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Environmental controls on photosynthetic production and ecosystem respiration in semi-arid grasslands of Mongolia 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Tomoko Nakano Manabu Nemoto Masato Shinoda 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2008,148(10):1456-1466
The Mongolian steppe zone comprises a major part of East Asian grasslands. The objective of this study was to separately evaluate the quantitative dependencies of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) on the environmental variables of temperature, moisture, radiation, and plant biomass in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem. We determined GPP and Reco using transparent and opaque closed chambers in a grassland dominated by Poaceae species in central Mongolia during five periods: July 2004, May 2005, July 2005, September 2005, and June 2006. Values of GPP were linearly related to live aboveground biomass (AGB) enclosed by the chamber. The amount of GPP per unit ground area differed among the study periods, whereas GPP normalized by the amount of AGB did not differ significantly among the periods, suggesting that plant production per unit green biomass did not depend on the phenological stage. GPP/AGB fit well a rectangular hyperbolic light–response curve for all the study periods. When the air and soil were dry, considerable reduction in GPP was observed. The GPP/AGB ratio was also expressed as individual functions of air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and volumetric soil water content. Reco was exponentially related to the soil temperature and the relationship was modified by soil moisture. The amount of Reco and its temperature sensitivity (Q10) declined with decreasing soil moisture. Sharp increases of Reco after rainfall events were observed. The values of Reco, even including the rain-induced pulses, were expressed well as a bivariate function of soil temperature and soil moisture near the soil surface. 相似文献
The spatial extent of termite influences on herbivore browsing in an African savanna 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Shaun R. Levick Gregory P. Asner Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin David E. Knapp 《Biological conservation》2010,143(11):2462-2467
Termite mounds form islands of fertility in savanna landscapes and create foraging hotspots for herbivores, but the magnitude and spatial extent of these influences is unknown. We mapped terrain, termite mound and woody vegetation three-dimensional (3-D) structure at 56 cm resolution across a large-scale (254 ha), long-term (34 years) herbivore exclusion experiment in the Kruger National Park, with the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO). We compared vegetation 3-D structure in areas protected from herbivores with those accessible to herbivores, both on termite mounds and in the landscape matrix between termite mounds. Termite mound density was 1.1 ha−1 across the study area and mound size did not differ between protected and accessible areas. Woody vegetation canopy cover was ∼100% greater on protected than accessible mounds, but was only ∼20% greater in the protected inter-mound matrix when compared to the accessible matrix. Woody canopy height class distributions differed significantly between protected and accessible areas, with the tallest vegetation (>10 m) occurring on protected termite mounds. The impacts of herbivore browsing were evident at distances of up to 20 m from termite mound centres. Spatial analysis of mound distribution revealed that the sphere of termite mound influence constitutes ∼20% of the total landscape. Termite influences on herbivore browsing operate at scales much larger than the spatial extent of their mound building activities. 相似文献
势及其对作物生产的影响 总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3
降水是作物生产的主要限制因素,在干旱半干旱地区尤为重要。通过对太行山山前平原近46年降水量资料分析表明,太行山山前平原降水量在以每年5.1mm速度下降,其中夏玉米季下降比较严重。而冬小麦季的灌溉需水量是夏玉米季的2倍。田间试验结果表明,旱作条件下作物产量与降水量关系密切,而非充分灌溉条件下作物产量的变异性不大,今后应提倡合理灌溉。 相似文献
Hizbullah Jamali Stephen J. LivesleyTracy Z. Dawes Garry D. CookLindsay B. Hutley Stefan K. Arndt 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2011,151(11):1471-1479
Termites are estimated to contribute between <5 and 19% of the global methane (CH4) emissions. These estimates have large uncertainties because of the limited number of field-based studies and species studied, as well as issues of diurnal and seasonal variations. We measured CH4 fluxes from four common mound-building termite species (Microcerotermes nervosus, M. serratus, Tumulitermes pastinator and Amitermes darwini) diurnally and seasonally in tropical savannas in the Northern Territory, Australia. Our results showed that there were significant diel and seasonal variations of CH4 emissions from termite mounds and we observed large species specific differences. On a diurnal basis, CH4 fluxes were least at the coolest time of the day (∼07.00 h) and greatest at the warmest (∼15.00 h) for all species for both wet and dry seasons. We observed a strong and significant positive correlation between CH4 flux and mound temperature for all species. A