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 通过籼粳杂交、广亲和特性鉴定以及育性恢复能力测定等手段,选育出CH58、CH59、C18和C84四个籼粳中间型广亲和恢复系。生物学特性研究结果表明,CH58、CH59、C18和C84的程氏指数分别为11、13、13和15,其中CH58、CH59和C18的籼粳属性为偏籼,C84为偏粳。广亲和特性鉴定和育性恢复能力测定结果表明,四个恢复系具有良好的广亲和性,且都能恢复滇型、BT型、矮败型等粳稻不育系以及野败型、印水型等籼稻不育系的育性,恢复谱广。花时特性研究表明,籼粳中间型广亲和恢复系的开花高峰要明显早于粳稻不育系春江16A。粳不籼恢亚种间杂交稻在单株产量、每穗粒数、二次枝梗数、株高、一次枝梗数和剑叶宽等性状上表现出明显的中亲优势和竞争优势。利用CH58等四个籼粳中间型广亲和恢复系与粳稻不育系配组,已选育出春优58、春优658、春优59、春优618等粳不籼恢亚种间杂交稻,已通过国家、浙江省等品种审定。CH58等四个籼粳中间型广亲和恢复系广亲和性好,恢复谱广,在三系法籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

 搜集典型籼粳品种、广亲和品种、偏籼或偏粳品系及恢复系并进行杂交。选取25个籼粳亚种间杂种F1,将其划分为5类。以这5类25个组合的生物产量、茎叶重、秆高、出穗期、每穗颖花数、实粒数、结实率等性状为基本资料,分别计算其超亲优势与竞争优势。结果指出:籼粳亚种间杂种F1茎叶重与结实率存在负相关,杂种优势含可利用与非可利用两部分,典型籼粳F1杂种优势是难以利用的,利用广亲和系与偏籼或偏粳恢复系及其派生系或者偏籼广亲和系和偏粳广亲和系配组,实现部分利用亚种间杂种优势,应作为当前亚种间杂种优势利用育种战略的重要措施。  相似文献   

栽培稻中间型品种和籼粳交DH株系的亲和性鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
段中岗  王亚琴  梁承邺 《杂交水稻》2003,18(6):42-46,50
以籼、粳标准测验种为母本,对栽培稻一些中间型材料、籼粳交DH株系及籼粳对照品种在内的共95份材料进行杂交亲和性鉴定,结果显示:全部材料的亲和性分化呈连续分布,可分为亲籼(ICV)、亲粳(JCV)、广亲和(WCV)及非亲和(NCV)4种类型;共鉴定到55份广亲和性材料,主要为中间型(18份)和籼粳交DH株系(34份);亲本具有广亲和性的籼粳交DH株系几乎全部具有广亲和性(占96.2%),且广亲和性强于对照品种零轮,而亲本不具有广亲和性的籼粳交DH中也能产生广亲和株系(占25.0%~57.1%),但广亲和性略差。认为水稻广亲和性的产生可能是由籼粳分化决定的,选育中间型广亲和系是广亲和品种选育的主要方向。  相似文献   

水稻广亲和系的选育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水稻广亲和基因的发现及其遗传研究 ,揭开了籼粳稻亚种间杂种一代半不育现象的遗传本质 ,为利用水稻亚种间杂种优势指明了方向。但是 ,已知的广亲和材料 ,绝大多数为古老的农家品种 ,农艺性状不良 ,如植株太高 ,株叶形披散和生育期很长等 ;不能直接作为选配优良组合的亲本加以利用。因此 ,培育具有优良农艺性状和经济性状、可供实用的水稻广亲和系就显得非常重要 ,这是开展亚种间杂种优势育种的首要任务之一。普通栽培稻有籼稻、粳稻和爪哇稻三个亚种 ,所以亚种间的杂交可分为籼粳交、籼爪交和粳爪交三种形式。初步研究表明 ,水稻杂种优势强弱的程度 ,具有籼粳交 >籼爪交 >粳爪交 >籼籼交 >粳粳交的一般趋势。也就是说 ,亚种间的杂种优势一般要强于品种间的。为了能充分利用各种形式的亚种间杂种优势 ,提高育成强优组合的几率 ,就有必要建立籼、粳、爪三个亚种类型的优良广亲和系。我们在以前工作的基础上 ,近年来开展了水稻广亲和系选育的研究 ,已取得一些进展和结果 ,育成了粳型广亲和系培C3 11,爪哇型广亲和系轮回 4 2 2 ,籼型广亲和系培矮 64以及广亲和光敏核不育系培矮 64S。  相似文献   

