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In this study we evaluated the influence of rootstocks and scions on physiological disturbances that are induced by salinity in cashew (Anacardium occidentale) plantlets. Two cashew genotypes, CCP 09 and BRS 226, were utilized as rootstocks and scions, resulting in four scion/rootstock combinations by reciprocal grafting. The plantlets were irrigated in absence (control) or in presence of 50 or 200 mM NaCl for 15 days under greenhouse conditions. The plantlets with BRS 226 as rootstocks demonstrated higher transpiration and greater accumulations of Na+ and Cl, proline and free amino acids in leaves compared to plantlets that having CCP 09 as rootstocks. The K+ content in roots and leaves of all four combinations was not influenced by salinity or by different scion/rootstock combinations. The self-grafting of the BRS 226 genotype showed the highest stability for chlorophyll and Rubisco, exhibiting the highest tolerance to salinity. The scion genotype did not affect any of the studied physiological parameters. The studied physiological disturbances induced by salinity in cashew plantlets were more influenced by rootstock than by scion and these changes were also dependent on compatibility between scion and rootstock.  相似文献   

The rational use of water in arid and semi-arid zones is fundamental for resource sustainability. The integration of aquaculture with agriculture appears to be an excellent way of saving water, disposing aquaculture effluents and providing additional fertilizer to the agricultural crop. The objective of this study was to test the feasibility of using fish effluent to irrigate cherry tomatoes cultured with different types of organic fertilizers. A field experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design in a 2 × 5 factorial scheme, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of two irrigation water types (well water and fish effluent) with five fertilizers (cow manure, chicken manure, vermi-compost, commercial compost and a control without fertilization). Evaluations for tomato fruit number, productivity and mean fruit weight were performed. Statistical analyses were done in the following harvest periods: 0–25, 0–50, 0–75 and 0–100% of the harvest days. On the first three harvest periods analyzed, treatments irrigated with fish effluent had higher fruit number and productivity. This effect was more evident when the organic fertilizer used did not attend all plant needs. The higher productivity observed in effluent treatments was related to the increase in fruit number. The higher productivity in treatments with fish effluent has a special importance for small farmers, to whom fertilizers are often cost prohibitive or unavailable.  相似文献   

Cashew is an important edible nut crop of tropics. Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) was carried out on DNA bulks constituted from F2 population and germplasm in order to link or associate molecular markers with economic characters. In all 458 RAPD, 31 ISSR and 21 pairs of SSR primers were used and identified polymorphic markers between parents. Though screening F2 bulks with these markers identified markers polymorphic between the bulks but none could be validated with the individuals of their bulks. Hence screening with germplasm bulks was carried out and could identify four RAPD markers polymorphic between the bulks for nut weight and plant stature and also between the individuals of their bulks. Of the four, three markers were associated with nut weight amplifying at 775, 475, 275, bp region in primers OPN 14, UBC 184 and UBC 185 respectively. Out of these three, two markers were specific to low nut weight and one marker was specific to high nut weight and their bands were present in greater frequency (50–77.8% and 75%) of individuals constituting the respective bulks. Similarly, the another marker UBC 185275 was detected which was specific to low plant stature and was present in 66.7% and 10% individuals constituting short and tall bulks respectively. Markers identified with bulks and with the individuals of bulks were validated further with more individuals of F2 and germplasm.  相似文献   

