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Cervical Salivary Cysts in the Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— —The Authors consider the following problems associated with cervical salivary cysts: incidence, distribution, diagnosis, cause, pathology, treatment and results of treatment. They present detailed comments on the prospects of success using a line of treatment modified from that originally described by Berge (1938) and more recently described by Kealy (1964).
Résumé— —Les auteurs considèrent les problemes suivants qui sont associés à des kystes cervicaux salivaries: incidence, distribution, diagnostic, cause, pathologie, traîtement et résultats du traîtetnent. Ils présentent des commentaires détaillés sur les chances de succès employant une méthode de traîtc-ment difféente de celle précédemment décrite par Berge (1938) et plus récemment par Kealy (1964).
Zusammenfassung— —Die Autoren erwägen die folgenden, mit zervikalen Spiechelzysten zusam-menhängenden Probleme: Auftreten, Verbreitung, Diagnosis, Ursache, pathologischer Befund, Behandlung und Resultate der Behandlung. Sie machen ausführliche Kommentare über die Erfolgs-aussichten bei Einstaz einer Behandlungsart, welche, von der ursprünglich von Berge (1938) und kürzlicher von Kealy (1964) beschreibenen Methode etwas abweicht.  相似文献   

The Cloward technique for intervertebral fusion was utilized on 12 horses ranging from 3 months to 2 years of age. Of the 12 horses, 9 had been diagnosed as having equine cervical vertebral malformation (CVM) or "wobbles," and 3 were normal controls. A large hole was drilled from the ventral border of the vertebral bodies spanning the intervertebral disc and the vertebral end plates of the 2 articulating vertebrae. Frozen homologous bone dowels of slightly larger diameter from equine cadaver ilia were inserted in the holes. No adverse postoperative complication arose. Clinical improvement was seen in all horses with CVM. Three months postoperatively, partial or complete fusion was evident radiographically in 11 of the 12 horses. Necropsies were performed 3–6 months postoperatively to evaluate the quality of the fusion. Cadaver manipulation demonstrated reduced intervertebral movement at the operative site in all cases. The articulations of the equine cervical spine can be operatively fused by the Cloward technique, and surgically induced trauma is minimal. This technique can be used for stabilizing subluxations and may be applicable for treating fractures and osteolytic processes that have weakened vertebrae.  相似文献   

