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Laser‐diffraction analysis (LDA) is a rapid automated method achieving highly resolved frequency distributions of particle sizes. Recently, LDA has come into use in environmental sciences. However, in the size range of silt and clay deviations from the particle‐size analysis with the standard pipette method, which is regarded as the reference method for soil‐texture classification, have been reported. Therefore, this study concentrates (1) on the verification of systematic relations between both methods using a series of soils of Lower Saxony (Germany) and (2) on the general applicability of the laser‐diffraction method to soil‐texture classification as well as (3) texture‐based estimates of air capacity, available field capacity, and permanent wilting point. The comparison of LDA with the pipette method demonstrated highly significant linear correlations in each of the particle‐size fractions from clay to coarse silt. The slope of regressions ranged from 0.4 with fine silt to 3.1 with clay. If the clay content derived from LDA was applied to texture classification, the resulting textural classes differed from the standard textural classes, except for purely sandy samples with a clay content of <5%. However, the linear‐regression model enabled an approach of the LDA‐based clay content to values produced with the standard pipette method. Using this transformation, a texture classification became practicable in many cases, but, despite of a high significance level between LDA and pipette method, still led to wrong textural classes in several cases. A comparison with regression models from other regions in Europe showed both similarities and discrepancies, even for similar substrates. Hence, the laser‐diffraction analysis cannot be used for the texture classification of soil samples without verification by the standard pipette method.  相似文献   

In previous studies, Al extracted by acid ammonium acetate (Ala) or Na-pyrophosphate (Alp), rather than silt or clay content and climate conditions, was the most important factor that controls organic matter (OM) levels in volcanic soils. Here, the hypothesis was tested that Ala is a comparable method (as much as CuCl2) to quantify the proportion of Al bound to OM in allophanic soils. As far as we know, there are no previous antecedents in which selective dissolution method has been compared with this extractant. Secondly, we examine the effects of (a) Al, (b) silt plus clay content (particles size 0-53 µm) and (c) clay mineralogy on the control of organic carbon (OC) level in Chilean volcanic soils. This was achieved by sampling 16 soils series (11 Andisols, one Alfisol and four Ultisols, USDA classification) including 48 soil pedons up to 0.4 m depth. Soils were analyzed for Ala, Alp, oxalate (Alo, Sio and Feo), cold NaOH (Aln) and un-buffered salts, CuCl2 (AlCu), LaCl3 (AlLa) and KCl (Alk). We also measured the Al-humus as soluble C fraction after pyrophosphate extraction and the C associated to the silt plus clay fraction after sonication and gravity decantation. The statistical package (S)MATR was used to examine bivariate linear regressions among soil properties by computing the standardized major axis (SMA). Our results indicate that Ala had a good correspondence with Alp (R2 = 0.76) in the top soil with Ala/Alp ratio of 0.19 and both extractans presented significant and positively relationship with soil OC (R2 > 0.62). Acid ammonium acetate was as effective as AlCu to determine the Al-OM in allophanic soils. It is cheaper than AlCu and Alp and 0.5 h shaking is required compared to 2 h of AlCu and 16 h of Alp. The efficiency of the extraction was: Aln ≥ Alo > Alp > AlCu ≥ Ala > AlLa > Alk. We also found that allophane content (estimated by Al/Si ratio) was strongly correlated (R2 = 0.82) with the OC in the fine silt plus clay and that Al-humus together with C in the finest particles explained (R2 > 0.60) the largest proportion of variation of soil OC across studied soils.  相似文献   

Susana Bidart   《CATENA》1996,27(3-4)
Sedimentological characteristics of aeolian soil parent materials in the Río Sauce Grande basin, southern Buenos Aires province, were analysed using grain-size distributions, transport mechanisms, dynamics of the sedimentary process and the nature of calcareous layers. Samples were collected from C horizon of 13 profiles distributed over all the piedmont areas and plains. Calcium carbonate in these materials is either inherited from the parent material or was redistributed by pedogenic processes. Their amounts in Ck horizons increase from the upper to the lower basin, and are inversely related to the thickness of soil parent material, to mean annual rainfall and to the calcrete depth.The cumulative grain-size plots show that the sediments were transported by both aeolian saltation and aeolian suspension. Most of them have coarser and more heterogeneous grain size distributions than typical loess of the northern hemisphere, indicating a larger and more fluctuating wind energy than is required for the formation of typical loess. Deposits in the upper and middle basins were deposited in two main aeolian episodes which can be related to the dry periods of the Late Pleistocene and the Late Holocene recorded in southern Buenos Aires province. In some thin profiles of the middle and lower basins, the large clay content of the calcic C horizon was probably inherited from one or more previous pedogenic events. There is a systematic increase of particle size towards the lower basin, which may be related to an increase of energy towards the lower basin or to the influence of littoral dune fields along much of the Atlantic coastal zone.  相似文献   


