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为了解不同木薯种质资源矿物质元素含量,优选含量丰富的品种,为木薯的综合利用提供数据支撑,本文采用马弗炉法、原子吸收和原子荧光法分别对113份木薯种质资源灰分与矿物质元素含量进行测定,结果表明:矿物质元素Cr、Cu、Se含量均低于1 mg/kg(干重),Ca、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Na、Zn含量分别为66.39~1609.81 mg/kg、4.35~ 38.93 mg/kg、1954.56~8762.78 mg/kg、149.04~1143.73 mg/kg、4.48~37.40 mg/kg、36.80~530.40 mg/kg、6.35~24.83 mg/kg。利用概率分级法将113份木薯种质资源灰分及矿物质元素含量分为5级,即极高、高、中、低和极低,并推荐极高品系作为基础亲本材料。在相关性分析中,灰分与Fe、Mg、Na、Zn含量具有较为显著的相关性,Ca含量与K、Mn含量呈极显著正相关,Ca含量与Mg、Na含量呈极显著负相关,Fe含量与Mg、Na、Zn含量成极显著正相关,K含量与Mn含量呈极显著正相关,与Na含量呈极显著负相关,Mg含量与Na、Zn含量呈极显著正相关,Zn含量与Mn、Na含量呈极显著正相关。Zn与各矿物质元素的吸收有较强的相互促进作用,Fe含量与Mg、Na含量有较强的相互促进作用,Ca含量与K、Mn的吸收有较强的促进作用,而Ca、K、Mn与Fe、Mg、Na的吸收可能存在一定的拮抗作用。结合主成分分析、聚类分析对不同木薯种质资源矿物质元素含量进行综合评价,得到特征值大于1的主成分2个,累计方差贡献率达61.707%。聚类分析可将113个木薯种质资源分为3类,根据矿物质元素含量差异可将不同木薯品种分为Na、Mg、Zn、Fe含量较高和Mn、Ca、K、Zn含量较高两大类,主成分综合评价中‘274'‘50'‘571'‘521'‘417'等木薯种质资源得分较高。  相似文献   

研究田间施用氮肥对吉林省4个玉米品种子粒中Zn、Fe、Mn、Cu含量以及Zn与Fe生物有效性的影响。结果表明,施用氮肥可增加玉米子粒中Zn、Fe含量,过量施氮玉米子粒中Zn和Fe含量不再增加甚至呈下降趋势;子粒中Mn含量随氮肥增加而提高,Cu含量随氮肥增加而降低,4个品种中只有吉四单19在过量施氮时子粒Mn含量呈下降趋势。随氮肥水平提高,玉米子粒中Zn、Fe和Mn累积量呈递增趋势,Cu累积量变化不显著。全磷与这些矿物质元素的比值(P/Zn、P/Fe)表明,氮肥施用将显著降低玉米子粒中Zn和Fe的生物有效性。  相似文献   

海南中西部妃子笑荔枝营养诊断初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了确定海南中西部妃子笑荔枝的营养诊断时间及荔枝正常生长所需营养元素的最适范围,以海南中西部具有代表性的妃子笑荔枝种植园为试验地,对海南中西部地区妃子笑荔枝叶片9种元素含量进行测定分析,并运用标准值法对妃子笑荔枝进行营养诊断。结果表明:海南中西部妃子笑荔枝叶片元素含量在不同的生育期差别较大,初步确定盛花期为海南妃子笑荔枝营养诊断的最佳时期;妃子笑叶片盛花期适宜的元素含量范围为N 16.0~19.0 g/kg、P 0.9~1.2 g/kg、K 7.0~10.0 g/kg、Ca 5.0~11.0 g/kg、Mg 1.5~3.0 g/kg、Fe 60.0~140.0 mg/kg、Cu4.0~9.00 mg/kg、Zn 15.0~64.00 mg/kg、B 3.00~18.00 mg/kg;各元素含量适宜比例为N∶P∶K∶Ca∶Mg=1.00∶0.06∶0.51∶0.46∶0.13;Fe∶Cu∶Zn∶B=1.00∶0.07∶0.40∶0.11。  相似文献   

