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复合酶制剂对生长肥育猪的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验选用24头仔猪,随机等量分为3组。对照组喂基础饲粮,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组分别在基础饲粮中添加0.6%和1.2%的复合酶制剂。结果表明,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组猪的日增重分别比对照组提高16.48%和21.85%,料肉比分别比对照组下降9.64%和12.50%。同时还观察到复合酶制剂可降低消化道疾病的发病率。  相似文献   

采用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法研究了艾维茵肉用仔鸡日粮中添加复合酶制剂对增重的影响,探讨了α-淀粉酶、中性蛋白酶和脂肪酶之间的互作关系,建立了数学模型,获得了酶制剂的最佳使用量.肉鸡生产模型为:(?)=2107.46+38.02x_1+13.45x_2+3.07x_3-16.00x_1x_2+14.00x_1x_3+13.25x_2x_3-12.79x_1~2-8.55x_2~2-15.27x_3~2.单一酶对增重的作用大小顺序为:α-淀粉酶>脂肪酶>中性蛋白酶、在一般饲养管理条件下,预期56日龄体重达到2kg以上时,应在100kg日粮中添加α-淀粉酶6.42~9.13g,脂肪酶0.36~0.58g,中性蛋白酶2.08~3.06g,三种酶之间存在明显的交互作用.  相似文献   

日粮中添加复合酶制剂818A对蓝狐生长发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文探讨了复合酶制剂 81 8A对幼龄蓝狐生长发育的影响。随机选取 50日龄左右蓝狐 80只 ,分成 5组 ,每组 1 6只。Ⅰ组为对照组 ,只饲喂基础日粮 ;Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ组为试验组 ,依次在基础日粮中添加 0 2 %、0 4 %、0 6%、0 8%的复合酶制剂 81 8A ,经 56d试验 ,结果表明 :各试验组狐平均日增重极显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 1 ) ,周体长增长值显著大于对照组 (P <0 0 5) ,同时料重比极显著低于对照组 (P <0 0 1 ) ,换毛时间也较对照组显著缩短 (P <0 0 5)。在各试验组中 ,Ⅲ、Ⅳ组生长较快 (P <0 0 5) ,Ⅳ、Ⅴ组病死率较低 (P <0 0 5)。  相似文献   

复合酶制剂对育成雉生长发育及生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究ZY Ⅱ型复合酶制剂对育成雉生长发育及生产性能的积极影响。Ⅰ组为对照组 ,仅饲喂基础日粮 ;Ⅱ、Ⅲ组为试验组 ,分别在基础日粮中添加 1 0 %ZY Ⅱ型复合酶和 1 2 %ZY Ⅱ型复合酶。饲养试验结果表明 ,各试验组平均日增重均极显著高于Ⅰ组 (P <0 0 1 ) ,料重比均显著低于Ⅰ组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;屠宰与肉质分析试验结果表明 ,各试验组胸肌率、腿肌率显著高于Ⅰ组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,胸肌、腿肌中粗蛋白、总氨基酸、总必需氨基酸、天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸含量均高于Ⅰ组 (P >0 0 5 )。在试验组中进行综合比较 ,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组试验效果无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。  相似文献   

利用二次回归通用旋转组合设计方法研究了复合酶制剂对猪日增重的影响,探讨了α-淀粉酶,中性蛋白酶和脂肪酶之间的互作关系,建立了数学模型,确定了酶制剂的最佳使用剂量。复合酶制剂对日增重影响的函数模型为:Y=534.6772+22.9541X1+8.1627X2+3.2795X3-1.6125X1X2+17.3125X1X3+6.0375X2X3+8.8555X1^2-2.7587X2^2+4.3124  相似文献   

酶制剂有高效、无残留、无毒副作用等优点。在动物饲料中添加复合酶制剂可消除其中的抗营养因子和毒素的有害作用,提高动物对饲料的消化率和利用率,改善动物生产性能,减少动物排泄物中的氮、磷含量,降低养殖成本,提高动物免疫力,促进畜禽健康。  相似文献   

复合酶制剂对生长猪的生产性能和养分消化性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
配合饲料主要由植物性饲料组成,植物性饲料的细胞壁主要由非淀粉多糖构成(NSP),单胃动物体内缺乏分解NSP的内源酶,而且NSP使消化道食糜粘度增加,从而导致日粮养分消化率和饲养效应的降低,许多实验业已证明通过添加酶制剂可以克服NSP的不良效应。本试验旨在研究生长猪日粮中添加复合酶制剂,对生产性能和日粮养分表观消化性的影响,对酶制剂作用机理作初步的探索,为生产实践中合理应用酶制剂提供科学依据。1 材料与方法1.1酶制剂 本试验所用的复合酶制剂由广东肇庆华芬饲料酶有限公司生产。其主要成分及活性含量为…  相似文献   