mound excavation experiment demonstrated that the positive temperature effect on CH4 emissions was not related to termite movement in and out of a mound but probably a direct effect of temperature on methanogenesis in the termite gut. Fluxes in the wet season were 5-26-fold greater than those in the dry season. A multiple stepwise regression model including mound temperature and mound water content described 70-99% of the seasonal variations in CH4 fluxes for different species. CH4 fluxes from M. nervosus, which was the most abundant mound-building termite species at our sites, had significantly lower fluxes than the other three species measured. Our data demonstrate that CH4 flux estimates could result in large under- or over-estimation of CH4 emissions from termites if the diurnal, seasonal and species specific variations are not accounted for, especially when flux data are extrapolated to landscape scales. 相似文献
Lindsay B. Hutley Jason BeringerJorg M. Hacker Lucas A. Cernusak 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2011,151(11):1417-1428
Savanna landscapes across north Australia are characterised by limited topographic variation, and in the Northern Territory, by a relatively constant decline in rainfall with distance inland. The North Australian Tropical Transect (NATT) traverses this 1000 km gradient of largely intact vegetation which provides an ideal ‘living laboratory’ and framework to investigate the influence of vegetation structural and floristic change and climate drivers on land-atmosphere exchange at a regional scale. We conducted a multidisciplinary program examining carbon, water and energy fluxes as a function of climate and vegetation change along a sub-continental environmental gradient. Initial findings are reported in this Special Issue. During the program, an intensive field campaign was undertaken during the dry season to characterise vegetation and soil properties of eight flux tower sites used to describe spatial and temporal dynamics of fluxes across this gradient. This paper provides an overview of the savanna landscapes of north Australia detailing vegetation structural and physiological change along this gradient. Above-ground woody biomass, stem density, overstorey LAI and canopy height declined along sites that spanned an 1100 mm annual rainfall gradient. Biomass ranged from 35 to 5 t C ha−1 with dry season LAI ranging from ∼1 to 0.05 across savanna sites both intact and cleared for grazing. Across open-forest and woodland savanna, basal area ranged from 9.7 to 5.3 m2 ha−1. While structural change was significant and correlated with rainfall, leaf scale physiological properties (maximal photosynthesis, Vcmax, ci/ca, light use efficiency) of the dominant woody species showed little variation, despite the significant environmental gradient. It is likely that changes in structural properties dominate spatial patterns of flux as opposed to physiological plasticity or species differences along this gradient. 相似文献
H. E. Dregne 《Land Degradation \u0026amp; Development》1995,6(2):71-78
Soil erosion assumes a different form in Australia and New Zealand. Sheet, rill and gully erosion are common in eastern Australia and wind erosion in the dry cropland areas. In New Zealand, mass movement dominates the erosion landscape but other kinds, including wind erosion, do occur. It is unclear how much of the mass movement is a natural phenomenon and how much is human-induced. In either case, it causes long-term reductions in soil productivity. A landmark analysis of the soil productivity loss due to land degradation was conducted by the Australian state of New South Wales. Water erosion was a greater problem than wind erosion, but soil structure deterioration was more costly than either kind of erosion. 相似文献
Lucas A. Cernusak Lindsay B. Hutley Jason BeringerJoseph A.M. Holtum Benjamin L. Turner 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2011,151(11):1462-1470
Leaf-level photosynthetic parameters of species in the closely related genera Eucalyptus and Corymbia were assessed along a strong rainfall gradient in northern Australia. Both instantaneous gas exchange measurements and leaf carbon isotope discrimination indicated little variation in intercellular CO2 concentrations during photosynthesis (ci) in response to a decrease in mean annual precipitation from ∼1700 mm to ∼300 mm. Correlation between stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity contributed toward the maintenance of relatively constant ci among the sampled leaves, when assessed at ambient CO2 concentration and photon irradiance similar to full sunlight. Leaf mass per area was the most plastic leaf trait along the rainfall gradient, showing a linear increase in response to decreasing mean annual precipitation. The maximum Rubisco carboxylation velocity, Vcmax, expressed on a leaf-area basis, showed a modest increase in response to decreasing rainfall. This modest increase in Vcmax was associated with the strongly expressed increase in leaf mass per area. These results suggest that variation in ecosystem-level gas exchange during the dry season in north-Australian savannas will likely be dominated by changes in leaf area index in response to increasing aridity, rather than by changes in photosynthetic performance per unit leaf area. 相似文献
