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盐度和饵料密度对栉孔扇贝稚贝滤水率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用静水法研究了恒定温度(24±0.5℃)、饵料密度(3.0×104cell/ml)、不同盐度(20、25、30和35)和恒定温度(24℃±0.5℃)、盐度30、不同饵料密度梯度(3.0×104、4.5×104和 6.0×104cell/ml)对栉孔扇贝稚贝(壳长1.177~2.017 mm)滤水率的影响.结果表明,栉孔扇贝稚贝的滤水率(FRS)开始随着盐度的升高而升高,在25~30之间存在最大值,然后随盐度的升高而下降,与盐度(S)间的相关关系为FRS =-30.893S2+1 691.5S-19 610 (r =0.847,以整体干重计算)或FRS=-0.022S2+1.223 6S-14.522 (r = 0.928,以个体数量计), 通过公式推算在盐度27.8时FRS达到最大值,为3.54L/g*dw*h(2.49×10-3 L/ h*ind);投饵密度(Q)对栉孔扇贝稚贝的滤水率(FRQ)有显著影响(P< 0.05),二者之间的相关关系为FRQ=-0.069 3Q2+0.648 4Q-1.083 5(r = 0.722),其变化趋势亦呈现先升高后下降的抛物线趋势,推算金藻密度为4.7×104cell/ml时滤水率最大,为0.43×10-3 L/ h*ind.  相似文献   

<正> 在贝类室内人工育苗中,尤其在水温较高的情况下,由于细菌与原生动物大量繁衍,给面盘幼虫带来极大危害,造成人工育苗失败。因此,国内外很多贝类工作者在育苗中应用抗生素等药物,抑制细菌的繁殖,提高面盘幼虫的成活率和稚贝附着变态率。Walre(1958)在培养牡蛎幼虫时,每毫升海水中加入青霉素钾盐 G50单位和链霉素硫酸盐50毫克,取得了良好的结果。几年来,我们在培养栉孔扇贝面盘幼虫中,加入3~5ppm的青霉素或1~2ppm土霉素后,幼虫成活率和变态率显著提高。但是,据 Davis 和 Chanley  相似文献   

邢婧 《水产学报》2005,29(2):145-149
采用石蜡切片和单克隆抗体的免疫组化方法,研究栉孔扇贝稚贝血细胞的分布和造血组织的定位。两种方法所得结果一致:在稚贝的外套膜、鳃、消化盲囊、闭壳肌、肾等处观察到大量血细胞,心脏位于消化腺与闭壳肌之间,闭壳肌、消化盲囊、肾等附近有血窦,血管分布于消化腺、胃、肾、直肠等处,有三个血窦,闭壳肌附近有一膨大突出的囊状组织,外被一层致密的结缔组织薄膜,其内壁血细胞密布层叠,分裂增生,形态多样,腔内充满了基质,靠近闭壳肌一侧有管道相通,并向闭壳肌等器官不断输送成熟的血细胞,该组织结构特点类似血细胞生发中心,并随着扇贝的生长发育逐渐膨大增生,据其结构特点及内部血细胞的形态、分布及免疫特性可初步定为栉孔扇贝稚贝的造血组织。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝的滤食率与同化率   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
自青岛近海扇贝养殖区取栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)暂养2周,壳长达25.01~73.92 mm.实验前停食24 h,实验温度梯度为8、13、18、23、28℃,其间投喂不同密度的小球藻(Chlorella spp.),静态实验.结果显示,栉孔扇贝的滤食率与温度和体重成正比,且与体重呈幂函数关系.在实验的温度范围内栉孔扇贝滤食率为1.07~11.66 mg/(ind  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)在模拟自然水环境中滤水率的测定   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在模拟自然海区的生态环境的条件下,对桑沟湾内主要养殖种类栉孔扇贝的滤水率进行了测定,对其不同体长扇贝的滤水率进行了实验比较。在水温24-26℃。盐度31-32‰范围内,昼间光照500Lux左右条件下,用叶绿素和颗粒有机物作为测定指标,结果表明,此种扇贝的滤水率随个体增大,单位个体的滤水率越大,而单位干组织重的滤水率越小;同一规格扇贝,密度越大,滤水率越低。在本实验过程中,昼夜间的滤水率变化不甚明显  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝生殖活动前后的滤食和生长   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在桑沟湾用模拟现场流水法对栉孔扇贝的摄食生理进行了比较研究。结果表明,栉孔扇贝在进行生殖活动前后滤水率无明显的差异,但进行生殖活动前的摄食量较大。尽管栉孔扇贝的滤水率和摄食量随着个体的增大而增加,它的吸收率却与个体大小无关。在300 ̄600ml/min的水流范围内栉孔扇贝的滤水率没有明显的变化,水流小于300ml/min时扇贝的滤水率则明显降低。根据实验数据,用计算机模拟得出了栉孔扇贝在生殖活动前  相似文献   

