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When grown in a glasshouse, flowering in Primula vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) and ‘Ducat’ (blue) was delayed with increasing temperature from approximately 12°C to 18°C. In addition, size of the first open flower and the number of flowering axillary shoots decreased, whereas the number of leaves and leaf area increased with the temperature increase. All temperature responses were greater in ‘Aalsmeer’ than in ‘Ducat’.When grown in growth rooms at 9°C, flowering in P. vulgaris ‘Aalsmeer Giant’ (yellow) was inhibited compared with 15°C. However, when 9 weeks of 15°C was applied to plants grown for 9 weeks at 9°C, the inhibition was overcome; longer periods of 15°C being no more effective. This indicates than an early stage of flower formation, probably the initiation, in Primula vulgaris is inhibited by 9°C, and not the further development of the buds towards open flowers.  相似文献   

GA4 + 7 (1000 mg/l), alone or in combination with BA (100 mg/l), was found to induce shoot emergence and flowering in dormant bulbs of L. speciosum, while GA3, alone or in combination with BA, had no effect. BA had a significant influence on increasing flower numbers, particularly when combined with GA4 + 7.  相似文献   

为实现乌塌菜的加代繁殖,针对冬性不同的材料,找到其适宜的春化时间,将萌芽的种子在4℃低温条件下分别处理15、20、25 d,调查不同春化处理时间对乌塌菜各材料抽薹开花的影响。结果表明,‘常丰乌塌菜’冬性最强,春化25 d,播种至现蕾始期时间为35.6 d,播种至开花始期时间为45.8 d,现蕾开花最早,开花期反应植株大小与健壮程度的株幅、花薹直径、叶片数与春化20 d处理差异不显著;‘中八叶’和‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d,开花期植株生长健壮,株幅、叶片数、花薹直径显著优于春化25 d处理,开花率接近100%,现蕾开花也较早。综合分析得出‘常丰乌塌菜’春化25 d最适宜,‘中八叶’‘精选乌塌菜’春化20 d最适宜。  相似文献   

化学物质打破桃休眠的效应初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以油桃品种华光和寿星桃为试材,应用石灰氮、氰胺、苯基噻二唑基脲、赤霉素、6-苄基腺嘌呤、硝酸钾进行打破桃休眠的试验。结果表明,石灰氮破眠效果最佳,可使中芽提早萌发13-14天,花芽提早7天萌芽,提早开花7-13天,且萌芽率显著提高,其余供试药剂也有不同程度的破眠效应,只是效率较低,使用破眠剂的时期和浓度不同,效果也异。休眠芽中可溶性糖含量增加,淀粉含量下降,是解除休眠的标志。  相似文献   

Ethylene (C2H4) applied before chilling stimulated rooting and sprouting, and increased root number and length per corm. Only when corms experienced high temperature for a certain period before or after C2H4 treatment was a promotive effect on sprouting observed. When C2H4 was applied at the beginning of the high-temperature storage, the effect was greatest and all treated corms sprouted within 2 weeks of planting. Effects of ethephon on sprouting were slight.Shortening the dormant period with C2H4 could be useful for practical freesia forcing, since C2H4 has no adverse effects on the development of the root and the shoot.  相似文献   

Michelia yunnanensis Franch. is a Chinese endemic ornamental shrub with potential for greater utilization as a landscape and medicinal plant if propagation was less difficult. Seed development and breaking of seed dormancy were investigated to improve propagation of M. yunnanensis. No fresh seeds germinated when tested at the time of dispersal. Newly matured seeds of M. yunnanensis contained differentiated linear underdeveloped embryos that were physiologically dormant. The embryo/seed length ratio of M. yunnanensis was 0.15. Warm stratification did not break seed dormancy. Dormancy was broken by cold stratification at 4 °C but not by flowing water or nitrate. Embryos developed grew inside seeds during cold stratification at 4 °C. In newly harvested dormant seeds, embryos were 0.94 mm long and increased in length 139% before radicle emergence (germination). GA3 substituted for cold stratification to break dormancy in seeds of M. yunnanensis incubated at 25 °C or 20/25 °C. Mature M. yunnanensis seeds exhibited intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy. Optimal germination of non-dormant seed in terms of both germination percentage and rate occurred at 20/25 °C.  相似文献   

Early in autumn, at the end of September or at the beginning of October, strawberry plants of the cultivars ‘Glasa’ and ‘Tioga’ were transferred from outdoors to separate phytotron glasshouses at constant temperatures of 10° and 14°C. In November a number of these plants were chilled at 3°C for 0 to 4 weeks and subsequently forced; the rest remained at 10° and 14°C until June.The plants kept at 10°C and subsequently chilled and forced, grew faster and more vigorously than those pretreated at 14°C. The 14° plants showed more pronounced growth differences resulting from the length of the chilling treatments than did the 10° plants. Those remaining continuously at 10° developed vigorously from March onwards, while those at 14°C retained their flat appearance into June. These results showed that a continuous temperature as high as 10°C was still able to break dormancy in the strawberry plants, while 14°C was ineffective.  相似文献   

