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Widespread Zn deficiency for rice crop has been reported from different parts of the world, including India. To correct such deficiency, Zn is often applied to the soil as fertilizer. Its concentration in soil solution and its availability to crops is controlled by sorption?–?desorption reactions at the surfaces of soil colloidal materials. The objective of this study was to compare the availability and relative effectiveness of Zn from Zn-EDTA and ZnSO4 sources by applying different Zn levels to a calcareous soil in field experiments through soil application. The uses of Zn-EDTA also increase the yield of rice dry matter yield and grain yield. Regarding maintenance of Zn in soil, it has been observed that the amount of Zn content was recorded higher with the split application of Zn-EDTA as compared to ZnSO4 with the simultaneous 26.1% increase in the yield of rice.  相似文献   

Two hydroponic culture experiments were conducted to investigate cadmium (Cd)‐induced oxidative stress in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings and the effects of L‐Galactono‐1, 4‐lactone (GalL), the biosynthetic precursor of the antioxidant ascorbate (AsA), on the oxidative stress induced by Cd. In experiment 1, with application of Cd (0, 10, 25, 50 µM) in nutrient solution, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as well as membrane permeability in both shoots and roots were significantly increased, indicating Cd‐induced oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation as well as plasma‐membrane damage in the plants. In experiment 2, H2O2 levels in plants exposed to Cd were significantly reduced by the addition of GalL (25 mM), associated with increased activities of peroxidase (POD), indicating that GalL alleviated the oxidative stress induced by Cd. Unexpectedly, however, the MDA levels were not reduced by the addition of GalL. Does Cd also induce lipid peroxidation directly besides via formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)? This needs further study.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of labelled and unlabelled N by wheat was measured in a field experiment using 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The dry matter yield and N yields were significantly increased with fertilizer N application compared to those from unfertilized soil. The uptake of applied N by wheat ranged between 25 and 34%. Fertilizer N application increased the uptake of unlabelled soil N which was attributed to a positive priming effect or added N interaction. The added N interaction observed by applying 20, 60, and 120 kg fertilizer N was 11.4, 19.1, and 27.9 kg, corresponding to 26, 44 and 64%, respectively of the N taken up from unfertilized soil. The A values did not alter with the increase in fertilizer N application. The observed added N interaction may have been the result of pool substitution whereby added labelled fertilizer N stood proxy for unlabelled soil N. A significant correlation coefficient (r=0.996**) between the uptake of soil N and the dry matter yield showed that soil N was more important than fertilizer N in wheat production.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate and urea on the yield and uptake of labelled and unlabelled N by wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Mexi-Pak-65) in a field experiment. The dry matter and N yields were significantly increased with fertilizer N application compared to those from unfertilized soil. The wheat crop used 33.6–51.5 and 30.5–40.9% of the N from ammonium nitrate and urea, respectively. Splitting the fertilizer N application had a significant effect on the uptake of fertilizer N by the wheat. The fertilizer N uptake showed that ammonium nitrate was a more available source of N for wheat than urea. The effective use of fertilizer N (ratio of fertilizer N in grain to fertilizer N in whole plant) was statistically similar for the two N fertilizers. The application of fertilizer N increased the uptake of unlabelled soil N by wheat, a result attributed to a positive added N interaction, which varied according to the fertilizer N split; six split applications gave the highest added N interaction compared to a single application or two split applications for both fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate gave 90.5, 33.5, and 48.5% more added N interaction than urea with one, two, and six split N applications. A values were not significantly correlated with the added N interaction (r=0.557). The observed added N interaction may have been the result of pool substitution, whereby added labelled fertilizer N replaced unlabelled soil N.  相似文献   

Soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are important for maintaining soil fertility, and they are considerably affected by soil use and management. In the present study, we conducted an 8-year ?eld experiment on loessial dryland soil (Eum-Orthic Anthrosol, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)) in the southern Loess Plateau, China. We tested four soil management regimes—i.e., winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivation with phosphorus (P) fertilization (WP), winter wheat cultivation with N and P fertilization (WNP), natural fallow (NF) and bare fallow (BF)—to evaluate their effects on soil C and N fractions. After 8 years, compared with the WNP treatment, the total soil organic nitrogen (SON) in the WP treatment decreased by 14.6% and 36.8%, and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) by 35.6% and 61.1%, at 0–20 and 20–40 cm soil depths, respectively. The soil heavy fraction nitrogen (HFN) and light fraction nitrogen (LFN) in the WP treatment also decreased by 36.6% and 39.4%, respectively. Furthermore, BF treatment decreased total soil organic carbon (SOC), heavy fraction carbon (HFC), LFN and MBN at both soil depths with average reductions of 43.4%. The NF treatment decreased light fraction carbon (LFC) by 17.0% at 0–20 cm soil depth, as well as MBN by 24.8% and 71.2%, and inorganic C by 29.1% and 23.8%, at 0–20 and 20–40 cm soil depths, respectively. There was no significant difference of microbial biomass C concentration among the WP, NF and BF treatments. These results confirmed that a lack of N fertilization decreased SON, BF reduced both SOC and SON, and NF decreased soil inorganic C. Therefore, the managements of a recommended rate of N fertilizer application and shortened time of bare fallow are critical for maintaining or increasing SON fraction sequestration, and natural fallow management is not a useful method for maintaining soil fertility in dryland in the Loess Plateau in China.

Abbreviations: HFC: heavy fraction carbon; HFN: heavy fraction nitrogen; LFC: light fraction carbon; LFN: light fraction nitrogen; MBC: microbial biomass carbon; MBN: microbial biomass nitrogen; SOC: soil organic carbon; SON: soil organic nitrogen  相似文献   

Manganese (Mn) deficiency is reported worldwide and often decreases crop yield. However, plant species differ in their susceptibility to Mn deficiency. Poaceae are often inefficient, whereas Brassicaceae seem to be efficient in Mn uptake. The objective of this paper was to determine the relevance of Mn‐uptake kinetics, root‐system size, and Mn mobilization for differences in Mn efficiency of wheat, oat, and raya. To determine Mn‐uptake kinetics, wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. PBW 343), raya (Brassica juncea L. cv. RLM 619), and oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Aragon) were grown in a growth chamber together in complete nutrient solution having an average Mn concentration of 90, 180, 360, 910, and 2270 nmol L–1. For determining Mn efficiency of the three species in soil, the plants were grown for 22 d in pots filled with 3 kg of a loamy soil low in Mn availability (pH (CaCl2) 7.4; DTPA‐extractable Mn: 3.5 mg (kg soil)–1). The soil was fertilized with 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mmol Mn (kg soil)–1 resulting in Mn soil‐solution concentrations ranging from 40 to 90 nmol L–1, hence lower than in the solution experiment. In order to determine Mn soil‐solution concentration close to the root surface, the root length density was increased by growing two plants of raya and four plants of wheat in only 250 mL soil columns for 25 d. In solution culture at high concentrations, raya showed a higher Mn uptake compared to wheat and oat. However, at low Mn supply, all three species were comparably Mn‐efficient, i.e., plant growth was similar, and also the uptake was similar. In soil, the highest yield was achieved for raya in the unfertilized treatment whereas the Poaceae needed at least a fertilization of 1 mmol Mn (kg soil)–1. The Poaceae showed a yield reduction of about 40% in the unfertilized treatment. Manganese concentration in the shoot dry weight was always higher in raya than in wheat or oat. This was due to a higher Mn uptake whereas relative shoot‐growth rate and root‐to‐shoot ratio were similar among the species. The higher Mn uptake of raya in soil was in contradiction to the comparable Mn‐uptake kinetics of the three crops at low Mn concentration in solution. This points to plant differences in their ability to affect Mn availability in the rhizosphere. In the bulk soil, all the crops decreased Mn solution concentration, but this effect was somewhat less for raya. But in the rhizosphere, raya increased Mn soil‐solution concentration significantly to 58 nmol L–1, as compared to 37 nmol L–1 of the unplanted control soil. In contrast, wheat showed a Mn solution concentration of 25 nmol L–1 which was not significantly different from the control. The results indicate that differences in Mn efficiency among the crops studied are related to their ability to affect the solubility of Mn in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   