Impact of residue characteristics on phosphorus availability in West African moist savanna soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The role of residue characteristics in enhancing the availability of P was investigated in a greenhouse study using two soils from the northern Guinea savanna (NGS) and four from the derived savanna (DS) zones of the West African moist savanna. Eight organic residues of varying C-to-P ratio were used and maize ( Zea mays) was grown for 7 weeks. The effect of the organic residues on P availability (measured as resin P and maize P accumulation) differed among the soils. On average, the increase in resin P, calculated as {[(soil+residue)–control]/(control)×100}, was between 8% (Davié, DS) and 355% (Danayamaka, NGS). Maize P accumulation was increased by ca. 11% in Davié and Niaouli (DS) soils and 600% in Danayamaka soil. The increase in maize total dry matter yield (DMY) ranged from 2% to 649%. Residues with C-to-P ratio >200 produced lower DMY than those with lower ratios. Residue organic P (Po) extractable with 0.2 N H2SO4 (acid-Po) accounted for 92% ( P =0.0001) of the variation in DMY in a step-wise regression with residue parameters as independent variables and mean DMY as the dependent variable. The residue Po extractable with 0.5 M NaHCO3 (HCO3-Po) correlated significantly with DMY in Danayamaka and Davié soils, and with P accumulation in Danayamaka soil. The relationships between the residue Po and DMY might imply that Po fractions in decomposing residues contribute to P availability. However, the suitability of using the Po content of organic residues to predict their agronomic value with respect to P nutrition needs further evaluation. 相似文献
Pascal Jouquet Pierre Barré Michel Lepage Bruce Velde 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2005,41(5):365-370
Fungus-growing termites (Isoptera, Macrotermitinae) play an important role in tropical ecosystems in modifying soil physical properties. Most of the literature regarding the impact of termites on soil properties refers to termite epigeous mounds. In spite of their abundance and activity in African savannas, few studies deal with the properties of underground nest structures (fungus-comb chambers) built by subterranean Macrotermitinae termites. We tested whether these termites significantly modify the soil physico-chemical properties within their nests in a humid tropical savanna and whether these effects are different for two termite species with differing building behaviour. Termite-worked soil material was collected from fungus-comb chamber walls of two widespread species: Ancistrotermes cavithorax, which builds diffuse and ephemeral nests and Odontotermes nr pauperans, which most often builds concentrated and permanent nests for a comparatively much longer period of time. Neither species influenced soil pH but both significantly modified soil texture and C-N content in their nest structures. A strong impact on clay-particle size was also detected but no significant differences in clay mineralogy. Thus Odontotermes has a greater effect on soil properties, that could be explained by its building behaviour and the concentration in space of its nest units. Therefore, spatial pattern and life-span of fungus-comb chambers should be an important parameter to be considered in the functional role of subterranean Macrotermitinae termites in the savanna. 相似文献
Influences of recovery from clear-cut, climate variability, and thinning on the carbon balance of a young ponderosa pine plantation 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Laurent Misson Jianwu Tang Ming Xu Megan McKay Allen Goldstein 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2005,130(3-4):207-222
From 1999 to 2002, the variations in carbon flux due to management practices (shrub removal, thinning) and climate variability were observed in a young ponderosa pine forest originated from clear-cutting and plantation in 1990. These measurements were done at the Blodgett Forest Ameriflux site located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Thinning in spring 2000 decreased the leaf area index (LAI) by 34% and added 496 g C m−2 of wood and leaf debris at the soil surface. Total ecosystem respiration was not significantly affected by thinning (1261 g C m−2 in 1999 and 1273 g C m−2 in 2000), while canopy photosynthesis decreased by 202 g C m−2. As a result the ecosystem shifted from a net sink of CO2 in 1999 (−201 g C m−2) to a small net source in 2000 (13 g C m−2). Woody and leaf debris resulting from thinning only accounted for maximum 1% and 7% of the total respiration flux, respectively. Thinning did not affect the relative proportion of the different components of respiration to an observable degree. Low soil water availability in summer 2001 and 2002 decreased the proportion of soil respiration to the total respiration. It also imposed limitations on canopy photosynthesis: as a result the ecosystem shifted from a sink to a source of carbon 1 month earlier than in a wetter year (1999). The leaf area index and biomass of the stand increased rapidly after the thinning. The ecosystem was again a sink of carbon in 2001 (−97 g C m−2) and 2002 (−172 g C m−2). The net carbon uptake outside the traditionally-defined growing season can be important in this ecosystem (NEE = −50 g C m−2 in 2000), but interannual variations are significant due to differences in winter temperatures. 相似文献