Cervical chemonucleolysis performed surgically in 16 clinically normal 4 and 10 year old Beagle dogs was well tolerated. The dosage of chymopapain per intervertebral disc was 200 or 500 U. Disc space narrowing was radiographically visible by day 1. By gross and histologic examination, there was lysis of the nucleus pulposus (NP) and perinuclear annulus fibrosus (AF). No observable differences due to ages of the dogs or doses of the enzyme were seen.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was performed to identify positional changes of endotracheat tubes (ETT) during cervical spine radiography in 153 dogs. Three neck positions were identified: traction, hyperextension, and flexion. A properly placed ETT was defined as having the caudal tip of the tube located between the caudal half of the fourth cervical (C) vertebra (C4) and the caudal half of C7. In the traction position, before neck flexion and extension, the caudal tip of 13% of ETT were located caudal to C7, and one tube was in the endobronchial position at the seventh thoracic (T) vertebra (T7). In the hyperextended position, 60% of ETT moved cranially. The average distance moved was 0.6 vertebral spaces. In the flexed position, all ETT moved caudally. The average distance moved was 3.5 vertebral spaces, with 81.8% of ETT located caudal to C7 and seven tubes in endobronchial positions. Endotracheal tube occlusion caused by kinking at the atlanto-occipital joint was seen in four dogs during flexion of the neck. Based on this study, ETT position should be monitored during cervical manipulation.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Preliminary radiographic studies of the stifle joints of twelve young, clinically-normal and twelve older, clinically-lame dogs in both non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing conditions were conducted. Radiographic changes of degenerative joint disease were periarticular osteophytes, subchondral bone sclerosis, attrition of subchondral bone, narrowing and collapse of the joint space, subluxation or rotation of the bones forming the joint. Certain of these changes were fully appreciated only on radiographs made in the weight-bearing position. Résumé— —L'auteur a effectué une étude radiologique préliminaire de l'articulation rotulienne chez douze jeunes chiens cliniquement normaux et chez douze chiens plus âgés préentant des boiteries, le membre postérieur étant étudié en position de détente et en position d'appui. Les altérations radiologiques de l'arthropathie dégénérative étaient les suivantes: ostéophytes péri-articulaires, ostéosclérose sous-chondrale, attrition de l'os sous-chondral, rétrécissement ou effondrement de la cavité articulaire, subluxation ou rotation des os de l'articulation. Certaines de ces altérations n'étaient pleinement manifestes que sur radiographie du membre en position d'appui. Zusammenfassung— —Vorläufige Röntgenuntersuchungen der Kniegelenke von zwölf jungen, klinisch normalen und zwölf älteren, klinisch lahmen Hunden im nicht-lasttragenden und im lasttragenden Zustand wurden durchgeführt. Radiographisch markante Veränderungen durch degenerative Gelenkkrankheiten waren periartikuläre Osteophyten, subchondrale Knochensklerose, Abnutzung subchondralen Knochens, Verengung und Kollabieren des Gelenkraums und Subluxation oder Rotation der das Gelenk bildenden Knochen. Bestimmte dieser Veränderungen wurden vollständig nur auf den Röntgenaufnahmen erkannt, die in den lasttragenden Positionen aufgenommen wurden.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe indirect decompression by means of cervical spine locking plate (CSLP) fixation with vertebral distraction, discectomy, and cancellous block bone grafting in large breed dogs with single caudal cervical dynamic spondylotic lesions diagnosed by myelography with linear traction to the cervical spine, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography.
Study Design— Prospective clinical study.
Animals— Dogs (n=12) with caudal cervical spondylotic myelopathy because of a single dynamic, traction-responsive lesion.
Methods— Single, traction-responsive, caudal cervical spondylotic lesions were treated by vertebral distraction, discectomy, cancellous block bone grafting, and CSLP fixation. Follow-up was obtained by sequential recheck examination by the author or referring veterinarian or by telephone inquiries.
Results— Ten dogs had neurologic improvement after surgery. Indirect decompression by maintained distraction with cancellous block grafting and CSLP fixation was readily accomplished with less risk of blood loss or iatrogenic spinal cord injury than that associated with direct (ventral) decompression. There were no complications of graft intrusion, extrusion or subsidence, implant loosening, foraminal impingement, or end-plate failure. Two dogs that had satisfactory short-term recoveries developed clinical signs associated with adjacent segment disease and were euthanatized. At long-term follow-up, 8 dogs had satisfactory function, either a normal gait or one with slight to moderate proprioceptive deficits.
Conclusions— CSLP fixation with cancellous block interbody grafting is an effective and perhaps safer method of treating single-level, traction-responsive cervical spondylosis in large breed dogs.
Clinical Relevance— CSLP fixation with interbody bone grafting is a viable alternative to other techniques for treatment of single-level, traction-responsive cervical spondylosis.  相似文献   

Objective: To define the kinematic motion patterns of the canine cervical spine, with a particular emphasis on identifying differences between the cranial (C2–C4) and caudal (C5–C7) segments, and to determine the significance of coupled motions (CM) in the canine cervical spine. Study Design: Cadaveric biomechanical study. Sample Population: Cervical spines of 8 Foxhounds. Methods: Spinal specimens were considered free of pathology based on radiographic, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging examinations. All musculature was removed without damaging ligaments or joint capsules. Spines were mounted in a customized pure‐moment spine testing jig, and data were collected using an optoelectronic motion capture system. Range of motion, neutral zone and CM in flexion/extension, left/right lateral bending and left/right axial rotation were established. Data were analyzed using mixed‐effects maximum likelihood regression models. Results: Total flexion/extension did not change across the 4 levels. There was no difference between flexion and extension, and no CM was identified. Lateral bending was not different across levels, but tended to be greater in the cranial spine. Axial rotation was ~2.6 times greater in the caudal segments. Lateral bending and axial rotation were coupled. Conclusions: Kinematics of the cranial and caudal cervical spine differed markedly with greater mobility in the caudal cervical spine.  相似文献   

