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We have carried out an aetiological and pathological study of an outbreak of septicaemia caused by the O165 serogroup of Escherichia coli in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) which resulted in high mortality (90%). After treatment with amoxicilin in drinking water (200 mg/l), morbility and mortality rates dropped markedly. Microbiological studies showed that the organism responsible was an atypical E. coli strain, on the basis of the non-fermentation of lactose (ONPG-), which belonged to the O165 serogroup and was highly virulent for 1-day-old chickens.  相似文献   

A case of cellulitis was observed in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) reared for commercial meat production. This condition in Japanese quail has not been reported in the literature. This incident was the first, and to date only, occurrence of cellulitis in this processing plant. The cellulitis lesions were localized to the subcutis overlying the breast and inner thigh. Carcasses of processed birds and live birds from the affected farm were presented to the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, University of Georgia. Escherichia coli was cultured from the lesion. The affected live birds displayed lameness and had osteomyelitis. Pasteurella multocida serotype 3,4 was cultured from the liver and bone marrow of affected birds. Approximately 4.61% of the processed carcasses from the flock were condemned because of cellulitis. This represented a 10fold increase from the typical condemnation rate. Further investigation revealed birds were placed in higher than normal density; therefore, we theorize that the concurrent pasteurellosis and increased placement density resulted in the cellulitis condition.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 30 2‐week‐old unsexed chicks, 25 adult males, 30 non‐laying hens and 19 laying hens were examined to characterise haematological norms in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) under various physiological conditions such as age, sex and laying. Young quail had significantly lower erythrocyte counts, packed cell volumes, haemoglobin content, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentrations, numbers of thrombocyte::, percentages of lymphocytes and plasma protein levels than did the adult males and the non‐laying hens. The total leucocyte count of the young birds was not significantly different from that of the males and just different from that of the non‐laying hens. The young birds also showed a higher mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and percentages of heterophils and monocytes in comparison with the adult males and the non‐laying hens. A comparison between males and females showed that males had a higher erythrocyte count, packed cell volume and haemoglobin content and a lower concentration of plasma proteins than the adult females. Excepting for an elevated relative count of eosinophils, no influence attributable to laying was observed.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sections of liver and kidney from 11-week-old quail fed, from day-old, ochratoxin A (OA) (mixed in the diet at levels of 4 and 8 ppm) were examined in the electron microscope. Pathological changes in the kidneys were limited to the proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) and glomeruli. In the PCTs, abnormal mitochondria and excessive numbers of lipid droplets were the principal findings with glomeruli showing thickened basement membranes. Swollen mitochondria and variable glycogen deposition were the chief features present in the livers. It is suggested that OA is more hepatotoxic in quail than in broilers, as well as being nephrotoxic.  相似文献   

Three flocks of Japanese quail, approximately 75,000 birds each, experienced acute high mortality beginning at 24 to 28 days of age. Gross lesions were absent or were composed of either multifocal small pale areas on livers and spleens or lungs slightly darker in color than normal. Histopathology revealed multifocal splenic and hepatic necrosis and interstitial pneumonia. Pasteurella multocida, serotype 3,4, was isolated from affected tissues. The quail were successfully treated with chlortetracycline, and the organism was apparently eliminated from the premises by thorough cleaning, disinfection, and insect and rodent control. Experimental studies showed Japanese quail to be highly susceptible to disease caused by the P. multocida isolated from the affected flocks.  相似文献   

Dactylaria gallopava was isolated from brain tissue of 1-to-3-week-old quail chicks. Successive batches demonstrated elevated (15-20%) mortality preceded by incoordination and lateral recumbency. Chicks exhibited cerebellar and cerebral encephalitis characterized by brown-red discoloration of affected brain tissue. Decontamination of setters and hatchers resulted in abrupt cessation of mortality in subsequent placements, implicating incubators as the source of infection.  相似文献   

Proteus infection was incriminated as the cause of severe depression, coma, and high mortality in successive broods of quail chicks. The pathological lesions comprised congestion of lungs, liver, and kidneys and mucus exudation in the trachea. The organism, isolated from the heart blood and lungs of affected chicks, was identified on biochemical tests as Proteus mirabilis. Pathogenicity of the isolate was tested in young albino mice and week-old quail chicks, which succumbed to infection within 48 hours of inoculation. Association of P. mirabilis with septicemic disease in Japanese quails has apparently been demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the effects of poppy seed meal (PSM) on the egg production and hatching of quail. Two experiments were undertaken. In the first experiment, 240 quail, reared under the same conditions, were divided into four groups of 60 birds each (which were, in turn, subdivided into four subgroups of 15 each for experimental replicates). The first, second, and third experimental groups were fed ratios containing 5%, 15%, and 25% PSM, respectively, over 12 weeks. The control group received no PSM. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum and artificial light was provided for 16 h a day. During the first experiment, egg production, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured. In the second experiment, 240 female and 48 male quail were divided into four groups, as in the preceding experiment, and the birds were housed in cages at a ratio of one male to five females. The diets and their presentation to the quails were the same as in the preceding experiment. The results of the two experiments showed that the addition of PSM to the feed ratios increased egg production, feed consumption, and feed conversion per kg of eggs and per dozen eggs. However, PSM addition at all percentages significantly reduced (P<0.001) hatchability, mainly because of increased infertility and embryonic deaths.  相似文献   

Duration and recovery of fertility were investigated in the course of a long‐term project concerning inbreeding depression of fitness and other traits in Japanese quail. In two trials pair matings were made in the four possible combinations between mature random bred (R) and inbred (I) males and females.

