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Evidence that the leucine zipper is a coiled coil   总被引:132,自引:0,他引:132  

脱落酸(ABA)对植物生长发育的促进效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脱落酸(ABA)是一种多功能植物激素,对植物生长、发育、抗逆性、气孔运动和基因表达调控等都有重要的调节功能.在介绍ABA对值物生长发育促进效应的基础上,探讨了ABA作为促进型植物激素的作用机制.  相似文献   

Liu et al. (Reports, 23 March 2007, p. 1712) reported that the Arabidopsis thaliana gene GCR2 encodes a seven-transmembrane, G protein-coupled receptor for abscisic acid. We argue that GCR2 is not likely to be a transmembrane protein nor a G protein-coupled receptor. Instead, GCR2 is most likely a plant homolog of bacterial lanthionine synthetases.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the cell surface activate heterotrimeric G proteins by inducing the G protein alpha (Galpha) subunit to exchange guanosine diphosphate for guanosine triphosphate. Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins accelerate the deactivation of Galpha subunits to reduce GPCR signaling. Here we identified an RGS protein (AtRGS1) in Arabidopsis that has a predicted structure similar to a GPCR as well as an RGS box with GTPase accelerating activity. Expression of AtRGS1 complemented the pheromone supersensitivity phenotype of a yeast RGS mutant, sst2Delta. Loss of AtRGS1 increased the activity of the Arabidopsis Galpha subunit, resulting in increased cell elongation in hypocotyls in darkness and increased cell production in roots grown in light. These findings suggest that AtRGS1 is a critical modulator of plant cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Liu X  Yue Y  Li B  Nie Y  Li W  Wu WH  Ma L 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,315(5819):1712-1716
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates many physiological and developmental processes in plants. The mechanism of ABA perception at the cell surface is not understood. Here, we report that a G protein-coupled receptor genetically and physically interacts with the G protein alpha subunit GPA1 to mediate all known ABA responses in Arabidopsis. Overexpressing this receptor results in an ABA-hypersensitive phenotype. This receptor binds ABA with high affinity at physiological concentration with expected kinetics and stereospecificity. The binding of ABA to the receptor leads to the dissociation of the receptor-GPA1 complex in yeast. Our results demonstrate that this G protein-coupled receptor is a plasma membrane ABA receptor.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein hormones lutropin (LH) and follitropin (FSH), which have common alpha-subunits but hormone-specific beta-subunits, are both synthesized in the gonadotroph. However, they bear Asn-linked oligosaccharides that differ in structure. Those on LH terminate with the sequence SO4-4GalNAc beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha, whereas those on FSH terminate with the sequence sialic acid alpha-Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha. A GalNAc-transferase was identified in bovine pituitary membranes that recognizes features of the alpha-subunit peptide and adds GalNAc to its oligosaccharides with an apparent Michaelis constant of 25 micromolar. The different patterns of glycosylation for LH and FSH indicate that access to the protein recognition marker on the alpha-subunit is modulated by the associated beta-subunit. The tightly regulated synthesis of sulfated and sialylated oligosaccharides on the pituitary glycoprotein hormones suggests these oligosaccharides have an important biological role.  相似文献   

从已发表论文和相关数据库中收集到与ABA代谢有关数据,构建脱落酸代谢网络图;根据信号传递网络性质,获得ABA信号传递中所需要的信号分子、受体、第二信使和激酶等信息.应用CellNetAnalyzer软件分析ABA信号传递网络,获得了信号传递路径与网络冗余性,为研究植物ABA代谢调控机理提供依据.  相似文献   

Close planting of dwarf varieties is currently the main cultivation direction for pear trees,and the screening of excellent dwarf varieties is an important goal for breeders.In this study,the dwarfing pear variety ’601D’ and its vigorous mutant ’601T’ were used to show their biological characteristics and further explore the dwarfing mechanism in ’601D’.The biological characteristics showed that ’601D’ had a shorter internode length,a shorter and more compact tree body,thicker and broader leaves...  相似文献   

