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The potential of bacteriophage therapy to control bacterial disease in farmed fish was tested using, as an example, furunculosis of Atlantic salmon, caused by Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

In vivo testing with Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) showed no adverse effects, with bacteriophage generally cleared within 96 h of administration by either intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection or oral in-feed.

Juvenile Atlantic salmon were administered a combination of bacteriophage O, R and B (1.9 × 108 pfu fish− 1) by i.p. injection, after they had been challenged with A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida 78027, also by i.p. injection. The fish that were injected with bacteriophage immediately after challenge died at a significantly slower rate then those that were either not treated with bacteriophage, or treated 24 h post-challenge. However, the end result (100% mortality) was not affected.

In further experiments the effects of oral (1.88 × 105 pfu g− 1 fish− 1 daily for 30 days), bath (1.04 × 105 ml− 1 daily for 30 days) and i.p. (6.25 × 107 pfu fish− 1) phage treatment to control furunculosis in experimentally infected Atlantic salmon were compared with antibiotherapy (treatment with 10 mg kg− 1 bw− 1 day− 1 oxolinic acid for 10 days), using an indirect cohabitation challenge. No protection was offered by any of the bacteriophage treatments, compared to the positive challenge group, although significant protection was offered by the oxolinic acid treatment. Analysis of samples taken from the trials demonstrated that bacteriophage were correctly administered to the fish and, on occasion, were isolated from fish that had succumbed to furunculosis. It was also shown that bacteriophage resistant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida isolates could be recovered from mortalities in all the treatment groups.

The results suggest that, although there were no safety problems associated with the approach, furunculosis in Atlantic salmon is not readily controllable by application of bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal lipid absorption in Atlantic salmon was studied following force-feeding with a standard grower diet to which isotope-labelled free fatty acid (FFA) [1-14C]-decanoic acid (14C-10:0) and triacylglycerol (TAG) [9,10-3H(N)]-triolein (trioleic acid; 3H-18:1) were added. Following force-feeding, the 15 fish, with an average weight of 704 g, were kept in five circular tanks, three fish per tank, supplied with seawater (salinity, 32 g l−1). At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 48 h, the fish from one tank were killed, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract was removed and divided into six segments: stomach (ST), anterior, mid, and distal pyloric ceca (PCA, PCM, and PCD, respectively), mid intestine (MI), and distal intestine (DI). The levels of radioactivity (dpm [disintegrations per minute] μg−1 tissue) from the 14C-10:0 and the 3H-18:1 substrates were measured in tissue samples from each segment, allowing an estimation of the amounts of fatty acid substrates absorbed from the lumen into the intestinal cells. The highest levels of radioactivity from both fatty acid substrates were measured in tissue from pyloric ceca (PC) 12 to 18 h after force-feeding. The level of radioactivity from the 14C-10:0 substrate was significantly higher in the PCA than in the PCM and PCD, while there was no clear difference in the level of radioactivity from the 3H-18:1 substrate measured among the different PC tissue segments and the level measured in MI. The level of radioactivity in tissue from DI was negligible to low for both fatty acid substrates. Total lipid accumulation in tissue from PCM, MI and DI was quantified morphometrically at each sampling point using light microscopy and image analysis. These results confirmed the findings from the isotope study, where the highest levels of fat were present at 12 and 18 h following force-feeding. In conclusion, PC was the most important site for fatty acid absorption in the GI tract of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity between three farmed and four wild populations of Atlantic salmon from Ireland and Norway were analysed using 15 microsatellite markers. High levels of polymorphism were observed over all populations with the average number of alleles and average heterozygosity at 17.8 and 0.70, respectively. Farmed salmon showed less genetic variability than wild salmon in terms of allelic diversity but not necessarily in terms of overall heterozygosity. Between farmed populations significant differences were observed in expected heterozygosity suggesting that more intensive breeding practices may have resulted in a further erosion of genetic variability. Phylogenetic analysis using either populations or individuals as nodes show a clustering of populations into two groups, farmed and wild. This suggests that founder effects and subsequent selection have had more effect on the genetic differentiation between these strains than geographical separation. This technology has great potential for use in aquaculture situation where levels of genetic variation could be monitored and inbreeding controlled in a commercial breeding progra.  相似文献   

