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加工和贮藏工艺对最少化加工毛笋外观品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对最少化加工毛笋在贮藏过程中的外观品质的研究,探讨了工艺条件对最少化加工毛笋贮藏外观品质的影响。结果表明:毛笋切分越小,贮藏品质越差;钝刀的切割效果较好;0.04 mm PE袋包装能明显减轻最少化加工毛笋在4℃贮藏过程中的褐变,其货架期达15 d左右;3~5 min的离心(700 r/min)脱水能较好保持最少化加工毛笋的水分;经1.5%壳聚糖涂膜处理的最少化加工毛笋在4℃下,贮藏18 d后仍具有良好的感观。经过对最少化加工毛笋的货架期进行综合评分,切割条件、脱水速度、包装方式、贮藏温度对最少化加工毛笋的货架期有重要的影响。  相似文献   

The effect of wounding on polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD), and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) was studied in six minimally processed lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivars upon storage for 7 days at 5 degrees C (Iceberg Mikonos (IM), I. Green Queen (IGQ), I. Asdrúbal (IA), Little Gem Sandra (LGS), Romaine Cazorla (RC), and R. Modelo (RM)). Wounding of lettuce tissue midribs (because of minimal processing) caused an exponential increase in PPO activity due to the activation process from latent to fully active PPO by following first order kinetics in the time range from 3.7 days (LGS) to 6.3 days (RC). However, total PPO activity (active plus latent) remained constant. Isoform pattern of PPO changed upon storage probably because of posttranslational processes. POD activity linearly increased with induction of new POD isoenzymes. PAL activity presented a typical bell-shaped induction pattern in four cultivars. Only IM and IGQ showed a second induction response which has not been previously described in the literature. IM was the cultivar most susceptible to browning and RC was the cultivar least susceptible. However, no clear correlation was observed between browning and any of the biochemical and physiological attributes investigated (PPO, PAL, and POD activities, total and individual phenols accumulation, and ascorbic acid content).  相似文献   

The influence of washing uncut and shredded carrots (Daucus carota L. ssp. sativa var. Bangor) with chlorinated and ozonated water, respectively, as well as the storage of the produce under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively, on PAL activity and synthesis of phenolic compounds have been evaluated on pilot plant scale. Inherent raw material inhomogeneity was compensated by pooling large sized samples, and frequent sampling ensured significant data. PAL activity was induced by processing and linearly increased throughout storage under aerobic conditions, whereas an anaerobic atmosphere resulted in a maximum activity peak at storage day 2-4. The accumulation of phenolic compounds showed good correlation with the kinetics of PAL activity. Although the influence of the washing treatments was weak, the use of chlorinated water for washing shredded carrots slightly delayed the onset of PAL activity. The phenolic content of the minimally processed carrots was dominated by trans and cis isomers of chlorogenic acid ( approximately 95%). Additionally, the occurrence of p-coumaroylquinic acid ( approximately 5%) and the novel finding of three dicaffeoylquinic acid isomers were reported. The synthesis of phenolic compounds was controlled, depending on storage atmosphere.  相似文献   

冬枣湿冷贮藏过程中生理生化变化的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
水果的呼吸类型和生理生化的变化特点是贮运保鲜中重要的参考因素.研究了不同成熟度冬枣在室温和湿冷贮藏条件下呼吸强度的变化趋势,以及在湿冷库贮藏中,中期半红果的硬度、可溶性果胶含量和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性以及淀粉含量和淀粉酶活性的变化过程.试验结果表明,冬枣属于非呼吸跃变型果实;其硬度和PG活性之间呈极显著正相关,可溶性果胶含量和PG活性之间呈显著负相关;淀粉含量和淀粉酶活性之间呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

针对哈密瓜长期连作引起的产量低、品质差问题,研究微生物菌剂对土壤肥力和哈密瓜品质的影响.试验以哈密瓜为研究对象,对连续种植3年哈密瓜土壤设置对照、12#菌剂、D74菌剂、1#菌剂、12#和D74菌剂混合菌剂共5种施肥处理,对比不同处理的哈密瓜品质、土壤养分特征和酶活性的变化,并对哈密瓜品质、土壤养分和酶活性相关性进行分...  相似文献   