In the short-day plant Euphorbia fulgens under short-day conditions the flower induction in the shoot apex is delayed more and more nodes are formed beneath the final cyathium, the higher the temperature up to 28°C. The delay of induction is greater with plants growing in a moist soil than in a dry soil. The difference between moist and dry soil is greater, the higher the temperature. There are slight temporal differences in the induction of the lateral shoots in the temperature range between 15°C and 25°C, but the number of nodes formed at the lower paracladia is greater at the higher temperature. The development of the cyathia is enhanced at high temperatures. At temperatures above 28°C induction is prevented. The temperature limit for induction is some degrees higher for plants in dry soil than for those in moist soil. Cycocel causes effects similar to those caused by water deficiency, although the newly formed internodes become shorter.  相似文献   

Cyclocarya paliurus is native to China and is the sole species in its genus. However, the seeds remain deeply dormant for 2 years in their natural environment. We tested different pretreatments of chemical scarification and exogenous application of gibberellic acid (GA3) for efficacy in breaking dormancy and speeding germination. In contrast to scarified seeds, non-scarified seed did not germinate, indicating that C. paliurus seeds have hard, impermeable seed coat dormancy. Exogenous application of GA3 significantly enhanced germination of scarified seeds. Compared with seeds stratified in sand with water, the germination of seeds stratified in sand moistened with 400 ppm GA3 for 60 days was significantly increased and germination rate was over 90% after 120 days. Analysis of variance indicated that both GA3 concentration and stratification medium had significant effects on seed germination and final germination percentage. Germination was higher for longer stratification periods, but no significant difference in germination was observed after 90 days. These results suggested that C. paliurus seeds exhibit both exogenous and endogenous dormancy. A combination of chemical scarification and exogenous application of GA3 alleviated seed dormancy in a relatively short period of time.  相似文献   

Growth and dormancy induction of seedlings or micropropagated plants of three Prunus species were studied under controlled environment conditions. All the species tested, P. cerasus L. and P. insititia L. (two cultivars each), and P. avium L. were insensitive to photoperiod at high temperature and maintained continuous growth in both 10 and 24-h photoperiods at 21 °C. At lower temperatures, however, growth was controlled by the interaction of photoperiod and temperature, the species and cultivars varying somewhat in their responses. At 9 °C growth cessation was induced regardless of day-length conditions in the plum rootstocks ‘St. Julien A’ and ‘Weito’ as well as in the sour cherry rootstock ‘Weiroot’, whereas in the sour cherry rootstock ‘Gisela 5’ growth cessation took place in short day (SD) only. At intermediate temperatures (12 and 15 °C) growth cessation occurred in SD only in both sour cherry cultivars. In P. avium seedlings on the other hand, growth cessation in SD was only induced at 9 °C, continuous but reduced growth taking place also in SD at all higher temperatures. Growth rates increased progressively with increasing temperature under long day (LD) conditions in all species, and this was associated with increased internode length in LD compared with SD conditions. Production of new leaves was unaffected by photoperiod at high temperature, but was higher in LD than in SD at lower temperatures. After growth cessation at low temperature the plants developed winter buds and became dormant also in LD conditions. These results demonstrate that, like several species of the Pomoidae subfamily of the Rosaceae, these Prunus species are insensitive to short photoperiods at relatively high temperatures. However, the photoperiodic response of the Prunus species is highly temperature dependent, and the transition temperatures for shifts in the photoperiodic response mode vary among the species.  相似文献   

