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Forty adult rats were used to study the mineral balances of malted and unmalted wet- or dry-milled sorghum and corn combined with crayfish and fed rats for 12 days. Five out of the twelve days were for adjustment and the rest for balance period. These mixtures each was calculated to provide 1.6 g N daily for the entire study period. Malting and wet milling produced increases in crude protein content of the cereal grains. However, the increases were much more evident in sorghum. Wet milling caused increases in calcium retention in corn groups. It produced the same effect on phosphorus balance only in sorghum groups. On the other hand, it produced positive iron balances only in unmalted corn and malted sorghum groups. The results suggest improved mineral nutriture due to malting except for the Fe retention of the MDC:CR group.  相似文献   

Weanling male rats (45–60 g) were used to compare the supplemental effects to rice protein of bean or crayfish protein. Rats were fed various combinations of rice plus bean (B) or crayfish (C) to provide 1.6 g N/100 g of the daily diet for 28-day growth studies and a 7-day N balance period. Five different diets were fed. Six rats were assigned to each diet on the basis of body weight. Combinations of R:B of 80:20 and of R:C of 80:20 produced food intake, weight gain, PER, N intake, digested and retained N; and liver weight values that were comparable. However, increasing C to 30% of the dietary protein led to reduced value for food intake, weight gain, PER, N intake, digested and retained N, BV, NPU, and liver weight when compared with values obtained when B was increased to 30% (P<0.05). The results appear to indicate that, above a certain level of supplementation, brown bean protein is superior to crayfish as a supplement to rice protein.  相似文献   

A 35-day experimental study consisting of 28-day growth and 7-day calcium (Ca) balance periods was conducted to assess the effects of fibre and N ratios on growth and Ca balance of rats. Growth and Ca balance of rats (45–80 g) fed mixtures of cooked (CS) and uncooked (RS) sorghum and dehulled (DB) and undehulled (UB) bean were studied. The diets contained 10% protein. Casein served as the control protein. The control group ate more food except for the group fed the CS:DU (60:40) diets (P<0.05) had higher values for all parameters tested than the test groups. There were increases in food and Ca intakes, fecal Ca, weight gain, protein efficiency ration (PER), liver weight and composition except for the low moisture value for the CS:DS (60:40) group when N ratios were changed from 80:20 to 60:40. These results appear to indicate that fiber and N ratio had significant effects on growth liver composition and calcium balance of the rats.  相似文献   

Protein, energy and mineral utilization were examined in growing rats fed cooked, dry legume seeds in combination with polished rice. The legumes tested included 3 varieties of common beans, black, white and brown (Phaseolus vulgaris), lentils (Lens esculenta) and peas (Pisum sativum). The rice:legume mixtures (1:1 N ratio) were the only dietary sources of protein, Zn, Fe and Cu. The rice:black bean mixture was also tested at a 4:1 N ratio. Nutrient utilization was studied by balance trials and mineral utilization was further assessed by tissue analyses. True protein digestibility (TD) and energy digestibility of the rice:legume (1:1) mixtures were high. Biological value (BV) varied only little but was lowest in the rice:lentil mixture. The rice:brown bean mixture had the lowest amount of utilizable protein (UP). The (1:1) rice:legume mixtures did not adversely affect Fe status, as measured by liver Fe content and blood hemoglobin and hematocrit, or Cu status, as measured by liver Cu content and plasma ceruloplasmin. However, femur zinc content indicated a sub-optimal Zn status. Increasing the dietary N from rice in combination with black beans resulted in a substantial improvement of BV, NPU and Zn status of the animals but had a negative effect on UP and Fe status of the rats.  相似文献   

