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The response of ‘Conference’ pear subjected to branch bending in the content levels of various metabolites in its fruit was investigated. The fruits in commercial maturity were sampled in 2004 and 2005 from branches bent in the late summer of 2003 (the summer treatment), from branches bent in the late spring of 2004 (the spring treatment) and from control branches. The content levels of carbohydrates, organic acids and phenolic compounds were compared among treatments in two successive years. The fruit revealed various responses in content levels of metabolites. In the first year after bending, no significant differences were found in the content of each carbohydrate, but in 2005 by far the highest content level of glucose and fructose and the lowest content level of sucrose were found in fruits from the control. The control fruit showed significantly higher content levels of malic acid and lower content levels of some phenolics (chlorogenic and vanillic acid) in the first year after bending, but in the next year the opposite reaction occurred—the control fruit had the lowest content level of malic acid and the highest content level of epicatechin, quercetin-3-d-galactoside and quercetin-3-β-d-glucoside. The comparison of the two bending treatments alone in 2004 showed that the summer treatment often produced a slightly higher value of each phenolic in comparison to the spring treatment. However, in 2005 the significantly highest content of chlorogenic acid was in fruit from the spring treatment. Sorbitol, as well as citric acid, catechin and sinapic acid showed no clear tendency among treatments, neither in 2004 nor in 2005. It is suggested that these variations of ‘Conference’ fruit subjected to different bending treatments could not be the result of bending alone, but that they could be indirectly affected by other physiological responses of the fruit tree. However, it seemed that variations are affected by the time of bending and by the year-to-year, and such responses can be attributed to the ‘Conference’ genotype only.  相似文献   

Fruit thinning in pear is feasible for mitigation of water stress effects. However, it is not well known how fruit quality at harvest and after cold storage is affected by pre-harvest water stress. Even less is known about the effects of fruit thinning on quality under these circumstances. To elucidate these, we applied deficit irrigation (DI) and fruit thinning treatments to ‘Conference’ pear over the growing seasons of 2008 and 2009. At the onset of Stage II (80 and 67 days before harvest in 2008 and 2009, respectively), two irrigation treatments were applied: full irrigation (FI) and DI. FI trees received 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc). DI trees received no irrigation during the first three weeks of Stage II to induce water stress, but then received 20% of ETc to ensure tree survival. From bud-break until the onset of Stage II and during post-harvest, FI and DI trees received 100% of ETc. Each irrigation treatment received two thinning levels: no thinning leaving commercial crop load (∼180 fruits tree−1), and hand-thinning at the onset of Stage II leaving a light crop load (∼85 fruits tree−1). Under commercial crop loads, DI trees were moderately water-stressed and this had some positive effects on fruit quality. DI increased fruit firmness (FF), soluble solids concentrations (SSC) and acidity at harvest while no changes were observed in fruit maturity (based on ethylene production). Differences in FF and acidity at harvest between FI and DI fruit were maintained during cold storage. DI also reduced fruit weight loss during storage. But fruit size was reduced under DI. Fruit thinning under DI resulted in better fruit composition with no detrimental effect on fresh-market yield compared to un-thinned fruit. Fruit size at harvest and SSC values after five months of cold storage were higher in fruit from thinned trees than fruit from un-thinned trees. Fruit thinning increased fruit ethylene production, indicating advanced maturity. This may lead to earlier harvest which is desirable in years with impending drought. Fruit thinning is therefore a useful technique to enhance pear marketability under water shortage.  相似文献   

In newly planted orchards, special attention must be paid to fertilization to build up the permanent structure of the trees so that high yield and fruit quality can be reached later on. Nitrogen (N) plays a major role in the fertilization plan, although few studies have assessed its use efficiency in young non-bearing trees, especially in field conditions. In this work, 1–3 years old ‘Rocha’ pear trees, grafted on quince BA29, were planted in a Mediterranean region, and fertigated with 6 g N tree−1 year−1 as ammonium nitrate with 5 at.% 15N enrichment to study the fertilizer N uptake during the vegetative cycle, the overall fertilizer N use efficiency at the end of each year, and the plant–soil N balance for this period. Nitrogen remobilization and the re-cycling of N from senescent leaves were also studied by fertilizing some pear trees with 10 at.% 15N enrichment.  相似文献   