核果类植物是温带地区重要的果树资源,兼具良好的经济价值、生态价值及园林观赏价值。休眠是核果类果树种子为应对不良外界环境而产生的适应性进化,有利于保障种群的延续,但不利于苗木的规模化繁育。为了优化核果类植物繁育技术,提高苗木繁育效率,对核果类植物种子休眠与萌发机制的研究现状进行综述。本研究重点分析国内外相关研究进展,分别从果肉、内果皮、种皮、种胚4个方面对核果类果树种子休眠机制及休眠打破方法进行总结归纳,并基于综述结果对其研究前景进行展望,以期在阐明核果类果树种子休眠与萌发机制的基础上,为解决生产过程中种子休眠问题提供思路与方法,并为乡土植物资源保护、引种栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Mango flowering is an important physiological event that sets the start of fruit production. Initiation is the first event that takes place for mangoes to flower. Coincident with shoot initiation, induction occurs based on the conditions present at the time of initiation. Numerous studies with mango trees support the existence of a florigenic promoter (FP) that is continuously synthesized in mango leaves and induces flowering. Translocation experiments suggest that the FP is carried from leaves to buds in phloem. Induction appears to be governed by the interaction of the FP and a vegetative promoter (VP). The FP is translocated as far as 100 cm in subtropical conditions and 52 cm in tropical conditions. In the tropics, floral induction occurs in stems that have attained sufficient time in rest since the previous flush. The age of the last flush is the primary factor governing flowering in the tropics as evidenced by experiments in Colombia. Tip pruning is ideal to synchronize vegetative flush events in the canopy. Potassium nitrate (KNO3) has been shown to stimulate flowering in sufficiently mature stems. Tip pruning and foliar applied KNO3 are effective methodologies that induce synchronous flowering especially in Colombia. Cool temperatures are important for mango floral induction under subtropical conditions. Mangoes grown in the low-latitude tropics rely less on low temperature. Soil and leaf analyses should be conducted to evaluate the nutrient status of trees.  相似文献   

Hibiscus sabdariffa L. was found to show an ambiphotoperiodic reaction, flowering both in short days and in extremely long days, but remaining vegetative (at least at 21–25° C) in a 16 h day. Flowering had a dual effect on growth. When floral induction was strong, lateral buds developed into flowers and the number of branches was proportionally reduced. The first stage of floral induction, however, was accompanied by a decrease of apical dominance. Plants shifted to long days after only a short stay at an inductive daylength, and plants moved to short days after a prolonged stay in long days, formed many more branches and a much greater vegetative mass than plants grown in continuous short days or long days.Plants were already sensitive to daylength in the cotyledon stage. Floral induction was not carried over from short days into long days. After marginal induction, floral buds reverted to vegetative shoots, or aborted and were replaced by a shoot from the axil of a bract.In short days, seedlings form shallowly three-lobed leaves until the generative stage, when only entire leaves are formed. In long days, the leaves are deeply five-lobed, also when the plant flowers.  相似文献   


Moderate day/night temperatures (20/15° v. 15/10°C) increased vegetative growth and reduced flowering in the seven litchi cvs Tai So, Bengal, Souey Tung, Kwai May Pink, Kwai May Red, Salathiel and Wai Chee. At higher temperatures (25/20° and 30/25°C), vegetative growth was promoted further and flowering eliminated. Temperature also influenced the type of inflorescence formed. More leaves were formed on the panicles of trees growing at 20/15° than at 15/10°C. All terminal shoots on all cultivars produced panicles at 15/10°C. The relative order for the amount of flowering at 20/15°C was: ‘Wai Chee’>‘Salathiel’>‘Kwai May Pink’>‘Tai So’>‘Bengal’>‘Souey Tung’>‘Kwai May Red’. Cultivars which were vigorous at high temperatures produced fewer panicles at 20/15°C and fewer leafless panicles at 15/10°C. Only small differences were observed in the leaf water potential and the nutrient status of the shoots at different temperatures. Vigour and flowering of the cultivars in the glasshouse generally reflected field performance in subtropical Australia (Lat. 27°S). Low vigour could be useful for selecting litchi cultivars for good fruiting in environments with warm autumns and winters.  相似文献   

N. flexuosa alba is a perennial bulbous member of the Amaryllidaceae and an attractive new ornamental. In the bulb, inflorescence buds are formed periodically under any circumstances which allow growth. The problem was that quite often these buds do not elongate, and desiccate prematurely, so that poor flowering results.Light was found not to be a factor in flowering, neither energetically nor photo-periodically, but temperature turned out to be limiting. Good flowering occurred after growth at temperatures of 9 or 13°C, 17 and 21°C being too high. The combination of 9°C during growth and 21°C during storage resulted in 100% satisfactory flowering and an acceptable bulb growth. Gibberellic acid did not effect flowering.  相似文献   

Salicornia is a new vegetable crop that can be irrigated with highly saline water, even at salt concentrations equivalent to full-strength seawater. During leafy vegetable cultivation, the onset of the reproductive phase is an undesired phenomenon that reduces yield and quality and prevents year-round cultivation. Knowledge about the regulation of floral induction in the members of the tribe Salicornieae, however, is lacking. To establish year-round cultivation, we studied the flower induction of five Salicornia and two Sarcocornia varieties. Plants were grown under two day lengths, 13.5 h and 18 h, and harvested by a repetitive harvest regime. A 13.5-h day length prevented flower induction in the Israeli Salicornia varieties, but a longer day length was required to prevent flower induction in two species originating from more northern latitudes. The onset of the reproductive phase under suboptimal short day length conditions severely reduced vegetative growth and yields in Salicornia. In Sarcocornia, the repetitive harvest regime prevented flowering, making it a promising candidate for year-round cultivation. Irrigating the plants with full-strength seawater (electrical conductivity 48 dS m−1) vs. water with moderate salinity (electrical conductivity 10 dS m−1) did not change the general flowering pattern of the studied Salicornieae members.  相似文献   