Stephen J. Livesley Samantha GroverLindsay B. Hutley Hizbullah JamaliKlaus Butterbach-Bahl Benedikt FestJason Beringer Stefan K. Arndt 《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》2011,151(11):1440-1452
Tropical savanna ecosystems are a major contributor to global CO2, CH4 and N2O greenhouse gas exchange. Savanna fire events represent large, discrete C emissions but the importance of ongoing soil-atmosphere gas exchange is less well understood. Seasonal rainfall and fire events are likely to impact upon savanna soil microbial processes involved in N2O and CH4 exchange. We measured soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in savanna woodland (Eucalyptus tetrodonta/Eucalyptus miniata trees above sorghum grass) at Howard Springs, Australia over a 16 month period from October 2007 to January 2009 using manual chambers and a field-based gas chromatograph connected to automated chambers. The effect of fire on soil gas exchange was investigated through two controlled burns and protected unburnt areas. Fire is a frequent natural and management action in these savanna (every 1-2 years). There was no seasonal change and no fire effect upon soil N2O exchange. Soil N2O fluxes were very low, generally between −1.0 and 1.0 μg N m−2 h−1, and often below the minimum detection limit. There was an increase in soil NH4+ in the months after the 2008 fire event, but no change in soil NO3−. There was considerable nitrification in the early wet season but minimal nitrification at all other times.Savanna soil was generally a net CH4 sink that equated to between −2.0 and −1.6 kg CH4 ha−1 y−1 with no clear seasonal pattern in response to changing soil moisture conditions. Irrigation in the dry season significantly reduced soil gas diffusion and as a consequence soil CH4 uptake. There were short periods of soil CH4 emission, up to 20 μg C m−2 h−1, likely to have been caused by termite activity in, or beneath, automated chambers. Soil CO2 fluxes showed a strong bimodal seasonal pattern, increasing fivefold from the dry into the wet season. Soil moisture showed a weak relationship with soil CH4 fluxes, but a much stronger relationship with soil CO2 fluxes, explaining up to 70% of the variation in unburnt treatments. Australian savanna soils are a small N2O source, and possibly even a sink. Annual soil CH4 flux measurements suggest that the 1.9 million km2 of Australian savanna soils may provide a C sink of between −7.7 and −9.4 Tg CO2-e per year. This sink estimate would offset potentially 10% of Australian transport related CO2-e emissions. This CH4 sink estimate does not include concurrent CH4 emissions from termite mounds or ephemeral wetlands in Australian savannas. 相似文献
Generalised linear modelling (GLM) was used to develop habitat models for 25 of the 28 microchiropteran bat species that occur in the wet-dry tropics of the Northern Territory (the ‘Top End’). Based on these models, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to derive probability of occurrence maps for each species. Almost all of the models identified a unique combination of environmental variables, and the resulting probability of occurrence maps revealed contrasting predicted distributions. The reliability of the models was variable. Based on model variances, 11 of the species models were considered to be weak (<30% of the deviance captured) whereas seven models were robust (>40% of the deviance captured). ROC plot analysis suggested all models were at least moderately robust (area under the ROC curve >0.7). Annual rainfall and habitat complexity were identified as significant variables in the majority of the models. All of the spatial models were combined to derive a probability map of species richness of microchiropteran bats in the Top End. This map shows greatest species richness in the north-west and north-central parts of the study area. 相似文献
Savanna ecosystems have low primary productivity, strong seasonality, and acid soils with low phosphorus (P) content. Organic P (Po) comprises around 50% of the total soil P and is plant-available only after mineralization. Rhizosphere processes mediated by plants, microorganisms and arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) are important for plant P nutrition. We studied P transformation rates, Po-fractionation, acid phosphomonoesterase activity (APA), AM status, dehydrogenase activity (DHA), and bacterial and fungal plate counts in the rhizosphere of the native dominant grass Trachypogon plumosus. We collected samples from three acid savanna soils differing in order and P content (Entisol, Vertisol and Ultisol) at Estación Experimental La Iguana (Northeastern Venezuela) during the dry, rainy and transitional seasons over a 2-year-period. Less available