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食盐为奶牛重要的饲料成分之一,如采食过多或饲喂不当时,会发生中毒。现将我区某奶牛场发生的一起奶牛食盐中毒事故介绍如下:  相似文献   

绵羊铅镉联合中毒的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了白银矿区周围绵羊以消瘦和贫血为主要特征的疾病。通过检测食物链系统及绵羊全血、被毛和组织器官中13种矿物元素(Pb、Cd、Zn、Fe、Mn、Mo、Cu、F、As、Se、Al、Ca、P)的含量,分析血液生理生化指标的变化,揭示出现地牧草中Pb、Cd的含量高,分别为(111.2±98.4)μg/g和(12.0±1.2)μg/g;动物体内的Pb、Cd沉积量亦极显著高于允许值(P<0.01);动物呈低色素小细胞性贫血,血清LDH、ALT活性和T3含量显著升高(P<0.01),血清蛋白含量降低(P<0.01),以及实质器官变性、坏死,肾小管上皮细胞核包涵体等病理学特点。确认该病系工业环境污染所致的绵羊铅镉联合中毒  相似文献   

绵羊被毒蛇咬伤在山区时常发生,若治疗不及时,可引起绵羊中毒死亡。在从事兽医工作期间,我们先后诊治绵羊蛇毒中毒28例,治愈率达100%,现将诊治情况介绍于后。  相似文献   

绵羊实验性甘肃棘豆中毒的病理学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
给5只绵羊每天饲喂甘肃棘豆草(Oxytropiskansuonisis)粉(10g/kg体重),试验绵羊于饲喂后56~70d内死亡,其主要病理组织学变化为神经细胞广泛空泡变性及肝、肾、心肌等组织细胞的颗粒变性。  相似文献   

Cichorium pumilum Jacq. is an annual plant, widely distributed in the Middle East. When it flowers during April, May and June it is claimed by sheep farmers, to be poisonous to sheep, producing symptoms similar to those of babesiosis. The results of 4 years of clinical studies on sheep reported to be ill owing to C. pumilum toxicity, revealed that they were actually suffering from babesiosis. Experimental groups of sheep, rabbits and guinea pigs were fed on freshly-collected flowering C. pumilum for a minimum of 10 days showed no symptoms of ill health. A small flock of sheep survived grazing naturally on C. pumilum for the months of April, May and June.  相似文献   

1999年10月,阿瓦提县公安局刑警队送检3只死亡羊的病料(包括胃及内容物,食槽内剩余饲料)怀疑中毒,要求协助进行毒物检验。通过剩余饲料(玉米)所散发出的淡淡蒜臭味,初步认为是有机磷类中毒,经过对所送样品进行提取,用薄层层析法检验后,检出敌敌畏成份,证明死亡羊只确系敌敌畏中毒。1检样提取胃内容物及剩饲料各取 50 g,分别加氯仿 100mL,浸泡振摇 20 min,用滤纸过滤,滤液置于60℃水浴锅上挥干,加 2mL氯仿溶解备用。2制板、活化取5g硅胶G加入蒸馏水 12 mL,滴 8滴无水乙醇,溶解后均匀…  相似文献   

肝片吸虫病是牛羊的一种主要寄生虫病。成虫寄生在宿主的肝脏胆管内,引起肝实质变性和胆管发炎或肝硬化,并发全身性的中毒现象和营养障碍。 肝片吸虫病的危害很大。它能破坏动物的肝脏,并能产生溶血毒素,使患畜消瘦、贫血、水肿、食欲不良及肠炎等。致使役畜劳役能力减弱,奶牛产乳量减少,皮毛与肉品质量下降,牛羊发育受阻,繁殖能力降低,并能引起母畜流产,严重感染时,可引起大批死亡。死后剖检,急性可见肝脏增大,充血、实质内有病灶,其中有凝固的血液和幼小的肝片吸虫;慢性的胆管扩张、胆管内有大量带血或暗褐色脓样粘液,其…  相似文献   