对不同基因型玉米磷素分配及子粒植酸磷积累进行研究。结果表明,不同杂交种玉米各营养器官磷素分配与子粒植酸磷浓度及其积累量存在基因型差异,郑单958和浚单20相对植酸磷浓度低,分别为1.57、1.59 g/kg。子粒中植酸磷占总磷的比例平均值为56%,其中,永玉2号最高,约为62%;浚单20和郑单958较低,约为49%。不同基因型玉米各部位磷浓度、积累量与子粒植酸磷浓度完熟期存在相关性,其上部叶、下部叶、苞叶、穗轴、子粒的磷浓度和茎秆、上部叶、下部叶、苞叶、穗轴、子粒的磷积累量与子粒的植酸磷积累量均达显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

应用诊断施肥综合法(DRIS)对低产园和高产园槟榔进行了叶片营养诊断。结果表明,相对于高产园,低产园元素间关系较不平衡。槟榔叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg以及Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的适宜含量分别为(20.53±0.67)、(1.90±0.01)、(13.30±0.46)、(7.14±0.57)、(3.68±0.41)g/kg及(109.50±4.16)、(112.50±9.02)、(6.07±0.64)、(31.23±0.15)mg/kg。低产园N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn元素DRIS诊断指数分别为-44.58、-1.60、-17.16、0.09、-31.94、52.78、31.03、23.12、-11.74,需求强度较大的元素为N、Mg、K,其次是Zn、P。  相似文献   

不同产地平贝母营养元素、有效成分及其相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为平贝母药材的质量评价提供参考和平贝母道地药材的规范化栽培提供理论指导,对东北三省9个不同产地的平贝母营养元素的含量和有效成分进行研究。结果显示平贝母中的N、P、K、B、Ca、Fe、Mg、Mn、Zn含量平均值分别为27420mg/kg、4440mg/kg、18500mg/kg、6.0mg/kg、1310mg/kg、610mg/kg、1160mg/kg、30mg/kg、160mg/kg,Cu、cd、Pb、Hg重金属含量不超标。9个不同产地之间的平贝母总生物碱含量差异达到了极显著水平;K、Hg和含量差异达到了显著水平,B、Ca、Fe、Mg、Mn、Zn、N、P、Cu、Cd、Pb和总皂苷含量的差异不显著。所有平贝母鳞茎营养元素和总生物碱含量无相关性,只有K元素和总皂苷含量呈显著正相关,可以模拟线性回归方程。  相似文献   

主栽品种龙眼生物学性状及营养累积特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在华南龙眼主产区挖取16~17 a成熟期中高产石硖、储良、福眼和松风本龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)各1株,调查树体生物学性状,探讨养分元素在树体的累积和分配。结果显示,4株龙眼地上部树体生物量平均为264.3 kg(鲜重),果实、叶片和树干分别占地上部生物量的28.4%、12.3%和59.3%。在果实成熟期,叶片、树干、根系和果皮均以Ca含量最高,果肉以K含量最高,果核N含量最高。为生产50 kg果实,龙眼地上部需吸收N 668.6 g、P 102.0 g、K 461.6 g、Ca 1310.4 g、Mg 80.7 g、S 43.3 g、Si 63.8 g、Fe 20.1 g、Mn 5.8 g、Cu 349.9 mg、Zn 1245.9 mg、B 849.5 mg和Mo 8.7 mg。Ca是龙眼最重要的营养元素。收获50 kg龙眼果实,带走养分量为N 167.8 g、P 23.1 g、K 156.4 g、Ca 57.0 g、Mg 12.6 g、S 8.4 g、Si 0.7 g、Fe 0.7 g、Mn 0.4 g、Cu 110.5 mg、Zn 155.6 mg、B 125.3 mg和Mo 1.6 mg。为维持立地土壤养分肥力及龙眼植株正常生长,果实带走养分量应为翌年施肥量的下限。对生产中因营养问题引起的龙眼叶片缺素和果实生长异常现象进行讨论后,建议今后加强龙眼Ca、Mg、Si和B营养的研究。  相似文献   

