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The comparative susceptibility of five breeds of sheep to foot-rot   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five breeds of sheep, Romney Marsh, Dorset Horn, Border Leicester, Peppin Merinos and Saxon Merinos were examined for their susceptibility to foot-rot by exposure to natural transmission of infection on irrigated pasture or by the application of pure cultures of Bacteroides nodosus to each foot in a pen experiment. On pasture, the sheep encountered a moderate challenge and the British breeds were more resistant than Merinos to the development of severe foot-rot. Resistance was manifested by a rapid resolution of relatively benign lesions in the interdigital skin, rather than a reduction in the number of feet affected. However, under more severe challenges with foot-rot in pens, all breeds were equally susceptible. There was little difference between resistant and susceptible sheep in the kinetics and magnitude of their antibacterial immune responses indicating that resistance did not depend on pre-existing antibody or a more rapid induction of antibody production. In each experiment, humoral immune responses against B. nodosus were not greatly elevated until under-running lesions of the hoof developed.  相似文献   

Scrapie, an ovine and caprine transmissible spongiforme encephalopathy, is widely spread among sheep populations in many European countries. As it is known that susceptibility to scrapie is determined genetically, breeding programmes aiming at providing scrapie-resistant flocks have been established. Selection is based on the prion protein (PrP) genotype, which is used to classify animals into risk groups of susceptibility (R1-R5) according to the amino acids encoded by codons at positions 136, 154 and 171, respectively. At position 136 (136V-->136A) alanine and at position 154 (154H-->154R) as well as 171 (171Q-->171R) arginine are the favoured amino acids. Whereas PrP genotyping data are available for many of the European sheep breeds, comparable data for local Austrian sheep breeds are missing. The most known among these are Tyrolean mountain sheep, forest sheep. Tyrolean stone sheep and Carynthian sheep. The genotypes of 112 sheep from these four local breeds were determined. In terms of PrP genetics, Austrian breeds belong to the group of non-valine-breeds, with the exception of the Carynthian sheep, that exhibited a frequency of 136V of 4.2%. The most frequent allele was ARQ with 64.6-71.2% (depending on the breed), followed by ARR (14.8-25.8%). In contrast to the above-mentioned findings, scrapie has never been diagnosed in any of the Austrian sheep breeds. Native Austrian sheep breeds exhibit a very robust constitution, a pronounced adaptation to harsh climates and good reproduction parameters as well as a marked mother instinct. Therefore, these breeds are often used in crossbreeding programmes. Beside the above-mentioned characteristics, our results indicate that the investigated breeds may be effectively used in crossing-out breeding programmes for eliminating valine at position 136 of PrP.  相似文献   

Three breeds of sheep, Southdown, Suffolk and Romney, and two mixed breeds, Border Leicester over Romney and Coopworth over Romney, managed identically on a research station, where they were free from culling and allowed to live their natural life, had their dental configuration examined. The sheep were divided into age groups with 10 sheep in each. The least variation was found in the relation of the upper dental pad to the lower jaw. The most statistically significant differences were found in the first age group: one year six months. The Suffolk breed was noticeably different from the others. Deepened gingival sulci, as well as the inconsistency of bleeding after probing associated with labial gingivitis highlighted the problems of using these latter criteria as indicators of health or disease among sheep on the basis of a single examination.  相似文献   

嗜线虫真菌Duddingtonia flagrans是目前发现的一种最具有动物胃肠道线虫病生物防治应用潜力的真菌。为了解该菌捕杀绵羊粪便中感染性幼虫效果与剂量的关系,为今后该制剂应用和质量检验标准的制定提供依据,用不同剂量的厚垣孢子,分别以不经消化道直接加入感染羊粪便,或作添加剂通过饲喂进入消化道后采集直肠粪便,经培养检测感染性幼虫数量的变化。结果表明,嗜线虫真菌Duddingtonia flagrans具有良好的捕杀胃肠道线虫感染性幼虫的生物学特性。以制剂厚垣孢子4×103/g剂量加入感染羊粪便,或以每天5×105/kg体质量的剂量饲喂绵羊,可使粪便培养物中线虫感染性幼虫数减少83.6%~87.5%。  相似文献   

A desirable dog guide weighs 18 to 32 kg as an adult. Male and female German shepherd dogs and male and female Labrador retrievers were weighed between birth and 18 mo of age, with at least one weight recorded after 290 d of age. Growth curves were constructed from 10,484 observations on 880 dogs using the Gompertz function in the form Wt = W(max)exp(-e[-(t-c)/b]), where Wt is weight at time t, Wmax is mature body weight, b is proportional to duration of growth, c is age at point of inflection, and t is age in days. Estimates for mature body weight were 2.4 +/- .3 kg higher for Labrador retrievers than for German shepherd dogs and 4.7 +/- .2 kg higher for males than for females. Male Labrador retrievers were closest to the upper limit for desirable weight, with an average estimated mature weight of 31.4 +/- .3 kg. Duration of growth, 4b + c, was not different between the breeds; however, the estimate for males was 8 +/- 5d longer than for females. Female Labrador retrievers had the shortest estimate for growth of 319 +/- 6 d. The estimate for age at the point of inflection was 3.6 +/- 1.2 d greater for males than for females, but not different between breeds. A better understanding of growth curves for dog guides may aid in estimating mature weight at a young age, thus allowing earlier breeding and training decisions to be made and increasing genetic change per year.  相似文献   

