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Varietal differences in the total phenolic content and astringency in the skin and flesh were determined among the cultivars and local collections of hardy kiwifruit with a ploidy variance found in Japan. The average values of the total phenolic content in the skin and flesh were 2.66 and 0.18 g 100 g−1 FW, respectively. There were large varietal differences in the total phenolic content in the skin in the range of 1.3–5.0 g 100 g−1 FW. Kochi (tetraploid), while Gassan and ‘Mitsuko’ (hexaploid) contained a larger amount of total phenolics. High astringency was found in Gassan, ‘Mitsuko’ and ‘Hoko’ (hexaploids) and Kochi. HPLC analysis showed that the major components of phenolics in the flesh were (+)-catechin, chlorogenic acid, rutin, (−)-epicatechin and quercetin.  相似文献   

The effect of storage and the stage of maturity of hardy kiwifruits on the physicochemical quality, phenolics (TPC) and ascorbic acid content (AAC), as well as antioxidant activity (AA) were studied in this work. The phenolic compounds in hardy kiwifruits were separated and characterized by HPLC. The investigation was carried out on the two cultivars of Actinidia arguta – ‘Weiki’, ‘74-49’ and the hybrid of A. arguta and Actinidia purpurea (‘D14’). Fruit firmness rapidly decreased and the soluble solid content (SSC) increased for all cultivars during the first 14 days of storage at 1 °C. The AAC and TPC in vine ripe fruits were similar to the ones of the fruits of storage harvest maturity (8–10% SSC). AA content depended on the clone and either decreased during storage or remained almost unchanged. There was an increase in TPC after 7 days of keeping the fruits in a cold store chamber at the temperature 1 °C, but a longer period of storage caused a decrease in these compounds. AA (at harvest for storage purposes) was higher than that of vine ripe fruits and the ability to absorb free radicals slightly decreased during storage. There was a strong correlation between AAC, TPC and AA. That means that phenolics and vitamin C affect the antioxidant activity of hardy kiwifruits.  相似文献   

Survey on the wild genetic resources of hardy kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta) in Japan was conducted to determine the ploidy variation and its geographic distribution. Among the 127 wild plants collected from different geographic locations, 15 plants were diploid, 87 were tetraploid, and 22 were hexaploid. Additionally, 2 plants were heptaploid and one plant was octaploid. The tetraploid plants were distributed all over the country, whereas the diploid and hexaploid plants were geographically localized, in the warm Pacific hill areas of the south western part and in the deep-snow region of the mid-northern part of Honshu, respectively. The diploid plants could be clearly distinguished from other plants with ploidy variation by the morphological characteristics of the leaf and fruit. Hexaploid plants showed a relatively larger L/D ratio of the leaf blade, a greenish petiole, and pubescence on the petiole and lower leaf vein, whereas the tetraploid plants exhibited a reddish petiole and callose hairs on the vein of the lower leaf surface. Fruit shape of the tetraploid plants varied largely, from round to ellipsoidal, whereas that of the hexaploid plants was mostly ellipsoidal. These results indicate that the hexaploid plants of A. arguta as well as the diploid and tetraploid ones, naturally grow in a certain size of population in the restricted region of Japan.  相似文献   

Fruit of Actinidia deliciosa have green flesh when ripe, whereas fruit of Actinidia chinensis often have yellow flesh when ripe. The outer and inner pericarps of A. deliciosa fruit retain their chlorophyll during ripening. In those fruit of A. chinensis that become yellow on ripening, the colour change is caused by the disappearance of chlorophylls unmasking the yellow carotenoids already present, rather than by increased synthesis of carotenoids. In fruit of A. deliciosa and those fruit of A. chinensis that remain green, the chloroplasts retain their typical morphology during ripening, whereas in fruit of A. chinensis that become yellow during ripening the chloroplasts of the immature green fruit are transformed into fully developed chromoplasts.  相似文献   

