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能源甜高粱遗传改良研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甜高粱是最有应用前景的再生能源作物之一,它的能源转换效率取决于植株总生物量和茎秆汁液含糖量的高低。探明决定甜高粱总生物量和茎秆汁液含糖量积累相关过程的生物学机制并开发相应分子标记,是选育生物能专用甜高粱品种的有效途径。本文从甜高粱糖分积累、遗传多样性研究、遗传图谱的构建、含糖量相关性状的定位及遗传工程研究等方面介绍了近年来甜高粱遗传研究进展。  相似文献   

The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates in vegetative parts of sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) represents an intermediate reserve pool for grain filling as well as an irreversible storage up to maturity. In order to study the effect of Sterility on soluble sugar accumulation in vegetative parts, two cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines of sweet sorghum were compared with their corresponding fertile mamtainers for non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in shoots. Plants were harvested at four different physiological stages. The lines showed significant differences in the yield of non-structural carbohydrates. At maturity, the yields of soluble carbohydrates from vegetative parts of the two sterile lines were 93 % and 43 % higher than the yield of the two corresponding fertile lines. At that stage, sucrose represented about 80 % of total soluble carbohydrates and the higher yield of soluble carbohydrates of sterile lines was mainly due to the higher yield of sucrose. This indicates that the yield of extractable carbohydrates, especially sucrose, in vegetative parts of sweet sorghum could be considerably improved by using sterile lines which are utilized in hybrid production.  相似文献   

Summary The magnitude of genetic expression and associations among traits are important for the prediction of response to selection in diverse environments and provide the basis for planning and evaluating breeding programs. In this regard, a cross classification mating design was used to produce hybrid sorghum populations, which were evaluated in a randomized completed block design with three replications at four environments in Northern Cameroon. Data on grain yield, days to anthesis, plant height, inflorescence length, threshing percentage and seed mass were collected and subjected to statistical genetic analyses. Significant genotype × environment interaction effects were observed for all traits. Genetic variance was essentially attributed to additive gene effects, with dominance variance for grain yield being negligible. However, the reverse was observed for threshability. Genetic variance components were much higher for plant height and grain yield than for days to anthesis, seed mass and threshability. Heritability estimates for plant height and inflorescence length were high (77 and 54 percent respectively) while the estimates for grain yield and threshability were low (14 and 5 percent respectively). Grain yield had positive genotypic correlation with most of the traits. Days to anthesis were negatively correlated with vegetative and reproductive traits. These results suggest that improvement of days to anthesis, plant height, and inflorescence length should be faster because of higher heritabilities and greater phenotypic variation. However, selection for earliness and reduced plant height would not be possible without hampering grain yield. Selecting for yield primary components namely inflorescence length and seed weight would be effective for increasing production. In addition, optimizing agronomic practices and improved experimental design would increase the selection efficiencies.  相似文献   

Low and erratic rainfall constitutes a major constraint to sorghum production, and impedes sorghum improvement in semi-arid tropics. To estimate quantitative-genetic parameters for sorghum under variable stress conditions, three sets of factorial crosses between four by four lines each were grown with parents and a local cultivar in eight macro-environments in semi-arid areas of Kenya. Fourteen traits were recorded including grain yield, above-ground drymatter, harvest index, days to anthesis, leaf rolling score, and stay-green. Environmental means for grain yield ranged from 167 to 595 g m-2. Mean hybrid superiority over mid-parent values was 47, 31, and 9% for grain yield, above-ground drymatter, and harvest index, respectively. Differences among both lines and hybrids were highly significant for all traits. Genotype × environment interaction variances were larger than genotypic variances for grain yield, above-ground drymatter, and harvest index. Corresponding heritabilities ranged between 0.72 and 0.84. Variation among hybrids was determined by GCA and SCA effects for most characters. Predominance of additive-genetic effects was found for grain yield components, plant height, and leaf rolling score. Lack of variation in GCA was noted among female lines for major performance traits. While low leaf rolling score was correlated with high grain yield, there was no such association for stay-green. Hybrid breeding could contribute to sorghum improvement for semi-arid areas of Kenya. To increase selection progress for major performance traits, genetic variation among female lines should be enhanced. Importance of genotype × environment interaction underlines the necessity of evaluating breeding materials under a broad range of dryland conditions.  相似文献   