Despite its outstanding position, the Brazilian citriculture is established on a very limited pool of varieties that limits its expansion and restricts the fruit availability throughout the year. This situation determines the urgent necessity of developing alternative scion and rootstock cultivars, with good performance under local conditions. ‘Folha Murcha’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) is a late-harvest cultivar, suitable both for the juice processing industry and the fresh fruit market, being described as tolerant to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.), and less affected by citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). A study was conducted in Bebedouro, São Paulo State, Brazil, to evaluate the horticultural performance of ‘Folha Murcha’ sweet orange budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin ‘Changsha’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) × Poncirus trifoliata ‘English Small’; the hybrid ‘Rangpur’ lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) × ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.) ‘Rubidoux’, ‘FCAV’, and ‘Flying Dragon’ (P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco); the ‘Sunki’ mandarin (Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the ‘Rangpur’ limes (C. limonia Osbeck) ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’; ‘Carrizo’ citrange (C. sinensis × P. trifoliata), ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata × C. paradisi), and ‘Orlando’ tangelo (C. paradisi × Citrus tangerina cv. ‘Dancy’). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 7 m × 4 m spacing, in a randomized block design, with five replications and two plants per plot. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, tree tolerance to drought and to citrus variegated chlorosis, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. Trees grafted onto the ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate were smaller in size, but had largest yield efficiency when compared to those grafted onto other rootstocks. Lower alternate bearing index was observed on trees budded onto ‘Cravo FCAV’ ‘Rangpur’ lime. Both ‘Rangpur’ lime rootstocks and the ‘Sunki’ mandarin induced higher tree tolerance to drought. The ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate induced better fruit quality and higher tolerance to citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) to ‘Folha Murcha’ trees. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three groups of rootstocks with similar effects on ‘Folha Murcha’ tree performance. Among the 12 evaluated rootstocks, the ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate has a unique effect on plant growth, tolerance to drought and CVC, fruit yield and fruit quality of ‘Folha Murcha’ trees, and may be better suited for high-density plantings.  相似文献   

The rates of sap flow and xylem vessel features were studied in two-year-old nongrafted and grafted avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees. Daily sap flow rates were measured with heat and balance stem gauges in clonal Duke 7 (D7) and Toro Canyon (TC) trees and ‘Hass’ clonal scions grafted onto clonal D7 (H/D7) and TC (H/TC) rootstocks. Vessel features as size, number and total vessel area were determined histologically in the stem of the scion and rootstock and the roots of the grafted trees. Significant differences in the sap flow rate were found among the rootstocks, where D7 had a 29% higher sap flow rate than did TC (grafted and nongrafted trees). There were no differences among xylem vessel features in the stems of any of the varieties. However in the roots, D7 had wider and fewer vessels then TC do. Also, D7 had a 19% higher total vessel area than TC. These results suggest that the differences in water consumption of ‘Hass’ on different rootstocks may be associated with differences in the efficiency of the roots to absorb water across conductive tissue which may be linked to differences in the area of xylem vessels in the root.  相似文献   