Four cases of experimental copper poisoning in sheep were examined. Light microscopical and ultrastructural alterations of erythrocytes were observed a few hours before a significant haemolysis was evident. Heinz body formation in otherwise unchanged red cells was the first morphological alteration observed. The Heinz bodies were predominantly membrane-attached. During the haemolytic crisis severe erythrocytic distortion, structural membrane alteration and Heinz body-containing ghost cells were observed. Erythrophagocytosis was mainly located to the RE cells of the spleen. Intrafollicular necroses were found in all histological sections from the spleen. Pathological changes in liver and kidney were comparable to those of earlier reports, comprising hepatocellular and renal tubular necrosis.  相似文献   

马杜霉素铵盐属于聚醚菊酯类抗生素药物,是理想的抗鸡球虫药。但家兔对马杜霉素铵盐十分敏感,现将我们诊断的一起兔马杜霉素铰盐中毒的病例报告如下:1发病情况2000年7月朝阳县七道岭乡养兔户温某,饲养比利时兔47只,其中成兔6只、幼兔41只,幼兔的体重 0.5~1.3 kg之间。畜主为预防兔球虫病,在兽药店自购1%马杜霉素铵盐 4袋(每袋100g,为朝阳制药厂分厂生产),第一次投药以1%马杜霉素铵盐1袋拌匀精饲料内全群投服,喂饲后2h发病,在24h内47只兔全部死亡。2临床症状 病兔体温正常,精神沉郁,…  相似文献   

畜禽食盐急性中毒的诊断与处置已有大量资料阐述并为兽医工作者熟知 ,但其它程度中毒的专门报道和记载尚未见有 ,特别是奶牛 ,大概因其饲养管理比较规范和精细 ,食盐中毒不易发生 ,更难查找到这方面的参考和依据。 1999年底 ,我们诊疗了一起由饲料中食盐超标引起、以渐进性腹泻为主要症状 ,我们界定为亚急性中毒的群发病例 ,似觉有参考意义 ,故整理报告于后。1 发病情况及症状1999年 12月 6日 ,贵州遵义市奶业公司奶牛场 2号和 3号产奶牛舍的 12 8头奶牛突发腹泻 ,随后 ,整个场除产犊舍外的各舍牛群也相继出现腹泻 ,后还获悉附近奶牛养殖户…  相似文献   

采用流行病学调查、临床症状、病理学剖检、实验室鉴别诊断等方法,对青海牧区3县藏羊未知原因死亡进行诊断与治疗。结果表明:青海3县藏羊未知原因死亡为棘豆草慢性中毒。通过西药强心补液,调节大脑皮层,缓解中毒,中药镇静安神,清心利水的治疗方案,羊群发病得到有效缓解。  相似文献   

对自然铅镉中毒绵羊骨骼损伤的X线特征及骨组织重金属元素的沉积进行了系统研究。结果表明,由于重金属元素在骨骼中的高度蓄积,致使骨中Ca,P代谢紊乱,重金属中毒呈现以骨质疏松为特征的骨营养不良。头颅、胸部及四肢X线摄影检查显示,病羊骨骼主要病理变化是普遍性骨质疏松,牙齿磨灭不齐,四肢长骨密度减低,骨皮质变薄,骨髓腔增宽,骨小梁稀少,骨指数显著低于健康羊(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

[目的]2013年8月21日至9月6日,济南市某羊场出现不明原因羊只持续死亡的病例,本次调查的目的是为了发现疾病暴发的主要原因及其可能的风险因素。[方法]通过现场问卷调查及实验室检测结合的方法进行研究。[结果]调查及实验室检测结果显示该羊场青贮饲料饲喂过多,实验室检测鉴定到魏氏梭菌,针对调查发现的问题,提出了具体防控建议,采取措施后迅速有效控制了疫情。[结论]综合调查、实验室检测结果及防控措施实施的有效性推断该羊场本次疾病暴发的主要病因是青贮饲料饲喂过多引起酸中毒,造成羊群群体发病,魏氏梭菌病的继发感染是羊只发生死亡的重要因素。  相似文献   

