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A. K. Joshi    S. Kumar    R. Chand  G. Ortiz-Ferrara   《Plant Breeding》2004,123(3):213-219
Three F1 progenies and their families in the segregating generations (F3, F4, F5 and F6), obtained after crossing resistant × susceptible wheat genotypes were studied in the field to determine the genetics of resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana. Spot blotch scores in the F1 generation showed absence of dominance. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Progenies (200‐250) of resistant genotypes Acc. No. 8226, Mon/Ald, Suzhoe#8 crossed with susceptible ‘Sonalika’ were evaluated in the F3, F4, F5 and F6 generations under induced epiphytotic conditions. Based on disease score distribution in individual progeny rows, F3 progenies were grouped into four classes: homozygous resistant, homozygous susceptible, segregating resistant and segregating susceptible. Resistance appeared to be under the control of three additive genes. The presence of three genes was also noted in the distribution of F4 and F5 lines. In the case of F6 progeny rows, both quantitative and qualitative models were used to estimate the number of segregating genes based on a 2‐year trial. It appeared that resistance to spot blotch was controlled by the additive interaction of more than two genes, possibly only three.  相似文献   

Spot blotch of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem., is a major disease in South Asia. Popular commercial cultivars have low levels of resistance to spot blotch. Information on the inheritance of spot blotch resistance in wheat is lacking. Field studies were conducted in four wheat crosses, each involving a Chinese hexaploid parent with high levels of resistance and a commercial cultivar with low to intermediate levels of resistance to spot blotch. Data were recorded in the F2, F3 and F4 generations to estimate heritability. Field studies were conducted in three years (1992–94) at Rampur. Nepal, involving 150 lines in each cross. The spot blotch score was recorded as the percentage necrosis and associated chlorosis of the two upper most leaf surface. In the F2 generation three spot blotch readings on the flag leaf were taken whereas in the F3 and F4 generations four readings were recorded at 5-day intervals on the flag and the penultimate leaves. The highest disease score (HDS) and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) were analysed. Heritability (h2) estimates for spot blotch resistance were intermediate to high measured in terms of HDS (0.47 < h2 < 0.67) and also AUDPC (0.58 < h2 < 0.77) both in F3 and F4 generations in each of the four crosses. Heritability values were somewhat higher for AUDPC than HDS. There were significant negative correlations (r) of days to heading with HDS (-0.186 < r < -0.515) and AUDPC (-0.218 < r < -0.623). One-hundred kernel weight was significantly negatively correlated to AUDPC (-0.245 < r < -0.454) in all crosses in each generation. The results suggest that selection for resistance to spot blotch could be effective in the segregating populations generated from hexaploid wheat parents having different levels of resistance. Although AUDPC appeared to be a better measure to determine genetic differences for spot blotch in wheat, HDS would be adequate in screening trials for resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   