Asiatic citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) is one of the most detrimental diseases affecting citrus production. ‘Meiwa’ kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia) and ‘Newhall’ navel orange (Citrus sinensis) are two genotypes with contrasting Xcc resistance. In the current study, efforts were made to perform pairwise comparison between them in terms of structural difference and biochemical response to Xcc attack. Pinprick inoculation demonstrated that ‘Meiwa’ had lower disease incidence rate and smaller lesion size, concurrent with significantly less bacterial number at the inoculation sites relative to ‘Newhall’. Microscopic observation demonstrated that stomatal density and size of ‘Meiwa’ were significantly smaller than ‘Newhall’. Stomatal apertures of ‘Meiwa’ were smaller than ‘Newhall’ measured at 2 h after their leaves were immersed in Xcc suspension, consistent with the bacteria number in the internal tissues counted at 4 d. Epicuticular wax content of ‘Meiwa’ was significantly higher than that of ‘Newhall’, while no difference in palisade and spongy tissue was observed between them. Enzymatic activity assay showed that after Xcc inoculation, ‘Meiwa’ exhibited significantly higher activities of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) in comparison with ‘Newhall’ at most of the sampling time points. Our data showed that the two genotypes with contrasting Xcc resistance exhibited clear difference in the structure and physiological response, which may provide information to facilitate our understanding of Xcc resistance.  相似文献   

In this work we report the cloning and identification of S-RNase alleles responsible for gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) of ‘Rocha’ pear and of 13 other European pear cultivars that might be used as its pollinators. Partial sequences of S-RNase alleles were amplified by PCR with specific primers hybridising in conserved regions of previously identified S-RNase alleles of Pyrus communis, cloned and sequenced and the S-genotype of eight pear cultivars was fully determined. Three cultivars (‘General Léclerc’ (SqSl), ‘Tosca’ (SbSl) and ‘Alexandrine Douillard’ (SbSk)) shared no S-alleles with ‘Rocha’ (SaSe) and shall be totally compatible with this cultivar. None of the cultivars analysed showed an identical amplification pattern to the one observed in ‘Rocha’, so the other cultivars shall be at least semi-compatible. One new allele was identified in P. communis cv. ‘Beurré d’Avril’ (designated as St). The determination of both S-RNase alleles of cvs ‘Rocha’, ‘Beurré Precoce Morettini’ (SeSk) and ‘Tosca’ and the identification of one S-RNase allele in cvs ‘Carapinheira’ (Sb), ‘Amêndoa’ (Se), ‘Pérola’ (Sk) and ‘Beurré d’Avril’ (St) are important contributions for the effort recently developed worldwide to establish groups of sexual compatibility among European pears.  相似文献   

The vegetative and reproductive performances of ‘Coscia’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) grown on nine rootstocks [OHF 69, OHF 97, OHF 217, OHF 333, OHF 513 and BP 1 (P. communis), clonal seedling (Davis AxB) of Pyrus betulifolia and quince BA 29 and EMA (Cydonia oblonga)] were compared during a 9-year period. The trial was conducted at the Experimental Station ‘Avnei Eitan’ in northern Israel (elevation 400 m above sea level, a.s.l.), on a well-drained soil with pH 7.1. Trees were planted in December 1998, spaced at 4.0 m × 2.0 m and trained with a central axis. The most vigorous trees were on P. betulifolia seedlings, followed by the four OHF rootstock (69, 97, 333, 513) and BP 1 (with no significant difference between them). All the above rootstocks demonstrated greater vigor than OHF 217 and quince BA 29 or EMA. The highest cumulative yields per tree were harvested from trees on the four OHF rootstocks (69, 97, 333, 513) and P. betulifolia followed by the BP 1. The two quince rootstocks, as well as OHF 217, had the lowest cumulative yield and the lowest yield of large fruit. A positive correlation was found between the vigor of the tree, as affected by the rootstock, and both the total yield and the fruit size. We conclude that in a warm climate, yield efficiency is not the only parameter that should be taken into account, and building a strong tree for a weak cultivar is the first requirement for establishing an orchard.  相似文献   

