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Dendrobium nobile Lindl. is a popular temperate Chinese orchid commonly marketed as a traditional medicinal plant. Seedlings of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. produced floral buds (33.3–34.8%) precociously on a defined basal medium (1/2 MS) containing paclobutrazol (PP333) at 0.5 mg L−1 or thidiazuron (TDZ) at 0.1 mg L−1 within 4 months of culturing. The frequency of floral buds formation can be further increased to 95.6% by growing seedlings in a PN (PP333 0.3 mg L−1 + NAA 0.5 mg L−1)-containing medium followed by transfer onto 1/2 MS medium with PP333 and TDZ (PP333 + TDZ). However, flower developed was deformed under 25 °C but it developed fully when grown in a lower temperature regime (23 °C/18 °C, light/dark) for 45 days. Under optimal condition, in vitro flowering was observed about 6 months after seed sowing.  相似文献   

Agar is being used to solidify media for plant tissue culture since long. Both purity and type of agar or gelling agent influence the behaviour and growth of tissues in culture. The study using leaf disc explants of variety Samsun of tobacco compares adventitous shoot regeneration on 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm leaf discs cultured on MSD4X2 medium and rooting on MSO medium gelled with different blends of agar–isubgol, gelrite–isubgol, phytagel–isubgol or isubgol singly. It was found that irrespective of some problems associated with isubgol gel, the maximum number of shoot per explant were recorded on MSD4X2 medium gelled with 7 g/l isubgol. The longest shoots were recorded on MSD4X2 medium gelled with 9 g/l isubgol. Likewise, the highest number of roots were also recorded on MSO medium gelled with 7 g/l isubgol. For a given quantity of a medium, agar, gelrite/isubgol blends are very cheap compared to agar used singly. Moreover, blends of agar/isubgol, gelrite/isubgol gelled at low temperatures indicated safe use of these gels for heat labile substances in genetic transformation or tissue culture experiments. The results emphasized the potential of the isubgol used singly or in combination with agar and gelrite for economic commercial application, replacing the costliest, though not indispensable, gelling agent agar.  相似文献   

This work examined the effect of nitrogen source and medium buffering on the micropropagation of Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm. The number of shoots was increased when media contained 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES) but this increase was minor and only applied to one of the two clones tested. Highest root production was obtained when the medium contained 7.5 mM nitrogen in a ratio of 2NO3:1NH4+ and was buffered with 10 mM MES. In the rooting medium the pH was influenced most significantly by the nitrogen source, and then whether the medium was buffered. The media pH remained relatively constant when nitrate was the sole nitrogen source and this was assisted by the addition of 10 mM MES. Lower concentrations (<10 mM) of MES were less effective in buffering media over a four-week culture period in both shoot multiplication and rooting medium.  相似文献   

Eleven cultivars of Chrysanthemum × grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam.: ‘Richmond’ and its 10 radiomutants, representing the Lady group, were propagated in vitro with shoot tips and leaves as explants. The aim of this study was to investigate if the explant type used for micropropagation affects the genotype and phenotype of chrysanthemums. Plants grown from shoot tips and adventitious buds formed on leaves were rooted in vitro, acclimatized and cultivated in glasshouse up to full-flowering. The colour and shape of inflorescences of plants obtained from two different explant types were compared within the cultivars. All plants derived from shoot-tip explants showed the inflorescence colour and shape typical for the cultivars. Inflorescence colour of plants derived from adventitious buds were true-to-type in four cultivars: ‘Richmond’, ‘Lady Amber’, ‘Lady White’ and ‘Lady Yellow’. All plants of ‘Lady Apricot’ (originally: golden beet) and ‘Lady Salmon’ (salmon) propagated from adventitious buds technique showed altered inflorescence colour (respectively: purple gold; pink and white). ‘Lady Bronze’ (originally: reddish brown), ‘Lady Orange’ (orange brown) and ‘Lady Rosy’ (purple gold) propagated with adventitious buds had both typical and changed inflorescence colours (respectively: yellow; yellow and red; reddish pink). ‘Lady Vitroflora’ showed altered number of ligulate florets grown into tubes in inflorescence when propagated with shoot tips and leaves as explants. Those changes might be an effect of either chimeral structure or somaclonal variation of the plants investigated. The variation appears only if non-meristematical explants were used. The adventitious buds technique might be useful in chrysanthemum breeding as a source of a new variability.  相似文献   