A partial defoliation study was carried out on ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit vines with the aim of evaluating effects on fruit yield, changes in concentration of carbohydrates, and return bloom. At full bloom, ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit vines trained to the pergola system were submitted to 0% (control), 50% and 75% defoliation in the 2.0 m wide central horizontal area of the canopy. This area represents the vine ‘replacement cane zone’ (RCZ), whereas the remaining external area represents the ‘fruiting zone’ (FZ). Removing 50% of the leaves resulted in a small (−9 g in the RCZ and −3.3 g in the FZ), but significant, reduction in fruit weight compared to the control vines. More severe defoliation (75%) reduced fruit weight by 13 g in the RCZ and 7 g in the FZ. The defoliation treatment reduced the concentrations of starch and total soluble carbohydrates (glucose + fructose + sucrose) in the shoots and starch in trunk bark compared to those in control vines. The treatments caused a large reduction in return bloom, expressed as number of flowers per winter bud, by about 25% and 53% in vines with 50% and 75% defoliation, respectively.  相似文献   

添加佐剂对CPPU处理的翠冠梨果实生长与品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程云  汪良驹  聂贇 《果树学报》2007,24(3):365-368
为了减少CPPU引起的不良效应,探讨了在CPPU溶液中添加不同佐剂对翠冠梨果实生长及品质的影响。结果表明,盛花后第2周用20mg/L CPPU处理可以促进果实膨大,提高单果质量,并延迟果实成熟。CPPU单独处理增加畸形果比率,而添加0.1% Triton或者PVAC作为佐剂则可减少畸形果的发生,并增强CPPU处理效应,因此,在CPPU使用过程中不应忽视佐剂的作用。  相似文献   

Carbohydrates were measured in axillary bud meristems from kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson cultivar Hayward) to determine whether concentrations changed during winter dormancy. Buds were collected from kiwifruit vines growing in four sites, which spanned the climatic range that kiwifruit are grown in New Zealand, and from vines where the time of budbreak had been manipulated using hydrogen cyanamide. During winter, sugars comprised 78% of measured carbohydrates in meristems, with sucrose accounting for more than 86% of sugars detected (up to 200 mg g DW−1). Starch concentrations in bud meristems showed little change during winter. Meristem sucrose and hexose concentrations increased rapidly from autumn until mid-winter, and this was correlated with leaf abscission. Sugar accumulation ceased in mid-winter and concentrations remained stable until spring, suggesting that bud meristem activity was low. Four weeks before visible bud movement, a marked decline in sucrose and increase in hexose concentrations, indicated activity in the meristems had increased prior to budbreak. The patterns of seasonal change and peak sucrose concentrations in meristems were similar at all sites. The only difference was in the timing of events, with changes in meristem sugars occurring earliest in vines growing at the coolest site, coinciding with their earlier cessation of and resumption of vine growth. Advancing budbreak, by applying hydrogen cyanamide to vines in late winter, also advanced changes in sugar concentrations within meristems. This work suggests that the concentration of sucrose in kiwifruit bud meristems has utility as an indicator of whether they are being induced into, maintained or released from winter dormancy.  相似文献   

在盛花后2周和3周,以不同浓度的CPPU[N-(2-chloro-4-pyridy)-N'-phenylurea,通用名称Forchlorofenuron]对辽伏苹果果实进行表面喷雾处理,结果表明:20、40mg·1 ̄(-1)CPPU能促进果实纵径和横径增长,并明显提高单果重、果形指数和可食率。对果实可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量的影响则因处理时期和使用浓度而异。盛花后2周使用降低可溶性固形物含量,40mg·1 ̄(-1)CPPU处理增大果点和提高果实畸形率。而盛花后3周果面喷布20mg·1—(-1)CPPU可以增大辽伏苹果果实20%左右,对果实品质和花芽分化无不良影响。  相似文献   

The effects of hand-pollination and spraying with N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea (CPPU) on fruit set and fruit growth of ‘Matsumoto-Wase-Fuyu’, which is a member of the pollination-constant, non-astringent group of persimmons (PCNA) were investigated. Staminate flowers of pollinizers in the orchard were eliminated before anthesis. Hand-pollination was carried out at full bloom (FB). Without prior hand-pollination, CPPU at 5 or 10 mg 1−1 was sprayed 11 days after FB. Hand-pollination and spraying with CPPU increased fruit set before thinning of fruits by hand. The number of fruits after thinning did not differ among treatments. The yield of marketable fruits after hand-pollination was similar to that after treatment at 5 mg 1−1, but was higher than that for untreated trees. Formation of a sunken fruit apex, which was observed in about 30% of fruits from untreated trees, was suppressed by application of CPPU. CPPU also delayed coloration of fruit. There were no differences among treatments in firmness or soluble solids concentrations of marketable fruits.  相似文献   

