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聚缩虫病害是养殖对虾中常见病害之一,70年代外国专家就提出用福尔马林能有效地防治对虾聚缩虫病,国内也有许多资料介绍这方面的防治技术,但多属于药物对聚缩虫和对养殖对虾毒性方面的论述。近年来,由于水产养殖业的发展,虾塘进行综合性地开发利用,普遍混养贝类,因此如何筛选虾、贝混养塘防治聚缩虫病害的有效药物这是需进一步试验研究的新课题。我们曾选  相似文献   

寄生纤毛虫病:主要症状是附肢、额剑、尾扇等处有受伤处。镜检伤口、血液及鳃内有大量纤毛虫。治疗可将病虾用300ppm的福尔马林浸洗3分钟。固着类纤毛虫病:主要症状是虾鳃外观黑色。镜检有大量虫体(钟虫、聚缩虫、累枝虫、单缩虫等)附着。治疗方法可用25ppm福尔马林全池泼洒,24小时后换水。  相似文献   

聚缩虫病是在对虾养殖中常见的附着生物病害,发病率高,几乎养虾场都有发生,尤以每年7~10月份为多。其危害在于:当聚缩虫大量附着于虾鳃和体表时,会妨碍对虾的呼吸、游泳、觅食和蜕壳机能,严重的还会导致对虾的死亡。  相似文献   

对虾的鳃病是由几种病害侵袭引起的综合症,其中任何一种病害都可导致对虾的死亡。病原学论证表明,导致对虾鳃病包括一种属于镰刀菌(Fusarium)的半知菌,至少两种类型的环纤毛虫(聚缩虫Zoothammium sp.和瓶体虫Lagenophrys sp.),以及一种外形类似毛状白丝菌(Leucothrix mucor)的丝状细菌。  相似文献   

在对虾育苗期间,以选择施用0.5ppm和1ppm高锰酸钾、换水补药的方式为预防措施,以泼洒2~4ppm高锰酸钾短期药浴为应急治疗方法,连续2年在对虾育苗生产中取得了抑制和杀灭聚缩虫病成功率为100%,每立方水体生产15~25万尾仔虾的良好效果。育苗水体长期施用0.5~1ppm高锰酸钾对对虾幼体、单胞藻、卤虫无毒害作用,对微粒饵料、水质因子亦无不良影响。高锰酸钾施用方便,成本低廉,投入成本只占万尾虾苗售价的万分之一左右,便于在大生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

纤毛虫病是对虾养殖中严重疾病之一,此病一旦暴发将直接影响对虾的摄食、脱壳和生长,是目前病毒和细菌性疾病以外主要的对虾病害。纤毛虫属原生动物,常见的有聚缩虫、单缩虫、钟型虫、累枝虫等数种,隶属缘纤毛目,固着亚目。  相似文献   

沈亚林  郑国兴 《海洋渔业》1991,13(4):155-158
<正> 近年来,随着对虾养殖事业的发展,尤其在高密度精养的情况下,聚缩虫(Zoothamnium sp)对发展生产的危害已引起了人们极大的关注。聚缩虫是对虾养殖中最为常见的原生动物,无论是在对虾育苗还是在对虾养成过程中,常常由于聚缩虫的大量繁殖,使其附着在对虾的鳃和体表上,影响对虾水流交换、游泳能力。病虾往往食欲下降,生长缓慢,蜕皮困难,严重时甚至缺氧、窒息死亡,使生产蒙受重大损失。为此,我们从生物学角度探讨聚缩虫,目的在  相似文献   

中国对虾幼体聚缩虫病是对虾人工育苗生产中危害性大,且又常见的一种疾病。本文研究了其病的病原体、发病的过程及危害、发病时的症状及病变、发病的条件以及提出了防治的具体措施。一、病原体对虾幼体聚缩虫病的病原体,常见种是树状聚缩虫(Z.arbuscula),它属于原生动物门纤毛虫纲缘毛目(peritncha)、钟虫科(Vorticellidae)、聚缩  相似文献   

河蟹的疾病及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一.聚缩虫病病症:病蟹的关节、步足、背壳以及额部和鳃上都可附着聚缩虫。病蟹行动迟缓、摄食强度小、发病时间在5—7月份。池塘生态较差;养殖密度较大,长期不换水是此病的诱因。防治:(1)在放蟹种前,用生石灰或漂白粉彻底清塘;平时注意注、换水;合理投饲、及时清除残饵。 (2)已经附着感染病原体的可用0.25~0.6ppm的Cuso_4全池泼洒。但注意鱼蟹混养池中忌用。 (3)河蟹蜕壳后,彻底换水。  相似文献   