Micropropagation systems based on nodular cultures (NCs), are considered as an intermediary in vitro morphogenetic route, diverging from regenerative systems based on organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to establish a regenerative protocol based on the induction and development of NCs in Vriesea reitzii, an endangered bromeliad from the Atlantic forest which also has ornamental value. Additionally structural analyses were performed in order to better understand this in vitro morphogenetic route. NCs were regenerated in MSB culture medium free of PGR or supplemented with different levels of NAA alone or in combination with in combination with 2-iP. The subculture of these NCs on MSB medium supplemented with 10 μM of GA3 promoted the synchronized shoot elongation. A regenerative efficiency of 12.4 g g−1 of NCs was obtained, and this results in 5300 microshoots after 10 weeks in culture. The structural analyses of the NCs revealed that the regenerative process occurs from the proliferation of meristematic cell groups resulting in the development of multiple shoot meristems and buds. The development of NCs leads to the formation of monopolar structures called microshoots, which evolve to elongated shoots. Intermediary features shown in NCs are consistent with their classification as an intermediary system among organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to produce interspecific hybrids between an Ogura-cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of zicaitai (Brassica campestris var. purupurea, 2n = 20) and cultivars of ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala, 2n = 18) to develop a CMS system for hybrid seed production. Pollination with pollen grains of ornamental kales irradiated at a power output of 9.0 mW with a He–Ne laser for 3 min could overcome the cross-incompatibility between the species concerned. Intact hybrids could be efficiently produced from ovules cultured on Murashige and Skoog media supplemented by 0.2 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine. Chromosome number of hybrids was confirmed to be 2n = 19. Hybrids resembled ornamental kales in leaf morphology and in vernalization response. Pollens of hybrids had a sterile appearance. Moreover the hybridity of the putative hybrids was confirmed by RAPD data on a DNA fragment of 820 bp.  相似文献   

Proteaceae are adapted to low-nutrient soils in the various regions where they occur. However, harvesting of flowering stems for the cut-flower industry must eventually cause soil nutrient depletion sufficient to reduce yields. Different N forms, and N and P concentrations were supplied to two Proteaceae cultivars (Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ and Leucospermum ‘Succession’) in a controlled fertigation experiment, and appropriate concentrations for maximum growth with minimum nutrient accumulation or loss were determined. Small additions of N (0.025–0.1 mM) significantly improved growth of both cultivars growing on Strandveld sandy soil. Larger additions of N (up to 2 mM N) resulted in poor growth (both cultivars) and N accumulation in the soil (Safari Sunset). Small additions of P (<10 μM) significantly improved growth of both cultivars and resulted in no accumulation or loss of P in the soil. Larger additions of P (up to 500 μM) resulted in poor growth, P toxicity symptoms and P leaching from the upper soil layers. Best N forms in descending order of both plant visual appearance and vegetative yield were: urea ≥ ammonium nitrate > ammonium sulphate > calcium nitrate. Phosphorus toxicity symptoms were associated with increased concentrations of leaf P, Ca and Fe. Under conditions of maximum growth (10 μM P and 0.1 mM N) Safari Sunset removed 18 ± 0.6 g N, 1.5 ± 0.1 g P, 5.3 ± 0.6 g K and Succession removed 5.5 ± 0.2 g N, 0.3 ± 0.02 g P, 3.1 ± 0.5 g K over 6 months. At maximum growth, plants acquired more N and P amounts than were supplied, but supplying higher N and P concentrations adversely affected growth. Thus, a more complex or slow-release form of N and P than urea and soluble phosphate, respectively, may provide enough N and P to replace losses from the farm soil at the low concentrations required for proteas.  相似文献   

Changes in membrane lipid composition are important in the acclimation of plants. The influence of four day/night growing temperature combinations (18/12, 25/12, 25/22, and 30/22 °C) on membrane lipids of ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) were studied. The monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) and digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG) were the major galactolipids in the strawberry leaves. ‘Earliglow’ contained a higher amount of galactolipids in the leaves than ‘Kent’. The major phospholipids in the strawberry leaves, roots, and fruit were phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). PC and PE were the two predominant phospholipids in the strawberry. The leaves and fruit of ‘Earliglow’ contained higher amounts of phospholipids compared to those of ‘Kent’, whereas ‘Kent’ strawberry roots had higher phospholipids. Palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and α-linolenic (C18:3) acids were major fatty acids in galacto- and phospholipids of the ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry. PC is very rich in linolenic acid in leaves compared to the fruit and root tissues. PC had the highest ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids among all phospholipids. There was a significant increase in the content of galactolipids (MGDG, DGDG) and phospholipids (PC, PI, PG and PE) and unsaturation of their fatty acids in the cool day/night growth temperature. Increasing day/night growth temperatures decreased MGDG/DGDG ratios. The shifts in saturation and composition of fatty acids observed with strawberry may be an adaptation response of plants to the temperature changes.  相似文献   