Pedogenetic acidification processes in forest soils derived from sedimentary rocks under mesic and thermic soil temperature regimes (MSTR and TSTR; corresponding to mean annual soil temperatures of 8–15°C and 15–22°C, respectively) in the Kinki District were investigated based on titratable alkalinity and acidity characteristics and soil solution composition. According to statistical analyses of the soil properties, the titratable alkalinity required to acidify soils to pH 3.0 was considered to be derived from reactions occurring at the surface of amorphous Al oxides, while titratable acidity at a pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.3 results from dissociation of acidic functional groups of soil humus and/or deprotonation of oxide surfaces. These reactions were generally more prevalent in MSTR soils. Based on the soil solution composition and titratable alkalinity and acidity in the soil profiles, two processes were postulated for pedogenetic acidification, that is, eluvi-illuviation of inorganic Al followed by subsequent adsorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) onto the precipitates of Al hydroxides and comigration of Al and DOC in the form of organo-mineral complexes. Both processes were conspicuous in MSTR soils and significantly contributed to soil organic matter storage in the subsoil layers. Pedogenetic acidification in forest soils with MSTR was characterized by an accumulation of acidity in the form of amorphous compounds and/or organo-mineral complexes in the B horizon. It seems, to some extent, similar to podzol formation, at least in terms of Al translocation. Amorphous Al hydroxides protect against further acidification through protonation and/or partial monomerization and can, thus, be regarded as a temporary storage of acid neutralizing capacity of the soil, which would be otherwise leached out directly from the soil profile. In contrast, the acid-buffering reactions of TSTR soils seemed to occur, if at all, mostly at or near the soil surface and the contribution of the B-horizon soils was limited.  相似文献   

吸管法是测定颗粒组成的经典方法,激光法作为一种新兴的方法,近年被广泛应用于土壤和河流泥沙颗粒组成的分析中,并逐步应用到侵蚀泥沙粒径分析.为获取激光法与吸管法测定侵蚀泥沙特性指标和不同粒径的差异以及二者之间的转换关系,对18个黑土区侵蚀泥沙样品颗粒组成进行了测定和分析.采用中值粒径D50和平均质量直径MWD进行侵蚀泥沙样品特性分析,激光法比吸管法测定结果明显偏低;但2种方法测定D50和MWD具有很好的线性转换关系(R>0.9,P <0.001).激光法测定的砂粒和黏粒质量分数低于吸管法测定值,测定粉粒质量分数明显高于吸管法测定值.测得砂粒、粉粒和黏粒含量在2种方法间,均具有很好的线性转换关系(R>0.8,P <0.001).进一步细分泥沙颗粒为大于中砂、细砂、极细砂、粗粉和细粉这5个粒级时,2种方法间除极细砂(R=0.764,P<0.001)外,其余粒级均具有很好的线性转换关系(R>0.8,P<0.001).  相似文献   

There is a need for determinations of soil organic carbon (SOC) and inorganic carbon (SIC) due to increasing interest in soil carbon sequestration. Two sets of soil samples were collected separately from the Yanqi Basin of northwest China to evaluate loss-on-ignition (LOI) method for estimating SOC and SIC in arid soils through determining SOC using an element analyzer, a modified Walkley-Black method and a LOI method with combustion at 375℃ for 17 h and determining SIC using a pressure calcimeter method and a LOI procedure estimated by a weight loss between 375 to 800℃. Our results indicated that the Walkley-Black method provided 99%recovery of SOC for the arid soils tested. There were strong linear relationships(r > 0.93, P < 0.001) for both SOC and SIC between the traditional method and the LOI technique. One set of soil samples was used to develop relationships between LOI and SOC(by the Walkley-Black method), and between LOI and SIC(by the pressure calcimeter method), and the other set of soil samples was used to evaluate the derived equations by comparing predicted SOC and SIC with measured values. The mean absolute errors were small for both SOC (1.7 g C kg-1) and SIC(1.22 g C kg-1), demonstrating that the LOI method was reliable and could provide accurate estimates of SOC and SIC for arid soils.  相似文献   