The effects of partial root-zone drying (PRD), as compared to deficit irrigation (DI) and full irrigation (FI), on strawberry (cv. Honeoye) berry yield, yield components and irrigation water use efficiency (WUEI) were investigated in a field lysimeter under an automatic rain-out shelter. The irrigation treatments were imposed from the beginning of flowering to the end of fruit maturity. In FI the whole root zone was irrigated every second day to field capacity viz. volumetric soil water content (θ) of 20%; while in DI and PRD 60% water of FI was irrigated to either the whole or one-half of the root system, respectively, at each irrigation event. In PRD, irrigation was shifted from one side to the other side of the plants when θ of the drying side had decreased to 8–11%. Compared to FI plants, leaf water potential was significantly lower in DI and PRD plants in 3 out of 10 measurement occasions, while stomatal conductance was similar among the three treatments. Leaf area, fresh berry yield (FY), individual berry fresh weight, berry water content, and berry dry weight (DW) were significantly lower in DI and PRD plants than those of FI plants; whereas the total number of berry per plant was similar among treatments. Compared with FI, the DI and PRD treatments saved 40% of irrigation water, and this led to a 28 and 50% increase of WUEI based on berry FY and DW, respectively, for both DI and PRD. Conclusively, under the conditions of this study PRD had no advantage compared to DI in terms of berry yield and WUEI. DI and PRD similarly decreased berry yield and yield components and thus cannot be recommended under similar conditions.  相似文献   

In arid regions, such as Tunisia, the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) in agriculture can be a sustainable solution for water scarcity. A two-year field experiment was conducted in order to investigate the short-term effects of TWW on olive growth, yield and concentration of total nitrogen (Nt), potassium (K), phosphorous (P), and heavy metals (i.e. Zn, Mn, Pb and Cd) in olive leaves. Olive trees were subjected to the following irrigation treatments: (i) trees irrigated with well water (WW) and (ii) trees irrigated with treated wastewater (TWW). For both treatments, the TWW and WW were applied at a rate of 4.5 m3 day−1 tree−1 (5000 m3 ha−1 year−1). After two years, non-significant injuries caused by salts and/or heavy metals were observed on shoot growth of trees irrigated with TWW. The application of TWW significantly increased concentration of Nt, P and K in the leaves, whereas heavy metals (Zn and Mn) showed a significant increase only after the second year of irrigation.  相似文献   

Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production is normally carried out under irrigation as the crop is very susceptible to water shortage. Deficit irrigation strategies in pepper for paprika could increase production and facilitate mechanical harvest and, at the same time, save water. We conducted a field experiment that imposed water deficits, either during ripening (T1) or throughout the season (T2), and compared them to a fully irrigated control (T3). Stem water potential varied from −0.6 MPa in T3, early in the season to −1.5 MPa in T2 prior to harvest. Applied irrigation water for T1, T2, and T3 was 456, 346 and 480 mm, respectively. Water deficits depress leaf area and biomass production but did not affect the proportion of flowers that set fruit. Dry fruit weight in T2 at harvest was 66% of T3, but did not differ significantly between T1 and T3. However, commercial yield (based on colour production) was significantly higher in T3 than in the other two treatments, as the late water deficits imposed in T1 delayed harvest. We concluded that water deficits, either sustained or applied at fruit ripening, required for mechanical harvest do not hasten ripening and are detrimental to commercial yields and that pepper plants should be well supplied with water until harvest for maximum paprika production.  相似文献   

The effects of shading on lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) floral transition, plant development, flower yield and quality, and content of starch and soluble sugars were assessed in three cultivars, over two consecutive years. Shading nets affording 67% or 88% reduction in light intensity, were fitted at planting in the greenhouse for periods ranging from 3 to 8 weeks. Meristem morphology at floral transition was characterized by apical meristem widening and the appearance of two bract primordia. Floral transition time was affected by cultivars, but in general, longer and heavier shade treatments delayed floral transition; the longest delay (6 weeks) being recorded in Mariachi White under 88% shade for 7 weeks or under a combined shade treatment of 88% for 3 weeks followed by 67% for 5 weeks. Despite interactions between cultivar and shade treatment, consistent trends were discerned: the heaviest and most prolonged shading reduced yield (up to 40%), cut stem length (up to 15%), and number of flower buds/stem (up to 26%), within cultivar. Total carbohydrates levels were very low, and it is questionable whether changes observed in carbohydrate quantity following shade treatments had any effect on plant growth or flower yield. Rather, it appears that lisianthus is very dependent on current photosynthesis, so that even a brief shading interlude could reduce branching and flower quality. It may be concluded that the intensive shading usually applied is detrimental for lisianthus.  相似文献   