A series of biochemical parameters, including the concentration of total ascorbic acid (ASA(tot)) and the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and peroxidases (PODs), was investigated during cold storage (72 h at 4 degrees C in the dark) in fresh-cut (minimally processed) leaves of two lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. acephala) cultivars differing in the susceptibility to tissue browning: Green Salade Bowl (GSB), susceptible, and Red Salade Bowl (RSB), resistant. The two cultivars showed differences also at the biochemical level. The content in ASA(tot) increased in RSB, as a consequence of increased DHA concentration; conversely, ASA(tot) diminished in GSB, in which ASA was not detectable after 72 h of storage, thus suggesting a disappearance of ascorbate (both ASA and DHA) into nonactive forms. The antioxidant capacity (as determined by using FRAP analysis) decreased significantly during storage in RSB, while a strong increase was observed in GSB. PAL activity increased soon after processing reaching a maximum by 3 h, then it declined to a relatively constant value in RSB, while in GSB it showed a tendency to decrease in the first few hours from harvest and processing. POD activity, at least for chlorogenic acid, increased significantly during storage only in GSB.  相似文献   

Changes in volatile aroma constituents of fresh-cut cantaloupe melon with storage were determined by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The compounds isolated from the fruit immediately after cutting were predominantly aliphatic and aromatic esters. Storage of fruit at 4 degrees C caused a considerable decrease in concentration of esters and synthesis of the terpenoid compounds beta-ionone and geranylacetone over a period of 24 h. This change in the volatile profile with storage is consistent with that of a stress-induced defense response in the cut fruit as an adaptation process to tissue exposure and cell disruption. The same effect occurred in fruit stored at 22 degrees C and in those treated with sodium azide and ascorbic acid prior to storage. Fruit treated with ascorbic acid and sodium azide had higher concentrations of beta-ionone and geranylacetone and retained these compounds better with storage time. The reduction of esters appears to be an important early reaction step in the loss of freshness during storage of fresh-cut cantaloupe.  相似文献   

The activity of microbial transglutaminase (MTG) and the corresponding secondary structure, measured by circular dichroism (CD), was analyzed before and after treatment at different temperatures (40 and 80 degrees C) and pressures (0.1, 200, 400, 600 MPa). Irreversible enzyme inactivation was achieved after 2 min at 80 degrees C and 0.1 MPa. Enzyme inactivation at 0.1, 200, 400, and 600 MPa and 40 degrees C followed first-order kinetics. The enzyme showed residual activity of 50% after 12 min at 600 MPa and 40 degrees C. Mobility of aromatic side chains of the enzyme molecule was observed in all temperature- and/or pressure-treated samples; however, high-pressure treatment at 600 MPa induced a loss of tertiary structure and a significant decrease in the alpha-helix content. The relative content of beta-strand substructures was significantly increased after 30 min at 600 MPa and 40 degrees C or 2 min at 0.1 MPa and 80 degrees C. We conclude that the active center of MTG, which is located in an expanded beta-strand domain, is resistant to high hydrostatic pressure and pressure-induced inactivation is caused by destruction of alpha-helix elements with a corresponding influence on the enzyme stability in solution.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to identify the key odorants of tomato sauces responsible for the flavor change during storage. Products made from paste or canned tomatoes were stored at 25 and 40 degrees C. Sensory properties and quantification of the key odorants were measured and correlated. Significant sensory changes appeared after 1 and 3 months at 25 degrees C in the respective dice and paste sauces (p < 0.01). The dice sauce was characterized by a steep loss of the sensory quality during the early storage and then by identical changes within the same time span at 25 and 40 degrees C. In the paste sauce the sensory deterioration was slower than for the dice sauce and occurred more extensively at 40 degrees C than at 25 degrees C. Correlation between sensory and instrumental data revealed that the source of sensory changes should be (E,E)-deca-2,4-dienal in the dice sauce. The sensory change in the paste sauce could be due to acetaldehyde, methylpropanal, 3-methylbutanal, oct-1-en-3-one, 3-methylbutanoic acid, deca-2,4-dienal, 2-methoxyphenol, and beta-damascenone.  相似文献   

脱水菠菜贮藏过程中颜色变化动力学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了探讨脱水菠菜在贮藏过程中叶绿素变化及其与颜色损失的关系,鲜菠菜经过热烫处理后冷冻干燥,包装后在25、35、45和55℃下贮藏,测定贮藏过程中叶绿素和颜色变化,以确定脱水菠菜叶绿素和颜色变化动力学。结果表明:无论是否经过热烫前处理,经过冻干技术得到的脱水菠菜,在贮藏过程中其叶绿素的降解与颜色损失都遵循一级反应动力学方程,且叶绿素的减少与颜色损失密切相关(R2>0.95,p<0.05)。在未经热烫和经热烫处理后冻干的菠菜其叶绿素降解的活化能分别为39.99 kJ/mol和41.44 kJ/mol。而用色度计测定的红绿值a*和色彩角值h中,经过热烫前处理的脱水菠菜其活化能分别是18.93 kJ/mol和48.08 kJ/mol,而未经烫漂的分别为18.20 kJ/mol和44.04 kJ/mol。与热烫处理的样品相比,未热烫的脱水菠菜更容易失去叶绿素,热烫处理有利于延长脱水菠菜的货架期。相同前处理的脱水菠菜,在设定的贮藏温度下,叶绿素降解、红绿值a*和色彩角值h的速率常数随贮藏温度的升高均逐渐增大,低温贮藏有利于延长脱水菠菜的货架期。在常温下(20℃)脱水菠菜的货架期为168 d(未热烫)或465 d(热烫)。  相似文献   