The ease with which seeds are detached from panicles is one of the early domestication traits. Genotypes with sticky panicles are hard to thresh, and whenever threshed, the grain tends to remain attached to the glume which reduces market value and processability. This study was conducted to determine the genetic mechanisms underlying the threshability trait in sorghum. Four seed parents and eleven pollinators differing for threshability were intercrossed in Design II mating scheme and the resulting hybrids and the parents were grown in four environments. Threshability was estimated as the ratio of seed yield to panicle weight (TW) and proportion of seeds without sticky glumes (TG). Variation was significant among the entries, inbreds and hybrids with GCA for TG and TW varying markedly. Mean TG for inbred and hybrids of low threshable genotypes was not markedly different indicating that threshability trait is under the control of additive genes with dominant or partially dominant effects. Segregation analysis indicates that the TG trait may be under the control of few major genes with approximately one to three loci affecting the trait.  相似文献   

Due to its critical importance in crop yield, the photoperiodic regulation of flowering time is considered an important trait in sorghum breeding programs. In this study, quantitative trait loci for flowering time were detected using an F2 population derived from a cross between Kikuchi Zairai, a late-flowering cultivar originating from Japan and SC112, an early-flowering cultivar originating from Ethiopia. F2 plants were grown with their parents under a natural day length and a 12 h day length. Two linkage maps were constructed using 213 simple sequence repeats markers. Nine quantitative trait loci controlling flowering time were identified in F2 plants grown under a natural day length, whereas 7 QTLs were identified under a 12 h day length. Five QTLs controlling flowering time were shared under both of the day length conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Two crosses of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (IS 1054 × ICSV-1, and IS 5604 × IS 1054) were evaluated in parental, F1, F2, and backcross generations for the variation in their popping quality as measured by pop volume (ml). Dominance was in the direction of low pop volume. Dominance and additive gene effects, in that order, governed most of the variation, while significant dominance x dominance type of interaction effects could also be detected. There was no evidence for higher order gene interactions.Approved as Journal Article 630 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, P.O. 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India.  相似文献   

The presence and morphology of plant brace roots are important root architecture traits. Brace roots contribute significantly to effective anchorage and water and nutrient uptake during late growth and development, and more importantly, have a substantial influence on grain yield under soil flooding or water limited conditions. However, little is known about the genetic mechanisms that underlie brace root traits. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for presence of brace roots from the sorghum landrace “Sansui” were mapped and associated molecular markers were identified. A linkage map was constructed with 109 assigned simple sequence repeat markers using a F2 mapping population derived from the cross Sansui/Jiliang 2. Two QTLs associated with presence of brace roots were localized on chromosomes 6 and 7. The major QTL on chromosome 7 between markers Dsenhsbm7 and Xcup 70 explained about 52.5% of the phenotypic variation, and the minor QTL on chromosome 6 was flanked by Xtxp127 and Xtxp6 and accounted for 7.0% of phenotypic variation. These results will provide information for the improvement of sorghum root architecture associated with brace roots.  相似文献   

F. M. Azhar  T. McNeilly 《Euphytica》1989,43(1-2):69-72
Summary Data on root lengths of two-week-old seedlings of 51 Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench accessions germinated in 50, 100, 150, 175, and 200 mM NaCl solutions were used to estimate broad sense heritabilities of variation for salinity tolerance.Estimates of broad sense heritabilities ranged from 0.38 to 0.73, the highest being in 50 mM NaCl, suggesting that there is potential for improving salinity tolerance in the species through selection and breeding.  相似文献   

Fifty-six accessions of multi-cut Egyptian clover were compared at four experiments under different environmental conditions; i.e. location and season. Considerable variation existed for all the characters studied. The genetic variance exceeded the environmental variance for all the studied traits. Heritability was high for all characters studied. The expected genetic advance from selection of the superior 10.7% of the accessions as calculated from the combined data reached to 16.10, 17.50, 5.20, 20.60, 3.52 and 21.00 for mean plant height, seasonal fresh forage yield, mean dry matter percentage, seasonal dry forage yield, mean protein percentage, and seasonal protein yield, respectively. Both phenotypic and genotypic correlations among traits showed that mean plant height was positively correlated with each of seasonal fresh forage yield, seasonal dry forage yield, mean dry matter percentage and seasonal protein yield, but negatively correlated with mean protein percentage. Negative correlation were also found between mean protein percentage with seasonal fresh and dry forage yield.
Over all experiments, pat-coefficient analysis revealed that seasonal fresh forage yield had the highest positive direct effect on seasonal protein yield (0.841), followed by mean dry matter percentage (0.461). The mean protein percentage showed the minimum direct (0.172) and indirect influence on seasonal protein yield.  相似文献   