不同剂量半胱胺对生长猪生产性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验选择平均体重为16.31kg的杜长大杂交猪118头,随机分为4组。试验一期,半胱胺在基础日粮中添加量为0、50、100、0mg/kg;试验二期,基础日粮中半胱胺添加量为0、100、150、250mg/kg。试验结果表明,试验一期,CS50组(Ⅰ)、CS100组(Ⅱ)平均日增重分别提高4.45%、2.87%,差异不显著;料重比CS50组(Ⅰ)下降5.26%(P<0.05),CS100组(Ⅱ)下降7.69%(P<0.01);试验二期,CS100组(Ⅰ)、CS150组(Ⅱ)、CS250组(Ⅲ)平均日增重分别提高3.98%、5.98%、5.44%,差异均不显著;料重比分别下降2.90%、8.41%(P<0.05)、4.34%。  相似文献   

仔猪不能有效利用纤维素含量高的饲料,小麦、大麦、燕麦及其副产品含有许多非淀粉多糖(NSP),它们会影响仔猪的养分利用率(Hesselman和Aman1986),加酶后能提高仔猪对这些原料的利用率(Simons等,1990)。但各方报道结果不一致,这是因为配方不一致或加酶的种类和比例不同所致(Slomi  相似文献   

Two experiments with young pigs (25 d of age) were conducted to investigate the effect of multienzyme preparations on nutrient digestibility, growth performance, and P utilization and excretion. In Exp. 1, 24 pigs (six pigs per treatment) were used in a 28-d performance and digestibility trial using four diets: control (no enzyme) and control supplemented with enzyme preparation A, B, or C. The control diet was formulated to meet 95% of NRC (1998) nutrient specifications (except for available P, which was at 44% NRC) and composed of corn, wheat, wheat by-products, barley, soybean meal, canola meal, and peas. All three enzyme preparations contained xylanase, glucanase, amylase, protease, invertase, and phytase activities and differed in the type of plant cell wall-degrading activities; Enzyme A contained cellulase, galactanase, and mannanase; Enzyme B contained cellulase and pectinase; and Enzyme C contained cellulase, galactanase, mannanase, and pectinase. Pigs fed enzyme-supplemented diets had higher ADG (P = 0.02) and G:F (P = 0.01) than those fed the control diet. On average, and when compared with control diet, enzyme supplementation improved (P = 0.001 to 0.04) ileal digestibility of DM (60 vs. 66%), GE (62.8 vs. 70.4%), CP (62 vs. 72%), starch (86.7 vs. 94.2%), nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP; 10.1 vs. 17.6%), and phytate (59 vs. 70%). Compared with the control, total-tract digestibility of nutrients was increased (P = 0.001 to 0.01) owing to enzyme supplementation, with Enzyme C showing the highest improvement in DM, GE, CP, starch, NSP, phytate, and P utilization. Pigs fed enzyme-supplemented diets had decreased (P = 0.04) fecal P excretion. The benefit from improved nutrient utilization with enzyme supplementation was further substantiated in a 38-d growth performance study with 48 pigs. The control and Enzyme C-supplemented diets (same as Exp. 1) were assigned to six replicate pens (four pigs per pen). The study was conducted in three phases (Phase 1 = d 0 to 7; Phase 2 = d 7 to 21; Phase 3 = d 21 to 38). Individual BW and pen feed disappearance were monitored. Average daily gain and G:F were 231 and 257 g (P = 0.01), and 0.56 and 0.63 (P = 0.001) for the control and enzyme-supplemented diets, respectively. It is evident from this study that the use of enzyme preparations may allow for cost-effective and environmentally friendly formulation of young pig diets.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of pelleted and meal-form of a diet supplemented with lysine on passage rate through the digestive tract (DT) and utilization by young pigs. The experiment was carried out on 20 young boars of about 10 kg live weight, divided into 3 groups. The experimental diet composed of feeds of plant origin (barley 80.0%, sesame meal 10.6%, soybean meal 7.0%; total crude protein 15.3%) and supplemented with L-lysine to total level of 0.8% was fed twice daily as: a) a meal mixed with water (group I), b) dry meal (group II), c) pellets (group III). The experiment lasted 51 days including the last 6 days for nitrogen balance. On the first day of the collection period 3% Cr2O3 was included in the first meal to estimate the passage rate of feed. The average body weight at the end of the experiment was similar in group I and II (29.7 and 28.5 kg) but significantly lower as compared to group III (31.7 kg). Differences between the groups in the growth rate were higher during the first than the last period of the experiment. Pelleting reduced feed consumption per kg gain by about 12%. It was calculated that the increase in the live weight in group III could be attributed to the deposit of both protein and fat in the body. Large individual differences were observed in the rate of passage through DT and this probably effected the lack of significant differences between the groups.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether soybeans without the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor and lectins could be fed effectively to young chicks and pigs. Specifically, we compared the growth performance of chicks and pigs fed diets containing modified soybeans: Kunitz trypsin inhibitor-free (KF), lectin-free (LF), lectin and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor-free (LFKF), conventional soybeans (CSB), and commercially obtained, dehulled, solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM). A 7-d chick experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of CSB, KF, LF, LFKF, and SBM. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design, with four replicates, five treatments, and six male chicks per pen (n = 120). The five treatments consisted of 23% CP dextrose-soybean-based diets containing KF, LF, LFKF, CSB, or SBM as the source of dietary protein. A 28-d pig experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of CSB, LF, LFKF, and SBM. Pens of four pigs were assigned randomly to a control, corn-SBM, or one of six corn-soybean diets containing raw or extruded soybean varieties as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design with five blocks per treatment (n = 140). Chicks fed diets containing any of the raw soybean varieties gained less weight (P < 0.05) than chicks fed SBM (22.81 g/d for SBM vs. 14.17 g/d for the raw soybeans combined). Among the raw soybean treatments, there was a greater effect on growth performance (P < 0.05) by removing both lectins and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (ADG of 16.56 g for LFKF) than by removing each antinutritional factor separately (ADG of 14.38 and 14.11 g for KF and LF, respectively). Pig growth performance was different (P < 0.001) for SBM (ADG of 409 g) and all the varieties when extruded (ADG of 450 g for CSB, 417 g for LF, and 408 g for LFKF) compared with the raw soybean treatments (ADG of 101 g for CSB, 165 g for LF, and 266 g for LFKF). Among the raw soybean treatments, growth performance improved (P = 0.003) as the antinutritional factor, lectin, was removed from the soybean and improved further (P = 0.045) when both lectins and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor were removed. The growth-inhibiting effect of feeding modified soybeans to young animals was more detrimental for pigs than for chicks in our experiments. Soybeans without the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor and lectins cannot be fed successfully to young chicks and pigs without heating.  相似文献   