A population of hybrids between Arisaema triphyllum subsp. stewardsonii and A. dracontium was investigated using molecular markers to document the hybrid origin. Total genomic DNA was extracted from A. triphyllum, A. dracontium, and the hybrids, and subjected to sequence analysis of various regions of intergenic spacer and genes of chloroplast or intergenic spacer and genes of nuclear ribosome for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Clustering was performed using the unweighted pair group method with averages (UPGMA) tested by bootstrap (BS). Hybrid origin could not be easily confirmed in some regions. However, dendrograms constructed with a combined sequence analysis of A. triphyllum 26S ribosomal RNA gene [sequence identification (SI) 467] plus A. tortuosum phytochrome C-like (phyC) gene (SI 468) were very similar to dendrograms constructed from sequences of all regions. This suggests that selecting SI 467 and SI 468 would be practical to identify hybrid origins involving two parental species. Clustering of hybrids together with the female parent in most target regions suggests that, in Arisaema, cpDNA is considered maternally inherited.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus L. (G.) Don. (Apocynaceae) is an important dicotyledonous medicinal plant as it is the sole source of vincristine and vinblastine that are used against a variety of cancers. Quantitative estimation of vincristine was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in various in vitro grown tissues; calluses (embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus), embryogenic stages (proliferated, matured and germinated embryos), somatic embryo derived plantlets (leaf, root and whole plant) and leaves of ex vitro developed plantlets. The yield in those in vitro and ex vitro-developed tissues was monitored for 30 weeks. Except at an early lag period, vincristine production was detected up to 20–25 weeks old plant samples. Vincristine content was very high in leaf callus and germinated embryos. Leaves of in vitro raised plants showed higher amount of vincristine when compared to ex vitro-developed leaves of similar age. Vincristine production was tissue specific and age dependent that was discussed in detail in this present communication.  相似文献   

The effect of some pesticides (sodium arsenite, thiabendazole and ziram) and the natural phytoalexin (resveratrol) on mycelial growth of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium angustius was studied. Several strains of these species were grown on malt extract agar (MEA) plates containing different concentrations of inhibitory compounds and colony diameters were measured. While sodium arsenite and ziram had little effect on the growth of both species, thiabendazole inhibited colony growth, at minimum concentrations of 6 μM for Ph. chlamydospora and 15 μM for P. angustius. Resveratrol at concentrations equal to or grater than 867 μM also inhibited colony growth of both species. To assay the effect of these substances on plant response to infection, in vitro grapevines were inoculated with Ph. chlamydospora or P. angustius spores and were grown in the presence of sodium arsenite (0–30 μM), thiabendazole (0–30 μM) or resveratrol (0–876 μM). Infected untreated plants and sodium arsenite-treated plants developed symptoms of senescence (reduced growth, increased membrane lipid peroxidation, and decreased chlorophyll content and fluorescence). In contrast, infected plants treated with thiabendazole (30 μM) or with resveratrol (876 μM) showed similar characteristics of fresh weight, malondialdehyde accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence to those of uninfected plants. These results are promising with respect to the use of thiabendazole-containing pesticides as alternatives to currently used pesticides for control of esca in vines. Results also suggest that the presence of resveratrol in grapevines may be useful to induce resistance to these fungi.  相似文献   