A 16-week feeding test of Tower (Brassica napus) and Span (Brassica campestris) rapeseed protein concentrates (RPC) was carried out on male and female Charles River CD (Sprague-Dawley) weanling rats. The diets contained 10% or 20% protein (N × 6.25) from each RPC and were supplemented with 150 mg zinc/kg. The control groups received a purified diet with casein or a laboratory chow diet. The results of the test diet groups did not reveal any adverse effect due to RPC on thyroid metabolism or the metabolism of zinc iron, copper, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Nephrocalcinosis was observed in all female rats that were fed the test diets and the casein control diet, and therefore it could not be attributed to dietary RPC.Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, no. 120. Food Research Institute, no. 448.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that the total replacement of corn oil (CO) with cottonseed oil (CSO) in the diets of growing male rats results in a lowering of the total cholesterol (TC) concentration in the serum. It is not, however, known if a partial replacement of dietary CO with CSO would be sufficient to lower TC levels, nor is the effect of replacing dietary CO with CSO on other indices of cholesterol status (e.g., the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C], non-HDL-C [i.e., very-low and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol], or the TC/HDL-C ratio). Growing male rats were fed diets having CO, CSO, or a CO/CSO (1:1, w/w) oil mixture (OM) as the source of dietary oil (diet groups CO, CSO, and OM, respectively). There were no differences between CO and OM groups for TC, HDL-C, non-HDL-C, or the TC/HDL-C ratio. However, TC was significantly lower (p 0.05)for the CSO group than the CO group (2.85 vs. 3.23 mmol/l, or 110 vs. 125 mg/dl, respectively) as was HDL-C (1.83 vs. 2.13 mmol/l, or 71 vs. 82 mg/dl, respectively), but there were no differences between these groups for non-HDL-C or the TC/HDL-C ratio. Diet had no effect on serum triglycerides (TGs) or on total liver content of either cholesterol or TGs. Thus, partial (50%) replacement of CO with CSO was without effect on any of these serum indices of cholesterol status, but total replacement resulted in lower TC and HDL-C, without affecting non-HDL-C or the TC/HDL-C ratio. Because, relative to CO, CSO has higher levels of saturated fatty acids but lower levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the cholesterol-lowering effect of CSO appears to be unrelated to its fatty acid composition, and may be caused by a component of its nonsaponifiable fraction.  相似文献   

UPAS-120, a high yielding and early maturing variety of pigeon peas releasedby the Department of Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar contained a significant amount of phytic acid, i.e. 886 mg/100 g. When it was subjected to various domestic processing and cooking methods viz. soaking (6, 12, 18 h), dehulling, ordinary as well as pressure cooking and germination (24, 36 and 48 h), a drastic decrease in level of phytic acid with a remarkable increase in the HCl-extractability of mono, divalent, andtrivalent ions, like calcium, phosphorus, and iron occurred. Germination (48 h) was found to be the best method for decreasing the phytic acid content, i.e.35 to 39 percent less than the control and significantly (p<0.05) increasingthe non-phytate phosphorus and HCl-extractable phosphorus. Pressure cooking of soaked-dehulled pigeon pea also rendered equally good results. The calcium, phosphorus and iron contents of pigeon pea seeds were 197.3, 473.1, and 9.91 mg/100 g, respectively; some losses varying from 3 to 9 percent were noticed when the legume was subjected to soaking, cooking, and germination but the maximum losses, i.e. 23 percent, occurred when the seeds were dehulled. However, HCl-extractability of Ca, P and Fe improved to a significant extent when the pigeon pea seeds were soaked, soaked-dehulled, cooked and sprouted which may have been due to decrease in the phytate content followed by processing and cooking. The significant negative correlations between the phytic acid and HCl-extractability of minerals of processed pigeon pea strengthens these findings.  相似文献   

在磷钾供应条件下,以贡选1号为材料,研究了套作大豆干物质积累及钾肥利用率的动态变化。结果表明,套作大豆干物质积累量和钾素吸收量随生育时期推进而持续增加,两者变化趋势一致,符合“S”形曲线,均可用Logistic方程y=k/(1+ae-bx)加以拟合。干物质积累速率前期缓慢,随后迅速上升,出苗后79.3d达到高峰后缓慢下降,钾肥吸收速率与干物质积累速率趋势一致,但最大吸收速率出现时间(出苗后73.6d)早于干物质积累最大速率出现时间。钾肥利用率呈现先升高后降低的趋势,最高阶段利用率与最大吸收速率出现时间基本一致(出苗后75d~90d)。施用磷钾提高了钾素吸收速率、干物质积累速率、钾肥积累利用率和阶段利用率,但没有改变其变化趋势。  相似文献   