饵料是双壳类浮游幼虫和稚贝生长发育的物质基础,是双壳类人工育苗成败关键之一。有关于培养单胞藻饵料,双壳类的幼虫食性、饵料效果的研究。国内已有不少的研究报道。自1976年福建省水产研究所筛选并大量培养了异胶藻(Heterogloea sp.)以来,各地在牡蛎、缢蛏、菲律宾蛤仔、华贵栉孔扇贝、泥蚶等,  相似文献   

温度对墨西哥湾扇贝幼虫和稚贝生长与存活的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
为研究墨西哥湾扇贝人工育苗的适宜温度,2000年4月和2001年4月在浙江省玉环县抛西水产育苗场,通过设置不同温度梯度,研究了海水温度对墨西哥湾扇贝浮游幼虫和稚贝生长与存活的影响。结果表明:墨西哥湾扇贝浮游幼虫的适宜温度为20-33℃,最佳生长温度为25-30℃。稚贝的适宜温度为15-33℃,最适生长温度为25-30℃。  相似文献   

陆彤霞  尤仲杰  马斌  陈清建 《水产养殖》2003,24(3):42-43,16
2000年4月和2001年4月在浙江省五环县抛西水产育苗场研究了PH值和干露对墨西哥湾扇贝浮游幼虫和稚贝生长和存活的影响。结果表明:在PH值7—8条件下,存活率最高,生长最好。稚贝的耐干露能力低下。  相似文献   

气温对栉孔扇贝浮游幼虫浮游状态的影响在于水、气温高于水温时,幼虫集群;气温低于水温2 ̄3℃时,幼虫不集群,但尚能上浮,气温比水温更低时,幼虫不上浮,这可能与幼虫的趋温性有关。与病态的浮游幼虫下沉相比,低气温造成的浮游幼虫下沉可逆性要大得多。只有提高气温才能解决。  相似文献   

对网笼养殖的栉孔扇贝壳上污损生物的数量进行了研究,发现9~11月贝壳上污损生物的湿重分别为1.47、0.49和2.09g,与上壳重的比值分别为28.16%、10.24%和31.29%。通过在栉孔扇贝上壳添加上壳干重0.5、1、2和3倍重的水泥,用以模拟附着在扇贝壳上的污损生物,设不添加水泥的对照组,对贝壳上污损生物的重量对栉孔扇贝生长和存活的影响进行了研究。结果表明,实验组扇贝壳长、闭壳肌和剩余软体组织的特定增长率及存活率与对照组均没有显著差异(P〉0.05),说明贝壳上的污损生物的重量没有影响扇贝的生长和存活。  相似文献   

Water temperature is a significant environmental stressor that affects physiology and biochemical activities of bivalves. Here, temporal variations in physiological and biochemical parameters of Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, under three water temperature treatments were investigated. For the first treatment, scallops were transferred from rearing temperature (15°C, control temperature) to 5, 10, 20 and 25°C, respectively. The second group of scallops was gradually acclimated to above experimental temperatures at a rate of 1–2°C day?1. The third group was transferred directly between 15 and 7°C every 12 h and for six times. Results showed that significantly higher oxygen consumption and ammonia‐N excretion together with a significant lower ingestion rate was observed for the acute temperature change treatment compared to those in the equivalent gradual temperature variation treatment (< 0.05). In acute temperature change treatment, hepatopancreas antioxidant enzyme activities, that is, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), immune enzyme activities, that is, acid phosphatase (ACP) and lysozyme (LSZ), and heat‐shock protein 70 gene (Hsp70) expression levels of scallops increased substantially within 48 h. Significant increases in SOD, CAT, ACP and LSZ activities, and malondialdehyde content occurred under exposure to fluctuating temperatures (< 0.01). Gill and hepatopancreatic Hsp70 expression levels also increased significantly in response to water temperature fluctuations (< 0.05). The study provides basic knowledge about thermal stress in Zhikong scallop and may contribute to the management of scallop mortalities.  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝wnt4基因cDNA克隆及表达分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)转录组数据库获得wnt4基因的一段表达序列标签(EST)序列,利用SMART-RACE技术克隆了wnt4基因cDNA全长序列,该序列长1 239 bp,其中开放阅读框为1 068 bp,可以编码355个氨基酸,推导的氨基酸序列含有WNT家族特有序列,且与沙蚕(Platynereis dumerilii)、海胆(Heliocidariserythrogramma)、人(Homo sapiens)等物种WNT4同源性都在60%以上。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,除肾脏外,wnt4基因在栉孔扇贝的精巢、卵巢、闭壳肌、肝胰腺、鳃、外套膜组织中均有表达,但表达量较低。定量RT-PCR结果表明:wnt4基因在成熟期的精卵巢中表达量最高,增殖期和休止期表达量次之,生长期表达量最低;整个生殖周期中精巢表达量高于卵巢。该基因在栉孔扇贝多个组织中的表达特性,暗示其参与了多样的生物学过程;在性腺中的表达特征表明其可能参与两性性腺的发育并在生殖细胞成熟过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝生物沉积作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001年3~9月,在自然养殖状态下对栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)的生物沉积及其对物质输运的影响进行研究.结果表明,栉孔扇贝能加速海洋中颗粒物质的沉积,生物沉积率分别为小个体(壳长30~40 mm)72.31~109.85 mg·ind-1·day-1、中等个体(壳长50~60 mm)103.49~207.77 mg·ind-1·day-1和大个体(壳长60~70 mm)120.05~237.65 mg·ind-1·day-1.栉孔扇贝的生物沉积与其壳长呈正相关线性关系,与其干组织重呈正相关的指数关系,而单位重量的生物沉积则与壳长和干组织重分别为负相关的线性和幂指数关系.海水温度和环境中饵料数量是影响栉孔扇贝的生物沉积的重要因子.  相似文献   

Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston 1904) is one of the most important aquaculture species in China. The development of a genetic linkage map would provide a powerful tool for the genetic improvement of this species. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR‐based technique that has proven to be powerful in genome fingerprinting and mapping, and population analysis. Genetic maps of C. farreri were constructed using AFLP markers and a full‐sib family with 60 progeny. A total of 503 segregating AFLP markers were obtained, with 472 following the Mendelian segregation ratio of 1:1 and 31 markers showing significant (P<0.05) segregation distortion. The male map contained 166 informative AFLP markers in 23 linkage groups covering 2468 cM. The average distance between markers was 14.9 cM. The female genetic map consisted of 198 markers in 25 linkage groups spanning 3130 cM with an average inter‐marker spacing of 15.8 cM. DNA polymorphisms that segregated in a 3:1 ratio as well as the AFLP markers that were heterozygous in both parents were included to construct combined linkage genetic map. Five shared linkage groups, ranging from 61.1 to 162.5 cM, were identified between the male and female maps, covering 431 cM. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers appeared to be evenly distributed within the linkage groups. Although preliminary, these maps provide a starting point for the mapping of the functional genes and quantitative trait loci in C. farreri.  相似文献   

通过Alkalinity anomaly technique测定了栉孔扇贝Chlamys farreri在不同酸度条件下的钙化率和呼吸率,发现栉孔扇贝的钙化和呼吸活动受酸化影响显著,均随着酸化的加剧出现了明显下降。当pH降低到7.9时,栉孔扇贝的钙化率将会下降33%左右;当pH降到7.3左右时,栉孔扇贝的钙化率将趋近于0,栉孔扇贝无法产生贝壳,而此时栉孔扇贝碳呼吸率(RC)与耗氧率(RO)也分别下降了14%和11%。随着酸化的加剧,栉孔扇贝的能量代谢方式也会发生改变。这些变化都可能影响到栉孔扇贝的生存。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In order to construct a simple sequence repeat (SSR)-based genetic linkage map and to promote molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) in scallop breeding, the methods of Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences COntaining repeats (FIASCO)-colony hybridization and expressed sequence tag (EST) database mining were modified and used to develop 95 novel microsatellite markers for Zhikong scallop. The SSR-enriched library constructed by the FIASCO method consisted of 830 clones, and 295 (35.5%) positive clones were identified after colony hybridization. One hundred and fifty clones were randomly sequenced and the results showed all clones contained at least one microsatellite. Of 91 primer pairs designed, 72 were amplified scorable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products and 70 were polymorphic with the allele number range of 3–16 alleles/locus (average 7.0 alleles/locus). When EST database mining was performed, 66 microsatellites containing ESTs were identified from 3467 sequences deposited in GenBank. Based on cluster analysis of length and GC content of the flanking regions, 47 primer pairs were designed and 23 scorable EST SSRs were obtained. Compared with genomic SSRs developed in this study, EST SSRs showed lower genetic variability with an average of 4.2 alleles/locus. The results in the present study demonstrate that modified FIASCO-colony hybridization is an efficient and low-cost method for the isolation of large numbers of microsatellite markers for scallop species.  相似文献   

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