The effect of phytase supplementation to a canola-meal-based diet on phosphorus utilisation in Atlantic salmon was studied in a two-by-two factorial design. Diets were prepared without phytase or inorganic phosphorus supplementation, with phytase, with supplemental inorganic phosphorus and with both phytase and supplemental inorganic phosphorus. Available phosphorus was set below requirement and the total phosphorus set to meet requirements for salmonids. After 12 weeks, there were no significant differences in survival, feed intake and weight gain between diets. There was an interaction effect between supplements on bone ash, bone phosphorus and whole-body phosphorus so that adding phytase, inorganic phosphorus, or both resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher values for these parameters. An interaction effect was also observed for phosphorus digestibility, phosphorus retention efficiency and phosphorus load. Phosphorus digestibility and retention efficiency were significantly (P<0.05) higher, and phosphorus load was significantly (P<0.05) lower in fish fed the phytase supplemented diet compared with diets containing supplemental inorganic phosphorus. In conclusion, phytase increased phosphorus availability, therefore reducing the need to add inorganic phosphorus and reducing phosphorus waste from plant-meal-based diets for Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess whether selection for increased growth rate in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is associated with increased feed intake and/or better feed utilization. Growth responses of offspring from selected and wild lines of Atlantic salmon (initial weight 814±14 g and 533±12 g, respectively) were tested in a 14-week experiment. Selected and wild salmon increased body weight by 79 and 39%, respectively, during the experiment. Relative feed intake (DFI), thermal growth coefficient (TGC) and feed efficiency ratio (FER) were significantly higher in the selected (DFI: 0.67% BW d−1, TGC: 2.96×10−3 and FER: 1.16), than in the wild, line (DFI: 0.48% BW d−1, TGC: 1.39×10−3 and FER: 0.93). FER was positively correlated with mean growth rate (r=0.90, n=6, P<0.05), and differences between the lines indicated a 4.6% increase in FER per generation of selection. Fish of the selected line had a significantly lower intake of protein and energy per kilogram gain, so the higher growth rate of the selected line was the result of both greater feed consumption and more efficient feed utilization for growth. This implies that selection for increased growth rate in Atlantic salmon may improve both of these traits.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes of the family Anisakidae occur in the visceral cavity and surrounding tissues of many marine fish species at a prevalence as high as 100% in wild salmon samples. Human consumption of fish products containing these parasites can result in the zoonotic disease anisakiasis, and Anisakis simplex is most commonly associated with human disease. Previous studies of farmed salmon have found no anisakids in viscera or muscle, presumably because formulated feed production renders parasite larvae nonviable. However, among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) examined by histopathology as part of a provincial government auditing program in British Columbia, Canada, 1 of 894 (0.11%) had an anisakid larva partly embedded in the wall of an intestinal cecum. Skeletal muscle is not examined as part of the government's program, but other studies have correlated anisakids in the viscera and muscle. Using anisakid prevalence in viscera as an estimate of its prevalence in muscle, the risk ratio of anisakid parasites in commercial product is 570 times less in farmed than in wild Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar L.) of wild (Namsen) and farmed (AquaGen) strains were transferred to full-strength seawater (33‰) for 0 (initial control group), 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 14, 30, 42 and 60 days at three different temperatures (4.3, 9.4 and 14.3 °C). Freshwater temperature in each tank was adjusted to test conditions 10 days prior to transfer. Physiological adaptation was monitored as changes in plasma growth hormone levels, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, plasma chloride levels and survival in seawater. Overall, smolts from the wild strain were better able to tolerate transfer to seawater than smolts from the hatchery strain. A delay in the osmotic disturbance and a prolonged period of osmotic stress were observed at the low temperature. Circulating GH levels increased transiently in all groups during the first 12–48 h in seawater and long-term GH levels were positively correlated with seawater temperature. Growth rates were influenced by temperature and strain, with the farmed smolts showing a higher growth than the wild smolts. Food Conversion Efficiency (FCE) was higher in smolts from the farmed strain, whereas no differences in daily food consumption were observed. Optimum temperature for FCE was calculated to be 10.5 °C, whereas the optimal temperature for growth in seawater was calculated to be 13.0 °C. We suggest that the observed differences in seawater tolerance, growth and food conversion probably are genetic and may reflect the fact that the hatchery fish have been bred for rapid growth for several generations.  相似文献   