比较4种叶片营养诊断方法在龙眼上应用的优缺点,确定适用于龙眼的营养诊断方法并建立诊断指标,为华南龙眼叶片营养诊断和养分管理提供科学依据。2017—2019年在华南主产区分别采集2次末次梢老熟期和果实膨大期龙眼叶片样本,测定大、中、微量元素含量,记录果实产量,建立产量与叶片养分含量关系函数;利用4种叶片营养诊断方法[临界值法(CVA)、充足范围法(SRA)、诊断施肥综合法(M-DRIS)、组分营养诊断法(CND)],分别对2年4个时期叶片营养状况进行诊断。结果表明,龙眼年际产量变异大,不同年份同一生育期及同年不同生育期叶片多数养分含量差异显著,但2年高产群体叶片养分含量较为接近。根据产量与叶片养分含量关系模型,CVA仅获得少数养分的诊断指标,M-DRIS和CND只能定性列出养分需求顺序,而且诊断准确性与诊断时期、养分丰缺程度有关且年际差异很大,SRA可获得所有养分诊断指标,而且2年指标接近。故SRA可用于龙眼叶片营养诊断,并用该法建立末次梢老熟期和果实膨大期龙眼叶片养分诊断指标体系。用该法获得龙眼末次梢老熟期叶片养分适宜水平为N 22.6~24.3 g/kg、P 1.56~ 1.86 g/kg、K 10.2~11.3 g/kg、Ca 5.7~7.1 g/kg、Mg 1.07~1.25 g/kg、S 1.39~1.52 g/kg、Fe 34.2~ 41.3 mg/kg、Mn 30.8~ 51.3 mg/kg、Cu 6.3~7.6 mg/kg、Zn 18.2~21.9 mg/kg、B 17.1~24.0 mg/kg;果实膨大期叶片养分适宜范围为N 20.8~21.7 g/kg、P 1.29~1.44 g/kg、K 8.0~9.5 g/kg、Ca 15.6~19.1 g/kg、Mg 1.29~17.20 g/kg、S 1.56~1.73 g/kg、Fe 52.8~67.5 mg/kg、Mn 43.9~73.9 mg/kg、Cu 5.1~5.9 mg/kg、Zn 32.2~38.3 mg/kg、B 24.3~28.1 mg/kg。  相似文献   

 利用粳稻品种间杂交组合“龙锦1号/香软米1578”的196份F3家系,对糙米中Fe、Se、Zn、Cu、Mn、Ca、Mg、K、Na和P等10种矿质元素含量的变异及其相关性进行了分析。 10种矿质元素在F3家系间均有较大的变异,其中Na含量变异最大,Zn含量变异最小,变异系数分别为77.69%和12.04%。各矿质元素含量的变异系数大小顺序为Na>Se>Cu>Fe>Mg>Mn>Ca>P>K>Zn。不同矿质元素含量也有较大的差异,F3家系群各矿质元素含量平均值高低排序为P>K>Mg>Ca>Fe>Mn>Zn>Na>Cu>Se。糙米中10种矿质元素含量在F3家系群中均表现为正态分布,为由多基因控制的数量性状。Zn与Fe、Cu,Mn与Mg、Ca、K、P,Ca与Mg、K、Na、P,Mg与K、P,P与K、Na含量呈显著或极显著正相关,而Fe与Se、Mn与Na、Mg与Na含量呈显著或极显著负相关。Mn、Ca、Mg、K、P含量与其他矿质元素含量间的相关关系较Fe、Se、Cu、Zn含量与其他矿质元素含量间的相关关系更为密切。  相似文献   