Faeces were collected per rectum from calves infected with Dictyocaulus viviparus (D.v.), from lambs infected with Dictyocaulus filaria (D.f.) and donkeys infected with Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (D.a.). In one experiment, the influence of storage temperature before Baermannization was investigated. Recovery rate for D.v. was approximately 80% after 24 h at 4 degrees C or 16 degrees C but only 40% at 20 degrees C. After two days at 20 degrees C the rate had fallen to 20%. Recovery rates for D.f. decreased so markedly during the first 12 h at 4, 16 and 20 degrees C that storage can not be recommended. Losses in the recovery rates of D.a. appeared insignificant after 48 h at 4 degrees C but not at 16 degrees C and 20 degrees C. In experiment II the time taken for larvae to emerge from a 10-g sample as well as the sedimentation time in Baermann tubes was investigated. The bulk of the D.v. larvae remained in the faeces for about 10 h whereas D.f. larvae emerged during the first few hours. D.a. larvae were intermediate in this respect. Sedimentation of the bulk of larvae from all three species took place within a few hours with the modified Baermann technique used.  相似文献   

Summary The sweating and respiratory rates in rams of Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M), R × C and R × M breed/breed crosses were recorded when housed in sheds or exposed to 20, 25, 30, 35 and 42°C ambient temperatures in a climatic chamber. The sweating (cutaneous moisture) was higher (P<0.05) in Rambouillet and its crosses than the natives, the Malpura sheep producing the least sweat at all temperatures. There was no breed difference in the response of increase in sweating up to 35°C but at 42°C the Chokla showed a considerable increase. Sweating was more pronounced on the shoulder than on the mid-side region. Sweating and respiratory rates increased (P<0.05) with the increase in ambient temperature. The Rambouillet exhibited the highest increase in respiration rate at 25°C and the trend continued up to 42°C. The relationship between fleece characteristics, evaporative heat loss and heat tolerance of sheep is discussed.
Perdida Cutanea De Agua Y Frecuencia Respiratoria De Varias Razas De Ovejas Sometidas A Temperaturas Ambientales Altas
Resumen Se registraron las frecuencias sudorípara y respiratoria en carneros de las razas Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M), R × C y R × M, alojados en cobertizos o expuestos a temperaturas ambientales de 20, 25, 30, 35 y 42°C en una cámara climática. El sudor (humedad cutánea) fue mayor (P<0.05) en carneros Rambouillet y sus cruces que en animales nativos, siendo la raza Malpura la que menos sudor produjo bajo todas las temperaturas. No se presentaron diferencias significativas entre las diferentes razas respecto a la humedad cutánea hasta los 35°C, pero a los 42°C la raza Chokla presentó un aumento considerable. El sudor fue más notorio en la espalda que en la región média. Las frecuencias respiratoria y sudorípara aumentaron (P<0.05) directa y paralelamente a la temperatura ambiental. La raza Rambouillet tuvo la frecuencia respiratoria más alta a los 25°C, incrementandose esta paulatinamente hasta los 42°C. Se discute la relación entre las caracteristicas del vellon, la pérdida de calor por evaporación y tolerancia al calor de las ovejas.

Niveau Des Pertes D'eau Par Transpiration, Et Rhythme Respiratoire De Differentes Races De Moutons Soumis A Des Temperatures Ambiantes Elevees
Résumé Les pertes par transpiration et le rythme respiratoire de béliers de Rambouillet (R), Chokla (C), Malpura (M) et de croisements R × C et R × M ont été relevés lorsque les animaux étaient en bergerie ou exposés à des températures ambiantes, dans une chambre climatique, à 20, 25, 30 et 42°C. Les pertes d'eau par transpiration ont été plus importantes (P<0.05) chez les mérinos de Rambouillet et les métis par rapport aux animaux de race locale, les Malpura manifestant les déperditions d'eau moindre à toutes les températures.Il n'y a pas eu de différences raciales dans la réponse à l'accroissement de la transpiration jusqu'à 35°C mais à 42°C les Chokla ont manifesté une augmentation considérable.La déperdition d'eau par transpiration cutanée a été plus prononcée au niveau des épaules que sur le côté du milieu du corps. La transpiration et le rythme respiratoire ont augmenté (P<0.05) avec l'accroissement de la température ambiante. Les mérinos de Rambouillet ont montré la plus importante augmentation du rythme respiratoire à 25°C, température qui a continué de s'accroître jusqu'à 42°C, limite supérieure de l'expérimentation.Les relations entre l'influence de la température sur les pertes d'eau par évaporation et al tolérance des moutons à la chaleur sont discutées.

