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The flux of O3 was measured by the eddy-correlation method over Norway spruce in periods when the trees had a very low activity, periods with optimum growth, and periods with water stress. The aerodynamic resistance (r a ), viscous sub-layer resistance (r b ) and surface resistance (r c ) to O3 were calculated from meteorological parameters and the deposition velocity. The canopy stomatal resistance to O3 was calculated from measurements of the water vapour flux. The deposition velocities showed a diurnal pattern with night-time values of 3.5 mm s–1 and day-time values of 7 mm s–1, when the trees had optimal growth conditions. The surface resistance was highly dominating in day-time and the influence of meteorology low. In night-time the surface resistance to 03 was lower than the canopy stomatal resistance. A low surface resistance was also found in winter-time, when the activity of the trees was low. The surface resistance increased when the trees were subject to water stress. It is concluded that stomatal uptake is an important parameter for the deposition of O3. However, other processes such as destruction of O3 at surfaces, reaction with NO emitted from the soil, and reactions with radicals produced from VOC's emitted from the forest, should also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The deposition flux of O3 to a Douglas fir forest in the Netherlands was monitored by eddy correlation during nine months. At the same time the concentration gradients of NO, NO2 and O3 were determined over the forest. The canopy resistance to O3 uptake was calculated from the measurements and it compared well with model estimates. The sensitivity of the stomatal resistance to humidity calculated in the model was adapted to improve the comparison. A multi-layered model of canopy exchange which included the influence of chemical reactions between NO and O3 and soil emissions was used to interpret the results for NO2. The observed fluxes of NO2 away from the surface into the atmosphere were probably caused by soil emissions of NO. The soil-emitted NO was converted to NO2 in the trunk space and vented into the atmosphere. The model showed that the NO2 flux above the canopy was either away or towards the canopy depending on the strength of the soil emission and the amount of NO2 taken up in the canopy. A canopy compensation point for NO2 could be established above which deposition was the main process and below which emission was observed. The model calculations supported the observations which indicated a compensation point of approximately 10 ppb NO2.  相似文献   

The dry deposition of gaseous air pollutants on stone and other materials is influenced by atmospheric processes and the chemical characteristics of the deposited gas species and of the specific receptor material. Previous studies have shown that relative humidity, surface moisture, and acid buffering capability of the receptor surface are very important factors. To better quantify this behavior, a special recirculating wind tunnel/environmental chamber was constructed, in which wind speed, turbulence, air temperature, relative humidity, and concentrations of several pollutants (SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides) can be held constant. An airfoil sample holder holds up to eight stone samples (3.8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick) in nearly identical exposure conditions. SO2 deposition on limestone was found to increase exponentially with increasing relative humidity (RH). Marble behaves similarly, but with a much lower deposition rate. Trends indicate there is little deposition below 20% RH on clean limestone and below 60% RH on clean marble. This large difference is due to the limestone's greater porosity, surface roughness, and effective surface area. These results indicate surface variables generally limit SO2 deposition below about 70% RH on limestone and below at least 95% RH on marble. Aerodynamic variables generally limit deposition at higher relative humidity or when the surface is wet.  相似文献   

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