 利用FACE(Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment)平台技术,用水培试验研究了低氮(14 mg/L)和常氮(28 mg/L)水平下,大气CO2浓度升高对水稻(Oryza sativa L.)N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn的吸收和在植株不同部位的分配,并着重分析了CO2浓度升高对稻米中营养元素含量的影响。结果表明,按照当前CO2浓度条件下营养元素的正常供应水平,而且各元素都以有效态供给时,CO2浓度升高对多数被测元素吸收总量影响不大,只增加了K、Ca、Fe的吸收总量; N、P、Mg、Mn向穗部分配增加,K、Ca、Cu、Zn、Fe向穗部的分配比例不变;水稻籽粒中P、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe和Mn含量无显著影响,N、K含量显著下降。还初步探讨了CO2浓度升高对稻米中人类必需营养元素的不足(或“隐性饥饿”)的影响。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of Cd on grain Cd, K, P, Mg, Zn, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn accumulation in two rice genotypes (Xiushui 63 and Xiushui 217) differing in grain Cd accumulation under four Cd levels, i.e. 0, 0.5, 2.5 and 12.5 mg/kg. Rice genotype greatly affected the grain K content, but not significantly for P, Mg, Zn, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn contents. There were remarkable effects of additional Cd on the contents of P, Mg and Zn in grains, while not significant for K, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn contents. No significant differences were found in the interaction of genotype by additional Cd on these nine element contents. The low grain Cd accumulation genotype Xiushui 217 had significantly higher grain K, Mg, Cu and Mn contents than the high grain Cd accumulation genotype Xiushui 63, but the case was opposite for Zn, Pb and Fe contents. It also showed that Cd addition levels significantly influenced the K, P, Mg, Zn, Cu, Pb, Fe and Mn contents in rice grains. Grain K, P, Mg, Zn, Fe and Mn contents reduced with the increasing rate of Cd addition.  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥对稻米铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
 采用田间试验,在四川省西昌市用两个水稻品种研究了氮、磷、钾肥施用量对稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量的影响。结果表明,稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量均随着施氮量增加先上升后下降,滇屯502的铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙含量和产量都以施用90 kg/hm2 N最高,稻谷产量以施用180 kg/hm2 N最高;而合系39的铁、锌、铜、锰、镁、钙的含量以施用180 kg/hm2 N最高,稻谷产量以施用270 kg/hm2 N最高,说明供试籼型品种滇屯502对氮肥的敏感性较粳型品种合系39强;磷肥明显降低了稻米中铁、铜、锰、钙的含量和产量,适量增施磷肥有利于增加稻米中镁的含量和产量;适量施用钾肥有利于提高稻米中铁、锌、铜、锰含量和产量,两供试品种铁、锌、铜、锰含量均以90 kg/hm2 K2O时最高,而钾肥明显降低了稻米中镁、钙的含量和产量。  相似文献   

氮肥用量对苏中冬小麦地上部主要矿质元素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确施氮量对苏中地区冬小麦主要矿质元素含量的影响,以扬麦11和扬麦13为材料,在江苏丹阳设置3个氮素水平(0、150、300kg.hm-2),研究不同施氮量对冬小麦籽粒、茎鞘和叶片中Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu、Ca、Mg和P等矿质元素含量的影响。结果表明,增施氮肥能显著提高冬小麦籽粒、茎鞘、叶片、面粉和麸皮中的Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu和Ca含量,但P含量明显下降。与对照(N0)相比,施氮量达300kg.hm-2时,扬麦11籽粒中的Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu和Ca含量分别增加了11.74%、32.20%、31.78%、66.87%和53.75%,P含量降低23.06%,茎鞘中Zn、Cu和Ca含量增加106.34%、136.97%和51.15%,P含量降低46.46%;扬麦13籽粒中Zn、Cu和Ca含量分别比对照(N0)增加33.03%、59.67%和56.63%,Mg和P含量分别降低14.10%和25.41%,叶片中Mn、Cu、Ca和Mg分别增加174.54%、27.15%、41.66%和29.95%。随着氮肥用量增加,籽粒中Mg含量呈下降趋势,但茎鞘和叶片中Mg含量呈递增趋势。籽粒、茎鞘和叶片中不同矿质元素含量对氮肥的响应存在品种间差异。在本试验条件下,适量施氮可以提高冬小麦籽粒中微量元素的含量。但是,氮肥用量过高可能降低籽粒中P和Mg的含量,不利于籽粒矿质营养品质的提高。  相似文献   