Date palms growing in hot arid regions are generally facing several kinds of environmental stresses which limit tree growth and productivity and negatively affect fruit quality. During 2009 and 2010 seasons, the effects of 5-aminolevulininc acid (5-ALA) application at different rates on yield, fruit quality, pigment contents and nutrient uptake of ‘Rabia’ and ‘Sukkariat-Yanbo’ date palm cultivars were studied. In both cultivars, the application of 5-ALA significantly increased bunch weight and yield per tree compared to control. The highest bunch weight and yield per tree was achieved by 5-ALA at 200 ppm followed by 250 ppm applied on both fruit bunches and leaves. These were reflected on higher fruit and flesh weight and fruit length, at the bisir and rutab stages. However, the application of 5-ALA at 250 ppm only on fruit bunches without leaves significantly increased bunch weight and yield per tree compared to control only in ‘Sukkariat-Yanbo’ but not in ‘Rabia’ cultivar. There were significant interaction effects between treatments and seasons on bunch weight and yield in ‘Rabia’ but not in ‘Sukkariat-Yanbo’ cultivar. The rutab % was not significantly affected by any of the applied treatments and it was higher in 2009 than in 2010 season in ‘Rabia’, however, the opposite was true in ‘Sukkariat-Yanbo’ cultivar. Most of the physical parameters of fruit quality at both the bisir and rutab stages were significantly improved in both cultivars by 5-ALA application compared to control, in contrast to the biochemical parameters that were not affected. In both cultivars, chlorophyll a concentration significantly increased by 5-ALA application especially at 200 and 250 ppm on both leaves and fruits compared to control. While chlorophyll b concentration was not significantly affected by the 5-ALA application, total chlorophyll concentration was significantly higher at 250 ppm 5-ALA application than control in both cultivars. There were no significant differences among the different rates of 5-ALA application. Chlorophyll a/b ratio was not significantly affected by 5-ALA application compared to control. The concentrations of N, P and K in the leaves of both cultivars were not significantly affected by the 5-ALA application compared to control. It was concluded that 5-ALA application has promotive effects on yield, fruit quality and chlorophyll concentration of both ‘Rabia’ and ‘Sukkariat-Yanbo’ date palms under hot arid climate.  相似文献   

From 2002 to 2006, plant growth promoting effects of Bacillus M3, Bacillus OSU-142 and Microbacterium FS01 were tested alone or in combination on apple (Malus domestica L.) cv. Granny Smith in terms of yield, growth and nutrient composition of leaves in the province of Malatya, Turkey. The presence of M3 and/or OSU-142 and/or FS01 combinations stimulated plant growth and resulted in significant yield increases in Granny Smith. Root inoculation of PGPR strains significantly increased cumulative yield (26.0–88.0%), fruit weight (13.9–25.5%), shoot length (16.4–29.6%) and shoot diameter (15.9–18.4%) compared with the control. In addition, all nutrient element contents (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn and Zn) investigated in Granny Smith, except Mg was significantly affected by bacterial applications compared with the control. The highest N content (3.38%) was obtained from OSU-142 + FS01 application. Phosphorus contents of leaves of Granny Smith increased from 0.29% in the control to 0.42, 0.37, 0.36, 0.36 and 0.35% by M3, M3 + FS01, M3 + OSU-142, OSU-142 and M3 + OSU-142 + FS01 application, respectively. All bacterial applications significantly increased Ca content of leaves. The highest K, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn content of leaves were obtained from OSU-142, M3, FS01, M3 and M3 + FS01 applications, respectively. The results of this study suggest that Bacillus M3 and/or OSU-142 and/or Microbacterium FS01 in combination have the potential to increase the yield, growth and nutrition of apple trees.  相似文献   

A dynamic model was developed for re-constructing data of shoot leaf area increment in pot chrysanthemum. From specified final areas of individual leaves and time of anthesis of the terminal flower, the model can re-construct dynamic growth of each leaf on side shoots using a modified Richards function. In the model, leaf growth is related to a relative time index ranging from zero to unity, where zero is the start of short day treatment and unity corresponds to anthesis of the terminal flower. Experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions to collect data for parameter estimation, model verification and model validation. An allometric relationship between leaf length and leaf area was used to estimate leaf area non-destructively from leaf length recordings. When compared with the data used for parameter estimation, the model simulations fitted the data with R2 values ranging from 0.979 to 0.998. In the validation trial the model showed a tendency of over estimation early leaf growth but could explain variations in the data with R2 values ranging from 0.899 to 0.993.  相似文献   