贮藏温度对冷破碎番茄浆品质变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨冷破碎番茄浆在贮藏过程中的品质变化,以指导冷破碎番茄浆的贮藏,该文研究了其在0、25和37℃条件下贮藏150 d的品质变化,并对产品中主要指标的变化进行了动力学分析。25和37℃贮藏条件下冷破碎番茄浆中氨基酸、总糖、蔗糖、果糖、维生素C含量和颜色指标(亮度L*、红值a*和黄值b*)均显著下降,而5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)含量、褐变度(BD)和总色差ΔE显著增加,其中总氨基酸、总糖、维生素C、HMF和BD的变化均符合一级动力学模型;而且HMF含量与BD变化呈线性关系,符合零级动力学模型。但是番茄红素和可溶性固形物含量变化不显著,而酸度随温度和时间的增加呈增加趋势。0℃贮藏条件下,除维生素C含量显著下降外,上述其他指标均无显著变化。表明高温贮藏显著降低冷破碎番茄浆的品质,而低温贮藏可有效保护冷破碎番茄浆的品质。  相似文献   

Changes in blackberry ellagitannin composition in response to juicing (clarified and nonclarified), pureeing, canning (in water or syrup), and freezing as well as changes in processed products during 6 months of storage were investigated. Canning, pureeing, and freezing had little effect on ellagitannins, but processing berries into nonclarified and clarified juices resulted in total ellagitannin losses of 70 and 82%, respectively, due to removal of ellagitannin-rich seeds in the presscake. Minimal changes in total ellagitannin content were observed during storage of thermally processed products, but compositional changes indicative of ellagitannin depolymerization were apparent. The ellagitannin content and composition of frozen berries remained stable over 6 months of storage. Ellagitannins are well retained in canned, pureed, and frozen blackberries, but methods are needed to prevent losses during juice processing and/or exploit the ellagitannin-rich coproducts.  相似文献   

In this study a new method was developed for analysis of the low molecular weight protein fraction of milk, allowing a simple and fast overview of the peptide profile of various milk samples. For this purpose, immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) was coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). By this technique, two major peptides in milk could be identified as fragments of alpha-s1-casein. During heat treatment of raw milk, five new peptides were generated, the origin of which could be assigned to the casein fraction. Storage experiments with extended shelf life milk at 4 degrees C did not show any changes in the peptide profile, whereas in ultra high temperature milk stored at room temperature, one peptide increased significantly, which was identified as the N-terminus of alpha-s1-casein. The peptide was assumed to be formed in an enzymatic reaction, which was confirmed in a storage experiment with sterilized milk. Analyses of different commercially available milk samples confirmed the results obtained with the heated and stored milk. Furthermore, differences in the peptide profiles of the samples, probably due to different cow breeds or lactation stages, were observed. These results establish IMAC prior to MALDI-TOF-MS as a valid tool for the rapid analysis of the peptide profile of milk.  相似文献   

Storage can markedly influence microbial and biochemical properties in soils, yet recommendations for sample storage are based on studies of temperate soils that regularly experience extended cold periods. We assessed the influence of storage conditions on microbial phosphorus and the activity of four hydrolytic enzymes (phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, β-glucosidase, and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase) in three lowland tropical forest soils from the Republic of Panama that experience a constant warm temperature. The soils spanned a strong rainfall gradient and contained contrasting physical and chemical properties (pH 3.6-5.9; total carbon 26-50 g C kg−1; clay 33-62%; total phosphorus 0.30-0.60 g P kg−1). Storage treatments were: (i) room temperature (22 °C in the dark), (ii) refrigerated (4 °C in the dark), (iii) air-dried (10 d, 22 °C), and (iv) frozen (−35 °C). There were significant changes in enzyme activities and microbial phosphorus during refrigerated and room temperature storage, although changes were relatively small during the first two weeks. An initial marked decline in enzyme activities for one soil analyzed within 2 h of sampling was attributed to a flush of activity caused by sampling and soil preparation (sieving, etc.). For longer-term storage (>2 weeks), ambient laboratory temperature appeared preferable to freezing and cold storage, because one month of storage caused a marked decline in enzyme activities and microbial phosphorus in one soil. Freezing preserved the activities of some enzymes in some soils at rates comparable to cold or room temperature storage, but caused a marked decline in microbial phosphorus in two soils. Air-drying caused a marked decline in microbial phosphorus and the activity of all enzymes. We therefore conclude that enzyme assays and microbial phosphorus should be determined in tropical forest soils after no more than two weeks storage in the dark at ambient laboratory temperature.  相似文献   