Fruit thinning can be used to relieve water stress in peach but it is not known how fruit quality will respond under water limited conditions. To elucidate this, we applied, over the growing seasons of 2003 and 2004, irrigation and fruit thinning treatments to ‘O’Henry’ peach at the onset of Stage III of fruit development. The treatments were full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation (NI) with each receiving three crop load levels: light, commercial and heavy. Fruit size and fruit skin colouration were lower in NI than in FI but the following were higher in NI fruit: firmness, juice titratable acidity and electrical conductivity, and concentrations of dry matter and soluble solids. All the quality parameters were significantly correlated with tree water status, expressed as midday stem water potential. NI fruit matured 5–10 days later than FI fruit. The increased dry matter concentration, juice acidity, and electrical conductivity in NI fruit were indicative of lower quality at harvest. Choosing a light crop load was not effective in improving NI fruit quality except for the size. Since fruit size is the most important fruit quality attribute, its increase might compensate for yield losses resulting from heavy fruit thinning. Nevertheless, when heavy thinning is performed for mitigation of water stress in Stage III, the overall fruit quality will suffer if severe water stress is inevitable because of shortage or lack of irrigation water.  相似文献   

Yield and fruit quality in fig (Ficus carica L.) are highly dependent on cultural practices especially caprification (pollination). However, this technique remains not well controlled in Tunisia. This study was conducted during two successive years, 2009 and 2010, to investigate different pollination conditions, i.e. number of caprifigs and repetitions of caprification on fruiting of two cultivars Bouhouli (San Pedro type) and Zidi (Smyrna type). In addition, the efficiency of four pollen sources was evaluated to identify the most effective pollinator for female cultivar Zidi. The following parameters were recorded: fruit number per shoot, fruit set, productivity, fruit characteristics and vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the relation between carbohydrate levels and flower and fruit production, as well as the role of carbohydrates on CO2 fixation activity, by analysis of leaves, twigs and roots from the alternate bearing ‘Salustiana’ cultivar of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck). A heavy crop load (on year) did not affect photosynthesis activity when compared to non-fruiting trees (off year). Fruiting trees accumulated most of the fixed carbon in mature fruits, whilst no accumulation was observed in roots before harvest. Non-fruiting trees transported part of the fixed carbon to the roots and mobilize it for growth processes and, at the end of the season (December), store it as reserves. Reserve carbohydrates accumulation in leaves started by early December for both tree types, showing the same levels in on and off trees until spring bud sprouting. A heavy flowering after an off year caused the rapid mobilization of the stored reserves, which were exhausted at full bloom. We found no evidence on carbon fixation regulation by either fruit demand or carbohydrate levels in leaves. Carbohydrate reserves played little or no role over fruit set, which actually relied on current photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] trees developed necrotic areas in the leaves late in the growing season. July samples indicated that leaf P (0.114% DW) and K (0.62% DW) were low, but other elements were within accepted sufficiency ranges. Relationships between leaf P and K concentrations with nut quality and return bloom were determined. Trees were rated for leaf necrosis 1 October using a 1 (none)–5 (severe) scale. Fruit were harvested and analyzed for weight/nut, kernel weight, and kernel grade. Leaflet pairs collected 1 October from fruit bearing shoots were analyzed for N, P and K. Return bloom was determined on branches that bore fruit the previous year. Necrosis ratings were positively related to leaf N and negatively correlated with weight/nut; kernel, shuck and leaf P concentrations; and kernel and leaf K concentrations. Leaf, kernel and shuck P concentrations were positively correlated with weight/nut and percentage number 1 kernels. Leaf K was positively correlated with return bloom and weakly negatively correlated to weight/nut. Phosphorus was the primary element limiting fruit development and K shortage substantially reduced return bloom. Data support minimum pecan leaf standards in July for fertility recommendations of 1.0% K and 0.14% P.  相似文献   