Enhancing the phosphorus (P) use efficiency is critical for the sustainable cultivation of winter wheat. In this study, we investigated the effects of P fertilization level on plant P-uptake and agronomic traits under deficit irrigation, by using two wheat cultivars sharing contrasting water responses (i.e., Jimai 585 and Shimai 22). The high P level treatment (P120) improved plant biomass and P accumulation at each growth stage, grain yields, P remobilization amount to grain (PRA), P remobilization rate (PRR), and P contribution rate (PRR) of the cultivars with respect to the low P treatments (i.e., P90 and P60). Compared with Jimai 585, a cultivar acclimated to affluent water, the drought tolerant cultivar Shimai 22 exhibited similar behaviors on plant biomass, P-associated traits at each stage, and agronomic traits at maturity under P120. However, Shimai 22 was more improvement on P-associated and agronomic traits than Jimai 585 under P60 and P90. P contents were increased whereas moisture contents decreased in soil profile treated by P120 with respect to those by P60. Meanwhile, the soil profile cultivated by Shimai 22 displayed reduced moisture and P contents under P deprivation (i.e., P90 and P60) respect to that by Jimai 585, suggesting the contribution of more consumption of soil P and water storage to improved agronomic traits of Shimai 22. Together, our investigation suggested that suitable P input management positively mediates plant P-associated traits and grain formation capacity under deficit irrigation by improving supply and internal translocation of P across tissues in winter wheat plants.  相似文献   

Long-term field experiments with annual crop rotation were established in 1955 and 1956 at three locations (Lukavec, ?áslav, Ivanovice) in the Czech Republic, which differ in their climate and soil physicochemical properties. The effect of cattle farmyard manure (FM) and a combination of FM and mineral (NPK) fertilizer application (FMNPK) on nutrient status of soil and the response of winter wheat, and nutrient content of wheat grain and straw were evaluated after ~60 years since the establishment. The results showed higher pseudototal (aqua regia soluble) contents of phosphorus and sulfur from FM and FMNPK application compared with control, whereas the labile and moderatory labile content of individual nutrients (except calcium) varied between treatments. The nutrient content of wheat grain and straw was more significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the location and growing season than by the fertilizers. The substantial changes in wheat nutrient uptake occurred for the weakly acidic loamy Gleyic Phaeozem, whereas the lowest response due to fertilizer application was observed for the acidic Cambisol (sandy loam texture). Even after six decades of FM and FMNPK application, the effectiveness of these treatments was predominantly influenced by the soil and climatic conditions at the individual locations.  相似文献   

