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We examined the possibility of an environment‐friendly slow‐release fertilizer (SRF) made of biochar impregnated by anaerobically digested slurry. The biochar materials were produced from three types of feedstocks (orange peel, residual wood, water‐treatment sludge) at different temperatures of 300°C, 500°C, and 700°C via pyrolysis. The release behaviors of the water‐soluble K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ were similar for all impregnated biochars and the commercial SRF used. The water‐retention capacity was greatly improved by mixing the biochar‐SRF with the soil. The yield of lettuce was lower for the biochar‐SRF applications of 3.7 to 34.2 t ha–1 than for the commercial SRF application of 51.4 t ha–1. This might be due to excessive increase of soil pH for the biochar‐SRF application. Based on these results, the authors concluded that the biochar impregnated with nutrients could become an effective slow‐release K+ fertilizer.  相似文献   

Next to nitrogen, phosphorus (P) is the most limiting nutrient for plant production worldwide. To secure food production, new nutrient management strategies using alternative P sources instead of mined P fertilizers need to be implemented. Struvite (MgNH4PO4 · 6 H2O) is a promising example of a recycled mineral P fertilizer. Besides positive agronomic results regarding crop yields, further investigations are required to improve the use efficiency of the product and thereby increase its value. Using an automated plant phenotyping platform, we investigated the dynamic response to struvite by two plant species (lupine and maize) with diverse P acquisition strategies in an acidic sandy substrate. Although at three weeks after germination both maize and lupine had reduced leaf area in the struvite treatments compared to the commercial triple superphosphate (TSP), from week four onwards struvite plants grew larger than the TSP‐treated plants, indicating a slow release fertilizing effect. Greater P uptake efficiency (g / root length), but reduced root length were observed in the combined treatment of struvite and ammonium, in comparison to struvite and nitrate. We propose that rhizosphere acidification in response to ammonium uptake may enhance P recovery from struvite. A possible additional acidification effect by lupine root exudation might explain the higher P uptake efficiency in this species compared to maize. We conclude that struvite combined with ammonium can be used as a sustainable slow‐release P fertilizer on acidic sandy soils.  相似文献   

The need to meet rapidly increasing demands for synthetic nitrogen (N) while reducing dependence on fossil fuels has been driving widespread attention to the recuperation and reuse of nutrients present in digestate and animal manure. The N release and mineralization potential of animal manure (AM), digestate (DIG), liquid fraction of digestate (LFDIG) and mineral concentrate (MC) were assessed in comparison with N availability from calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) as a reference. The release was highly dependent on the product ‐N/Ntotal ratio, while mineralization occurred only for products containing more than 5% of organic N. The magnitude of the released N, on average after 120 days of an incubation experiment, was in the order: CAN > MC > LFDIG > DIG ≥ AM. These results indicate that only the N release from MC exhibited patterns similar to CAN, suggesting that this product will provide plant available N in a similar fashion as synthetic fertilizers. The N release from LFDIG was higher than AM, but did not closely follow the pattern of CAN. The N availability in LFDIG may be increased using substrates richer in N, such as animal manure or waste food and not only plant residues.  相似文献   

Substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic soil amendments is postulated to improve productivity‐relevant soil properties such as aggregation and organic matter (OM) content. However, there is a lack of studies analyzing the effects of biochar and biogas digestate versus mineral fertilizer on soil aggregation and OM dynamics under temperate field conditions. To address this research gap, a field experiment was sampled four years after establishment on a sandy Cambisol in Germany where mineral fertilizer or liquid biogas digestate was applied with or without 3 or 40 Mg biochar ha?1 (produced at 650°C). Soil samples were analyzed for soil organic carbon (SOC) content, pH, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, water‐holding capacity, microbial biomass, aggregate size class distribution, and the SOC content associated with these size classes. 40 Mg biochar ha?1 significantly increased SOC content in all fractions, especially free particulate OM and the 2–0.25 mm fraction. The yield of small macroaggregates (2–0.25 mm) was increased by biochar, but cation exchange capacity, water‐holding capacity, and pH were not consistently improved. Thus, high‐temperature biochar applied to a sandy soil under temperate conditions is primarily recommended to increase SOC content, which could contribute to climate change mitigation if this C remains sequestered over the long‐term. Fertilizer type did not significantly affect SOC content or other measured properties of the sandy Cambisol, suggesting that replacement of mineral fertilizer with digestate has a neutral effect on soil fertility. Co‐application of biochar with digestate provided no advantages for soil properties compared to co‐application with mineral fertilizer. Thus, independent utilization of these organic amendments is equally suitable.  相似文献   

Efficient crop use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is critical from economic and environmental viewpoints, especially under irrigated conditions. Cotton yield parameters, fiber quality, water‐ and N‐use efficiency responses to N, and irrigation methods in northern Syria were evaluated. Field trials were conducted for two growing seasons on a Chromoxerertic Rhodoxeralf. Treatments consisted of drip fertigation, furrow irrigation, and five different rates of N fertilizer (50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 kg N /ha). Cotton was irrigated when soil moisture in the specified active root depth was 80% of the field capacity as indicated by the neutron probe.

Seed cotton yield was higher than the national average (3,928 kg/ha) by at least 12% as compared to all treatments. Lint properties were not negatively affected by the irrigation method or N rates. Water savings under drip fertigation ranged between 25 and 50% of irrigation water relative to furrow irrigation. Crop water‐use efficiencies of the drip‐fertigated treatments were in most cases 100% higher than those of the corresponding furrow‐irrigated treatments. The highest water demand was during the fruit‐setting growth stage. It was also concluded that under drip fertigation, 100–150 N kg/ha was adequate and comparable with the highest N rates tested under furrow irrigation regarding lint yield, N uptake, and recovery. Based on cotton seed yield and weight of stems, the overall amount of N removed from the field for the drip‐fertigated treatments ranged between 101 and 118kg and 116 and 188 N/ha for 2001 and 2002, respectively. The N removal ranged between 94 and 113 and 111 and 144 kg N/ha for the furrow‐irrigated treatments for 2001 and 2002, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the long‐term application of compost from agricultural waste improved soil physical structure, fertility and soil organic matter (SOM) storage. In 2006, we began a long‐term field experiment based on a rice–wheat rotation cropping system, having a control without fertilizer (NF) and three treatments: chemical fertilizers (CF), pig manure compost (PMC) and a prilled mixture of PMC and inorganic fertilizers (OICF). Following the harvest of wheat in 2010, the mean‐weight diameter (MWD) of water‐stable aggregates and the concentration of C and N in bulk soil (0–20 cm; <2 mm fraction) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in PMC and NF plots than in CF or OICF plots. Pig manure compost significantly increased the proportion of >5‐mm aggregates, whereas CF significantly increased the proportion of 0.45‐ to 1‐mm aggregates. The C and N contents of all density fractions were greater in PMC than in other treatments with levels decreasing in the following order: free particulate organic matter (fPOM) >occluded particulate organic matter (oPOM) > mineral‐combined SOM (mineral–SOM). Solid‐state 13C CPMAS NMR spectra showed that alkyl C/O‐alkyl C ratios and aromatic component levels of SOM were smaller in PMC and OICF plots than in CF plots, suggesting that SOM in PMC and OICF plots was less degraded than that in CF plots. Nevertheless, yields of wheat in PMC and NF plots were smaller than those in CF and OICF plots, indicating that conditions for producing large grain yields did not maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   

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