In the northeast of Brazil the drought period determines the yield period of the sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.). As a result, the use of irrigation is essential to stagger production over the course of the year. The results shown here represent an analysis of water status levels in sugar apples in daylight and seasonal periods in semi-arid regions. Two plant groups were studied: one without irrigation and the other with irrigation during drought months. This study showed that younger leaves displayed greater stomatal conductance and transpiration. In drought months, even in irrigated plants, the high air moisture deficit had a strong influence on the stomatal closure, which did not translate into a reduction in transpiration. Over the same period, the leaf water potential was −1.8 and −2.9 MPa at mid-day in irrigated and non-irrigated plants, respectively, and only the irrigated plants could recover their leaf hydration level at night. With a water deficit, plants showed greater control of transpiration through stomatal closure, with a linear relationship between stomatal conductance and transpiration.  相似文献   

Salt tolerance of five cultivars of Capsicum annuum L. Early Jalapeno, Golden Treasure, NuMex Sweet, NuMex Joe E. Parker, and Santa Fe Grande, two cultivars of C. chinense Jacq. Habanero and Pimienta De Chiera, and one accession of C. annuum, NMCA 10652, were evaluated in a field study. Seedlings were transplanted in late May to field raised beds containing loamy sand soils in a semi-arid environment. Plants were well irrigated throughout the experiment. Three saline solution treatments, prepared by adding NaCl, MgSO4, and CaCl2 to tap water at different amounts to create three salinity levels of 0.82 dS m−1 (control, tap water), 2.5 dS m−1, and 4.1 dS m−1 electrical conductivity (EC), were initiated on 15th June and ended in late August. Among the eight varieties, NMCA 10652 had the highest survival percentage at 100% in the 4.1 dS m−1 treatment, followed by ‘Early Jalapeno’, ‘NuMex Sweet’, ‘Pimienta De Chiera’, ‘Santa Fe Grande’, ‘Golden Treasure’, and ‘NuMex Joe E. Parker’. ‘Habanero’ had the lowest survival at 28%. Compared to control, final shoot dry weight of the plants irrigated with saline solution at 4.1 dS m−1 was reduced by 92% in ‘Habanero’, followed by ‘Golden Treasure’ at 80%. For fruit fresh weight in 4.1 dS m−1 vs. control, ‘Habanero’ had the highest reduction at 86%, followed by ‘Golden Treasure’ at 74%, while NMCA 10652 and ‘Santa Fe Grande’ had the least at 26% and 19%, respectively. NMCA 10652, the most tolerant to salinity, had the lowest leaf Na+ accumulation, while ‘Habanero’, the most sensitive to salinity, had the highest Na+ in the leaves. For leaf Cl, ‘Early Jalapeno’ had the highest, while ‘Habanero’ had the lowest Cl accumulation in the leaves. Generally, sensitive varieties accumulated more Na+ and/or Cl in leaves, except for ‘Early Jalapeno’, which was relatively tolerant to salinity but had high Na+ and Cl accumulation in leaves.  相似文献   

We propose the utilization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) interspecific hybrids derived from crosses with closely related species as an approach for developing new improved rootstocks for eggplant. Here we investigate rootstock effects on fruit yield, apparent quality and proximate and mineral composition of S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ (BB) scions grafted on interspecific hybrid rootstocks developed from crosses of S. melongena with Solanum incanum L. (SI × SM) and Solanum aethiopicum L. (SM × SA). The results are compared with non-grafted (BB control) and self-grafted (BB/BB) controls and with S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ scions grafted onto Solanum torvum Sw. (STO) and Solanum macrocarpon L. (SMA) rootstocks. All treatments were grown in a soil naturally infested with root-knot nematodes (mostly Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood). SI × SM and SM × SA interspecific hybrids had high germination (≥90%) and total graft success (100%). Contrary to what occurred with all other treatments, no plants from scions grafted onto these hybrid rootstocks died during the experiment. In particular, the SI × SM hybrid rootstock conferred the highest vigour to the scion, which resulted in the highest values for fruit earliness and early and total yield. Little difference was observed among treatments for apparent fruit quality traits, except for a greater fruit calyx length and prickliness of fruit grafted onto SMA rootstocks. A similar result was obtained for fruit composition where phenolics content was higher in fruit from plants grafted onto SMA rootstocks. Grafting eggplant onto interspecific eggplant hybrids, especially on the SI × SM hybrid, has proved advantageous for eggplant production, as the high vigour and good compatibility of the rootstock with scion results in improved early and total yield without negative effects on apparent fruit quality or composition. Interspecific hybrids represent an alternative to the commonly used STO rootstock, which is a wild species with irregular germination.  相似文献   