1988~1992年对11个水稻广亲和品种与不育系测定,鉴定其对育性的恢复能力。结果表明:培矮64、Cpslo17具有细胞质雄性不育系恢复基因;02428、晚轮422、Cpslo、MCP231对粳型不育系具有恢复能力;L-201、8544、Lemont、Dular对粳型不育系具有部分恢复能力。具有恢复基因的广亲和品种,可用于选配优势籼粳亚种间杂交稻和选育新的广亲和恢复系。  相似文献   

籼粳交恢复系T914的选育及利用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
用广亲和籼粳交恢复系 T986 与 T28(密阳 46 系选)杂交选育而成的籼粳交恢复系 T914,具有恢复度高、杂种优势强、抗病性好、米质优、花粉量足等特点,是一个对籼型不育系恢复较广的优良恢复系。用其与协青早 A 配组育成的协优 914 于 1997 年通过浙江省农作物品种审定。  相似文献   

粳型杂交水稻育种的进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
辽宁省农科院稻作所利用“籼粳架桥”人工制恢技术,于1975年首次育成粳型强恢复复系C57,为BT型,滇型粳三系应用于北方奠定了基础。黎优57是我国生产上第一个推广的粳型杂交组合。1980年后,南方也开始了粳型杂交稻的应用,近年利用广亲和基因。杂交粳稻又进入到粳爪交次亚种间和粳籼交亚种间杂种优势利用的新阶段。  相似文献   

水稻籼粳特异性RFLP标记及广亲和品种亲缘关系分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
 应用160个RFLP标记分析了21个水稻广亲和品种6个籼粳测验种,发现其中68个标记可以区分籼粳测验种。21个广亲和品种根据与籼粳测验和共有片段比率的大小 可以分为籼,粳和籼粳中间型三类。68个标记在15个籼粳品种中进一步筛选,得到24个籼粳特异性RFLP标记。它们在亚种内杂交带型相同而亚种产不一样。其中RG358、G318为籼稻专一性探针,在粳稻中表现为零等位。以此24个探针为基础构建了广亲和品品种亲缘关系的树状图。讨论了籼粳特异性RFLP标记在水稻遗传育种实践中的应用。  相似文献   

酯酶同工酶在区分籼粳品种类型上是一个有效而可靠的指标.我们以前的研究已确定,水稻品种的酯酶同工酶谱型分为三大类:籼型、粳型和中间型.近年来又发现广亲和品种的酯酶同工酶谱型是属于中间型的13457或粳型的1457(仅Aus373是1247).根据这两种谱型(13457和1457),从种质资源中可初步检出广亲和品种.在这个试验里,试图用与籼粳杂交测试的方法,去验证具有广亲和酶谱型品种是否有广亲和性.  相似文献   

通过不同广亲和基因的聚合,进行了粳型亲籼恢复材料的创造和改造,选出具有良好的亲和性及恢复能力的粳型亲籼恢复材料gk729。通过复合杂交对gk729进行改造,进一步聚合其他广亲和材料的广亲和基因,选出具良好亲籼性和恢复能力的粳型亲籼恢复材料gk419。在gk419的基础上筛选出一批综合性状优良的粳型亲籼恢复系,开始应用于生产。  相似文献   