Summary Spot blotch caused by Cochliobolus sativusis considered a major disease problem of wheat(Triticum aestivumL.) in the warm areas of South Asia. This study estimated heritability (h 2) of resistance to spot blotch and its correlation with days to heading DH) and maturity (DM), one-hundred-kernel weight (HKW), and plant height (PHT) in 14 crosses involving four resistant (‘Attila’, ‘Chirya 7’, ‘G 162’, and ‘SW89.5422’) and two susceptible (‘Sonalika’ and ‘HD2329’) wheat genotypes. Data were recorded on F5and F6lines in fields under natural epidemics of spot blotch in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Heritability was estimated for area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), AUDPC/day, and the highest disease score (HDS) using offspring-parent regression (h op 2) and realized heritability (h 2 R) procedures. Heritability estimates were low to high in terms of AUDPC (0.21 < h op 2< 0.64; 0.32 < h R 2< 0.70), AUDPC/day (0.40 < h op 2< 0.96; 0.42 < h R 2< 0.99), and HDS (0.29 < h op 2< 0.92; 0.32 < h R 2< 0.95). The h 2estimates for AUDPC/day were higher than for AUDPC and HDS. Estimates of h R 2were by and large higher than h op 2in the same cross. A weak negative or nonsignificant correlation of spot blotch score with HKW, DH, DM, and PHT indicated that independent selection for resistance and these agronomic traits is possible.  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand  B. Arun 《Euphytica》2002,123(2):221-228
A total of 1,407 spring wheat (T. aestivum) lines of Indian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Mexico) origin were evaluated for plant height, days to maturity and resistance to spot blotch (caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana) during the 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97 crop seasons. The frequency distribution of genotypes, based on disease score ignoring the growth stages, differed from the distribution in which disease score was assessed on a similar growth stage. Two crosses each,between `tall resistant × dwarf susceptible' and `late resistant × early susceptible' genotypes, were made. The evaluation of homozygous resistant lines in the F3, F4 and F5 generations of both crosses showed a wide range of plant height and days to maturity. These lines showed significant differences for plant height and days to maturity but did not show a significant difference for AUDPC values of spot blotch. The correlation coefficients for AUDPC versus plant height or days to maturity were weak, i.e., – 0.336 and 0.061, respectively. Results indicated that resistance to spot blotch severity was independent of plant height and days to maturity in progenies from these crosses.  相似文献   

One thousand four hundred and seven spring wheat germplasm lines belonging to Indian and CIMMYT wheat programs were evaluated for stay green (SG) trait and resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana during three consecutive crop seasons, 1999–2000, 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. Disease severity was recorded at six different growth stages beginning from tillering to late milk stage. SG trait was measured by following two approaches: difference for 0–9 scoring of green coloration (chlorophyll) of flag leaf and spike at the late dough stage (GS 87) and a new approach of leaf area under greenness (LAUG). Germplasm lines showed a wide range (7–89) for LAUG and were grouped into four viz., SG, moderately stay green, moderately non-stay green and non-stay green (NSG). However, very few (2.2%) lines showed high expression of SG trait, i.e., LAUG >60. LAUG appeared to be a better measure of SG trait than a 0–9 scale. Mean spot blotch ratings of SG genotypes were significantly lower than those of NSG genotypes at all growth stages. Two spot blotch resistant genotypes (Chirya 3 and Chirya 7) having strong expressions of SG trait were crossed with NSG, spot blotch susceptible cv. Sonalika. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. SG trait and spot blotch severity were recorded in the parents and F1, F3, F4, F5, F6 and F6–7 generations under disease-protected and inoculated conditions. SG trait in the F1 generation was intermediate and showed absence of dominance. Evaluation of progenies (202–207) in the segregating generations revealed that SG trait was under the control of around four additive genes. Lines homozygous for SG trait in F4, F5, F6 and F6–7 generations showed significantly lower mean area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) for spot blotch than those with NSG expression. A positive correlation (0.73) between SG trait and AUDPC further indicated a positive influence of SG on severity of spot blotch. The study established that variation for SG trait exists in spring wheat; around four additive genes control its inheritance in the crosses studied and there is positive association between SG trait and resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   