The effects of partial replacement of fish meal (FM) with meal made from northern krill (Thysanoessa inermis), Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) or Arctic amphipod (Themsto libellula) as protein source in the diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) on growth, feed conversion, macro‐nutrient utilization, muscle chemical composition and fish welfare were studied. Six experimental diets were prepared using a low‐temperature FM diet as control. The other diets included northern krill where 20, 40 or 60% of the dietary FM protein was replaced with protein from northern krill, and two diets where the FM protein was replaced with protein from Antarctic krill or Arctic amphipod at 40% protein replacement level. All diets were iso‐nitrogenous and iso‐caloric. Atlantic salmon grew from 410 g to approximately 1500 g during the 160 day experiment, and Atlantic halibut grew from 345 g to 500–600 g during the 150 day experiment. Inclusion of krill in the diets enhanced specific growth rate in salmon, especially during the first 100 days (P < 0.01), and in a dose–response manner in halibut for over the 150 day feeding period (P < 0.05). Feed conversion ratio did not differ between dietary treatments, and no difference was found in dry matter digestibility, protein digestibility and fish muscle composition. Good growth rates, blood parameters within normal ranges and low mortalities in all experimental treatments indicted that fish health was not affected either Atlantic salmon or Atlantic halibut fed the various zooplankton diets.  相似文献   

Samples of wild and domesticated salmon in Norway were genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci to compare allelic variability and investigate the potential of microsatellite markers for identification of individuals. The following loci were amplified: Ssa20, Ssa62NVH, Ssa71NVH, Ssa90NVH, Ssa103NVH, Ssa105NVH, SsaF43; Ssa20.19; Ssa13.37; SsOSL85; Ssa197; Ssa28. All domesticated strain samples displayed reduced variability compared to wild salmon. On average 58% of the allelic richness observed within the four wild stocks were present in the samples taken from domesticated strains. No systematic differences in heterozygosity were observed between samples representing the two groups.

Pairwise genetic distances, as estimated by Fst values and Nei [1978] was 2–8 times higher among domesticated strains than among wild strains. Among the wild stocks, the highest genetic distances were observed between the river Neiden, located in northern Norway, and the other wild stocks located in the southwest of Norway.

Assignment tests indicated that the wild and domesticated salmon could be distinguished with high precision. Less than 4% of domesticated salmon were misassigned as wild salmon, and less than 3% of wild fish were misassigned as domesticated salmon. Fish from individual domesticated strains were identified with similarly high precision. Assignment to wild salmon stocks was less accurate, with the exception of the sample taken from the river Neiden, for which 93% of the individuals were correctly assigned.  相似文献   

This study investigated the individual variation in vertebral morphology and mineral content (as % of bone dry weight) in rapid growing underyearling smolt (n = 33) twelve weeks after transfer to seawater. The smolt, which were reared in triplicate tanks, had a large individual variation in vertebral bone mineral content (Tank A: 36.2% min, 45.2% max, 39.6% mean. Tank B: 32.6% min, 46.6% max, 40.0% mean. Tank C: 38.5% min, 47.9% max, 42.4% mean), and were subdivided into two groups based on mean within each tank: high mineral content (HMC, above tank mean, n = 15) and low mineral content (LMC, below tank mean, n = 18). Vertebrae of smolt with a low mineral content were more compressed in the anterior–posterior direction (HMC vertebral length/dorso-ventral diameter ratio 0.83, LMC 0.80). This was related to a change in the growth direction of the vertebral cone. This change occurred around transfer to seawater and was characterised by an increased angle between the wall of the cone of the vertebrae and the cranial–caudal axis, and gave the vertebrae a compressed appearance. Smolt with a high mineral content were significantly longer (HMC 28.1 cm, LMC 26.5 cm) and heavier (HMC 270 g, LMC 210 g) twelve weeks after transfer to seawater.  相似文献   