Unreduced gamete formation is significant in the evolutionary development of complex polyploidy series found in wild strawberry, genus Fragaria (Rosaceae). Also, it is important for genetics and breeding in strawberry plants to elucidate the mechanism of unreduced gamete formation. The objective of this study was to search for ploidy anomalies resulting from artificial diploid × octoploid crosses, and examine the mechanism through which these unreduced gametes were produced. Five everbearing cultivars of Fragaria vesca L. diploid (2n = 2x = 14) were crossed with pollen from six June-bearing cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa Duch., octoploid (2n = 8x = 56). A total of 3000 mature seeds, 100 from each of the 30 parental combinations were sown at 23 °C/20 °C (day/night) under artificial lighting with a 16 h day. The seedlings were transplanted to pots and grown in a greenhouse. Reproductive and morphological observations, flow cytometry analyses, chromosome counts and DNA analyses using CAPS markers were performed to identify the genetic background of the offspring. Most of the seed (79%) did not germinate or died soon after germination. Of the seedlings produced, 7% seemed to be pure F. vesca based on morphological characteristics, flow cytometry analyses and chromosome counts; 14% were pentaploids (2n = 5x = 35), 0.1% were hexaploids (2n = 6x = 42), and 0.03% (one individual) was aneuploid (2n = 8x + 2 = 58). Electrophoresis banding patterns obtained by CAPS marker analysis were heterozygotic in the 8x pollen parent but homozygotic in the aneuploid progeny. Judging from the chromosome counts and the CAPS marker analysis, the aneuploid was the result of a homozygous unreduced pollen grain (8x) crossed with an incomplete chromosome compliment from the egg. Because of the homozygosity, the unreduced male gamete must have been derived from second division restitution (SDR) in the octoploid pollen parent.  相似文献   

Fruit nutrient content and lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in strawberry fruit to establish a relationship, if it exists, between nutrients, and LOX activity with the fruit malformation and nubbins or button berry disorders. Nearly 17% fruit were affected by malformation and 10% by nubbins in open-field-grown strawberries. ‘Etna’ produced higher proportion of malformed (22.7%) as well as button berries (16.9%) and ‘Sweet Charlie’ the lowest (8.9% and 3.3%, respectively). Dry matter content (%) was lower in malformed (5.2%) and button berries (3.23%) than normal berries (7.41%). The concentration of P and Mg did not differ significantly, but that of N and K was notably higher and of Ca and B was lower in malformed and button berries than normal berries. Consequently, the N/Ca and K/Ca ratios were higher in malformed and button berries. LOX activity was significantly higher in malformed as well as button berries than normal berries, with significant differences among cultivars. The correlations between N, K and malformed and button berries were positive and between Ca and B, and malformed and button berries were negative. Similarly, the correlation between LOX activity and malformed, and button berries were also positive, indicating that excess of N and K, and deficiency of Ca and B are related to the production of malformed and buttons or nubbins in strawberry.  相似文献   

Reducing energy use in greenhouses contributes to the profitability of horticulture. Important energy savings can be realized through the use of temperature integration. However, such a greenhouse heating strategy is only acceptable for commercial purposes if there are no adverse effects on plant growth and quality. During this 3-month study, Hedera helix ‘Green Ripple’ and H. helix ‘Shamrock’ were subjected to a day/night temperature regime of 20/20 °C (control) and two treatments with temperature integration over 24 h and 4 d, respectively, based on a DIF of 13.5 °C, maintaining the average temperature at the same level of the control. Temperature treatments resulted in a promotion of stem elongation. After 3 months, shoot length rose up to maximum 37.3% when temperature integration was applied. However, temperature integration reduced total dry weight and particularly root dry weight was negatively affected. In addition, assessments of relative growth rate, shoot extension rate, specific leaf area, total leaf area and pigment concentrations were performed and it was concluded that dynamic temperature regimes with longer integration periods support commercial production of English ivy.  相似文献   

Buxus sinica var. parvifolia, a rare and endangered tree species in some semitropics alpine areas of China, plays an important role in the maintenance of the landscape and ecosystem. In this study, RAPD and ISSR markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity and structure of five natural populations and one tamed population of B. sinica var. parvifolia. 21 RAPD primers amplified 209 bands with 167 (79.90%) polymorphic and 21 ISSR primers amplified 518 bands with 467 (90.15%) polymorphic. The genetic diversity, estimated by Shannon’ index, was 0.4343 (by RAPDs) and 0.3661 (by ISSRs). Both RAPD and ISSR analyses revealed a high level of genetic diversity in natural populations of B. sinica var. parvifolia. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variation within and between populations. The proportion of variation attributable to within-population differences was very high (69.2% by RAPDs; 84.51% by ISSRs). Moderate differentiation was detected among populations using RAPDs (30.80%), while only a small amount of variation (15.49%) was detected among populations using ISSRs. We suggest that the present genetic structure is due to high levels of environmental variability and gene flow, which still need further study to confirm. Conservation measures are suggested, including in situ and ex situ strategies, based on the observed population genetic information.  相似文献   