Two years old self-rooted Koroneiki olive trees (Olea europaea L.) were subjected to two irrigation regimes, i.e. the fully irrigated and the severely water stressed trees, while they were treated with three alleviating products of different mode of action. The products used were the osmolyte glycine betaine, the antioxidant Ambiol and the heat and irradiance reflecting kaolin clay particles. The effects of product application and water regime on leaf characteristics, shoot and root growth, photosynthesis, leaf compatible solids (carbohydrates) concentration and yield were evaluated. All products applied, exhibited significant alleviating action, based on the relative alleviation index. Irrigated trees exhibited greater growth than drought stressed ones, while the ameliorating products maintained the water content of the leaves under drought conditions and resulted in lower leaf tissue density. On the other hand carbon assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and intrinsic water use efficiency were significantly reduced under drought stress, while the opposite stood for intercellular CO2. Drought stress resulted in elevated sucrose leaf concentration, while the application of Ambiol increased stachyose concentration and that of glycine betaine did the same with the mannitol concentration. Among the alleviating products tested in this experiment Ambiol and glycine betaine had a significant positive effect on leaf water content, photosynthesis and yield under both drought and well irrigated conditions.  相似文献   

Traditionally, phosphates (Pi, salts of phosphoric acid, H3PO4) have been used for plant fertilization, and phosphites (Phi, salts of phosphorous acid, H3PO3) have been used as fungicides. Nowadays several Phi fertilizers are available in the EU market despite the fact that in research trials Phi has often had a negative influence on plant growth. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of a Phi fertilizer on plant growth, yield and fruit composition of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Experiments were carried out with ‘Polka’ frigo plants in South Estonia in 2005 and 2006. The number of leaves per plant, total and marketable yields, fruit size, fruit ascorbic acid content (AAC), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), anthocyanins (ACY) and total antioxidant activity (TAA) were recorded.  相似文献   

灌溉方式和灌水量对梨产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
连续2年对8~9年生黄冠梨树采用不同灌溉方式和灌水量的试验,结果表明,树盘1/2区域交替灌溉较常规灌溉用水量减少2/5,其蒸腾速率显著低于常规灌溉,而水分利用效率显著高于常规灌溉,2者之间的光合速率、产量和单果重不存在显著差异。树盘1/2区域固定灌溉的水分利用效率介于2者之间,但产量和单果重与2者差异显著。  相似文献   

The availability of fresh water is very scarce in the Middle East and North Africa. Yet consequently, brackish water or recycled wastewater can be used for irrigation, minimising the exploitation of natural water resources. The aim of this work was to study how irrigation with treated wastewater (TWW) over 4 years affects some parameters of “Chemlali” olive oil quality. Two treatments were considered: trees irrigated with treated wastewater and others cultivated in rain-fed conditions. Results showed that irrigation with TWW over 4 years did not affect free acidity, and specific ultraviolet absorbance at K232 and K270. For both the crop seasons the mean values of these parameters were lower than the upper limits established for “extra virgin” olive oil. However, irrigation with TWW cumulatively increased palmitic, palmitoleic, linoleic and linolenic acid contents and decreased oleic acid rates. A significant decrease of total phenol contents was also observed at the end of experimental period.  相似文献   