R. C. Sharma    A. K. Tiwary    G. Ortiz-Ferrara   《Plant Breeding》2008,127(3):241-248
Heat is an important abiotic stress during wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain‐filling in South Asia. A study was undertaken to determine effectiveness of selection for reduction in 1000‐kernel weight (TKWR) under heat stress to increase grain yield. Selection was made for low and high TKWR and selected progenies were evaluated in timely and late seeded trials at two locations in Nepal in 2003. One thousand kernel weight (TKW), biomass yield, grain yield, harvest index (HI), grain‐filling duration (GFD) and area under spot blotch progress curve per day (AUDPC/day) were examined. The low and high TKWR groups did not differ significantly for TKW, biomass yield, grain yield, HI, days to heading, GFD and AUDPC/day under timely seeding. However, low TKWR lines showed higher TKW, biomass yield, grain yield, HI, and GFD and lower AUDPC/day than the lines with high TKWR under late seeding. Realized heritability estimates for TKWR ranged from 0.68 to 0.85. The findings show that selection for low TKWR could be used as an indirect selection criterion to identify high grain yielding lines under terminal heat stress.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory was used to investigate selection differentials, expected and observed direct and correlated responses to simultaneous improvement of grain yield, kernel weight, and grain protein content in F3 and F4 populations of four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crosses. Selection in the F3 generation based on the Smith-Hazel index (SH) and yield was found to be superior to the other methods studied in identifying high-yielding lines, but resulted in substantial decrease in grain protein level. Consequently, a 1.0% increase in protein from selection for protein depressed grain yield as much as 536 kg/ha below the population mean, reducing the expected yield gains per generation selection cycle by 250%. The weight-free indices (EW), particularly the index involving only yield and kernel weight (EW3) and its linear approximation (EW4), and the desired gains indices were effective in improving protein content but were less efficient in selecting top-yielding lines. Selection in the opposite direction using truncation of the lowest 10% of the population based on weight-free-index involving yield, kernel weight and protein (EW2) reduced all traits significantly compared with the mean of the unselected population indicating the effectiveness of the unweighted selection index. The observed genetic gains (Ra) from selection based on yield, the SH, EW3 and EW4 indices were slightly lower than the expected advances per cycle (R) in populations from crosses ‘Sinton’בGlenlea’ (C1), ‘Glenlea’בNB505’ (C2), and ‘A2P5’בNB320’ (C6) (Ra/R = 70 to 85%) but were higher in cross ‘NB505’בA2P5’ (C5) (Ra/R = 126 to 143%). It was concluded that weight-free and the desired gains indices can be used to improve wheat grain yield and grain protein simultaneously in F3 generation selection, as revealed by response to selection measured in the F4 generation.  相似文献   

M. Iqbal    A. Navabi    D. F. Salmon    R.-C. Yang    D. Spaner 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(3):244-250
High grain yield and grain protein content, and early maturity are important traits in global bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)-breeding programmes. Improving these three traits simultaneously is difficult due to the negative association between grain yield and grain protein content and the positive association between maturity and grain yield. We investigated the genetic relationship between maturity, grain yield and grain protein content in a population of 130 early maturing spring wheat lines in a high latitude (52–53°N) wheat-growing region of Canada. Grain protein content exhibited negative genetic correlation with maturity (−0.87), grain fill duration (−0.78), grain fill rate (−0.49), grain yield (−0.93) and harvest index (−0.71). Grain yield exhibited positive genetic correlation with maturity (0.69), rate (0.78) and duration (0.49) of grain fill, and harvest index (0.55). Despite the positive association between maturity and grain yield, and negative association between grain yield and grain protein content, higher yielding lines with medium maturity and higher grain protein content were identified. Broad-sense heritabilities were low (<0.40) for rate and duration of grain fill, grain protein content, spike per m2, grains per spike, harvest index and grain yield, and medium to high (>0.40) for grain weight, days to anthesis and maturity, and plant height. Selection for longer preanthesis and shorter grain fill periods may help circumvent the negative association between grain yield and grain protein content. Selection for shorter grain fill periods and higher grain fill rate may be a useful strategy for developing early maturing cultivars with acceptable grain yields in northern wheat-growing regions.  相似文献   