GC-MS内标法定量分析植物组织中的JA、IAA和ABA   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出了利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪同时定量测定植物组织中茉莉酸(JA)、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)的方法。实验以欧洲灰杨叶片为材料,在用80%冷甲醇提取激素时,一并加入ABA、IAA和JA的内标(D3-ABA300ng,13C6-IAA60ng和DHJA80ng),激素提取液浓缩至水相,调pH2.5~3.0后经乙酸乙酯萃取、Sep-PakC18小柱纯化,甲酯化后,GC-MS定量测定ABA、JA。IAA经甲酯化后再经TMS化(三甲基硅烷化),用GC-MS定量测定。经检测:盆栽欧洲灰杨叶组织中脱落酸含量为120.170~128.771ng/g(鲜质量),茉莉酸含量为1.697~6.974ng/g(鲜质量),吲哚乙酸含量为4.990~14.776ng/g(鲜质量);脱落酸含量最高,其次是吲哚乙酸,茉莉酸含量最低。  相似文献   

The c-fos serum response element (SRE) is a primary nuclear target for intracellular signal transduction pathways triggered by growth factors. It is the target for both protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent and -independent signals. Function of the SRE requires binding of a cellular protein, termed serum response factor (SRF). A second protein, p62TCF, recognizes the SRE-SRF complex to form a ternary complex. A mutated SRE that bound SRF but failed to form the ternary complex selectively lost response to PKC activators, but retained response to PKC-independent signals. Thus, two different signaling pathways act through discrete nuclear targets at the SRE. At least one of these pathways functions by recruitment of a pathway-specific accessory factor (p62TCF). These results offer a molecular mechanism to account for the biological specificity of signals that appear to act through common DNA sequence elements.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants lose water primarily through stomata, pores on the leaves. The hormone abscisic acid (ABA) decreases water loss by regulating opening and closing of stomata. Here, we show that phospholipase Dalpha1 (PLDalpha1) mediates the ABA effects on stomata through interaction with a protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) and a heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (G protein) in Arabidopsis. PLDalpha1-produced phosphatidic acid (PA) binds to the ABI1 PP2C to signal ABA-promoted stomatal closure, whereas PLDalpha1 and PA interact with the Galpha subunit of heterotrimeric G protein to mediate ABA inhibition of stomatal opening. The results reveal a bifurcating signaling pathway that regulates plant water loss.  相似文献   

Entry into mitosis in eukaryotes requires the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1). Cdk1 is opposed by protein phosphatases in two ways: They inhibit activation of Cdk1 by dephosphorylating the protein kinases Wee1 and Myt1 and the protein phosphatase Cdc25 (key regulators of Cdk1), and they also antagonize Cdk1's own phosphorylation of downstream targets. A particular form of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) containing a B55δ subunit (PP2A- B55δ) is the major protein phosphatase that acts on model CDK substrates in Xenopus egg extracts and has antimitotic activity. The activity of PP2A-B55δ is high in interphase and low in mitosis, exactly opposite that of Cdk1. We report that inhibition of PP2A-B55δ results from a small protein, known as α-endosulfine (Ensa), that is phosphorylated in mitosis by the protein kinase Greatwall (Gwl). This converts Ensa into a potent and specific inhibitor of PP2A-B55δ. This pathway represents a previously unknown element in the control of mitosis.  相似文献   

脱落酸影响马拉巴栗种子发育及萌发的效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了脱落酸与马拉巴栗种子的发育和萌发关系。以不同发育阶段的马拉巴栗种子和离体胚为试材,观测了种子发育中内源ABA含量变化和外源ABA对种子及离体胚的萌发影响。结果表明:马拉巴栗种子发育过程中,种皮、子叶和胚轴的ABA含量先升高,后下降,最高值出现在花后50 d,最高值分别为791.45、352.68和567.85 ng/g(FW),种皮中ABA具有向内扩散的趋势,含量始终高于子叶和胚轴。随着种子的成熟,种子对外源ABA的敏感性逐渐降低,种皮ABA含量与种子活力指数呈极显著负相关,与出苗率呈显著负相关,去除种皮能使萌发率和活力指数大大增加。可见ABA是马拉巴栗种皮内含有的萌发抑制物质,且抑制作用随种子成熟而降低。  相似文献   

The ratio of plasma alpha amino-n-butyric acid to leucine was raised in patients with both alcohol-related and nonalchol-related liver disease. This ratio appears to act as a relatively nonsensitive index of hepatocellular dysfunction rather than an index of alcoholism.  相似文献   

Reticulocyte ribosomes with sedimentation coefficients greater than 100S ("heavy" ribosomes) appear to be considerably more active in hemoglobin synthesis than are 78S ribosomes. When assayed for the ability to synthesize polyphenylalanine in the presence of polyuridylic acid, the 78S ribosomes and "heavy" ribosomes have similar activities. Polyuridylic acid inhibits incorporation by "heavy" ribosomes of amino acids other than phenylalanine.  相似文献   

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