In growing rats, boiled milled rice-legume diets (2:1 N ratio) had lower energy digestigibility than boiled milled rice and equal if not better true digestibility, biological value, and net protein utilization (NPU). Rice-soybean diets showed better NPU than the other rice-legume diets. Boiled whole-grain corn and sorghum had lower digstible energy and NPU than boiled milled rice. NPU of the diets did not follow strictly the trend of the amino acid score of the diets; phenol (tannin) content reduced energy and protein digestibility of all diets, but sugars reduced energy and protein digestibilities of rice-legume diets only.  相似文献   

Rapeseed protein concentrate (RPC), rapeseed 2S and 12S fractions, a blend of 2S and 12S fractions, retentate (RET) and precipitate (PRE) proteins obtained during rapeseed fractionation were compared to casein for nutritive value as determined by net protein ratio (NPR) and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC). Tyrosine concentration in rapeseed 2S fraction was the lowest compared to all other protein sources and methionine was the first limiting amino acid. The NPR and ADC of RPC, RET, and fraction 12S did not change significantly (P<0.05) following supplementation with methionine, but for PRE the NPR was decreased significantly (P<0.05). However, the rapeseed 2S fraction supplemented with tyrosine had a NPR significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of RPC and not significant (P<0.05) different from that of casein. The NPR of the 2S and 12S blend was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of RET and PRE; however, no significant (P<0.05) difference was observed in NPR and ADC of the blend when supplemented with tyrosine. The nutritive value and digestibility of rapeseed 2S fraction were improved by supplementation with tyrosine and by blending with the 12S fraction.  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥施用对甘蓝型春油菜产量及肥料利用效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用大田试验研究了氮、磷、钾肥对青海省互助县种植的甘蓝型春油菜产量、养分吸收量和肥料利用效率等指标的影响。结果表明,氮肥和磷肥对春油菜(甘蓝型杂交油菜青杂2号)籽粒产量的提高有显著作用,钾肥的影响相对较小;与不施肥对照相比,氮、磷、钾肥的施用可显著促进成熟期春油菜地上部N、P、K素累积量(P<0.05);不同肥料的春油菜农学利用率分别为5.3kg/kg N、5.6kg/kg P2O5和1.7kg/kg K2O;肥料表观利用率分别为N 33.6%、P2O5 7.8%和K2O 52.0%, N、P、K肥对油菜籽产量的偏生产力分别为28.0kg/kg N、46.7kg/kg P2O5和26kg/kg K2O。青海省互助县种植条件下,当春油菜产量水平在3 504kg/hm2时,NPK配施条件下每生产100kg籽粒需要吸收N、P2O5、K2O量分别为4.6kg、2.0kg和5.6kg,氮磷钾比为1:0.43:1.21。油菜生产实践中实现高产目标需同时关注地力培肥和平衡施肥两方面。  相似文献   

To evaluate the dietary protein utilization and iron deficiency anemia as affected by the faba bean nutrient intake, a bioassay with rats was carried out with different experimental diets containing four faba bean products (stewed beans ‘Medammis’, deep fried dough ‘Falafel’, boiled germinated beans ‘Nabet Soup’ and poured paste ‘Bissara’) widely consumed in the Middle East. Amino acid composition of all faba bean products was determined and compared to raw beans. Severe heat-processing markedly decreased some essential amino acids, especially phenylalanine, cystine, methionine and tryptophan. Protein scores were 24.6, 19.5, 29.2, 28.2 and 35.6 for raw faba beans, ‘Medammis’, ‘Falafel’, ‘Nabet Soup’ and ‘Bissara’, respectively. ‘Bissara’ possessed the highest nutritional value, since it had the lowest GDR value [Grams consumed of product to cover the daily requirements for adult man in protein (63 g) and in energy (2900 kcal)] for the limiting amino acids (L A A). As indicated by P S/150 values [Satisfaction of the daily requirements of the adult man when 150 g (one can content) are consumed of product] for L A A, i.e. methionine+cystine (lowest P S/150 value), the above-mentioned faba bean products cover about 53, 77, 77 and 97% of the daily requirements of adult man in L A A, respectively. Fecal nitrogen excretion increased and true nitrogen digestibility decreased significantly (p<0.01) with the inclusion of ‘Medammis’ in the diet. ‘Nabet Soup’ exhibited the highest true nitrogen digestibility. In contrast, the biological value of nitrogen was apparently unaffected. Highest blood hemoglobin level was found in rats fed diets containing ‘Bissara’, ‘Falafel’ and ‘Nabet Soup’, whereas the addition of ‘Medammis’ in the diet induced a significant (p<0.05) reduction in blood hemoglobin level of fed rats.  相似文献   