Three trials were conducted with pigs at different levels of nutrition. Seven groups of pigs were perorally infected with a suspension of M. intracellulare. Changes in 12 biochemical parameters of metabolism were studied in blood plasma or serum for 98 to 111 days. In comparison with the group of non-infected animals or with the situation prior to infection, the test pigs showed irregular and temporary changes in a number of metabolites, most frequently an increase in the concentration of urea, cholesterol, iron and vitamin A. In the majority of cases, the results are considered as non-typical of infection processes. It was also in relation to clinical and production parameters that the induced mycobacteriosis was regarded as a condition not disturbing, or just insignificantly influencing, the metabolism of slaughter pigs and the economy of their production. The changes in tocopherolaemia, reduction in alkaline phosphatase activity, increase in the total concentration of protein, albumin and cholesterol were related to the development of the pigs at the weight from 20 to 80 kg, rather than to the infection process. The limited intake of proteins or vitamin supplement allowed for verifying the possibility of using some biochemical parameters for practical diagnosis.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮粗蛋白水平对淮猪育肥后期生产性能、肉品质和血清生化指标的影响。试验选取48头体重相近的淮猪,公母各半,随机分为3组,即低蛋白组(11.96%)、中蛋白组(13.04%)和高蛋白组(14.16%),每组4个重复,每个重复4头猪,试验期为138 d。结果表明,1)各组猪末重、平均日采食量和平均日增重差异不显著(P>0.05),但高蛋白组的料重比显著升高(P<0.05);各组猪屠宰性能无显著影响。2)各组的肌肉pH、肉色评分、失水率以及干物质、粗蛋白、粗灰分和肌苷酸的含量差异不显著(P>0.05),但高蛋白会显著提高肌肉粗脂肪和胆固醇的含量(P<0.05);3)高蛋白组猪肌肉中的亚麻酸含量显著高于低蛋白组(P<0.05),而花生四烯酸含量显著低于其他两组(P<0.05),其他各组之间脂肪酸含量差异不显著。4)低蛋白组的血清中ALB含量显著高于中蛋白组(P<0.05),随着蛋白水平提高,血清中的BUN含量有升高的趋势(P=0.085)。根据本试验结果,饲粮粗蛋白水平为13.04%对淮猪育肥后期生长性能、肉品质和血清生化指标的影响效果最佳。  相似文献   

初生仔猪体内储备铁(Fe)只有40~50mg,正常生长每天需要7~8mg,而母乳中含Fe量仅0.002mg/g乳,仔猪平均每天仅能从母乳中摄取1mgFe,如不及时给仔猪补Fe,其体内储备的Fe,将在1周内耗完,患生理性贫血症,影响仔猪生长发育。目前仔猪补Fe的主要方式,在仔猪生后3~4d,于后腿部肌肉注射补Fe剂。这类补Fe剂有富Fe力、牲血素等,其主要成分为糖配Fe。注射补Fe方式的缺陷,是往往造成注射部位大量流血、注射部位感染等。 酵母Fe是Fe的有机形式,同时酵母Fe富含优质酵母蛋白和B族…  相似文献   

半胱胺对生长肥育猪后期生长性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用60头体重约60kg左右的三元杂交(杜×长×大)商品代瘦肉型肥育猪,随机分为试验组和对照组两组,每组又设三个重复,每个重复10头猪。试验组饲喂添加200g/吨半胱胺含量为50%的“大丰收”(由杭州某饲料有限公司提供)的日粮,对照组日粮不添加大丰收。进行为期41天的对比试验。试验结果显示:同对照组相比试验组平均日增重、饲料转化效率、瘦肉率和胴体品质均得到不同程度的提高和改善;而且在外观上也得到明显的改善;猪后臀丰满、皮红毛亮、肌肉发达。  相似文献   

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