河蟹溞状幼体培育期使用孔雀石绿杀灭聚缩虫的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔雀石绿对河蟹(氵蚤)状幼体的48小时半数致死浓度Ⅰ期幼体为1.89ppm,V期幼体为7.45ppm。在河蟹工厂化育苗中如果发生聚缩虫感染,可采用孔雀石绿1ppm浓度全池泼洒、10~12小时内排出药液水、技入新水的方法杀灭聚缩虫,不会影响河蟹(氵蚤)状幼体的变态发育。  相似文献   

Giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming plays an important role in the economy of Bangladesh. Presently, it is cultured in around 50 000 ha area with total annual production of 23 240 t. Traditional extensive prawn farming has been expanding over the last three decades through the introduction and adoption of improved culture systems, such as culture of prawn‐carps, prawn‐shrimp‐fish and prawn‐fish‐rice as concurrent and rotational systems. Efforts for the development of improved techniques on broodstock management, seed production and rearing and grow‐out of prawn have been made over the last decade. The outcomes are low‐cost feed for broodstock, production of post‐larvae in net cages (hapa), all‐male prawn culture, periphyton based prawn‐tilapia culture, C/N based prawn culture, organic prawn farming, prawn‐mola culture and prawn‐carp‐mola polyculture. Despite the development of culture technologies, a number of challenges for sustainable development of prawn farming need to be overcome to realize the potentials of this promising sector. Good aquaculture practises at all levels and application of measures for quality control and food safety would ensure sustainable development of prawn farming in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾引种复壮技术的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
长期以来,国内进行罗氏沼虾人工繁殖一直以池塘饲养的成虾作亲本,由此造成该虾种质退化,养殖经济效益下降.为提高其种质和养殖经济效益,于1996年和1997年从马来西亚引进野生原种繁育虾苗,进行复壮技术的研究.研究结果表明,野生种子代和杂交种子代的体长、体重明显高出本地的驯养种.种群间具有标准差、变异系数、第二步足与体长的比值相对较小、额齿数相对较多的特点.通常野生原种体形细长、体色淡黄透明、摄食旺盛、抗病力强、性成熟个体较大.野生种子代和杂交种子代幼体活力强,摄食旺盛,变态期延长,但人工育苗的难度大.研究结果显示,采用繁育难度相对较低的雌(本地驯养种)×雄(野生种)配组方式繁育杂交苗,难度较小,效果好.  相似文献   

为了评价崂山湾中国对虾的增殖效果,2012年5月在崂山湾分两批次放流中国对虾15673万尾。2012年7–9月开展了中国对虾跟踪与回捕调查,进行了中国对虾放流苗种存活生长状况、洄游分布及回捕情况的研究,并应用“Bhattacharya”法区分了中国对虾的自然群体与放流群体。结果显示,8月中旬中国对虾放流苗种主要生活在崂山湾中部海域,第1、2批放流苗种的平均体长分别达到144.9、130.5 mm,随着水温的降低,作季节性短距离的由浅水向深水区移动,放流种群和自然种群分别占总群体的92%和8%;由于受到竞争生物及栖息地环境因素的影响,中国对虾放流群体的回捕率仅为0.58%。虽然相比其他海域中国对虾的回捕率较低,但是崂山湾中国对虾增殖放流仍然取得了一定的生态、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

综述了我国主要对虾养殖品种对蛋白质和各种氨基酸的营养需求和量化指标。分析了各品种对糖类的利用率,以及某些糖类在对虾免疫系统中的作用,并报道了对虾对糖类的需要量。  相似文献   

田学模  曲学忠 《海洋渔业》1990,12(4):152-154
<正> 对虾流网网目尺寸与虾体尺度之间的关系,是对虾流网捕虾理论与网具设计中的主要问题。这是因为对虾流网网目尺寸的大小,直接关系到其所捕对虾的体长组成和渔获效率,同时还涉及到对虾资源的合理利用和保护问题。所以正确地确定对虾流网网目尺寸,不仅在理论研究上是必要的,而且在实际生产中也有其重要意义。有关刺网网目尺寸与鱼体尺度间关系的问题,国内外已有过不少研究与论述。研究的中心问题是探求与确定鱼体大小与捕捞它的最适网目尺寸间的关系,即以某种鱼类的  相似文献   