Analysis of both trials was limited to (i) birds that were fertile in at least one previous hatch and (ii) matings that produced at least one fertile egg on or after the second day following removal of males. With these restrictions differences between mating types were not statistically significant. R×R matings had a longer duration and a faster recovery of fertility than the other mating types. Slower recovery of fertility in matings involving inbred birds may in part be due to reduced mating frequency, especially of inbred males.

Mean duration of fertility in all data analysed was 6.3 days after removal of males from pair cages. Upon remating the first fertile egg was laid after an average of 3.5 days. Ageing effects of sperm significantly decreased hatchability of fertile eggs.

Comparison with other species of birds shows the mean duration of fertility in Japanese quail to be about as short as that of ducks and geese, and about one‐half and one‐fourth as long as that of chickens and turkeys, respectively.  相似文献   

Day-old quails experimentally infected with Marek's disease (MD) virus of quail origin developed lymphoid tumors. The severity of the disease increased considerably with serial passage. Tumor transplants could be made with cells derived from gross tumors in skeletal muscles, spleen cells, and blood from MD-affected quails. After five to six serial transplants, the tumor could not be transplanted further. Marek's disease tumor-associated surface antigen (MATSA) was demonstrated in lymphoid cells of spleen and peripheral blood lymphocytes of MD-affected quails. The MATSA of quail differed from the MATSA of chicken. Chickens were susceptible to MD virus isolated and propagated in quails.  相似文献   

1. Divergent selection was conducted in male Japanese quail for high and low dustbathing activity as measured by the number of dust tosses during a dustbathing bout.

2. After 9 generations of selection the low, control and high lines averaged 6–9, 12.9 and 23.8 dust tosses per dustbathing bout respectively. Realised heritabilities in the low and high lines were 0.21±0.06 and 0.25±0.06 respectively, and agreed well with the heritability coefficient of 0.27±0.04 based on the combined sire and dam estimate from the sib analysis.

3. Correlated responses, similar to those in the selected trait, were found in the duration of the dustbathing bout and in the intensity index (the number of dust tosses per minute during a dustbathing bout). Heritabilities of latency, duration and intensity index were estimated as 0.14±0.04, 0.30±0.04 and 0.26±0.04 respectively.

4. It is concluded that postulated ethological needs may vary considerably between strains according to their genetic background and the previous history of selection of the birds during domestication.  相似文献   

1. The present study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between slaughter ages and carcase characteristics of Japanese quail.

2. Chicks were slaughtered at 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 weeks of age. Carcase yield, carcase parts weight, weight of liver, heart, gizzard and alimentary tract were obtained. Protein, fat, dry matter and ash contents of meat were analysed for each sex.

3. Body weight and eviscerated weight were affected by age. Age had no significant effect on the weight of liver, alimentary tract, gizzard and heart. Age had first and second order polynomial effects on breast weight and relative leg weight. Meat compositions of leg and breast were significantly affected by age.  相似文献   

There was an increase in the length of the small intestine, caeca and colon when Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)were fed on a diet diluted with fibre. No differences were found in the length of the villi and the thicknesses of the submucosal layers throught the large and most of the small intestine between birds fed on the normal diet compared with those fed on the diluted diet. The birds fed on the normal diet appeared to have more mucous goblet cells and lymph nodes in the caeca than those fed on the diluted diet.  相似文献   

An extensive series of experiments was performed to assess the common Coturnix quail as a laboratory bird for research on ovulation. The results indicate that the timing of the sequential events of ovulation, egg formation and lay in Coturnix is sufficiently constant to permit access to the physiological processes which determine ovulation and to provide convenient means for assessment of results. Special problems of method and limitations in the use of the quail are discussed. Differences in the timing of sequential ovulations in chickens and Coturnix are described. It is concluded that Coturnix will be a valuable subject for comparative studies on ovulation in birds.  相似文献   

The amelioration of aflatoxicosis in Japanese quails was examined by the dietary addition of live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; SCE). Yeast incorporated into the diet at 1 g kg(-1) was evaluated for its ability to reduce the deleterious effects of 2.5 mg total aflatoxin (AF; 82.30 per cent AFB1, 2.06 per cent AFB2, 7.68 per cent AFG1 and 7.96 per cent AFG2) kg(-1)diet on growing Japanese quail chicks from 10 days to 45 days of age. Forty 10-day-old Japanese quail chicks were assigned to 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments (control, AF, SCE, AF plus SCE) each consisting of 10 quails. The performances of birds were evaluated. The AF treatment significantly and dramatically decreased food consumption and body-weight gain from the first week onwards. The significant adverse effect of AF on the food conversion ratio was also determined from week 1 to the end of the experiments. The addition of SCE to the AF -containing diet significantly reduced these deleterious effects of AF on food consumption, body-weight gain and food conversion ratio. Compared to controls, the cumulative body weight gain was reduced by 37 per cent among the quails consuming AF without SCE, but increased 15 per cent for the birds fed AF plus SCE. Interestingly, the single inclusion of SCE to the AF-free diet provided significant improvements in all the investigated growth performances of birds (approximately 40 per cent) compared to controls.  相似文献   

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