Seawater transferred under-yearling Atlantic salmon (120 g) were fed a practical fishmeal formulated diet containing 57.4% blue whiting fishmeal and providing 15 g kg− 1 total phosphorous (P) in the diet. The basal diet was supplemented with graded dietary levels of inorganic P (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 g kg− 1) to total P levels of 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 g kg− 1. Within a feeding period of 12 weeks, classical signs of P deficiency developed in Atlantic salmon fed the P un-supplemented diet containing 15 g kg− 1 total P of natural origin. Deficiency signs included reduced growth and feed efficiency, reduced tissue mineral concentration (P, Ca, Mg, Zn), increased P:Ca ratio in the body, increased condition factor, metabolic disorder as indicated by lipid accumulation and impaired protein utilization, as well as reduced lipid, energy and Zn digestibility. Supplementation of inorganic P-salts in the diet at 3 g kg− 1 (18 g kg− 1 total P) significantly improved the production results with respect to growth and feed efficiency, and restored all other signs of P deficiency in fish. A higher supplementation level of 6 g kg− 1 inorganic P (21 g kg− 1 total P) was required for optimal mineralization in whole body and vertebrae. The highest supplementation levels of 15 g kg− 1 added inorganic P (30 g kg− 1 total P) seemed to increase P excretion and to have slightly negative impacts on growth and bone mineralization. Results suggest that P availability from blue whiting fishmeal is very low (3.2 g kg− 1) and inadequate to meet dietary P requirement in rapidly growing under-yearling salmon immediately following seawater transfer, despite high natural P content in the blue whiting fishmeal.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the effect of growth, size and season on the flesh quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Following smoltification, two groups of size sorted 0+ and 1+ smolts (four treatment groups in all) were measured for body weight and length in January, June and October 2002. The fish were stored on ice for 4 days before filleted and samples taken for flesh colour, fat/dry content, end pH, gaping score and texture shear force. Large fish upon smoltification grew faster during the first year at sea, while smaller fish grew faster during the second year at sea, resulting in similar weight at slaughter. Season showed the main influence on quality, where fish slaughtered in October had harder texture, higher fat content and redder colour compared to previous samples (P < 0.05). There were only minor differences between the fish slaughtered in January and June (P > 0.15). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were detected as an effect of size or smoltification age when effects of season were accounted for in the statistical model. We conclude that the observed variation in quality was an effect of changes in growth with season. We recommend that actions aimed to halter growth prior to slaughter could be an effective control measure to reduce seasonal quality variations.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) postsmolts (0.17–0.26 kg) were exposed to four different levels of carbon dioxide partial pressure for 43 days in an open flow system: 0.6 mm Hg (control), 4.9 mm Hg (low), 12 mm Hg (medium), and 20 mm Hg (high). The water temperature was 15–16°C and the salinity 34‰. In the low carbon dioxide group (PCO2=4.9 mm Hg; 10.6 mg/l), no significant differences were found in blood parameters (haematocrit, plasma chloride and plasma sodium) or in growth parameters (weight, length and condition factor) when compared to the control group. After 43 days, the mean plasma chloride concentration for the medium group (PCO2=12 mm Hg; 26 mg/l) was significantly reduced, while weight and condition factor were slightly, although not significantly, lowered. For the high carbon dioxide group (PCO2=20 mm Hg; 44 mg/l) plasma sodium and plasma pH were significantly increased and plasma chloride, oxygen consumption, weight, length and condition factor were significantly reduced at the end of exposure. There was no mortality in the control group or in the low carbon dioxide group. The mortalities in the medium and high carbon dioxide groups were 1.1 and 4.3%, respectively. Nephrocalsinosis was not observed in any of the groups. The results of the present investigation indicate that the CO2 concentration of the low group may represent a safe level for Atlantic salmon postsmolts when the temperature is 15–16°C and the oxygen level is 6–7 mg/l. Further studies are required.  相似文献   