During 2003 and 2005, plant growth promoting effects of two Bacillus strains OSU-142 (N2-fixing) and M3 (N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing) were tested alone or in combinations on organically grown primocane fruiting raspberry (cv. Heritage) plants in terms of yield, growth, nutrient composition of leaves and variation of soil nutrient element composition in the province of Erzurum, Turkey. The results showed that Bacillus M3 treatment stimulated plant growth and resulted in significant yield increase. Inoculation of raspberry plant roots and rhizosphere with M3 and/or OSU-142 + M3, significantly increased yield (33.9% and 74.9%), cane length (13.6% and 15.0%), number of cluster per cane (25.4% and 28.7%) and number of berries per cane (25.1% and 36.0%) compared with the control, respectively. In addition, N, P and Ca contents of raspberry leaves with OSU-142 + M3 treatment, and Fe and Mn contents of the leaves of raspberry with M3 and OSU-142 + M3 applications significantly improved under organic growing conditions. Bacterial applications also significantly effected soil total N, available P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn contents and pH. Available P contents in soil was determined to be increased from 1.55 kg P2O5/da at the beginning of the study to 2.83 kg P2O5/da by OSU-142, to 5.36 kg P2O5/da by M3 and to 4.71 kg P2O5/da by OSU-142 + M3 treatments. The results of this study suggest that Bacillus M3 alone or in combination with Bacillus OSU-142 have the potential to increase the yield, growth and nutrition of raspberry plant under organic growing conditions.  相似文献   

Production of horticultural crops has undergone enormous change in recent years due to development of innovative technologies including integrated nutrient management practices using biofertilizers. The present study represents the positive response of biofertilizers in nursery seedlings followed by their transplantation in harsh field conditions of Indian Thar Desert. Nursery and field experiments were carried out to assess the effectiveness of selected N2-fixing bacteria and AM fungi alone or in combination, on the growth and biomass production of Punica granatum. In both experiments, the combined treatment of Azotobacter chroococcum and Glomus mosseae was found to be the most effective. Besides enhancing the rhizosphere microbial activity and concentration of various metabolites and nutrients, these bioinoculants helped in better establishment of pomegranate plants under field conditions. A significant improvement in the plant height, plant canopy, pruned material and fruit yield was evident in 5-year-old pomegranate plants in field conditions. In view of the above results, use of biofertilizer technology may be adopted for the establishment and development of other horticultural plant species in arid regions.  相似文献   

Withholding irrigation during last stages of onion crops is a common practice to minimize losses in storage due to rots. However, it is unclear whether extended periods of water deprivation may affect bulb postharvest behaviour. In this study we analyze the effects of water deficit during the crop cycle on bulb weight loss and sprouting during storage. Two experiments were conducted: one in a glasshouse with two onion cultivars subjected to three treatments of water availability (100%, 80% and 60% of field capacity); the other in the field, with one of these cultivars, subjected to two water availability treatments (dryland and irrigated twice during bulb filling). In both experiments five destructive samplings were done along crop development to assess plant height, number of green leaves, bulb and neck diameter, and whole-plant dry weight. Bulbs were harvested when 50% or more of the tops fell over. Harvested bulbs were classified by weight and then kept in a ventilated chamber at a mean temperature of 15 °C and weighted every two weeks, up to six months. Water deficit led to a significant reduction of bulb size, an acceleration of sprouting and an increased rate of weight loss during storage in both cultivars and under both experimental conditions. Hence, restricted irrigation during extended periods may have negative effects on the conservation of stored onion bulbs which suggests the need to finely adjust water management in this crop.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have been widely used in agriculture to improve the cultivation of many crops. One of the aims of this study was the isolation and molecular identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolated from mountain areas of Northern Greece (Ritini Pieria, Elatochori Pieria, Ambelakia Ossa). Only three isolates were obtained; two of Glomus etunicatum and one of G. lamellosum. The second objective of this study was to investigate the effect of these arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the concentration of macro- and micronutrients in tissues, the quantity and quality of essential oils and the growth of oregano and mint plants (two widely used aromatic plants in Greece). It was found that mycorrhizal oregano and mint plants had a higher content of essential oils and nutrient elements, and grew better than non-mycorrhizal plants. In addition, the composition of the essential oil in mycorrhizal plants differed from the oil of non-mycorrhizal plants. These results suggest that the use of mycorrhizal fungi may allow plant growth in low fertility soils, reduce fertilizer inputs and increase aromatic plant production of essential oils, They also indicate that it may be possible to use mycorrhizae to affect the quality of the essential oil produced.  相似文献   