Soil application of different formulations of carbofuran at 3.0 and 1.5 g.a.i. metre row−1 did not have any impact on vigour and viability of the resultant seeds of sorghum. Fresh seeds from encecap 'A', encecap 'B' and furadan treated plots contained higher residues than the permissible limits and in artificially aged seeds the quantities were below the permissible limits. The degradation was evident with the growth and development of seedlings grown from fresh and aged seeds. Residues from lower doses dissipated faster than higher doses. The general decline in percentage germination and vigour could not be attributed to the residual toxicity but only to the ageing phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary A genetic diversity analysis in a collection of 171 non-restorer lines of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) using D2 technique and canonical variate analysis indicated that considerable variation in grain yield has been added to the collection by the addition of lines derived from random mating populations. The efficiency of D2 and canonical variate techniques in distinguishing extremely diverse genotypes was confirmed. However, the two techniques showed weak correspondence in their clusters. The F1 hybrids of 15 diverse lines exhibited no relationship between heterosis or per se performance of crosses and diversity in their parents. Therefore, traditional plant breeding methods are being advocated.Approved by ICRISAT as Journal Article no. 435.  相似文献   

Fourteen phenotypic characters were chosen for the purpose of obtaining taxonomic evidence on the resemblances of 177 accessions of sorghum from North Shewa and South Welo regions of Ethiopia. Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) and Modeclus cluster analysis were conducted to see if the 177 accessions could form clusters based on their morphological characters, and to test the consistency of farmers’ naming of the five most common Sorghum landraces represented by 44 accessions. Multivariate analyses grouped the 177 accessions into three clusters linked by a few phenotypic intermediate landraces. A botanical key was established for easy classification of the Sorghum crop plants grown in the study area. The number of accessions of the five most common landraces named by the farmers formed dissimilar groups, suggesting that farmers’ naming of these Sorghum landraces are consistent. Midrib color, grain color, grain size, glume color, glume hairiness, and grain shape were the leading morphological characters used by the farmers in naming these Sorghum landraces. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以甘蔗蔗糖磷酸合成酶基因(SPSⅢ-2,NCB1登录号为EU278617) cDNA序列为探针,对高粱EST数据库进行同源检索、筛选和拼接,后经基因组PCR、分子克隆、序列分析验证分离了甜高粱蔗糖磷酸合成酶基因组DNA序列(SPS3-1,GeneBank登录号为FJ750250).该序列全长6 325 by,包含13个...  相似文献   

Summary Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench is generally quite sensitive to salt and acid (high aluminium) soil stresses, but quite tolerant of drought stress. As with any stress phenomenon, intra-specific variability exists within the genus. In vitro cell selection and somaclonal variation offer an alternative to traditional breeding methodology for generating improved breeding lines for hybrid development. A field selection protocol was developed for the three soil stresses and inter-stress evaluations were conducted in an effort to find multiple, stress-tolerant genotypes. The acid soil-drought stress, super-tolerant selections were located by the R7 generation when exposed to a combined aluminium-drought stress field environment and when the regeneration population (number of regenerated lines from one callus source) was maintained at 15,000 plants or higher. A variant frequency of 0.1 to 0.2% for stress tolerance and acceptable agronomic traits among the surviving somaclones, provided an adequate number of phenotypes with desirable agronomic characteristics and a high level of soil stress tolerance. Subsequent research verified that the stress-tolerant regenerants had superior acid soil and drought stress tolerance to that of the donor parents, that their yield capabilities under stress were superior to their parents, and that their stress tolerance attributes were transferred in hybrid combinations. In vitro selection was not effective in increasing the number of field stress survivors. In fact, superior germplasms were developed from non-stressed callus or salt-stressed callus. In vitro selection reduced regeneration frequency and subsequent survival of plants under field stress. In vitro-stressed regenerants should be subjected only to non-stressed environments to maintain population numbers for field selection and thereafter should be subjected to stress environments during later (R5+) generations. The optimal strategy for the exploitation of somaclonal variation may be through short-term cell culture (< 12 months) with no attempt at in vitro selection.  相似文献   

高粱与苏丹草杂种优势利用的研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
高粱与苏丹草杂种优势明显,F1单株生物产量性状高于双亲平均值,甚至超过或接近高亲。影响高粱-苏丹草杂交种单株茎叶鲜重的主要因素是主茎粗、叶长;决定单位面积鲜草产量的主要是密度、叶长和单株茎叶鲜重。多年随机区组试验结果表明,杂交种单位面积鲜草产量显著超过苏丹草,并以30万株/hm2为最适种植密度。杂交种营养品  相似文献   