Mineral deficiencies are prevalent in human populations and the improvement of the mineral content in cereal products represents a possible strategy to increase the human mineral intake. Nevertheless, most of the inorganic phosphorus (Pi) present in mature cereal seeds (40–80%) is stored as phytate, an anti-nutritional factor that forms complexes with minerals such as Ca, Mg, Zn and Fe reducing their bioavailability. The present study was undertaken: (i) to determine the variation in phytate and mineral concentrations in the whole grains of 84 Italian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars representative of old and modern germplasm; (ii) to estimate the magnitude of genotype × environment interaction effects; and (iii) to examine the interrelationships among mineral concentrations in durum wheat with the final aim to identify superior durum wheat cultivars that possess low phytate content and high concentration of mineral elements in their whole-wheat flour. The cultivars were grown in field trials during 2004–2005 at Foggia, Italy and during 2005–2006 at Foggia and Fiorenzuola d’Arda—Southern and Northern Italy. The phytate content was estimated indirectly by using a microtitre plate assay evaluating the Pi absorbance at 820 nm, while the Cu, Fe, Mn, Ca, K, Mg, Na and Zn mineral contents were determined by ICP/OES. The contents of Zn and Fe across years and locations ranged from 28.5 to 46.3 mg/kg for Zn with an average of 37.4 mg/kg and from 33.6 to 65.6 mg/kg for Fe with an average of 49.6 mg/kg. Pi grain content was between 0.46 and 0.76 mg/g showing a positive correlation with all minerals except Cu and Zn. Although breeding activity for Fe and Zn would be difficult because G × E interaction is prevalent, multi-location evaluation of germplasm collection help to identify superior genotypes to achieve this objective. The results here reported open the possibility of designing a specific breeding program for improving the nutritional value of durum wheat through the identification of parental lines with low-Pi and high minerals concentration in whole grains.  相似文献   

The effect of different polishing techniques on loss of mineral elements from rice grains was quantified using a panel of indica and tropical japonica genotypes, previously classified as differing in ease of polishing. Gradients in mineral elements across the bran-endosperm interface were quantified using micro-scaled precision abrasive polishing in combination with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy. Frictional polishing, similar to that of commercial mills, i.e. 8–10% loss of grain weight, reduced the concentration of Fe, Mg, P, K and Mn by 60–80% in all genotypes. Following gentler polishing (3–5% weight loss), genotypes classified as difficult to polish showed smaller decreases in Fe, Mg, P, K and Mn compared to genotypes classified as easy to polish. The concentration of other elements, e.g. Zn, S, Ca, Cu, Mo and Cd, showed comparable reductions (<30%) irrespective of polishing technique or ease of polishing. The different patterns of polishing losses of minerals reflected their distribution within the grain. Five-fold differences in the reduction of Zn concentration during polishing were observed for different genotypes which started with similar Zn concentrations in the unpolished grain, thus showing clear potential for selecting genotypes with reduced polishing losses of Zn.  相似文献   