Kafirins have been extracted from several types of sorghums due to their potential use for production of gluten-free products. Nevertheless, the extraction of these proteins from wet-milled sorghum gluten meal (SGM) has not yet been explored. In this study, we investigated the differences in composition, color, molecular structures, functionality and in vitro protein digestibility of kafirin extracts obtained from dry-milled flour or SGM obtained from decorticated white sorghum treated with and without endopeptidic protease. Kafirins were extracted using aqueous ethanol and metabisulfite. Kafirin extracts from SGM presented higher protein purity (95% vs 86%), lower fat content (0.7% vs 2.0%), in vitro protein digestibility (89% vs 85%), and better water holding (2.8 vs 1.9 g/g) and fat absorption capacities (2.4 vs 1.6 g/g) compared to extracts from ground decorticated sorghum. Color was not affected by treatments. SDS-PAGE showed differences in the low molecular weight patterns of kafirin extracts obtained from SGM whereas FTIR analyses showed reduction of α-helical and β-turn percentages and β-sheet increment after extraction. The proposed protease treatment increased free amino nitrogen and emulsifying index of kafirins, but did not affect other functional properties. Thus, SGM represents a potential new feedstock for the extraction of food-grade kafirins.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the effect of blended oils, i.e., polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rich vegetable oils like safflower oil (SFO) and sunflower oil (SNO) with the unconventional and hypocholesterolemic rice bran oil (RBO) on the serum lipid profile of rats. Rats fed RBO + SNO/SFO at 70:30 ratio for a period of 28 days showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in animals fed a high cholesterol diet (HCD) and cholesterol free diet (CFD). Liver total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) were also reduced. Fecal excretion of neutral sterols and bile acids was increased with use of RBO blends. RBO, which is rich in tocopherols and tocotrienols, may improve the oxidative stability of the blends. Tocotrienols are known to inhibit 3-hydroxy, 3-methyl, glutaryl CoA (HMG-COA) reductase (rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis), resulting in hypocholesterolemia. In addition to improving the lipid profile by lowering TC, TG and LDL-C and increasing HDL-C, blending of RBO with other oils can result in an economic advantage of lower prices.  相似文献   

In change‐over trials, mid‐lactation dairy cows were fed concentrate‐supplemented, isonitrogenous and isofibrous perennial ryegrass–legume silage diets that satisfied energy requirements but were suboptimal with respect to metabolizable protein supply. Legumes were either birdsfoot trefoil with low levels of condensed tannins (typical for hemiboreal conditions), or white clover. Averaged over two experimental years, birdsfoot trefoil–based silage resulted in lower digestibility (P < 0·001) of dry matter (50 g kg?1), organic matter (52 g kg?1), neutral detergent fibre (120 g kg?1) and nitrogen (24 g kg?1) and lower rumen total volatile fatty acid concentration (7 mm ; P = 0·009). Milk protein yield was 36 g d?1 higher with birdsfoot trefoil silage (P = 0·002), while raw milk yield tended to be 0·8 kg d?1 higher (P = 0·06). Rumen ammonia concentration was similar between diets, but milk urea concentration (< 0·001), urinary urea excretion (P = 0·002) and faecal‐N proportion (P = 0·001) were higher with birdsfoot trefoil silage. The results suggest that grass–birdsfoot trefoil silage produced in hemiboreal areas exhibits a protein‐sparing effect in dairy rations, despite a low condensed tannin content that is further diluted by companion grasses and ration concentrate proportion.  相似文献   

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