Faced with new challenges, such as emerging diseases, shortening of orchard longevity, and larger social and environmental demands from consumers, practices such as rootstock diversification, irrigation and high density plantings have become relevant for the Brazilian citrus industry. This research had the objective to evaluate the performance of irrigated and non-irrigated ‘Tahiti’ lime trees grafted on 12 rootstocks and one interstock. Plots were distributed following a randomized block design, with four replicates and one plant per plot. Rootstocks influenced plant vigor, especially ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate, which reduced tree height by approximately 47% compared to the ‘Rangpur’ lime. Trees that were budded on more vigorous rootstocks showed higher yield when grown without irrigation than with irrigation. The ‘1646’ citradia and ‘Morton’ citrange rootstocks performed particularly well. On the other hand, the plants on less vigorous rootstocks showed better performance in terms of yield under irrigation than the same combinations without irrigation, especially those grafted on the tetraploid ‘Carrizo’ and ‘Troyer’ citranges, ‘Swingle’ citrumelo, ‘Davis A’ trifoliate and ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate. Plants budded on the ‘1708’ citradia had high yields under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The effect of interstock on plant vigor was dependent of rootstock. Interstocked plants on ‘Davis A’ trifoliate were higher than those without interstock. On the other hand, interstocked plants on Catania 2 ‘Volkamer’ lemon were less vigorous than those without interstock.  相似文献   

The citriculture in Brazil, as well as in other important regions in the world, is based on very few mandarin cultivars. This fact leads to a short harvest period and higher prices for off-season fruit. The ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is among the earliest ripening mandarin cultivars, and it is considered to be tolerant to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.) and to citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). Despite having regular fruit quality under hot climate conditions, the early fruit maturation and absence of seeds of ‘Okitsu’ fruits are well suited for the local market in the summer (December through March), when the availability of citrus fruits for fresh consumption is limited. Yet, only a few studies have been conducted in Brazil on rootstocks for ‘Okitsu’. Consequently, a field trial was carried out in Bebedouro, São Paulo State, to evaluate the horticultural performance of ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma mandarin budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin ‘Changsha’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) × Poncirus trifoliata ‘English Small’; the hybrid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) × ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.) ‘Rubidoux’, ‘FCAV’ and ‘Flying Dragon’ (P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the mandarins ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ (C. reticulata Blanco) and ‘Sunki’ (Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the Rangpur limes (C. limonia Osbeck) ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’; ‘Carrizo’ citrange (Citrus sinensis × P. trifoliata), ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata × C. paradisi), and ‘Orlando’ tangelo (C. paradisi × Citrus tangerina cv. ‘Dancy’). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 6 m × 3 m spacing, in a randomized block design. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three different rootstock pairs with similar effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Okitsu’ mandarin. The ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate had a unique effect over the ‘Okitsu’ trees performance, inducing lower canopy volume and higher yield efficiency and fruit quality, and might be suitable for high-density plantings. The ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’ Rangpur limes induced early-ripening of fruits, with low fruit quality. ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ and ‘Sunki’ mandarins and the ‘Orlando’ tangelo conferred lower yield efficiency and less content of soluble solids for the latter rootstock.  相似文献   

This work sets out to examine the effectiveness of a number of cytokinins or products with cytokinin-like activity, with and without additional sprays of gibberellins or leaf plucking, on the production of feathers (sylleptic shoots) on trees of the European pear cultivar ‘Comice’ in a fruit tree nursery. It covers the results from three successive years experimentation.  相似文献   