了解我国蕉园土壤肥力现状对明确土壤障碍因子,制定有效的消障措施和合理的养分管理方案具有重要指导意义。收集已公开发表有关蕉园土壤肥力的文献数据及结合实地调研测定的数据,建立土壤养分数据库,包括土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钙、交换性镁、有效铁、有效锰、有效铜、有效锌和有效硼含量。参考第二次全国土壤普查养分分级指标,明确我国蕉园土壤养分现状,并分析海南、广东、广西、云南和福建香蕉种植区域土壤养分分布特征。我国蕉园土壤pH平均为5.3、有机质含量平均为14.9 g/kg、碱解氮含量平均为77.3 mg/kg、有效磷含量平均为96.0 mg/kg、速效钾含量平均为227 mg/kg、交换性钙含量平均为1039 mg/kg、交换性镁含量平均为102 mg/kg、有效铁含量平均为169 mg/kg、有效锰含量平均为41.8 mg/kg、有效铜含量平均为2.84 mg/kg、有效锌含量平均为4.82 mg/kg、有效硼含量平均为1.16 mg/kg。86.3%的蕉园土壤有机质处于潜在缺乏及以下水平,97.1%的蕉园土壤碱解氮处于中等以下水平,60.8%的蕉园土壤交换性镁处于潜在缺乏及以下水平,50%以上的蕉园土壤速效磷、有效钾和微量元素含量处于极高水平。不同省份蕉园土壤养分含量及有机质、大中量元素、有效锰和硼处于中等以下水平的蕉园存在差异。我国蕉园土壤综合肥力指数平均为0.71,福建蕉园土壤肥力综合指数为0.78,显著高于其他省份;广东(0.71)和云南(0.69)蕉园土壤综合肥力指数显著高于海南(0.62)和广西(0.61),不同省份13.3%~37.1%蕉园土壤综合肥力指数在中等以下水平。我国蕉园土壤有效磷、速效钾、交换性钙、微量元素(除有效硼外)处于中等偏上水平,土壤pH偏低,有机质、交换性镁和有效硼处于中等或缺乏水平,成为蕉园土壤肥力潜在限制因子。因此,我国香蕉生产中,应重视有机肥、镁肥和硼肥的施用,不同香蕉种植省份要因地制宜,制定有效障碍因子消减措施,提升蕉园土壤肥力,促进香蕉提质增效和产业绿色发展。  相似文献   

Among the complex factors affecting grain nutritional quality, protein and mineral content are highly important. A two-year study was conducted in eastern North Dakota to determine the influence of fertility on the protein and mineral content, test weight, and yield of two hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. Zero, medium (56, 12, and 47 kg/ha), and high (280, 122, and 465 kg/ha) rates of N, P, and K, respectively, were applied in a complete factorial arrangement to ‘Era’ (a semi-dwarf) and ‘Waldron’ wheat (a tall type) in 1977. Seven of these treatments were repeated in 1978. Micronutrients and S were also applied to most treatments in 1977, and micronutrients but no S to all treatments in 1978. In 1977 on a site with high residual NO3-N, additions of N reduced yields and test weight but increased protein, P, Ca, Zn, Mn, and Fe content. At this site application of P increased grain yield, P, K, and Mg contents but reduced protein and Zn; fertilizer K increased Mn and Fe content and reduced yield, P, K, and Mg. In 1978, N additions increased grain yield, protein, Ca, and Fe but reduced Zn. The application of P and K had little influence on the composition of the grain in 1978. The two cultivars acted the same both years, with Waldron exceeding Era grain in protein (15%), P (12%), Mg (12%), Mg (12%), Zn (17%), Mn (30%), and Fe (12%). Era surpassed Waldron in test weight (2%), K (2%), and Ca (27%). Era proved to be more responsive to fertilizer additions for most grain parameters. Drier weather conditions and lower soil N status for the 1978 experiment produced grain higher in test weight and P, K, Ca, Mg, and Fe content but lower in yield, protein, and Zn. Many highly significant fertilizer-grain and grain-grain interactions were observed. Since wheat grain composition may often be altered by fertilizers and cultivars, the range of these changes should become known through investigations by soil scientists, agronomists, and nutritionists; additional research should be conducted to determine if their changes are of nutritional significance.  相似文献   

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