The efficiency of N fertilizers is usually poor; often less than 50% of the applied N is taken up by the crop. This review focuses on various N fertilizers with respect to the significance of different N loss pathways, namely (i) ammonia volatilization, (ii) dinitrogen and nitrogen oxide emissions, and (iii) nitrate leaching. Further, the significance of biological N immobilization, ammonium fixation and, finally, the impact of nitrate vs. ammonium uptake on crop yield are also discussed. The reviewed literature shows that N fertilizers may differ markedly in their susceptibility to losses. There is, however, considerable scope to improve N efficiency of each N source by proper N management practices.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the leaves of five plant species, one from each of the generaAmbrosia, Anemone, Eupatorium, Eucalyptus andLantana, on potato tuber moth were investigated under indigenous storage conditions at the Central Potato Research Station, Shillong (1800 m above sea level). Their action was compared with that of a biological insecticide (spores ofBacillus thuringiensis), a chemical insecticide (carbaryl), and an untreated control. The data collected after six months storage on tuber damage, sprout damage and the rotting indicated that the leaves ofLantana aculeata provided most protection to the tubers, reducing damage from over 70% in the check to below 5%, and sprout damage from over 45% to below 3%. Next best wasEucalyptus globulus followed byB. thuringiensis. They may be used on tubers stored for table use or for seed as they had no adverse effect on germination or on the yield of a subsequent crop.  相似文献   

Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Sorghum and millets have considerable potential in foods and beverages. As they are gluten-free they are suitable for coeliacs. Sorghum is also a potentially important source of nutraceuticals such antioxidant phenolics and cholesterol-lowering waxes. Cakes, cookies, pasta, a parboiled rice-like product and snack foods have been successfully produced from sorghum and, in some cases, millets. Wheat-free sorghum or millet bread remains the main challenge. Additives such as native and pre-gelatinised starches, hydrocolloids, fat, egg and rye pentosans improve bread quality. However, specific volumes are lower than those for wheat bread or gluten-free breads based on pure starches, and in many cases, breads tend to stale faster. Lager and stout beers with sorghum are brewed commercially. Sorghum's high-starch gelatinisation temperature and low beta-amylase activity remain problems with regard to complete substitution of barley malt with sorghum malt . The role of the sorghum endosperm matrix protein and cell wall components in limiting extract is a research focus. Brewing with millets is still at an experimental stage. Sorghum could be important for bioethanol and other bio-industrial products. Bioethanol research has focused on improving the economics of the process through cultivar selection, method development for low-quality grain and pre-processing to recover valuable by-products. Potential by-products such as the kafirin prolamin proteins and the pericarp wax have potential as bioplastic films and coatings for foods, primarily due to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Summary The in vitro antimicrobial activity of extracts from accessions ofSolanum commersonii Dun. collected in the south of Uruguay was investigated against five microorganisms including the pathogenRalstonia solanacearum. A total of 30 extracts corresponding to organic and aqueous extracts were studied. Interestingly, most of the positive results for growth inhibition were againstR. solanacearum. The extracts were also analyzed for the presence of glycoalkaloids and lectins. Six of the ten aqueous extracts showed lectin presence and a wide variation in the type and amounts of glycoalkaloids, was found. Results indicate that there is no clear relationship between the antimicrobial activity against the five microorganisms screened and the presence or amounts of lectins and glycoalkaloids, traditionally regarded as possible antimicrobial metabolites in theSolanum genus, which indicates the presence of as yet unidentified antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   

Summary Clones derived from thirty-one different accessions (nineteen of Argentine origin) belonging to eightSolanum species were screened for resistance to infection by potato virus X strain cp (PVX cp) by mechanical inoculation of plantlets that had been micropropagated in vitro. Estimates of PVX multiplication obtained by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and slot blot nucleic acid hybridization allowed the identification of resistant clones derived from five accessions belonging toS. commersonii S. oplocense, S. sparsipilum andS. tuberosum andigena. Resistant genotypes supported PVX concentrations 5 to 15 times smaller than did the susceptible control cultivar Spunta. Graft inoculation test confirmed the presence of extreme resistance similar to that conferred by the ‘immunity’ gene X1 (also called RXact).  相似文献   