Summary Alternative strategies of multi-site testing of advanced lines in the northern wheat belt of New South Wales have been evaluated, using genetic parameters for large plot grain yield and hill plot harvest index estimated from dryland and irrigated trials at regional sites during 1975–1981. The average pairwise genetic correlation of large plot grain yields recorded at different sites within years was 0.45±.03, with a mean repeatability within trials of 0.56±.05. Harvest index measured in 20-grain hill plots in 1978 showe genetic correlations of 0.98±.08 with plot yield at the same site, and 0.39±0.06 with plot yield assessed at other sites in the same year.The genetic correlation between harvest index in hill plots and total biological yield in large plots at the same site was 0.84±.13, the relationship showing no evidence of curvilinearity. Selection for harvest index in hill plots is therefore expected to lead to an increase in biological yield as well as grain yield in the breeding populations studied. Quantitative genetic theory suggests that the response to selection for grain yield can be increased by approximately 40% with an initial screening using hill plot harvest index at three sites instead of one, and reallocation of resources in the first stage of large plot yield assessment to include 6–8 sites, rather than dryland and irrigated trials at a single location.  相似文献   

During the past decade, numerous studies have been published on molecular mapping of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in wheat. We summarize the relevant findings from 52 quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies, nine research articles on marker-assisted selection and seven on marker-assisted germplasm evaluation. QTL for FHB resistance were found on all wheat chromosomes except chromosome 7D. Some QTL were found in several independent mapping studies indicating that such QTL are stable and therefore useful in breeding programmes. We summarize and update current knowledge on the genetics of FHB resistance in wheat resulting from QTL mapping investigations and review and suggest FHB breeding strategies based on the available information and DNA markers.  相似文献   

W-C. Zhou    F. L. Kolb    G-H. Bai    L. L. Domier    L. K. Boze  N. J. Smith 《Plant Breeding》2003,122(1):40-46
The objectives of this study were to validate the major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for scab resistance on the short arm of chromosome 3B in bread wheat and to isolate near‐isogenic lines for this QTL using marker‐assisted selection (MAS). Two resistant by susceptible populations, both using ‘Ning7840’ as the source of resistance, were developed to examine the effect of the 3BS QTL in different genetic backgrounds. Data for scab resistance and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to the resistance QTL were analyzed in the F2:3 lines of one population and in the F3:4 lines of the other. Markers linked to the major QTL on chromosome 3BS in the original mapping population (‘Ning7840’/‘Clark’) were closely associated with scab resistance in both validation populations. Marker‐assisted selection for the QTL with the SSR markers combined with phenotypic selection was more effective than selection based solely on phenotypic evaluation in early generations. Marker‐assisted selection of the major QTL during the seedling stage plus phenotypic selection after flowering effectively identified scab resistant lines in this experiment. Near‐isogenic lines for this 3BS QTL were isolated from the F6 generation of the cross ‘Ning7840’/‘IL89‐7978’ based on two flanking SSR markers, Xgwm389 and Xbarc147. Based on these results, MAS for the major scab resistance QTL can improve selection efficiency and may facilitate stacking of scab resistance genes from different sources.  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand 《Euphytica》2002,124(3):283-291
One thousand four hundred and seven spring wheat germplasm lines belonging to Indian and CIMMYT wheat programs were evaluated for their leaf angle and resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana during three consecutive crop seasons, 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97.Disease severity was recorded at six different growth stages beginning from tillering to late milk stage. Three crosses (M 3109 × Sonalika, HP 1808 × K 9006 and HD 2662 × K 9006) were made between genotypes with erect and drooping leaves. M 3109 was resistant, Sonalika susceptible while the other three lines possessed moderate resistance to spot blotch. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Leaf angle and spot blotch resistance were recorded in parents, F1, F3, F4and F5 generations. Leaf erectness in F1 generation showed partial dominance. Evaluation of F3, F4 and F5 progenies(120–150) revealed that leaf angle was under the control of few genes that appeared to be close to three. Germplasm lines with erect and semi-erect leaves displayed lower spot blotch severity than those having drooping and semi-drooping leaves. Lines homozygous for erect leaf posture in F3,F4 and F5 generations showed significantly lower mean AUDPC than those with drooping leaves. A positive correlation (0.58) between leaf angle and AUDPC further indicated a positive influence of leaf erectness on severity to spot blotch disease. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