Effects of the commercial product TrichoFlow WP™ (Agrimm Technologies Ltd., New Zealand), based on the fungus Trichoderma harzianum, on quality characteristics and yield of bulb onion was investigated. Bulb sets of the local cultivar Kantartopu was planted in soil with in and between row distances of 0.15 m and 0.40 m, respectively. The product, at considerably high dosages of 5 g m−2, 10 g m−2 and 15 g m−2, was mixed with water and sprinkled once to the plots at planting. Analyses of data at harvest did not show statistical significance for Trichoderma effect on total bulb yield, bulb diameter, leaf length, number of shoot apex, %titratable acidity, number of internal (fleshy) leaves, number of external (papery) leaves, %soluble solids and %bulbs with diameters of 20–39 mm, 40–69 mm and ≥70 mm. The yields obtained from the plots treated with the dosages of 5 g m−2, 10 g m−2 and 15 g m−2 and the control plots were 1063.7 kg da−1, 1051.0 kg da−1, 1066.5 kg da−1 and 985.0 kg da−1, respectively. Our results showed that high dosages of the Trichoderma product were not effective in enhancing onion bulb and yield characteristics under the given conditions.  相似文献   

Twelve commercially produced Dutch green waste composts were evaluated for their suitability to replace 20% (v/v) peat substrate in the cultivation of ornamentals. Salt concentrations were determined in water extracts of the composts and disease suppressive effects were assessed against various soilborne diseases. The Cl-concentration of the compost extract appeared to be the limiting factor for use of the composts in potting mixtures. The Cl-concentrations in 7 and 1 composts, respectively, were too high to replace 20% of peat for growing salt sensitive and moderately salt sensitive plants, according to guidelines set for these groups of plants. The suppressive effects of the composts were tested in peat-based potting mixtures using three bioassays: Phytophthora cinnamomi—lupin, Cylindrocladium spathiphylliSpathiphyllum and Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1—cauliflower. Disease levels in compost-amended mixtures were compared with the non-amended controls. None of the composts induced suppressiveness against P. cinnamomi; 3 and 9 composts significantly induced suppressiveness against C. spathiphylli and R. solani, respectively. No significant disease enhancement was observed in any of the bioassays. The pH of the potting mixture showed a negative correlation with suppression of the Rhizoctonia disease (R2 = 0.56). The effect of pH (pH 4–6) on suppression of R. solani and P. cinnamomi was further studied in non-amended peat. Disease suppression of R. solani in cauliflower decreased with increasing pH in two different kinds of peat, while there was no effect on P. cinnamomi. The suppressive effect of 3 composts was assessed in two experiments against Fusarium wilt in Cyclamen persicum (caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. cyclamini) and Begonia eliator (caused by F. foetens) under near-commercial conditions. None of the composts had a significant effect on Fusarium wilt in Cyclamen. Two and 3 composts significantly induced suppressiveness against Fusarium wilt in Begonia in the first and second experiments, respectively. No significant differences were observed in growth characteristics between Begonia plants grown in compost-amended and non-amended potting mixture in both experiments. In the second experiment, Cyclamen plants grown in compost-amended potting mixture had significant lower number of flowers than plants grown in non-amended potting mixture, which may have been due to lower concentrations of N in the compost-amended potting mixtures. In conclusion, most composts of the origin and composition tested can replace 20% peat in potting mixtures for moderately salt sensitive and salt tolerant plants. Amendment of these composts can contribute to control of Fusarium wilt in Begonia plants.  相似文献   

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