Abstract— The freshwater prawn Macrobrachiurn rosenbergii is a commercially important culture species in the South Central United States. Two major constraints in the commercial culture of the freshwater prawn in the U.S. are poor survival during live transportation of seed‐stock to growout ponds, and live transportation of pond harvested prawn to distant live markets due to the territorial and cannibalistic nature of prawn. The use of anesthetics could possibly improve transport survival; however, to date anesthetic agents have not been evaluated for use with prawn. Two trials were conducted with juvenile freshwater prawn to compare the efficacy of anesthetics commonly used on fish. The first trial was designed to identify the most promising candidates. In Study 1, tricaine methanesulfonate (MS‐222), 2‐phenoxyethanol, quinaldine sulfate (quinaldine), clove oil, and Aqui‐STM were evaluated at 25 and 100 mg/L for 1 h in three replicate 10‐L glass containers, containing five juvenile prawn each. Relative sedation level was determined every 3 min for 1 h, then recovery time and survival were measured. In Study 1, MS‐222 and 2‐phenoxyethanol were determined to be ineffective on prawn at all rates tested. Based on their performance in Study 1, quinaldine, clove oil, and AquiSTM were evaluated at 100, 200, and 300 mg/L in Study 2. Observations were determined as in Study 1. Clove oil and Aqui‐STM induced anesthesia faster and at lower concentrations than quinaldine. At the highest treatment rate (300 mg/L) prawn suffered 60% mortality in the Aqui‐STM treatment, 13% mortality in the quinaldine treatment, and 0% mortality in the clove oil treatment and control following a 1‐h exposure to these concentrations. Based on these data, Aqui‐STM and clove oil applied at 100 mg/L may be suitable anesthetic treatments for prawn. Additional research is needed to determine optimal time and dose relationships to minimize stress during holding, handling, and transportation of prawn.  相似文献   

对虾与文蛤混养及其有关因子的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对虾池内混养文蛤以及影响混养有关因子所进行试验和分析表明:文蛤和对虾混养效果较好;混养池以平台型和宽饵料台型的结构及合砂量在75%以上的底质,比较适宜文蛤与对虾的混养。  相似文献   

The remarkable achievements of prawn culture in recent years in Taiwan have been widely recognized. In 1984, the annual production of the grass prawn Penaeus monodon alone reached 18 000 tonnes, making it one of the most important and fastest growing aquaculture items. Its production is still increasing and its importance will continue to grow in the coming years.

When considering the progress of prawn culture, aquaculture engineering problems such as pond construction, water inlet and outlet systems, and aeration systems are of great concern. An introduction to prawn pond construction and accessory equipment in Taiwan is given, and a comparison with the representative prawn pond systems in Japan and Hawaii is made. The present problems faced in these areas and possible solutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The requirements of juvenile prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate), 0.79 g initial body weight, for essential amino acids (EAA) were evaluated based on the daily increase of each EAA in the whole body when the prawn was maintained on a diet with a high nutritive value (a casein‐squid protein‐based diet). The quantities of each EAA needed daily for growth and maintenance of prawn are conceived to correspond to the daily requirements of this prawn species for EAA. Therefore, these requirement values of respective EAA should be supplied from dietary proteins. To determine these values, protein and amino acids of the whole body of the prawn were quantified before and after feeding experiments, and the quantities of respective EAA needed to meet the requirements were estimated based on the EAA profile of the whole body protein of prawn. As a result, the contents of EAA in dietary proteins (%) needed to meet the requirements of the prawn for EAA were assessed to be: threonine (2.3), methionine (1.3), valine (2.4), isoleucine (2.3), leucine (3.4), phenylalanine (2.6), lysine (3.2), histidine (1.1), arginine (2.9) and tryptophan (0.6), respectively, when the prawn are fed 50% protein diet with 90% protein digestibility at a ration size of 2% (% of body weight).  相似文献   

壳聚糖在对虾保鲜中作用的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本试验采用壳聚糖为主要成分与常用的防腐剂和护色剂进行保鲜性能对比实验,以及在一定温条件下实验对虾类的防腐败保鲜效果,并且以感官指标、TVB-N值、pH值、细菌总数等作为鲜度指标定期取样测定。实验结果表明,壳聚糖涂膜保鲜剂和蜂胶保鲜剂用于对虾的保鲜效果良好,可以抑制细菌总数的增长,维持较低的TVB-N值,改善对虾的感官质量,延长对虾的贮藏期。  相似文献   

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