T. Miedaner    F. Wilde    V. Korzun    E. Ebmeyer 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(3):217-221
Fusarium head blight (FHB) has become an important disease of wheat. We introgressed three resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) alleles on chromosomes 3B, 5A (from CM82036) and 3A (from ‘Frontana’) into European elite spring wheat and performed phenotypic selection among double‐cross (DC) derived progeny in generations DCF2 and DCF3. After recombination and selfing, we analysed 135 phenotypically selected progeny by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers linked to the QTL. In a second experiment, we forwarded the best 20 progeny for a further two generations by pedigree selection. Progeny were inoculated at two to four locations with Fusarium culmorum and the percentage of infected spikelets per plot was estimated. Both experiments show that phenotypic selection was highly effective. One‐hundred out of 135 phenotypically selected DCF1:3 progeny had the combination of donor‐QTL alleles (3B + 5A + 3A, 3B + 5A) with the highest effects on FHB resistance. In the subsequent generations, sufficient genotypic variance was detected. The best F5:7 bulks had similar resistance to the donor CM82036. The FHB rating was reduced in total by 45% points compared to the parental mean. QTL with high effects can be detected solely by phenotypic selection after targeted introgression.  相似文献   

Z. P. Yang    X. Y. Yang  D. C. Huang 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(4):289-292
The objectives of this study were to compare efficiency of evaluation for resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) under two inoculation methods in a recurrent selection programme. Fifty selected homozygous F5 fertile lines, from each of five cycles (C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4) of recurrent selection, and two control cultivars were evaluated in a split-plot design in 1995 and 1996 under the soil-surface inoculation with Fusarium graminearum-colonized kernels and the single-floret inoculation with ascospore suspension. Comparison of the two inoculation methods using means, ranges, coefficients of variation, heritabilities and correlations among infected spikelet rate (ISR), reaction index (RI) and disease index (DI) indicated that FHB resistance could be evaluated with similar accuracy and precision using either of the two inoculation methods. Regressions of disease scores in the soil-surface inoculation on disease scores in the single-surface inoculation were positive and highly significant, showing a strong relationship between both inoculation methods for FHB resistance. The percentage of lines with similar performance for FHB disease scores in both inoculation methods was high. The soil-surface inoculation and single-floret inoculation appear to be useful techniques for evaluating numerous individuals of segregating population and screening advanced homozygous lines for FHB resistance in a recurrent selection programme in wheat, respectively.  相似文献   

A segregating population of doubled-haploid lines issued from the cross between the wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) cultivars Courtot, resistant to several isolates of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis DC. f. sp. tritici Em. Marchal), and Chinese Spring (susceptible) was used to map Mlar, a gene carried by Courtot and conferring resistance to this pathogen. The assignation of Mlar using monosomic lines of Courtot was confirmed by the mapping analysis. Mlar was located on the short arm of the chromosome 1A, in the vicinity of the locus XGli-A5 coding for storage proteins. This result was in accordance with those demonstrating that Mlar was an allele of the Pm3 locus (Pm3g), a gene also involved in the resistance to powdery mildew. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The availability of a reliable selection criterion for the identification of the most productive genotypes in early generations represents a crucial point in many breeding programs. The findings reported in the literature concerning the effectiveness of early generation testing for grain yield (GY) or harvest index (HI) are contradictory. In this work, we measured the response to selection for GY and HI applied in different generations, from F2 to F6 in nine segregating populations previously screened in F2 by means of visual selection. Genetic variability for HI and GY was found in most of the segregating populations. However, GY of spaced plants in F6 and F3 generations was weakly correlated with yield of F4 and successive generations grown at normal seed density. HI was of limited value as an indicator of yield potential.  相似文献   