Biochemical composition of both intracellular (biomass) and extracellular soil organic matter was determined after extraction with 0.5 M K2SO4. Extractable carbon, hexoses, pentoses, total reducing sugars, ninhydrin-reactive nitrogen (NRN), proteins and DNA content were colorimetrically determined. The objective of the pilot study was to examine the information potential included in newly measured biochemical characteristics, their environmental variance and the relationships with main soil properties. Correlation analysis and PCA showed independence between biochemical parameters and physico-chemical properties of the soil. Thus, the parameters characterising biochemical composition of the soil biomass and extracellular matter seem to bring new information about the soils beyond the physico-chemical parameters. They also seem to reveal a more detailed view on microbial biomass or extracellular organic matter pool than Cbio or Cext alone, respectively. The variance, which occurred in biochemical characteristics, also displayed a high discrimination potential between the defined soil categories. Three types of indices were newly proposed: index I (“substrate quantity index”)—the biomass-specific amount of the extracellular organic compounds, index II (“immobilisation ratio”)—the portion of the organic compound immobilised in microbial biomass, and index III (“substrate quality index”)—the extracellular organic compound content related to extracellular organic carbon. The indices displayed a higher potential than both soil biotic and abiotic parameters to discriminate soil characters and soil types.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an analytical procedure based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC–MS) for analysis of monomeric organic N compounds in soil extracts. To benchmark the developed LC–MS method it was compared with a capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (CE–MS) method recently used for analysis of small organic N monomers in soil. The separation was optimized and analytical performance assessed with 69 purified standards, then the LC–MS method was used to analyse soil extracts. Sixty-two out of 69 standards were analysable by LC–MS with separation on a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography column. The seven compounds that could not be analysed were strongly cationic polyamines. Limits of detection for a 5 μL injection ranged between 0.002 and 0.38 μmol L−1, with the majority (49 out of 62) having limits of detection better than 0.05 μmol L−1. The overall profile and concentration of small organic N monomers in soil extracts was broadly similar between LC–MS and CE–MS, with the notable exception of four ureides that were detected by LC–MS only. In soil extracts that had been concentrated ten-fold the detection and quantification of (some) organic N compounds was compromised by the presence of large amounts of inorganic salts. The developed LC–MS method offered advantages and disadvantages relative to CE–MS, and a combination of the two methods would achieve the broadest possible coverage of organic N in soil extracts.  相似文献   

基于激光衍射的土壤粒径测定法的评价与校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为比较与评价激光法与吸管法测定土壤粒径分布的准确性,该文采用激光法与吸管法测定了23组来自中国13个不同省份或自治区土壤样本的粒径分布,将激光法与传统吸管法的测定结果进行比较,并在此基础上对激光法测定参数进行了修正。结果表明:1)与吸管法相比,激光衍射法低估土壤样品中的黏粒含量,其相对误差为36.33%;高估粉粒含量,其相对误差为36.51%;2)对吸管法与激光衍射法的实测结果进行线性关系分析表明,其中黏粒与粉粒的线性关系较好,决定系数分别为0.91,0.90;3)经过模型转换后,基于激光衍射法的土壤粒径分布结果的相对误差明显降低:黏、粉的相对误差分别降低至16.25%、12.83%,说明激光衍射法可以用于大规模不同类型的土壤粒径分析。该研究可为土壤系统化和规范化的对比研究以及建立基于激光衍射技术的土壤质地划分标准提供依据。  相似文献   

Organic carbon levels of 542 soil samples from temperate lowland forest were determined by the original and modified Walkley–Black (WB) dichromate methods and total organic carbon (TOC) analysis. The performance and the lower and upper quantification limits of the WB method were assessed. Variable recovery rates were related to laboratory and field conditions and to the sample composition. The percentage carbon recovered by the original WB method was found to be systematically lower than commonly accepted, and the correction factor was estimated at 1.58 instead of 1.30–1.35. However, a good linear relationship with TOC enabled acceptable prediction of soil organic carbon which was most precise when using the original WB method. Texture class and pedogenetic horizon showed significant differences in recovery. Depending on the modifications of the WB method, recoveries varied significantly between laboratories, explaining up to 29% of the total variation of the topsoil carbon assessment of a site. Low recovery from samples was partly attributed to charcoal and resistant elementary carbon particles. No interference was found to be caused by iron or manganese compounds. In order to use WB carbon data of forest soils, laboratory‐ and method‐specific determination of the recovery rate using a total analyser is strongly recommended. The original WB method was unable to predict reliably forest soil carbon contents higher than 8% TOC.  相似文献   