In a random selection of 50 adult dogs (25 males and 25 females) and 50 adult cats (25 males and 25 females), the incidence of ossification of the sesamoid structure of the popliteus muscle was characterized through anatomical dissection and radiographic techniques. The incidence of ossification was 84% in the dogs and 100% in the cats. In both anatomical and radiologic studies, it was demonstrated that when the knee was fully extended, the sesamoid bone was adjacent to the caudodistal part of the articular surface of the lateral tibial condyle in both dogs and cats. When the knee was flexed, the sesamoid bone articulated progressively with the more craniodorsal part of the tibial articular surface and when full flexion is obtained, it articulated with the articular part of the lateral surface of the lateral meniscus. The probable functions of the sesamoid bone are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Clinical and EEG findings are reported in a case of epilepsy in a dog. No patho-gnomonic lesions were found in the CNS on postmortem. The disorder was characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission of convulsive seizures. EEG recordings showed abnormal spike discharges during slow wave activity in drowsiness and in quiet sleep, but were essentially absent during wakefulness or activated (REM) sleep. Nembutal anaesthesia facilitated the recognition of spike activity as contrasted by diminution of slow spike activity in distemper encephalitis. Résumé— —L'article rend compte de constatations cliniques et électro-encéphalographiques faites à propos d'un cas d'épilcpsie chez le rien. Chez l'animal en cause, aucune lésion pathognomonique du systéme nerveux central n'a été retrouvée é l'examen nécropsique. La maladie était caractérisée par des périodes alternatives d'exacerbation et de rémission d'attaques convulsives. Le tracéélectro-encéphalographique montre des décharges de pointes se supperposant è une activité en ondes lentes visibles au début du sommeil et pendant le sommeil profond, mais qui sont absentes pendant l'activité de veille ou le sommeil activé (REM). L'anesthésie au nembutal facilite la reconnaissance de I'activité en pointes alors qu'elle entraine un amoindrissement de l'activité en ondes lentes au cours de 1'encéphalite de la Maladie de Carré. Zusammenfassung— —Es wird über die klinischen und EEG Befunde bei einem Hund mit Epilepsie berichtet. Bei der Sektion zeigte das ZNS keine pathognomonischen Schädigungen. Die Erkrankung war durch periodische Verschlimmerungen und darauffolgendes Nachlassen der Krampfanfälle gekennzeichnet. Das EEG zeigte abnorme Zackcnentladungen während der langsamen Wellen-aktivität wenn schläfrig und im Tiefschlaf. Diese wurden im groβen und ganzen nicht im wachen Zustand und aktivierten (R.E.M.) Schlaf gesehen. Die Nembutal-Markose ermöglichte es, cin klares Bild der Zackenaktivität zu erhalten, im Vergleich zur Verminderung der langsamen Zacken-aktivität bei Staupe-Enzephalitis.  相似文献   

Partial laryngectomy, arytenoid disarticulation/lateralization, and arytenoidopexy were performed on cadavers from normal dogs. The change in glottic cross-sectional area was calculated from photographs. Partial laryngectomy and unilateral lateralization resulted in a 70 to 80% increase in glottic area. Bilateral lateralization resulted in a significantly greater increase (180%).  相似文献   

Percutaneous nephrostomies (PN) were created with teflon fascial dilators under fluoroscopic guidance, to implant stones bilaterally into the renal pelves of five dogs weighing 7 to 35 kg. Between one and seven stones of 0.25 to 1.00 cm diameter were implanted into each renal pelvis. Two to 4 weeks later, PN tracts were recreated, and the implanted renal stones were successfully removed under fluoroscopic and endoscopic visualization. Results of gross and histopathologic evaluation of the kidneys 2, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days after stone removal showed minimal, localized renal parenchymal trauma. Complications, although infrequent, included proximal ureteral tears and hemorrhage. Difficulty was encountered in maneuvering equipment around large or numerous stones. Canine percutaneous nephrolithotomy was successful despite great variation in kidney size, as well as variations in the number, size, and shape of stones in the upper urinary tract.  相似文献   

Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a disease which causes many fatalities among large deep-chested dogs. Despite several different surgical techniques used currently, recurrence is high among dogs that survive the first episode of GDV. Circumcostal gastropexy is a new surgical technique which utilizes a muscular flap of the ventral pyloric antrum to anchor the stomach to the costochondral junction of one of the last four ribs. The gastric lumen is not entered.
This operation was performed on nine clinically normal dogs. A strong adhesion was created without altering the stomach's physiologic function and with minimal anatomic displacement. The technique has the advantage of being easy, safe, and fast (15 min). These results suggest that this operation will have great potential in preventing recurrence.  相似文献   

The accuracy of using radiographs to diagnose cervical facet osteoarthritis (CFA) in horses is undetermined. Further investigation is required to determine the clinical significance of radiographic evidence of CFA, the prevalence of radiographic changes in horses without clinical signs, and the long-term efficacy of intra-articular CFA treatment. The objectives of this study is to compare degenerative changes of the cervical facet joints of the cervical vertebrae on radiographs of horses with clinical signs of CFA with healthy cohort-matched horses, to compare clinical findings between groups, and to obtain follow-up information on the long-term outcome in treated horses. This is a retrospective case-control cohort-matched comparison study of horses treated for cervical facet disease versus horses with no clinical signs of cervical facet disease. Horses diagnosed with CFA and treated with intra-articular injection of corticosteroids were included. Follow-up information on recovery from treatment was obtained via telephone survey of owners/trainers. Healthy horses with no clinical signs of CFA were matched to treated horses by breed, sex, age, and sport as the control group. Two blinded radiologists reviewed cervical spine radiographs for each horse and recorded CFA score and intravertebral/intervertebral measurements. Clinical and radiographic parameters were compared between treatment and control groups. There was a significant difference in CFA grades for C5-6 and C6-7 between horses with presence of clinical signs and healthy horses. However, interobserver agreement between radiologists for grading CFA was moderate and only 56% of values were identical for both observers. Atrophy of the neck was present on clinical examination in most cases in the treatment group. Dressage horses were overrepresented. Overall, 64% of horses returned to their previous level of performance after treatment. Clinical examination data collected for the treatment group were retrospective and were obtained by different clinicians. Eight owners/trainers were not able to be reached for the survey. There was a significant difference in CFA grades for C5-6 and C6-7 between horses with presence of clinical signs and healthy horses. Despite these statistical differences, the clinical diagnosis of CFA based on radiographic grading alone is questionable because of the lack of agreement between the radiologists. To strengthen the diagnosis, clinical signs of facet disease, in particular atrophy of the neck muscles, need to be present to make this diagnosis. Intra-articular corticosteroid injection was effective at allowing most treated horses to return to athletic use..  相似文献   

中国沙皮犬繁殖性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国沙皮犬 (SharPei)原产于广东南海大沥 ,因其被毛粗短如沙纸而得名。沙皮犬是世界上最奇特的名贵犬种之一。研究表明 ,中国大沥沙皮犬的育成历史达 30 0a以上。如今美国、英国、东南亚等地均有广泛饲养。近年来 ,国内外客户纷纷前往原产地———南海大沥寻购纯种沙皮犬。因此 ,当地政府将沙皮犬的繁育纳入“三高”农业发展项目 ,予以重点扶持。但是 ,由于缺乏系统研究 ,科学饲养技术滞后 ,致使沙皮犬的繁殖工作满足不了市场需要。为了促进沙皮犬养殖业的发展 ,开展了沙皮犬综合开发研究 ,现将有关研究内容报告如下。1 材料与方…  相似文献   

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