The impact of dietary DNA on metabolism and health of animals and humans has received little attention, except in the context of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and horizontal gene transfer. In a series of studies, we have investigated the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake and persistence of dietary DNA of soybean and maize origin. A feeding experiment on salmon was started at late yolk sac stage and lasted for 7 months. The fish were randomly distributed in groups in indoor tanks and fed different types of feed. After the last feeding, the fish were starved for 24 h before samples were dissected. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of short targets from the chloroplast ribulose‐1,5‐carboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene present in some of the feed components, the uptake and transport of dietary DNA from plant ingredients to tissues could be studied. The dietary DNA, of plant origin, was found to be present in all tissues investigated and their concentrations were determined.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon were sampled in June, September and February of the consecutive year and were stored on ice for up to 14 days in order to test the effect of harvest time and subsequent ice storage on meat quality. Texture and gaping frequency were analysed and were related to colour, protein degradation, collagen solubility, collagen types and final pH as well as lipid oxidation in the fillets to test possible interactions between harvest time and quality degradation during storage. In February, the connective tissue contained more soluble collagen and less insoluble collagen, as well as more of both types I and V collagen, than in the samples collected in June. During ice storage, fish became softer with a concomitant increase in the number of fish displaying very high gaping. pH increased during ice storage and fillet colour became lighter and redder, while yellowness changed in the fattier fillets upon ice storage. Ice storage resulted in changes in pepsin-soluble collagen (PSC) depending on harvest time as did both types I and V collagen. The softer the fish, the higher the gaping score and the more insoluble collagen, the less gaping occurred.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary lipid and bile acids on astaxanthin absorption in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Fish with an average weight of 1500 g were fitted with a dorsal aorta cannula and fed diets containing herring oil, soybean lecithin, lard, or herring oil supplemented with taurocholic acid (2.5 g/kg diet). Each fish was fed all of the experimental diets in successive order to minimize the effect of individual variation. At a given time following the feeding of each diet, blood was collected and analyzed for astaxanthin. Soybean lecithin significantly lowered the absorption of astaxanthin compared to fish fed herring oil. A 20% (p < 0.12) increase in blood astaxanthin was observed when the fish were fed the diet supplemented with taurocholic acid. Feeding lard significantly increased the blood astaxanthin level compared to the control group. It appears that altering the micellar structure by stimulating micellar (taurocholic acid) or mixed micellar (lecithin) systems did not increase the apparent absorption of astaxanthin. However, increasing the phospholipid level may have actually decreased the absorption possibly by lowering the astaxanthin solubility in the micelles. The increased apparent absorption of astaxanthin with lard is possibly linked to the increased content of 16:0, 18:1n − 9 or 18:2n − 6 fatty acids in this diet, or a reduction in very long chain monoenes (20:1n − 9 and 22:1n − 9). This suggests that the solubility of astaxanthin is higher in diets containing higher levels of 16:0 or 18:1n − 1, or alternatively, that reductions in longer chain monoenes (20:1n − 9 and 22:1n − 9) increase the micellar solubility of this pigment.  相似文献   

Growth performance, muscle cellularity and flesh quality were investigated in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed either of two diet ranges [high protein (HP), or low protein (LP)], which differed in digestible protein/digestible energy ratios but were of equivalent digestible energy content (21.4 MJ kg−1 wet weight). Smolts from an early maturing (Lochy) and a late maturing (Mowi) strain were PIT-tagged and reared together in duplicate 5×5×5-m sea cages for each diet. The Lochy and Mowi fish were harvested in May and August, respectively, after 417 and 515 days in seawater. The average body weight of fish in each cage at harvest was in the range 3.8–5.4 kg, with no significant difference between diets. The total cross-sectional area of white muscle and the number and diameter of muscle fibres was determined at the level of the first dorsal fin ray. The distribution of muscle fibre diameters was investigated using nonparametric smoothing and bootstrapping techniques. Diet had no effect on fibre size distribution or fibre number in the Mowi strain, and small but significant effects for the Lochy strain. At harvest, in Lochy salmon of average fork length 69 cm there were around 15% more fibres in fish fed the HP than LP ratio diets. However, the 50th percentile of fibre diameter was 20% greater in fish fed the LP than HP diets, such that the total muscle cross-sectional area was similar. The lipid content (14.1–15.3% wet mass), astaxanthin pigment concentration (7.0–8.5 mg kg−1 wet mass) and colour (RocheSalmoFan™ and Minolta Chromatometer readings) of the flesh were similar for both strains and diets. There was no significant difference in the average muscle fibre density between strains and diet, which varied between 60 and 140 fibres mm−2 muscle cross-sectional area. Gaping during processing of the fillet was in part related to muscle cellularity. Little or no gaping was observed in any fish with a fibre density in excess of 95 fibres mm−2 muscle. It was concluded that individual variation in fibre density is important in the development of gaping, but that muscle cellularity and flesh quality are relatively insensitive to the protein to energy ratio in the diet over the range studied.  相似文献   