Covering apple orchards with nets protects them from hailstorms but this changes the amount and quality of the light supplied to the trees. This study was carried out to assess the effects of shade provided by white protection net on yield and fruit quality of apple orchards in Southern Brazil, along three growing seasons (2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005). ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apple trees (on MM111 rootstock, raised as slender spindles, with a spacing of 5.5 m × 3 m) were left uncovered (control trees) or covered with white net. The white net reduced the photosynthetically active radiation (λ = 400–700 nm) accumulated over the trees’ canopy along a day by 18.4%, leading to a higher leaf chlorophyll content in both cultivars, and a higher specific leaf area in ‘Gala’. The shade provided by the net did not affect yield and increased fruit average weight in both cultivars. At harvest, the number of seeds per fruit and severity of russet were not affected by netting in both cultivars, as well as the incidence of watercore in ‘Fuji’. The main beneficial effects of the white net were the reduced incidence of sunburn on ‘Gala’, reduced incidence of bitter pit during cold storage in both cultivars, and reduced incidence of apple scab at harvest and of decay after cold storage in ‘Fuji’. Fruit fly damage in ‘Gala’ (assessed in one season) was reduced by netting. However, netting affected negatively some fruit quality attributes. ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apples from trees protected by the net had a poor skin color (pale blush and a more intense green background color) at harvest. The net reduced flesh firmness and SSC, and increased the starch index of ‘Gala’ apples at harvest, and reduced flesh firmness and SSC, assessed after cold storage and shelf life, in fruits of both cultivars.  相似文献   

Cross-pollination was performed with soft-X-irradiated hyuga-natsu pollens (1000 Gy) for ‘Tosa-Buntan’ pummelo (Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck). This resulted in the transformation of large and complete seeds into small and empty ones (practically seedless). Although fruit set, fruit retention, total soluble solids content (TSS) and titratable acidity of the juice were not affected, decrement in the fruit size was observed. Two weeks after the pollination, endosperm cell division with free nuclei began in both the non-irradiated and irradiated pollen treatment conditions. Seven weeks after pollination, endosperm division with the cell wall occurred in the non-irradiated pollen treatment conditions; however, the endosperm development ceased in most ovules that underwent the irradiated pollen treatment, and the ovules remained in their free nuclear stage. The delayed degeneration of the ovules, following successful fertilization and commencement of endosperm cell division, allow these seedless fruits to be categorized as pseudo-parthenocarpic.  相似文献   

Tree growth and the increase in inorganic nutrients during a growing season were studied in 3-year-old, container-grown ‘Fuyu’ persimmon trees with different levels of fruit-load. Fruit-load was varied by adjusting the leaf–fruit ratio to 10, 20, 30, and 60 on July 5. Some trees were completely defruited. The whole trees were harvested on November 5 of that year, and increases in dry weight and inorganic elements in different tree parts during the season were measured. A lower leaf–fruit ratio resulted in a higher yield but also decreased fruit weight, soluble solids, and fruit color. Dry weight of the aerial woods and root increased significantly with a greater ratio. However, total dry weight including the fruits was higher in the lower ratio trees than in the higher ratio trees; the weight of a tree that maintained the ratio of 10 was 35% higher than a tree without fruit. Fruits accounted for 62% of total dry weight when the ratio was 10 and 27% when the ratio was 60. The leaf–fruit ratio did not significantly alter the total increase in P, K, Ca, and Mg content. N tended to decrease with an increasing leaf–fruit ratio. Of the total increases of N, P, and K during the season, the fruits accounted for 30%, 50%, and 54% at the ratio of 20, respectively, and the percentages increased to 44, 81, and 74 at the ratio of 10. The inorganic element content in the aerial woods and root tended to increase with greater ratios, especially in the root. When trees were defruited, N and K increases in the root accounted for 44% and 35% of the total increase, respectively. These results indicated that persimmon orchard fertilization programs with different fruit-load levels should accommodate the proportion of nutrients partitioned to fruits that are removed permanently from the tree.  相似文献   