Continuous and rapidly proliferating axillary shoots were raised from axillary buds in secondary branches of adult field culms and nursery grown 1-year-old tissue culture-raised plants of Bambusa vulgaris ‘Striata’. Shoots continuously proliferated in a MS medium containing 4 mg L−1 6-benzyladenine (BA). The effects of indole butyric acid (IBA) levels, a pretreatment with thidiazuron (TDZ) (1-phenyl-1-([1,2,3-thidiazol-5-yl])urea) and illumination on rooting, were investigated after 6 months of shoot proliferation. A rooting medium with IBA at 3 mg L−1 was optimum for root induction. Shoots of adult field culms that were proliferated in the presence of BA when induced to root in this medium resulted in 40% rooting in 27 days. In vitro shoots raised from 1-year-old tissue cultured plants showed 92% rooting under the same conditions. Rooting was enhanced when the relatively difficult-to-root in vitro shoots from adult field culms were pretreated with 0.5 mg L−1 TDZ for two to three subcultures before placing in the root induction medium. Continuously illuminated shoots pretreated with TDZ for three subcultures showed 100% rooting compared to 83% rooting of shoots that were exposed to a 12 h photoperiod. These findings have been applied in the large-scale propagation of this species.  相似文献   

A reproducible procedure was developed for genetic transformation of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. cv. Blaumeise by Agrobacterium tumefaciens following the development of an efficient regeneration system using leaf discs excised from 12 to 15 weeks old meristem-derived vitroplants. Explants were cultivated on solid B5 medium complemented with maltose 110 mM, BAP 10 μM and NAA 0.5 μM. A low light regime of 17 μmol m−2 s−1 improved regeneration frequency up to 86%. For transformation, leaf discs were inoculated and co-cultivated with two disarmed A. tumefaciens strains, EHA 101 and LBA 4404, both carrying the binary vector pFAJ3000 which contained the nptII selectable gene and the GUS reporter gene. A pre-culture period of 3 days and a short co-cultivation duration (1 day) improved the efficiency of transformation. Inoculation of only 10 min with agitation including (or not) vacuum infiltration was sufficient. If selection on kanamycin containing medium was applied after a 2 weeks culture period on shoot regeneration medium, the percentage of explants forming kanamycin-resistant shoots increased from 3.3 to 13.3%. Integration and expression of the introduced transgene were confirmed by histochemical GUS assay, PCR and Southern blot analysis. Flowering of transgenic plants in glasshouse occurred 10 months after acclimatization.  相似文献   

Apical and axillary buds from a high yielding, early fruiting elite tree (more than 20 years old) were cultured in woody plant medium (WPM) supplemented with 0.9 μM N6-benzyl adenine (BA). Multiple shoots were obtained on WPM basal medium containing 8.9 μM BA and 0.5 μM thidiazuron (TDZ). Elongation of axillary shoots was obtained in half-strength WPM medium supplemented with 0.4 μM BA. For root initiation, the elongated shoots were transferred to half strength WPM basal medium containing 2.5–245 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or 2.7–268.5 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or the shoots were subjected to 2.5–53.9 mM IBA, 2.7–59.1 mM NAA dip for (30 s–30 min) and then transferred to half strength WPM basal medium. However, rooting was never achieved even after 2 months of culture.  相似文献   

The effects of the difference (DIF) between day/night temperature (DT/NT) and end-of-day (EOD) light quality on growth, morphology, dry matter (DM) content and carbohydrate status in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were examined. Plants were grown under a 12 h high light intensity period and DT/NT of 25/19 °C (positive DIF) or 19/25 °C (negative DIF) in combination with an exposure of 30 min EOD-red (EOD-R) or far-red (EOD-FR) light. A significant interaction between DIF and EOD light quality was found on morphology, DM and carbohydrate content in axial plant organs like stems and petioles, but not in leaf blades and roots. Positive DIF induced taller stems, and higher DM and carbohydrate content than negative DIF when the plants were grown under EOD-R. The stems developed under EOD-FR were tall and accumulated the highest content of DM and carbohydrates and only small differences were found between positive DIF and negative DIF. Under EOD-R a higher content of glucose and fructose was found under positive than negative DIF, while EOD-FR light resulted in a high glucose and fructose content under both positive and negative DIF and thereby equalized the effect of the two temperature treatments. The results show that positive DIF can induce similar responses in elongation growth, DM and carbohydrate accumulation as EOD-FR, and further that phytochrome status interact with the responses to alternating DT and NT.  相似文献   

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