Potato microtubers produced in vitro of the cultivar ‘Superior’ were assessed to decide up to what size it can be used for the seed potato with respect to storability, dormancy period, and sprouting vigor. The larger microtubers lost moisture content more slowly and retained firmness longer when stored at 4 °C. In the sprouting test, the larger ones had less period of dormancy and showed more vigorous sprouting ability. The starch increased with increasing size of the microtuber and showed the distribution of about 70–80% of dry matter content. The amounts of sugars were positively co-related with the size of the potato. The internal factors such as dry matter and carbohydrate content reveal that potato microtuber follows the field-grown potatoes in all aspects. The results suggest that the size of microtubers can be used as an index for grading their quality as seed potatoes, and the size of the microtuber should be at least 0.5 g to be used as seed potato.  相似文献   

Responses of pot-grown persimmon trees (Diospyros kaki cv. ‘Fuyu’) with two different leaf/fruit (L/F) ratios and three different fertigation levels were studied. On July 2, the L/F ratios of 4-year-old trees were adjusted to 20 and 10 by fruit thinning. From July 4 to August 26, each pot was fertigated with a solution containing 0–0 g (none), 10–8 g (medium), or 20–16 g (high) of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), respectively. The L/F ratio of 10 resulted in higher yields but smaller fruits containing lower soluble solids than the ratio of 20. The non-fertigated trees with the L/F ratio of 10 produced the smallest fruits, but the medium fertigation increased the size of the fruit at this ratio. The high fertigation level decreased fruit skin color at both ratios. Fruit dry weight increased the most among the tree components, accounting for 48–57% of the tree total dry weight at the L/F ratio of 20 and for 64–72% at the ratio of 10. The increase in tree total dry weight at the ratio of 10 was greater than that at the ratio of 20. The trees receiving medium fertigation had higher tree total dry weights than those receiving high fertigation, especially at the ratio of 10. As the L/F ratio changed to 10 from 20, the percentages of N and K partitioned to fruits in the non-fertigated trees increased from 38% to 51% and from 67% to 96%, respectively, of the tree total N and K increases; the percentage decreased with increasing fertigation level. Although fertigation significantly increased total N and K contents of the tree, the increase in K at the ratio of 10 was less in high fertigation rather than in the medium level. The results indicated that adjusting supplemental N and K was necessary to ensure fruit growth and N and K accumulation for trees with high fruit loads, but high levels of fertigation are not necessarily preferable.  相似文献   

Due to the several advantages expected from growing self-compatible almond cultivars, breeding programmes have recently introduced self-compatibility as an important trait. However, doubts have arisen regarding the capability of the newly obtained self-compatible almonds to produce good yields in monovarietal plantations, and the commercial quality of the fruits from self-pollination. For this reason, in the last years several studies have been conducted to evaluate fruit set and fruit traits following self- and cross-pollination of self-compatible almonds. Their results showed inconsistencies for fruit set and for some of the fruit traits studied. Thus, while some studies showed no differences between both pollination types for any of the fruit traits, others clearly showed important differences with the detriment of self-pollination for commercially important fruit traits. The fact that some of these studies evaluated a low number of individuals and/or fruit traits, implies the need of a more complete study. In this work, 10 fruit traits were studied in 26 self-compatible almonds following self-pollination by bagging and open pollination treatments. In general, and despite a few individuals showed differences between both pollination types for two of the traits, the results showed no influence of self-pollination in fruit quality.  相似文献   

In drupe fruits, in addition to fruit size, the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp tissues are critical objectives for fruit quality, crop production and management. The olive fruit is a typical drupe, with cultivars which show a wide range in both fruit size and the proportions of mesocarp and endocarp. Characterizing the roles of tissue and cellular processes in producing genetically based fruit size variability is necessary for crop improvement, as well as deepening our understanding of fruit developmental physiology. This study used microscope image analysis to evaluate cell number and size, the growth of mesocarp and endocarp tissues, and their developmental timing in producing fruit size among six olive cultivars with a large range of fruit size. We found that cultivar mesocarp and endocarp size increased linearly with fruit size, with larger sizes favoring an increasingly greater mesocarp/endocarp ratio. Within the mesocarp, cultivar-based fruit size related directly to cell number and was established soon after bloom by cell division rate. In spite of different cell division rates, all cultivars showed similar timing of cell division activity, with the majority of cells produced in the two months after bloom but, surprisingly, a substantial number of cells formed during the following 6 months. Cell expansion was high throughout fruit growth and an important factor in achieving final fruit size, but cell size did not differ among cultivars at any time. We can conclude that fruit size differences among olive cultivars are due at the tissue level to both mesocarp and endocarp sizes and at the cellular level to cell division throughout fruit growth. Furthermore, since cell size is consistent among cultivars in spite of variable cell division, it is likely that cultivar differences in cell expansion accompany those in cell division.  相似文献   