The study was aimed to research the effects of Oxytropis glabra DC (O.glabra DC) poisoning on reproductive organs coefficent, reproductive performance and related gene expression in Hetian sheep ewes. The sera, hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary of Hetian sheep ewes cases poisoning of O. glabra DC were collected, the organ exponent and contents of GnRH, FSH, LH, E2 and P4 in serum were measured, then the mRNA expression of reproductive genes were measured. The result demonstrated that the index of hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary were extremely significantly higher than normal sheep (P < 0.01),the follicle number on the surface of the ovaries in poisoning groups were significantly lower than normal sheep (P < 0.05). The result of hematoxylin-eosin staining showed that the nuclear of neuronal cells in hypothalamus were pyknosis and hyperchromatic; The nuclear of cells in pituitary deformation and hyperchromatic, cytoplasm decreased; The primary oocyte in ovary dissolved, disappeared, interstitial blood vessel expanded. The content of GnRH, FSH, LH, E2 and P4 in serum in poisoned Hetian sheep ewes were extremely significantly lower than normal sheep (P < 0.01). The mRNA expression levels of Kiss-1, GPR54, ERα in hypothalamus, GnRHR in pituitary and FSHR and LHR in ovary were extremely significantly lower than normal sheep (P < 0.01). The result showed that O. glabra DC poisoning could affect Hetian sheep ewes reproductive system by affecting microstructure and ultrastructure of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis.  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨小花棘豆(Oxytropis glabra DC)中毒对和田羊母羊繁殖器官指数、性激素水平和相关基因mRNA表达量的影响。以小花棘豆中毒和田羊母羊为研究对象,采集血清后屠宰,采集试验羊的丘脑、垂体和卵巢组织,测定其脏器系数,检测血清中促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)、促卵泡素(FSH)、促黄体素(LH)、雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P4)含量的变化,并检测各组织中相关繁殖基因的表达。结果显示,小花棘豆中毒和田羊母羊丘脑、垂体和卵巢指数均极显著升高(P < 0.01),且卵巢表面卵泡数显著下降(P < 0.05),HE染色表明丘脑神经元细胞固缩、浓染;垂体中细胞核变形、浓染,胞浆减少;卵巢中初级卵母细胞溶解、消失,间质血管扩张。小花棘豆中毒和田羊母羊血清中GnRH、FSH、LH、E2和P4含量均极显著下降(P < 0.01),丘脑中Kiss-1、GPR54、ERα mRNA,垂体中GnRHR mRNA和卵巢中FSHR、LHR mRNA表达量均极显著下降(P < 0.01)。结果表明,小花棘豆毒性成分可通过丘脑-垂体-性腺轴影响和田羊母羊的生殖系统。  相似文献   

Salt cedar (Tamarix spp.) readily invades and dominates riparian areas and lake basins throughout the western United States. Traditional control efforts (chemical and mechanical control) are expensive and provide limited long-term control. The salt cedar leaf beetle (Diorhabda elongata) provides a method of biological control through reduction in cover. However, population establishment of leaf beetles in some locations is often difficult because of environmental conditions. In previous research, goats readily consumed salt cedar, offering an alternative method of reducing salt cedar cover. For this study, we determined if sheep would consume salt cedar and consume a similar amount as goats. Twelve Rambouillet and 12 Suffolks lambs were fed salt cedar once daily (Trial 1) and three times daily (Trial 2). Intake of salt cedar by sheep was compared between breeds and with intake of salt cedar by goats (n = 10). Salt cedar was fed once a day in Trial 1 for 30 min over 15 d. Intake was recorded daily for individual animals. In Trial 2, salt cedar was offered three times daily for 13 d with intake recorded. There were no differences (P > 0.05) between breeds of sheep. In addition, sheep consumed more salt cedar than goats except on the last day of the study. When salt cedar was offered three times daily, both breeds of sheep increased intake and gained weight over the 13 d of feeding in Trial 2. By the end of the study, intake appeared to still be increasing. Collectively, these results illustrate that both Rambouillet and Suffolk sheep will consume a similar amount of salt cedar as goats and will provide another species of livestock that can be potentially used to reduce salt cedar cover.  相似文献   

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