Degenerate primers designed based on known resistant genes (R-genes) and resistance gene analogs (RGAs) were used in combinations to elucidate RGAs from Sorghum bicolor, cultivar M 35-1. Most of the previously tried primer combinations resulted in amplicons of expected 500–600 bp sizes in sorghum along with few novel combinations. Restriction analysis of PCR amplicons of expected size revealed a group of fragments present in a single band indicating the heterogeneous nature of the amplicon. Many of these were cloned and some were considered for analysis. The nucleotide sequence of different cloned fragments was done and their predicted amino acid sequences compared to each other and to the amino acid sequences of known R-genes revealed significant sequence similarity. A cluster analysis based on neighbor-joining (N-J) method was carried out using sorghum RGAs (SRGAs) together with several analogous known R-genes resulting in two major groups; cluster-I comprising only SRGAs and cluster-II comprised of known R-gene sequences along with three SRGAs. Further analysis clearly indicated similarity of SRGAs in overall sense with already known ones from other crop plants. These sequences can be used as guidelines to detect, map and eventually isolate numerous R-genes in sorghum.  相似文献   

Anthracnose, one of the destructive foliar diseases of sorghum growing in warm humid regions, is incited by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola.The inheritance of anthracnose resistance was studied using the parental cultivars of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, HC 136 (susceptible to anthracnose) and G 73 (anthracnose resistant). The F1 and F2 plants were inoculated with the local isolates of C. graminicola cultures. The F2 plants showed a segregation ratio of 3 (susceptible): 1(resistant) indicating that the locus for resistance to anthracnose in sorghum accession G 73 segregates as a recessive trait in a cross to susceptible cultivar HC 136. RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) marker OPJ 011437 was identified as marker closely linked to anthracnose resistance gene in sorghum by bulked segregant analysis of HC 136 × G73 derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of sorghum. A total of 84 random decamer primers were used to screen polymorphism among the parental genotypes. Among these, only 24 primers were polymorphic. On bulked segregant analysis, primer OPJ 01 amplified a 1437 bp fragment only in resistant parent G 73 and resistant bulk. The marker OPJ 011437 was cloned and sequenced. The sequence of RAPD marker OPJ 011437 was used to generate specific markers called sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs). A pair of SCAR markers SCJ 01-1 and SCJ 01-2 was developed using Mac Vector program. SCAR amplification of resistant and susceptible parents along with their respective bulks and RILs confirmed that SCAR marker SCJ 01 is at the same loci as that of RAPD marker OPJ 011437 and hence, is linked to anthracnose resistance gene. Resistant parent G 73 and resistant bulk amplified single specific band on PCR amplification using SCAR primer pairs. The RAPD marker OPJ 011437 was mapped at a distance of 3.26 cM apart from the locus governing anthracnose resistance on the sorghum genetic map by the segregation analysis of the RILs. Using BLAST program, it was found that the marker showed 100 per cent alignment with the contig{_}3966 located on the longer arm of chromosome 8 of sorghum genome. Therefore, these identified RAPD and SCAR markers can be used in the resistance-breeding program of sorghum anthracnose by marker-assisted selection.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

为研究同一品种不同发育阶段干旱胁迫对玉米植株高度、果穗性状以及产量的影响程度,设置全生育期供水充足、大田自然干旱、拔节期控水、抽雄期控水、拔节期控水-复水、抽雄期控水-复水6种处理的对比试验,用对比分析的方法比较不同处理下玉米的株高、果穗性状以及产量之间的差异。结果表明:干旱胁迫使玉米植株矮小,果穗长减小7.88%~54.55%,果穗粗减小14.58%~52.08%,秃尖长度增大66.67%~258.33%,百粒重减小0.99%~41.36%,单株产量减少15.03%~94.41%,最终导致减产23.57%~90.03%。不同发育阶段干旱胁迫对产量的影响差异显著,全生育期干旱最为严重,几乎无产量,拔节期次之,抽雄期干旱胁迫影响最小,复水后由于部分补偿了前期干旱胁迫所减少的生物量,果穗性状、百粒重均有好转,减产幅度减轻。  相似文献   

不同生育时期水分胁迫对花生生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在明确花生水分敏感时期,为花生进行科学合理灌溉、提高产量提供理论依据和技术指导。以中早熟大果型‘豫花9326’和早熟小果型‘豫花9936’为材料,在全自动防雨干旱棚条件下,通过人工控水的方法研究了苗期、花针期、结荚期和成熟期干旱胁迫对花生营养生长、生殖生长、产量、水分利用效率等的影响。结果表明:不同生长发育时期干旱胁迫均导致花生生长发育受抑制、产量降低。其中花针期干旱,影响最大,花针期干旱主茎高、侧枝长分别降低了42.1%、37.5%,产量降低了22.2%。其次是结荚期干旱和苗期干旱,成熟期干旱影响最小。通过对各指标的分析,苗期干旱、花针期干旱主要是影响了单株结果数,从而降低了产量;结荚期干旱、成熟期干旱则是降低了饱果率、百仁重、出仁率,进而影响了产量。本研究明确了花针期是花生对水分胁迫最为敏感的时期,对提高花生水分利用效率和我国干旱半干旱地区花生单产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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