钾对猕猴桃果实品质与贮藏的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
为提高猕猴桃果实品质与耐贮性,以7年生美味猕猴桃品种米良1号(Actinidiadeliciosacv.Miliang-1)为试材,进行果实生长发育期施钾处理对果实品质与贮藏性能影响的研究。结果表明:适量施钾能提高果实硬度及可溶性固形物与维生素C含量,降低果实含酸量,提高果实耐贮性。在0-4℃贮藏条件下,以株施纯K2O80g+叶面喷施0.3%硫酸钾处理果实贮藏效果最佳,贮藏73d时,其软果率最低(15.56%),果肉硬度最高(0.27MPa)。同时果实维生素C含量的下降趋势较为平缓,果实贮藏寿命延长。贮藏6个月时,株施纯K2O80g+叶面喷施0.3%硫酸钾处理的果实好果率(68.89%)明显高于对照果实(0)。  相似文献   

Five waterlily cultivars, with good pod setting and completely formed flowers, from the subgenus Nymphaea (hardy waterlily) were used as pod (female) parent. Waterlilies from subgenera Anecphya (2 entities) and Brachyceras (20 entities), specifically the blue-flowered ones, were used as pollen (male) parent for transferring blue-flowered characteristic to the hardy waterlily. Hybridization of subgenus Nymphaea with subgenus Anecphya was unsuccessful. A successful crossing was obtained between the subgenera Nymphaea and Brachyceras, yielding one pod with 244 seeds, from which only 39 seeds germinated and yielded 20 good intersubgeneric hybrid plants. The characteristics of the hybrids were categorized by their flower colors into two groups, a pink-flowered group with 17 hybrids and a blue-flowered group with 3 hybrids. In the blue-flowered group, there was a prominent one with beautiful blue-purple flower, which was determined by PCR-RFLP markers to be a hybrid between Nymphaea and Brachyceras subgenera, as well as inherited some plant characteristics, for example, ovary carpel, leaf (pad), rootstock, position of flower at flowering from the parent. The blue-purple flowered hybrid had important characteristics inherited from the hardy waterlily (subgenus Nymphaea); therefore, the hybrid has been named Nymphaea ‘Siam Blue Hardy’ to honor the birth place and its distinct flower color.  相似文献   

We propose the utilization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) interspecific hybrids derived from crosses with closely related species as an approach for developing new improved rootstocks for eggplant. Here we investigate rootstock effects on fruit yield, apparent quality and proximate and mineral composition of S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ (BB) scions grafted on interspecific hybrid rootstocks developed from crosses of S. melongena with Solanum incanum L. (SI × SM) and Solanum aethiopicum L. (SM × SA). The results are compared with non-grafted (BB control) and self-grafted (BB/BB) controls and with S. melongena ‘Black Beauty’ scions grafted onto Solanum torvum Sw. (STO) and Solanum macrocarpon L. (SMA) rootstocks. All treatments were grown in a soil naturally infested with root-knot nematodes (mostly Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood). SI × SM and SM × SA interspecific hybrids had high germination (≥90%) and total graft success (100%). Contrary to what occurred with all other treatments, no plants from scions grafted onto these hybrid rootstocks died during the experiment. In particular, the SI × SM hybrid rootstock conferred the highest vigour to the scion, which resulted in the highest values for fruit earliness and early and total yield. Little difference was observed among treatments for apparent fruit quality traits, except for a greater fruit calyx length and prickliness of fruit grafted onto SMA rootstocks. A similar result was obtained for fruit composition where phenolics content was higher in fruit from plants grafted onto SMA rootstocks. Grafting eggplant onto interspecific eggplant hybrids, especially on the SI × SM hybrid, has proved advantageous for eggplant production, as the high vigour and good compatibility of the rootstock with scion results in improved early and total yield without negative effects on apparent fruit quality or composition. Interspecific hybrids represent an alternative to the commonly used STO rootstock, which is a wild species with irregular germination.  相似文献   

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