The Northeastern U.S. has the ideal location and unique opportunity to be a leader in cold water marine finfish aquaculture. However, problems and regulations on environmental issues, mandatory stocking of 100% native North American salmon, and disease have impacted economic viability of the U.S. salmon industry. In response to these problems, the USDA ARS developed the National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center (NCWMAC) in Franklin, Maine. The NCWMAC is adjacent to the University of Maine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research on the shore of Taunton Bay and shares essential infrastructure to maximize efficiency. Facilities are used to conduct research on Atlantic salmon and other cold water marine finfish species. The initial research focus for the Franklin location is to develop a comprehensive Atlantic salmon breeding program from native North American fish stocks leading to the development and release of genetically improved salmon to commercial producers. The Franklin location has unique ground water resources to supply freshwater, brackish water, salt water or filtered seawater to fish culture tanks. Research facilities include office space, primary and secondary hygiene rooms, and research tank bays for culturing 200+ Atlantic salmon families with incubation, parr, smolt, on-grow, and broodstock tanks. Tank sizes are 0.14 m3 for parr, 9 m3 for smolts, and 36, 46 and 90 m3 for subadults and broodfish. Culture tanks are equipped with recirculating systems utilizing biological (fluidized sand) filtration, carbon dioxide stripping, supplemental oxygenation and ozonation, and ultraviolet sterilization. Water from the research facility discharges into a wastewater treatment building and passes through micro-screen drum filtration, an inclined traveling belt screen to exclude all eggs or fish from the discharge, and UV irradiation to disinfect the water. The facility was completed in June 2007, and all water used in the facility has been from groundwater sources. Mean facility discharge has been approximately 0.50 m3/min (130 gpm). The facility was designed for stocking densities of 20–47 kg/m3 and a maximum biomass of 26,000 kg. The maximum system density obtained from June 2007 through January 2008 has approached 40 kg/m3, maximum facility biomass was 11,021 kg, water exchange rates have typically been 2–3% of the recirculating system flow rate, and tank temperatures have ranged from a high of 15.4 °C in July to a low of 6.6 °C in January 2008 without supplemental heating or cooling.  相似文献   

The safety and efficacy of emamectin benzoate, administered in-feed to Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., held in freshwater, was evaluated as a preventative treatment against sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, following transfer of fish to seawater.

In the safety study, salmon smolts held in freshwater were fed with diets containing emamectin benzoate at nominal doses of 0 (control), 50 (recommended dose) and 250 (5× recommended dose) μg kg−1 fish day−1 for 7 days (days 0–6). Actual dose rates, based on measured concentrations of emamectin benzoate in feed, differences in fish weight, and feed consumed, were 0, 54, and 272 μg kg−1 day−1, respectively. On day 9, fish were transferred to seawater and observed for 14 days. No differences in feeding response, coordination, behaviour, gross and histological appearance were observed between control fish and those that received 54 μg kg−1 day−1. Among smolts that received 272 μg kg−1 day−1, approximately 50% exhibited darker coloration, and one fish (1%) exhibited uncoordinated swimming behaviour. No pathognomonic signs of emamectin benzoate toxicity were identified.

In the efficacy study, smolts held in freshwater were fed an unmedicated ration (control group) or emamectin benzoate at 50 μg kg−1 day−1 (treated group) for 7 days (days 0–6). On day 9, fish were re-distributed to eight seawater tanks, each holding 30 control and 30 treated fish. On days 28, 56, 77 and 109, respectively, control and treated fish in two tanks were challenged with L. salmonis copepodites. When lice in each group reached chalimus stage IV, fish were sampled and the numbers of lice were recorded. Fish challenged at day 109 were sampled for the second time when lice were at the adult stage. Efficacy was calculated as the reduction in the mean number of lice on treated fish relative to the mean on control fish. Treatment with emamectin benzoate resulted in an efficacy of 85.0–99.8% in fish challenged at days 28–77, from the start of treatment, and lice counts were significantly lower (P<0.001) on treated fish than on controls. When fish challenged at day 109 were sampled at day 128, efficacy was 44.3%, but survival of chalimus to adult lice on treated fish was lower, and at day 159, efficacy had increased to 73%. These results demonstrate that treatment of salmon smolts with emamectin benzoate in freshwater was well tolerated and highly effective in preventing sea lice infestation following transfer of fish to seawater.  相似文献   

Two field studies were carried out with farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) in sea cages to examine various effects of artificial light (AL) and the vertical distribution of salmon on lice infestation.

The use of AL light caused an overall increase in lice infestation in both experiments. The first study showed that salmon held at 0–4 m depth in cages developed higher infestation than salmon held at greater depths (4–8 and 8–12 m) under both natural light (NL) and AL. In the second study, salmon maintained in 14-m deep sea cages that were exposed to AL with different light intensities. The AL treatments resulted directly in different diel and seasonal patterns of vertical distribution of the salmon and also different temporal patterns in lice infestations. So indirectly the infestation pattern appeared to be correlated with median day-time swimming depth of the salmon.  相似文献   

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