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文章报道了采自辽宁省新宾县的中国1新记录种,即萨哈林特姬蜂,描述了该种的形态特征,介绍了该种的寄主与分布。标本保存在国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站。  相似文献   

报道膜翅目姬蜂科昆虫种类共计127种,隶属于16亚科74属,其中江西一个新记录种,每种列出了各种类在江西省的采集地及寄主。  相似文献   

本文报道了在辽宁发现的凹眼姬蜂属中国新记录:带凹眼姬蜂,介绍了该属的主要寄生类群,详细描述了凹眼姬蜂的形态特征,并提供了整体图和局部特征图,介绍在世界上的分布.标本保存在国家林业和草原局森林和草原病虫害防治总站.  相似文献   

报道在江西省发现的8姬蜂科Ichneumonidae新记录,其中1中国新纪录种:彩色姬蜂Syzeuctus immedicatus Chandra&Gupta,1977,5江西新纪录属、7新记录种。介绍了种类的分布。  相似文献   

报道了在江西省首次发现的姬蜂科Ichneumonidae 1新纪录属:污翅姬蜂属Spilopteron Townes,1960及1中国新纪录种:淘污翅姬蜂S.tosaense(Uchida,1934)和1江西新纪录种:褐斑污翅姬蜂S.fuscomaculatum Wang,1988。介绍了污翅姬蜂属全世界已知的种类及其分布。  相似文献   

Arroforestry aims at developing land-use systems and management concepts, suitable for improved production of food and non-food crops for meeting basic demands. The techniques applied should be adapted to environmental conditions and be compatible with the cultural practices of the local population.Most agroforestry practices tend to be labour intensive and, in fact, creation of jobs and income in rural regions under acceptable conditions deserve high priority within a relevant development policy.Therefore, ergonomics aiming at harmonization of work and production with human and social needs of the rural population can substantially contribute to promote agroforestry in the tropical world.  相似文献   

文章报道了在辽宁发现的特姬蜂属中国1新纪录种——黑特姬蜂Teleutaea nigra,对其形态特征进行了描述,并编制出特姬蜂属辽宁已知种检索表。  相似文献   

目的 黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂是园林主要害虫大叶黄杨斑蛾预蛹和蛹期的专性外寄生蜂,寄生率高,控害效果突出。为充分发挥该蜂的生物防治潜能,填补国内外有关该蜂个体发育特征及生殖特性的空白从而开展本研究。 方法 以河南新纪录种黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂为对象,通过野外采集,结合室内恒温饲养和观察,对其个体发育过程、生殖系统构造及生殖行为进行系统研究。 结果 该蜂完成胚胎发育需48~50 h,幼虫有4个虫龄,预蛹和蛹期经历形态剧烈变化和色素的沉积,成虫具明显的性二型现象,一个世代历经23~27 d。雌蜂卵巢管9~11根,属多滋式,雄蜂1对精巢融合,输精管细长。雄蜂通过扇翅和触角拍打进行求偶,由雄蜂主导交配行为,雄蜂可交配多次,而雌蜂一生只交配1次,该蜂日产卵量可达7粒,一生可产20粒卵,存在过寄生行为。 结论 黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂为大卵型、卵育型外寄生蜂,寄生能力较强,具有保护和利用价值。这些基本生物学特性研究可为更好地保护和发挥黄杨斑蛾田猎姬蜂对大叶黄杨斑蛾的控害潜能奠定基础。  相似文献   

国外松种间杂交育种及其F1 代早期生长评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用人工控制授粉的方式,开展了湿地松×洪都拉斯加勒比松(湿加松)、火炬松×洪都拉斯加勒比松(火加松)的种间杂交育种工作.杂交种育苗和子代测定均采取随机区组设计,并追踪调查了苗高和定植后的树高.结果显示:苗期湿加松和火加松各个组合间的树高差异显著,而定植前2 a由于处于生长初期,部分生长较快的幼树遭受冻害,各组合间树高差异没有达到显著水平;定植第3、4年火加松各组合间高生长差异极显著,而湿加松各组合问的差异也相对加大,但是没有达到差异显著水平.这表明杂种子代生长评价测定至少应该在定植4~5 a之后,其中湿加松的子代测定评价时间应该比火加松的评价时间更晚.一大批表现较优的火加松组合5年生(包括1 a苗期)平均高度达4.0 m以上,该平均值超过国家速生丰产林林业部标准(H=4.0 m),国外松杂交育种能够高效选择出优良的松树品种.  相似文献   

记述中国平背叶蜂亚科 3 新属 4 新种:黄褐金叶蜂,新属新种 Jinia fulvana gen. et sp. n., 郑氏金叶蜂,新种 Jinia zhengisp. n., 细角奇元叶蜂,新属新种 Thaum atotaxonus tenu icornis W ei, gen . et sp. n., 小眼刘氏叶蜂,新属新种 Yusheng liua m icroculagen. et sp. n.. 编制了Jinia 属已知种和 Allantini族世界已知属检索表.  相似文献   

