/2与N210/3处理的干物质累积量和氮素累积量以及产量无显著差异; 4)N210/3处理的氮素利用效率最高达40.7%,显著高于N300/2处理。【结论】耐盐冬小麦干物质积累均表现为苗期返青期很慢,返青期孕穗期迅速增大,孕穗后期成熟期缓慢增加,整个过程呈现慢快慢的趋势;耐盐冬小麦的氮素积累量在返青期至孕穗期最大,对氮肥的需求最为迫切。生育期少量多次施肥方式,在不降低耐盐冬小麦产量的情况下可以减少氮肥施用量,并能够提高氮肥的利用效率。  相似文献   

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