The loss of density and elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation are among the first noticeable signs of skin aging. Beyond UV radiation and oxidative stress, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) assume a preponderant role in the process, since their deregulation results in the degradation of most extracellular matrix components. In this survey, four cyanobacteria strains were explored for their capacity to produce secondary metabolites with biotechnological potential for use in anti-aging formulations. Leptolyngbya boryana LEGE 15486 and Cephalothrix lacustris LEGE 15493 from freshwater ecosystems, and Leptolyngbya cf. ectocarpi LEGE 11479 and Nodosilinea nodulosa LEGE 06104 from marine habitats were sequentially extracted with acetone and water, and extracts were analyzed for their toxicity in cell lines with key roles in the skin context (HaCAT, 3T3L1, and hCMEC). The non-toxic extracts were chemically characterized in terms of proteins, carotenoids, phenols, and chlorophyll a, and their anti-aging potential was explored through their ability to scavenge the physiological free radical superoxide anion radical (O2•−), to reduce the activity of the MMPs elastase and hyaluronidase, to inhibit tyrosinase and thus avoid melanin production, and to block UV-B radiation (sun protection factor, SPF). Leptolyngbya species stood out for anti-aging purposes: L. boryana LEGE 15486 presented a remarkable SPF of 19 (at 200 µg/mL), being among the best species regarding O2•− scavenging, (IC50 = 99.50 µg/mL) and also being able to inhibit tyrosinase (IC25 = 784 µg/mL), proving to be promising against UV-induced skin-aging; L. ectocarpi LEGE 11479 was more efficient in inhibiting MMPs (hyaluronidase, IC50 = 863 µg/mL; elastase, IC50 = 391 µg/mL), thus being the choice to retard dermal density loss. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the data allowed the grouping of extracts into three groups, according to their chemical composition; the correlation of carotenoids and chlorophyll a with MMPs activity (p < 0.01), O2•− scavenging with phenolic compounds (p < 0.01), and phycocyanin and allophycocyanin with SPF, pointing to these compounds in particular as responsible for UV-B blockage. This original survey explores, for the first time, the biotechnological potential of these cyanobacteria strains in the field of skin aging, demonstrating the promising, innovative, and multifactorial nature of these microorganisms.  相似文献   

The peer-reviewed marine pharmacology literature from 2009 to 2011 is presented in this review, following the format used in the 1998–2008 reviews of this series. The pharmacology of structurally-characterized compounds isolated from marine animals, algae, fungi and bacteria is discussed in a comprehensive manner. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis, and antiviral pharmacological activities were reported for 102 marine natural products. Additionally, 60 marine compounds were observed to affect the immune and nervous system as well as possess antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, 68 marine metabolites were shown to interact with a variety of receptors and molecular targets, and thus will probably contribute to multiple pharmacological classes upon further mechanism of action studies. Marine pharmacology during 2009–2011 remained a global enterprise, with researchers from 35 countries, and the United States, contributing to the preclinical pharmacology of 262 marine compounds which are part of the preclinical pharmaceutical pipeline. Continued pharmacological research with marine natural products will contribute to enhance the marine pharmaceutical clinical pipeline, which in 2013 consisted of 17 marine natural products, analogs or derivatives targeting a limited number of disease categories.  相似文献   

Chitosan is considered to be one of the most promising and applicable materials in adsorption applications. The existence of amino and hydroxyl groups in its molecules contributes to many possible adsorption interactions between chitosan and pollutants (dyes, metals, ions, phenols, pharmaceuticals/drugs, pesticides, herbicides, etc.). These functional groups can help in establishing positions for modification. Based on the learning from previously published works in literature, researchers have achieved a modification of chitosan with a number of different functional groups. This work summarizes the published works of the last three years (2012–2014) regarding the modification reactions of chitosans (grafting, cross-linking, etc.) and their application to adsorption of different environmental pollutants (in liquid-phase).  相似文献   

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