Brunonia australis R. Br (Goodeniaceae) and Calandrinia (Portulacaceae), native to Australia, are potential new flowering potted plants. This research investigated the role of daylength and growth regulators, Gibberellic acid (GA3) and paclobutrazol (Pac), to control vegetative growth, peduncle elongation and flowering of Brunonia and Calandrinia. Plants were grown under long days (16 h), short days (11 h) and 8 weeks under short day then transferred to long day (SDLDs). Plants in each daylength were treated with GA3, Pac, and GA3+ Pac. GA3 was applied as 10 μL drop of 500 mg L−1 concentration to the newest mature leaf. A single application of Pac was applied as a soil drench at 0.25 mg a.i. dose per plant. Both Brunonia and Calandrinia flowered earlier in long days but still flowered in short days, so both can be classified as facultative LD plants. Brunonia under SDLDs were more vigorous and attractive than plants under LDs while still being more compact than plants under SDs. In Brunonia, GA3 promoted earlier flowering and increased the number of inflorescences under SDs. Pac at 0.25 mg a.i. per plant applied alone or in combination with GA3 had extended flower development in Brunonia, and resulted in a reduced number of inflorescences per plant compared to the control plants. Vegetative growth of Calandrinia was similar under LDs, SDs and SDLDs, whereas GA3 application increased plant size. Pac-treated Calandrinia looked compact and attractive, and Pac application did not affect time to flower and flower number.  相似文献   

In vegetatively propagated Pelargonium × hortorum plants, formation of axillary shoots and initiation of inflorescences and leaves were promoted by an increase in quantum flux density, whereas application of GA3 had a negative effect. Application of CCC caused an increase in number of axillary shoots and consequently an increase in number of inflorescences and leaves per plant.Dry weight increase was promoted by an increase in quantum flux density, unaffected by GA3 treatment, but inhibited by CCC treatment. Moreover, continuous removal of the oldest leaves reduced the number of inflorescences, leaves, axillary shoots and dry weight. The changes in inflorescence and leaf initiation could not be definitely correlated to the changes in dry weight increase.  相似文献   

The genus Ptilotus has immense potential for ornamental horticulture but its commercial development has been hindered by propagation limitations. Poor seed quality and germination are reported. Cutting propagation is limited by cutting supply as the juvenile phase of Ptilotus is short. Micropropagation has been used in an attempt to overcome these difficulties but explants become floral in vitro and this causes plantlets to elongate. Ethephon has been used to control flowering of stock plants of many ornamental species. This study investigated the effect of ethephon applied to young (3-week-old, deflasked from tissue culture) and mature (1-year-old) Ptilotus plants in a greenhouse. A system of applying gaseous ethylene at 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg l−1 to the headspace of in vitro plantlets in glass jars was developed and the response of in vitro plantlets to ethylene studied. One-year-old Ptilotus plants were treated with 500 mg l−1 ethephon 2 days before pruning or 1 or 2 weeks after pruning. Ethephon application 2 days before pruning decreased the number of inflorescences and increased the number of shoots (compared to the control) but was phytotoxic. Ethephon applications of 150 or 300 mg l−1 applied weekly or fortnightly to 3-week-old plants deflasked from tissue culture reduced plant height and number of inflorescences and at low concentrations increased the number of new shoots. A fortnightly application at 150 mg l−1 is recommended. Previous reports on the effects of ethylene on inflorescence production on plantlets in vitro are limited. Our study showed that exposure of in vitro plantlets of P. nobilis to ethylene gas at 100 mg l−1 for 1 h significantly increased the number of shoots and plant height but this did not occur for plantlets of P. spicatus. Plantlets of P. spicatus exposed to transient ethylene at 200 and 300 mg l−1 showed significantly greater rooting (52.4%) than the control (13.6%).  相似文献   

Flowering of Gladiolus grandiflorus was affected by the previous growing conditions and post-harvest handling of the corms. Reducing the storage temperature of the May-harvested corms from 33 to 5 °C caused severe decreases in flowering, whereas a similar treatment given to July- or September-harvested corms did not reduce flowering. A 10% reduction in water content of summer-harvested corms immediately after digging had no deleterious effect on flowering.  相似文献   

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