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For many species, one important key to persistence is maintaining connectivity among local populations that allow for dispersal and gene flow. This is probably true for carabid species (Coleoptera:Carabidae) living in the fragmented forests of the Bereg Plain (NE Hungary and W Ukraine). Based on field data, we have drafted a landscape graph of the area representing the habitat network of these species. Graph nodes and links represented two kinds of landscape elements: habitat (forest) patches and corridors, respectively. The quality of habitat patches and corridors were ranked (from low (1) to high (4)), reflecting local population sizes in the case of patches and estimated permeability in the case of corridors. We analysed (1) the positional importance of landscape elements in maintaining the connectivity of the intact network, (2) the effect of inserting hypothetical corridors into the network, (3) the effects of improving the quality of the existing corridors, and (4) how to connect every patch in a cost-effective way. Our results set quantitative priorities for conservation practice by identifying important corridors: what to protect, what to build and what to improve. Several network analytical techniques were used to account for the directed (source-sink) and highly fragmented nature of the landscape graph. We provide conservation priority ranks for the landscape elements and discuss the conditions for the use of particular network indices. Our study could be of extreme relevance, since a new highway is being planned through the area.  相似文献   

Responses of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to urbanisation were studied along an urban-suburban-rural gradient representing decreasing intensities of humandisturbance. Carabids were collected by pitfall trapping during their activity period in lowland oak forest patches in the city of Debrecen, Eastern Hungary. The average number of carabid species was significantly higher in the rural and urban areas compared to the suburban one. The high overall species richness in the urban area was due to the presence of species preferring open habitats. The species richness of forest specialist carabids significantly increased along the urban-rural gradient. The overall carabid abundance was significantly higher in the rural than the other two areas. The results did not support the hypothesis that overall diversity should decrease in response to habitat disturbance. They also contradicted the intermediate disturbance hypothesis: species richness was not the highest in the moderately disturbed suburban area. In the urban area, opportunistic species dominated. The average carabid body size was significantly larger in the rural and suburban areas than in the more disturbed urban area. Multivariate methods detected changes in species composition and abundance structure along the urban-rural gradient. Significant proportion of the variation in abundance and species richness was explained by the heterogeneity of environmental variables (ground temperature, surface temperature, humidity, cover of decaying wood material, herbs, canopy layer, and by the amount of prey).  相似文献   

We compared three kinds of habitats: small remnants of native forests, recent hedges and barley crops, in order to investigate their respective roles in the maintenance of carabid-beetle diversity in a 950-ha area of an intensive agricultural landscape. Carabid faunas in remnants differed weakly from these found in hedges and crops. In particular, small remnants had few typical forest carabid species and a large number of open-area or ubiquitous species. Different approaches in the measurement of and -diversity (classical indices, and additive partitioning of Simpson's index) showed similar results: hedges supported a high -diversity but habitat types were quite similar overall, with weak differences between open and closed or disturbed and undisturbed habitats.A comparison of species dispersal powers in the various habitat types showed that species with a low dispersal power were rare in all habitats. However, wing development measured on two dimorphic species revealed, surprisingly, that brachypterous individuals were mainly present in hedges, which were expected a priori to be more disturbed, than remnants hence less suitable for the establishment of populations with a low dispersal power.These results suggest that small remnants do not behave as 'climax' habitats in this intensive agricultural landscape, probably because of their small size and strong isolation. We discuss the interest of new undisturbed habitats, such as recent hedges, for the maintenance of carabid diversity at both the local and landscape scale.  相似文献   

The contribution to urban green space by private or domestic gardens in residential zones was investigated in the city of Sheffield, UK, as part of a wider study of the garden resource and its associated biodiversity. The attributes of 61 gardens, including patterns of landcover and vegetation cover, were explored in relation to housing characteristics and the nature of the surrounding landscape. The number of surrounding houses, and the areas of buildings and of roads were negatively correlated with garden area. The proportion of a housing parcel comprising garden increased with parcel size, although the proportion that was rear garden remained relatively constant. Garden size played an overwhelming role in determining garden composition: larger gardens supported more landcovers, contained greater extents of three-quarters of the recorded landcovers, and were more likely to contain trees taller than 2 m, vegetable patches, and composting sites. Unvegetated landcovers made greater proportional contributions as garden size declined. All categories of vegetation canopy increased with garden size, and large gardens supported disproportionately greater cover above 3 m. House age was a less significant factor determining garden landcover. Gardens of newer houses were more likely to occur towards the edge of the urban area, and older properties, that contained fewer hedges, possessed less canopy between 2–3 m. The extent and occurrence of different landcovers in gardens, and their consequences for wildlife, are considered for residential patches in urban areas. The implications for urban planners are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the use of a spatially explicit model and clustering analysis in order to investigate habitat manipulation as a strategy to regulate natural population densities of the insect-pest Diabrotica speciosa. Habitat manipulation involved four major agricultural plants used as hosts by this herbivore to compose intercropping landscapes. Available biological parameters for D. speciosa on bean, soybean, potato and corn obtained under laboratory conditions were used to group the homogeneous landscapes, composed by each host plant, by a similarity measure of host suitability either for larval survival and development, and adult survival and fecundity. The results pointed corn as the most dissimilar culture. Therefore, intercropping corn with any other crop system tested could reduce insect spread through landscape. This was proved using a cellular automata model which simulate the physiological and behavioural traits of this insect, and also different spatial configurations of the intercropping. Spatio-temporal patterns obtained by simulations demonstrated that the availability of corn bordering the field edge, which are areas more likely to invasion, is key for insect population control.  相似文献   

The application of modern biotechnology for conservation of any endangered species requires an efficient in vitro regeneration protocol. In this study a reliable protocol was developed for in vitro seed germination, protocorm multiplication and subsequent plantlet regeneration of Vanda coerulea, an endangered orchid species. Among the four basal media evaluated for asymbiotic seed germination, Phytamax was found to be the best followed by Murashige and Skoog (MS). Phytamax was also found good for protocorm development. For protocorm like body (PLB) regeneration, protocorms were then further cultured on Phytamax media fortified with different phytohormones either individually or in combinations. The frequency of protocorm like body (PLB) regeneration significantly relied on kinds and concentrations of plant growth regulators used. A combination of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (5.36 μM) and 6-benzyle amino purine (BAP) (3.80 μM) was found to be suitable for maximum PLB regeneration. Healthy plantlets were induced from PLBs when cultured on same basal medium supplemented with activated charcoal (AC – 3.0 g/l). Plantlets with well developed leaves and roots were transplanted to pots filled with a mixture of charcoal, brick pieces and sphagnum moss and transferred to the greenhouse. This protocol will enable mass propagation and conservation of this exquisite orchid.  相似文献   

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