Sodic‐alkalinity may be more deleterious to plant growth than salinity. The objectives of this study were to determine whether 5‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA: an essential precursor for chlorophyll biosynthesis) foliar application could improve the sodic‐alkaline resistance of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla ) by regulating water uptake, ionic homeostasis, photosynthetic capacity, and antioxidant metabolism. Eight‐week‐old uniform plants were grown in nutrient medium without and with a sodic‐alkaline regime generated by a mixture of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 (NaHCO3 : Na2CO3 = 9:1 molar ratio) for 12 d, and leaves were sprayed daily with water or ALA. The Na+ and ALA concentrations were gradually increased to 60 mM and 120 μM, respectively. ALA foliar application alleviated the physiological damage from sodic‐alkalinity, as reflected by the increases in plant dry weight, relative growth rate, chlorophyll, Mg2+ concentration, and the decrease in Na+ concentration. However, ALA foliar application did not change the water uptake capacity or the concentration of K+, Fe3+, and endogenous ALA in leaf tissues under sodic‐alkaline conditions. ALA foliar application effectively mitigated damage from sodic‐alkalinity because of the increased activity of antioxidant enzymes (catalase and guaiacol peroxidase), particularly superoxide dismutase activity, which was maintained at the same level as for control plants. These results suggest that ALA foliar application alleviated sodic‐alkaline stress mainly owing to its antioxidant capacity, and superoxide dismutase has the main responsibility for reducing oxidative stress in Swiss chard.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the immediate effect of application of mono‐ammonium phosphate (MAP), single superphosphate (SSP), and triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizers containing varying concentrations of Cd on (1) chemical speciation of Cd and Zn in soil solution by chemical‐equilibrium calculations (MINEQL+4.6 model), (2) growth of barley plants, (3) concentrations of Cd, P, and Zn in soil solution and plant tissue, as well as total plant accumulation of Cd, P, and Zn, and (4) monitoring pH and element changes during incubation periods following phosphate application. Results show that, in general, the pH of soil solution increased during the first 40 d of incubation, then declined. Also, at the end of incubation period, pH of soil solution was affected by fertilization source and fertilization rate. The concentration of Cd in soil solution changed with time. Phosphate fertilization (p < 0.05) or fertilizer source (p < 0.05) showed consistent effects. Also, the application of phosphate fertilizers with three rates significantly increased Zn concentrations in soil solution during the first half (0–30 d) of incubation period and then decreased but still more than in the control. In general, application of different sources of phosphate at 100 g kg–1 did not change the dominant forms of Cd in soil solution during all incubation time intervals. Speciation of Zn in the control after 30 d of incubation had changed, in comparison to 10 d of incubation, and the dominant forms were Zn2+, ZnOH+, ZnHCO3, ZnCO3(aq), and Zn(OH)2(aq). Adding phosphate fertilizer significantly increased both shoot and root dry weight compared to control, indicating P was a growth‐limiting factor in the control plants. The Zn concentrations in shoot and root were lower in the TSP‐ and SSP‐fertilizers treatment than those in the MAP and fertilizer treatments at all rates of fertilization. Adding phosphate increased the Cd : Zn and P : Zn ratios in the shoot and root tissue, with the effect being greater with increasing fertilization rate. Phosphate fertilization greatly increased the total accumulation of Cd of barley compared with the control plants (p < 0.001), with the effect being greater with increasing fertilization rate. Source and rate of fertilizers, and their interactions had significant effect (p < 0.05) on Cd accumulation in the whole plant.  相似文献   

The underlying question of these investigations asked, how and to which extent rape plants react with transpiration and soil water uptake to different degrees of nitrogen fertilization. Therefore repeated campaigns with concurrent measurements of plant surfaces (leaves, stems, pods), diurnal courses of leaf transpiration and root length density of rape plants growing on heavily (240 kg ha—1), moderately, (120 kg ha—1), and nil N‐fertilized plots of an experimental field in northern Germany were performed during two growing seasons. Additionally, matric potentials at different soil depths were measured. In the first year (1994) investigations were concentrated primarily on shoot area development and transpiration, whereas in the subsequent year (1995) root measurements were mainly undertaken. Also, the influence of soil management (ploughing, conservation tillage) was taken into consideration. The plots where the shoot measurements were carried out were ploughed in 1994 and rotovated in 1995. Matric potentials were measured in both years in ploughed soil and, for comparison, also in soils with conservation tillage. Shoot area index, as measure of the transpiratory capacity of the canopy, increased on ploughed soil and reached a maximum before flowering. Thereafter it decreased until harvest when the relative amount of green stems and pods was increasing. Then, the measured transpiration rate per pod surface area was equal to, or higher than, the transpiration rate per leaf surface area. Plant surface area was smaller in plots with conservation tillage and decreased generally with decreasing N‐fertilization. Increasing plant surface area was joined by an increasing density of plant canopy. Light interception was thus highest in the plots receiving 240 kg N ha—1. Although the shading effect may cause a reduction of transpiration per plant, the total plant mass per area generally resulted in a greater water loss from these plots. Roots reached at least 110 cm depth. Root length density was significantly higher in the upper 10—30 cm of soil than at greater depths. Root mass was smaller in soil with conservation tillage than in ploughed soil. Oscillations of soil matric potentials in the diurnal and long‐term periods were highest in the upper 10 cm of soil. Here, they corresponded well with the cumulative diurnal transpiratory water loss. It is concluded that the soil water dynamics depends largely on the distribution of plant roots. As a result, rape plants did not change their specific transpiration capacity as a response to increased nitrogen fertilization. However, the transpiring plant surface and root length density increased the turnover rate of water by a higher plant density per plot. This effect was more pronounced in ploughed than in rotovated plots.  相似文献   

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