广式腊肠干燥及贮藏过程中主要理化特性的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了准确把握和控制广式腊肠加工贮藏过程中脂肪氧化和水解反应引起的理化指标和风味等变化,本文系统研究了烘烤和传统日晒两种加工方式生产出的广式腊肠的酸价、过氧化值、含水率等理化指标的变化。结果表明:加工过程中烘烤肠含水量、酸价及过氧化值的变化速度较日晒肠大,而贮藏过程中,日晒腊肠的酸价及过氧化值的变化速度高于烘烤腊肠。真空包装对酸价无明显抑制,但对过氧化值有明显的抑制作用。贮藏温度与酸价和过氧化值呈正相关,但在100d的贮藏期内广式腊肠的过氧化值均未超过国家标准,而无论是日晒肠还是烘干肠的酸价,即使在10℃抽真空包装的理想贮藏条件下,在60d和80d时分别超过了国家标准。烘烤腊肠在30℃散装贮藏条件下保质期为20d,添加0.15%瓜尔豆胶及0.15%硬脂酰乳酸钠可使腊肠保质期延长到60d左右。  相似文献   

Chlorine solutions are usually used to sanitize fruit and vegetables in the fresh-cut industry due to their efficacy, low cost, and simple use. However, disinfection byproducts such as haloacetic acids (HAAs) can be formed during this process, which can remain on minimally processed vegetables (MPVs). These compounds are toxic and/or carcinogenic and have been associated with human health risks; therefore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set a maximum contaminant level for five HAAs at 60 μg/L in drinking water. This paper describes the first method to determine the nine HAAs that can be present in MPV samples, with static headspace coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry where the leaching and derivatization of the HAAs are carried out in a single step. The proposed method is sensitive, with limits of detection between 0.1 and 2.4 μg/kg and an average relative standard deviation of ~8%. From the samples analyzed, we can conclude that about 23% of them contain at least two HAAs (<0.4-24 μg/kg), which showed that these compounds are formed during washing and then remain on the final product.  相似文献   

The influences of processing and storage on the quality indices and nutritional content of fresh-cut fruits were evaluated in comparison to whole fruits stored for the same duration but prepared on the day of sampling. Fresh-cut pineapples, mangoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, strawberries, and kiwifruits and whole fruits were stored for up to 9 days in air at 5 degrees C. The postcutting life based on visual appearance was shorter than 6 days for fresh-cut kiwifruit and shorter than 9 days for fresh-cut pineapple, cantaloupe, and strawberry. On the other hand, fresh-cut watermelon and mango pieces were still marketable after 9 days at 5 degrees C. Losses in vitamin C after 6 days at 5 degrees C were < or = 5% in mango, strawberry, and watermelon pieces, 10% in pineapple pieces, 12% in kiwifruit slices, and 25% in cantaloupe cubes. No losses in carotenoids were found in kiwifruit slices and watermelon cubes, whereas losses in pineapples were the highest at 25% followed by 10-15% in cantaloupe, mango, and strawberry pieces after 6 days at 5 degrees C. No significant losses in total phenolics were found in any of the fresh-cut fruit products tested after 6 days at 5 degrees C. Light exposure promoted browning in pineapple pieces and decreased vitamin C content in kiwifruit slices. Total carotenoids contents decreased in cantaloupe cubes and kiwifruit slices, but increased in mango and watermelon cubes in response to light exposure during storage at 5 degrees C for up to 9 days. There was no effect of exposure to light on the content of phenolics. In general, fresh-cut fruits visually spoil before any significant nutrient loss occurs.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines and polyamines were studied in 18 market samples of spinach. Histamine and spermidine were detected in relatively high amounts in all samples within the ranges of 9.5-69.7 and 15.6-53.0 mg/kg, respectively. Other biologically active amines were either detected at low levels or not found at all. Changes in amine content during storage at 6 degrees C were studied. The content of most of the amines remained constant during storage, with the exception of spermidine and histamine. Spermidine showed a clear decreasing trend, whereas histamine significantly increased in all trials, but decreased at the end of the storage in two of the trials. Trials showing a decrease in histamine content also showed the highest spermidine decrease and recorded the highest pH values. Microbial loads throughout storage were also followed, with Pseudomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae being the predominant bacterial groups. Trials with higher microbial loads in initial samples also showed the highest histamine content in these samples. Potential explanations for both the formation and the degradation of histamine during storage are discussed.  相似文献   

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