The aim of this study was to analyze the breed identity and leadership in a mixed flock of sheep. The flock consisted of 89 Suffolk adult ewes and 250 Columbia ewes and 45 Columbia rams. The animals were kept in the pasture during the day. Each hour the flock was allowed to feed for 20 minutes, and then was moved for 40 minutes to a small paddock near the grazing area. In the afternoon, all sheep were taken to the night pen. The animals were observed for 120 days, 4 times a day (480 leadership breed positions), with respect to the following conditions: (1) leave pen at front of flock, (2) return to pen at front of flock, (3) first to move to the grassland, (4) return to the paddock, (5) drink first (on arrival time at the night pen), and (6) preference for an area in the night barn. The Suffolk breed were first in leaving (94% of the times) and in returning to the night pen (65%) (P < 0.05), and 35% returned with the Columbia sheep. The Suffolk breed were first to move to the grazing area (90%) and 10% moved with the other breed (P < 0.05). When returning to the rest area, the Columbia sheep were first to reach 54% of the time, the 2 breeds were together 29% of the time, and the Suffolk sheep were alone 17% of the time (P < 0.05). When comparing who drank first, 50% of the time both breeds went together, 28% of the time the Columbia sheep were first, and 22% of the time the Suffolk sheep were first (P < 0.05). At night, most of the Suffolk sheep had a preference for 1 barn area (P < 0.05). The results of our study suggest that most animals of each breed performed activities together. Suffolk sheep were leaders when moving to the grazing area and when selecting the place to rest.  相似文献   

Nine- to 10-month-old Florida Native, St. Croix and Dorset/Rambouillet sheep were infected with Haemonchus contortus. The primary infection was terminated by anthelmintic treatment 9 weeks later and animals were then reinfected with H. contortus. Dorset/Rambouillet sheep showed higher fecal egg counts and decreased packed cell volumes and plasma protein levels compared with the other two breeds during the primary infection. However, no breed differences were found in total worm burdens in either primary or secondary infection. Differences between breeds were also not detected in lymphocyte responsiveness to parasite antigen, H. contortus specific mucosal antibody levels, numbers of abomasal mast cells and globule leukocytes or abomasal histamine levels.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of most livestock species is being reduced, and it is not possible to preserve all of these livestock breeds. In order to preserve as much of the genetic diversity as possible, we must first have a robust method of measuring genetic diversity among breeds. Three different methods of study that graphically represent relationships among breeds are presented; Weitzman's method, principal component analysis (PCA) and a neighbour‐joining tree with allele sharing. Diversity was evaluated on the basis of 15 microsatellite markers typed over a total of 513 DNA samples collected from five Spanish donkey breeds. Breed differentiation was confirmed by the clustering based on the genetic distances between individuals, which essentially grouped all individuals in discrete clusters. The genetic distance among breeds was used to measure the global diversity of the set in breeds considered, and to evaluate the marginal loss of diversity attached to each breed. The Catalana breed appeared to be the most ‘unique’ in the set considered. In addition to this, the usefulness of global evaluations of diversity using molecular markers to choose breeds is worthy of conservation.  相似文献   

Information is presented on the genetic diversity and relationship among six Indian sheep breeds/populations belonging to the Southern peninsular and Eastern agroecological zones, based on microsatellite markers. Parameters of genetic variation, viz., allele diversity, observed heterozygosity, gene diversity and population inbreeding estimates, were calculated for the six breeds. The allele diversity ranged from 6.40 to 7.92, whereas the gene diversity varied from 0.617 to 0.727. The highest allele and gene diversity was observed for Nellore sheep, while the lowest was exhibited by Garole breed. Within population inbreeding estimate (F IS) revealed a significant deficit of heterozygotes in Deccani, Madgyal, Nellore and Garole, whereas Ganjam and Chhotanagpuri sheep showed an excess of heterozygotes. The contribution of each breed to the total diversity of the breeds was quantified by the Weitzman approach. The marginal loss of diversity incurred with removal of Nellore and Garole breeds was higher (>27%), whereas removal of Deccani breed resulted in lowest loss of diversity (3.84%) from the set. Estimation of the genetic differentiation (F ST) and genetic distance (D A) between the pairs of breeds revealed a close relationship between Deccani and Madgyal sheep (F ST = 0.017; D A = 0.080) and greatest demarcation between Madgyal and Garole breeds (F ST = 0.110; D A = 0.622). The information generated would help in shaping genetic management and conservation programs for the sheep breeds under consideration.  相似文献   

通过对相关资料的进一步考证,提出同羊不仅主要来自我国北方的蒙古羊系,还与哈萨克羊系、古代羌羊(藏羊系)及经丝绸之路输入的中亚、近亚东和西亚等地脂尾羊杂交有关;同羊原产地在现今大荔县沙苑地区,以及现大荔县境许原以南至渭河的大部分地区;育成近确切时间为公元806年以前,较前认定时间约早200年。  相似文献   

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