The most important breeding objectives in crop improvement are improving grain yield, grain quality, and resistances to various biotic and abiotic stresses. The objectives of our study were to compare two crossing and four selection schemes for grain yield, yield traits, and slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) based on additive genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum), and to identify the most efficient crossing and selection methodologies in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. Segregating populations were derived from 18 simple crosses and the same number of top (three-way) crosses. Half of the crosses were derived from Yecora 70 and the other half from Veery #10 as the common leaf rust susceptible parents. The four selection schemes were: pedigree, modified bulk (F2 and F1-top as pedigree, selected lines in F3, F4, F2-top, F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), selected bulk (selected plants in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), and nonselected bulk (bulk in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations). A total of 320 progeny lines, parents and checks were tested for grain yield, other agronomic traits and leaf rust resistance during the 1992/93 and 1993/94 seasons in Ciudad Obregon (Sonora State, Mexico) which represents a typical high yielding irrigated site. The influence of the type of cross and the selection scheme on the mean grain yield and other traits of the progenies was minimal. The selection of parents was the most important feature in imparting yield potential and other favourable agronomic traits. Moreover, the highest yielding lines were distributed equally. Progeny lines derived from Veery #10 crosses had significantly higher mean grain yield compared to those derived from the Yecora 70 crosses. Furthermore, a large proportion of the highest yielding lines also originated from Veery #10 crosses. Mean leaf rust severity of the top cross progenies was lower than that of the simple cross progenies possibly because two parents contributed resistance to top cross progenies. Mean leaf rust severity of the nonselected bulk derivatives was twice that of lines derived from the other three schemes. Selected bulk appears to be the most attractive selection scheme in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Aspects of selection for yield and harvest index were investigated by simulating selection using data from random pedigreed F2, F3, F4 and F5 derived lines from two crosses grown in plots at two sites over two years.Improvement in yield through selection was obtained when the response was measured at the same site and in the same year as the selection. Selecting the best 10 per cent of F2 to F4 derived lines gave F5 derived lines that outyielded random selections by 19 to 53 per cent for one cross and 5 to 23 per cent for the second cross. These lines were 41 to 50 per cent better than the mid-parent in one cross, but were less than the mid-parent in the other cross.However, the response to selection when measured in a different year was little better than random selection. The effect of different sites also reduced the effectiveness of selection.Selection of harvest index in early generations for improvement of yield was ineffective when response was measured at the same site in the same year, or in different years.Contrary to some theoretical proposals, the same improvement in yield was obtained by selecting in early or late generations. While high yielding genotypes may be lost by delaying selection, this is counteracted by the better predictive value of late generations due to their greater homozygosity and homogeneity.  相似文献   

Solomon Kibite 《Euphytica》1988,38(2):143-148
Summary An experiment was conducted in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to: (1) ascertain the efficiency of gridded mass selection; (2) to determine if additional selection efficiency can be achieved through refinement of the gridded mass selection procedure; and (3) to determine if the degree of homozygosity has an effect on response to single-plant selection. Three selection methods [simple mass selection (SMS); gridded mass selection (GMS); and a new rhombic grid selection (RGS)] were applied to four populations [a conventional F2 (CON-F2); an intermated F2 (INT-F2); and 2 partial backcrossed populations] developed from a biparental cross involving the Canadian spring wheat cultivars, Glenlea and Sinton. Averaged over the 4 populations, a single cycle of RGS (10% selection intensity) increased yield by about 9.5%, whereas GMS and SMS increased yield by approximately 4.5% and 3.1%, respectively. The degree of homozygosity of individual plants that make up the population appeared to have an effect on the efficiency of selection. In general, selection was more efficient in the two partial backcrossed populations, and least efficient in the CON-F2 and INT-F2 populations. The largest response to selection (15.9%) was attained when RGS was applied in the backcross to Glenlea population, and the lowest response (1.2%) when SMS was enforced in the CON-F2 population. This paper represents the first report on the efficiency of rhombic grid selection for yield improvement in cereal crops.Contribution No. 550 of Agriculture Canada, Lacombe Research Station, Bag Service 5000, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada TOC ISO  相似文献   

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