The effects of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization relative to the beginning of a 4-week floral-inducing short-day (SD) period have been studied in ‘Korona’ strawberry plants under controlled environment conditions. Groups of low fertility plants were fertilized with 100 ml of calcium nitrate solution for 3 days a week for a period of 3 weeks starting at various times before and at the beginning of the SD period, as well as at different times during the SD period. All plants, including SD and long day (LD) control plants, received a weekly fertilization with a low concentration complete fertilizer solution throughout the experiment. Leaf area, fresh and dry matter increments of leaves, crowns and roots, as well as leaf chlorophyll concentration (SPAD values) were monitored during the experimental period. A general enhancement of growth took place at all times of N fertilization. This was paralleled by an increase in leaf chlorophyll concentration, indicating that the control plants were in a mild state of N deficiency. When N fertilization was started 2 weeks before beginning of the SD period, flowering was delayed by 7 days, and this was gradually changed to an advancement of 8 days when the same treatment was started 3 weeks after the first SD. The amount of flowering was generally increased by N fertilization although the effect varied greatly with the time of N application. The greatest flowering enhancement occurred when N fertilization started 1 week after the first SD when the number of flowering crowns and the number of inflorescences per plant were more than doubled compared with the SD control, while fertilization 2 weeks before SD had no significant effect on these parameters. Importantly, the total number of crowns per plant was not affected by N fertilization at any time, indicating that enhancement of flowering was not due to an increase in potential inflorescence sites. No flowering took place in the control plants in LD. Possible physiological mechanisms involved and practical applications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The poor red blush development on ‘Cripps Pink’ (Malus x domestica Borkh.) apple fruit at commercial maturity (CM) reduces the economic return to apple growers in warmer regions of the world. The effects of delayed harvest maturity up to 6 weeks following CM on the development of red blush and fruit quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple were investigated at two locations in Western Australia during 2003 and 2004. The red blush, export-grade fruit, total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, and epicatechin of apple fruit skin tissues increased with advancement of harvest maturity at both locations in both years, whereas hue angle, concentration of phloridzin, fruit firmness, and titratable acidity (TA) of apple fruit tissues decreased with delayed harvest. The internal ethylene concentration was elevated with the delayed harvest. The concentrations of quercetin 3-galactoside, quercetin 3-arabinoside, quercetin 3-rutinoside, quercetin 3-rhamnoside, and quercetin 3-glucoside increased up to 2 weeks following CM, and then declined in 2003 at both locations and at Perth Hills in 2004. Delayed harvest resulted in improved development of red blush on the fruit surface, accumulation of total anthocyanin, cyanidin 3-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and quercetin glycosides in fruit skin, SSC:TA ratio and reduced fruit firmness possibly due to the increased ethylene production.  相似文献   

The ‘Mopanshi’ persimmon is a seedless, astringent parthenocarpic cultivar that does not produce male flowers. After pollination using four non-astringent cultivars (‘Zenjimaru’, ‘Nishimurawase’, ‘Okugosho’ and ‘Hanagosho’), seeds were produced to different degrees. ‘Mopanshi’ fruits pollinated with ‘Zenjimaru’ produced far more seeds than those pollinated with the other three cultivars. The ratio of abnormal seeds obtained from the fruits pollinated with ‘Hanagosho’ was higher than that obtained from the fruits pollinated with the other three cultivars. Most embryos degenerated in the early to late stages of seed development. Immature embryos were cultured in a modified MS medium (half of NO3 in MS medium + 0.4 μM BA + 0.1 μM IBA) with the greatest success (52–80%) from embryos taken from fruits 60–80 days after pollination. Seedlings failed to initiate radicles so they were transferred to dark culture conditions for 8 days or to a rooting media that contained 3% sucrose and 1% Chinese ink. The seedlings on the medium darkened with ink rooted at greater than 90.83% compared to 75.83% for dark cultured seedlings. This study demonstrated that ‘Mopanshi’ persimmon could be used as a female parent in crosses, but embryos needed to be moved to tissue culture conditions to continue to develop and form plantlets.  相似文献   

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