通过调查整理,发现兴隆山保护区本底和1993年森林病虫鼠害普查都没有记载的膜翅目姬蜂科昆虫4种,从而使保护区姬蜂科昆虫由原来的4种增加到8种,均属保护区首次发现,系保护区分布新记录,这些物种的发现,丰富了兴隆山保护区的物种资源。  相似文献   

本文报道了寄生杨潜叶叶蜂Messa taianensis Xiao etZhou幼虫的一种重要天敌。经鉴定这种天敌隶属于栉足姬蜂亚科Ctenopelmatinae针尾姬蜂族Pionini的一新属一新种。现命名为杨潜姬蜂Celata populusWang。  相似文献   

Wood-based panels used as floor decking can be exposed to fatigue as well as creep loading. The strength and fatigue performances of three wood-based panel products OSB, chipboard and MDF have been determined in four-point bending. The mean bending strengths were found to decrease in the following order MDF>OSB>chipboard. The bending strength variation within the OSB was considerably greater than that for chipboard and MDF. Normalised with respect to the static strengths, the fatigue performance of the chipboard was superior to that of the OSB, although the two materials have very similar performances at low stress levels. Normalised with respect to the static strengths, the fatigue performance of the MDF was inferior to both materials and at lower stress levels the fatigue performance deteriorated to a greater extent. However, in terms of absolute applied stress, the fatigue performance of the MDF was superior to that of the OSB, which was superior to that of the chipboard. However, as the stress was reduced the difference between the three materials reduced. At low stresses the performances of the three materials were quite similar. Received 5 August 1999  相似文献   

通过多年的系统调查和分类研究,发现记录甘肃叶蜂4总科9科124属494种,其中2种甘肃新记录科:项蜂科Xiphydriidae、广蜂科Megalodontesidae;3种中国新记录属:皱顶项蜂属Platyxiphydria Takeuchi、纹潜叶蜂属Kaliofenusa Viereck和狭刻叶蜂属Dimorphoperyx Ashmead,75甘肃新记录属.编制了甘肃叶蜂分科检索表.  相似文献   

记述中国突瓣叶蜂科实叶蜂亚科2新属新种:李单室叶蜂Monocelicampaprunigen.etsp.n.;美丽异实叶蜂Anhoplocampafumosagen.etsp.n.简要讨论了实叶蜂亚科的分类地位和范围,编制了此亚科已知8属的族、属检索表.  相似文献   

During the period 1989–1998 investigations were carried out on the parasitoids of some forest insect pests in Bulgaria. Twenty-one ichneumonid species are reported for the first time in Bulgaria as parasitoids of different coleopteran, lepidopteran, and hymenopteran hosts. From these, 6 parasitoids are new records for the parasitoid complexes of the hosts:Exochus decoratus Holmgr. onEudemis profundana (Den. & Schiff.) andGelechia turpella (Den. & Schiff.);Lissonota culiciformis Grav.—onParanthrene tabaniformis (Rott.);Lissonota unicincta Holmgr.—onG. turpella; Xorides gracilicornis (Grav.)—onXylotrechus sp.; andEriborus terebrator Aubert—onClostera anastomosis (L.). Most parasitoids developed as primary parasitoids in the hosts.Itoplectis alternans (Grav.) is a primary parasitoid ofNycteola asiatica (Krul.) and a hyperparasitoid ofE. terebrator: Acropimpla pictipes (Grav.) is secondary parasitoid onAnacampsis populella (Cl.). With the exception of two species ofOlesicampes genus, which destroyed over 50% ofStauronematus compressicornis (F.) andPristophora conjugata (Dahlm.) larvae, andE. terebrator which killed 15.4% ofC. anastomosis population, the rest of the parasitoids occurred in low densities, and did not play an important role in reducing the number of their hosts.  相似文献   

 The phenomenon of wood shrinkage by losing moisture can be analysed at four levels: molecular, ultrastructural, microstructural and macrostructural levels. To predict the shrinkage of wood cells, the model of Barber and Meylan is modified in the current work to reflect combined effects of shrinkage of the cell wall, changes of the lumen shape and effects of rays and bordered pits. Where a piece of wood contains a multi-layer of earlywood and latewood or multi-layer of normal and defect wood with variable properties, a model is proposed to relate the total, measurable shrinkage to the shrinkage of each layer. The model can be applied to a specimen with asymmetric properties through the thickness. In such a board, bow (or crook), cup and twist are often observed. The modified and proposed models involve several mechanical properties of the cell wall which are difficult to measure. These properties vary with wood types, such as earlywood, late wood, compression wood, or wood with spiral grain. However, an alternative method may be used to obtain these properties from experimentally measured shrinkage data, and this method will be presented in a subsequent paper. Received 25 January 1999  相似文献   

对采自广西的9个组47种山茶属木材解剖分子进行了测定研究,研究表明,山茶属木材的各种解剖分子显示长度长、直径小、胞壁薄的特点,属于比较原始的种系。山茶属解剖分子特征还表明,其木材密度大,各种力学强度也大,是很好的纤维工业用原料和农具柄及工艺用材。  相似文献   

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