为了明确不同外源有机物和耕作方式对土壤地力培育的影响,以水稻-小麦轮作系统为对象,通过2个年度(2016—2018年)大田试验研究了外源有机物(秸秆和有机肥)和耕作方式及其交互作用[稻麦秸秆还田配合旋耕(SR),稻麦秸秆还田配合翻耕(SP),秸秆不还田、增施有机肥配合旋耕(MR),秸秆不还田、增施有机肥配合翻耕(MP),秸秆不还田、不施用有机肥、旋耕深度15 cm(CKR)]对土壤团聚体和有机碳组成的短期影响。结果表明:SR处理能够降低水稻季土壤容重并增加总孔隙度。相比CKR,小麦季SR处理显著增加0.05mm水稳性团聚体含量,增加量为7.2%。此外,外源有机物和耕作对土壤有机碳活性组分具有显著影响。其中,易氧化有机碳(EOC)主要受耕作与有机物交互作用影响,酸水解有机碳(LPIc和LPII_c)主要受耕作措施的影响, SR处理的土壤EOC和LPI_c含量比CKR提高0.3~2.6 g·kg~(-1)。颗粒有机碳(POC)主要受外源有机物的影响,并且秸秆还田处理POC平均含量高于增施有机肥处理,增加量为0.75g·kg~(-1)。短期内,外源有机物和耕作及其交互作用对稳定性有机碳(黑碳和矿物结合态有机碳)的影响较小。综上,秸秆还田配合旋耕有助于提高土壤水稳性团聚体和活性有机碳的含量(EOC、LPI_c和POC)。  相似文献   

The amount of K and Na in HCI-extract of soils has been determined by various methods, using the flame photometer, and specific reagents, but none of these methods are fully satisfactory from a view point of cost or accuracy; Poul Porter et al.1) have pointed out the large errors that have frequently occured in tlamephotometry.  相似文献   

Soil water retention characteristic is required for modeling of water and substance movement in unsaturated soils and need to be estimated using indirect methods. Point pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for prediction of soil water content at matric suctions of 1, 5, 25, 50, and 1500 kPa were developed and validated using a data-set of 148 soil samples from Hamedan and Guilan provinces, Iran, by multiobjective group method of data handling (mGMDH). In addition to textural and structural properties, fractal parameters of the power-law fractal models for both particles and aggregates distributions were also included as predictors. Their inclusion significantly improved the PTFs’ accuracy and reliability. The aggregate size distribution fractal parameters ranked next to the particle size distribution (PSD) in terms of prediction accuracy. The mGMDH-derived PTFs were significantly more reliable than those by artificial neural networks but their accuracies were practically the same. Similarity between the fractal behavior of particle and void size distributions may contribute to the improvement of the derived PTFs using PSD fractal parameters. It means that both distributions of the pore and particle size represent the fractal behavior and can be described by fractal models.  相似文献   


A simple method for routine determination of organic carbon in soil by a modified Mebius procedure is described. It involves (a) digestion of the soil sample with an acidified dichromate (K2Cr2O7‐H2SO4) solution for 30 minutes in a Pyrex digestion tube in a 40‐tube block digester preheated to 170°C and (b) estimation of the unreacted dichromate by titration of the cooled digest with an acidified solution of ferrous ammonium sulfate with use ofN‐phenylanthranilic acid as an indicator. The method is more rapid and precise than the Mebius procedure commonly used for routine analysis of soils for organic carbon, and the only equipment required for its use is equipment now commonly used for routine Kjeldahl analysis of soils for total nitrogen.  相似文献   

In this study we report results on the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool (0–50 cm) from a chrono-sequence of dry tropical forest (dTf) of increasing age and a yearly burned ancient pasture in the “Sector Santa Rosa” at the “Área de Conservación Guanacaste” (ACG) in northwestern Costa Rica, where intense human induced land-use modifications has occurred during the past century. The effects of land conversion on soil organic carbon (SOC) have mainly been conducted in the Atlantic humid forests while overlooking dTfs. We quantified the depth distribution of SOC concentration down to 50-cm and in physically separated mineral soil fractions, as these data are scanty from the dTf. Additional objectives were to identify the relationship with selected soil physical and chemical properties, including stabilized SOC fractions by means of multivariate ordination methods. Statistically significant differences were found for the main fixed factor ecosystem for all soil variables analyzed (ANOVA). SOC and N concentrations were significantly higher in the oldest dTf compared to the other dTfs. Soil physical properties like aggregate size distribution and bulk density changed with depth, and varied significantly among the three dTf stands sampled. The multivariate analysis, i.e. between-within class principal component analysis (PCA), revealed a significant ordination of dTfs (P < 0.0001). The SOC concentration decreased in particle size fractions of < 200 μm aggregates with increasing soil depth. The lowest and highest C concentrations were obtained in the fine sand (105–200 μm) and clay + silt (< 20 μm) fractions, respectively. Mineral-associated and stable SOC pool increased with depth, and poorly crystalline Fe oxides and ferrihydrite were the most important minerals for SOC stabilization at 40–50 cm depth. The highest SOC pool was found in the old-growth and > 80 years-old dTfs, i.e., 228.9 and 150.3 Mg C ha− 1, respectively, values similar to those obtained in the Atlantic humid forests of Costa Rica. Comparatively to other studies, soils under dTf at Santa Rosa store a considerable amount of SOC with potentially large CO2 emissions if this ecosystem is not preserved.  相似文献   

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