Po fractions (moderately labile, moderately and highly resistant) seem to be involved in short-term P-cycling transformations as they significantly varied with season. During the rainy season plant P content (576-1160 mg P kg−1 dry weight) and APA (44-200 mg PNP kg−1 dry soil) were higher, while microbial number and activity (DHA) were lower. The higher P availability in the Entisol (6-9 mg P kg−1 dry soil) resulted in a better plant nutritional status and inhibited APA. T. plumosus seems to be highly dependent on AM symbiosis (45-71% AM colonized root length, 0.6-8 AM spores g−1 dry soil), especially during the rainy season. Po mineralization processes, mediated by biological associations in the rhizosphere, are crucial for understanding seasonal P-cycling and fertility in acid savanna soils. 相似文献
Invasions of Pinus species are a major environmental concern in South Africa and New Zealand where pines are beginning to dominate native grasslands and shrublands. Pines are widely cultivated in Australia with almost a million hectares growing in large plantations. Plantations are commonly bordered by native Eucalypt vegetation resulting in a high potential for invasion and providing an opportunity to study pine invasion processes within forest environments.In order to determine if Pinus radiata equally invades different dry Eucalypt woodland vegetation types, two areas in the upper Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia were surveyed. Similar levels of invasion were observed in both Eucalypt forest types. An average pine abundance of 55 individuals for the Eucalyptus oreades and Eucalyptus sieberi vegetation type and 49 individuals for the Eucalyptus mannifera and Eucalyptus dives vegetation type was recorded in 20 m by 20 m plots located 50 m from the plantation boundary. To characterise the spatial distribution of the pines, transects were placed perpendicular to the plantation edge. As expected pine numbers diminished with distance from the plantation, however, large reproductive pine trees were found up to 4 km from the seed source signifying long distance dispersal.Investigation of wildling pine response to fire suggests that it may not always be an appropriate management tool. Fire stimulated seed release from cones and resulted in high recruitment of seedlings around reproductive pines which were large enough to survive the burn. Infrequent fires at intervals greater than time to maturity will lead to increased pine densities and further spread into the native vegetation. 相似文献
The Portuguese millipede, Ommatoiulus moreleti, was first recorded in Australia on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia in 1953. By the early 1980s, O. moreleti had spread to several sites across southern Australia where it had become a significant nuisance pest invading houses in large numbers in autumn and spring. At that time, it was predicted that O. moreleti would further expand its distribution to occupy most areas of southern Australia with mean annual rainfall of 300–2400 mm (excluding areas with summer rain maxima), mean daily minimum air temperatures in winter of 0–15 °C and mean daily maximum temperatures in summer of 18–33 °C, based on climatic matching of where it had already spread to. This paper reports the known distribution of O. moreleti in Australia in 2013 and confirms the earlier prediction. Whilst stadial age and body size (width) of O. moreleti now vary greatly between individual sites in Australia, geographic scale patterns in these traits are slight, with both age and size only weakly correlated with rainfall and temperature. Millipedes are smaller in Australia compared with Portugal. The importance of this size variation is discussed with reference to its likely influence on fecundity and the success of an introduced biological control agent (Pelidnoptera nigripennis: Diptera, Sciomyzidae). 相似文献
Martin Wiesmeier Markus Steffens Angelika Klbl Ingrid Kgel-Knabner 《Soil & Tillage Research》2009,104(2):299-310
Overgrazing has led to severe degradation and desertification of semi-arid grasslands in Northern China over the last decades. Despite the fact that vegetation is often heterogeneously distributed in semi-arid steppes, little attention has been drawn to the effect of grazing on the spatial distribution of soil properties. We determined the spatial pattern of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (Ntot), total sulphur (Stot), bulk density (BD), pH, Ah thickness, and carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) at two continuously grazed (CG) and two ungrazed (UG79 = fenced and excluded from grazing in 1979) sites in Leymus chinensis and Stipa grandis dominated steppe ecosystems in Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Topsoils (0–4 cm) were sampled at each site using a large grid (120 m × 150 m) with 100 sampling points and a small plot (2 m × 2 m) with 40 points. Geostatistics were applied to elucidate the spatial distribution both at field (120 m × 150 m grid) and plant (2 m × 2 m plot) scale. Concentrations and stocks of SOC, Ntot, Stot were significantly lower and BD significantly higher at both CG sites. At the field scale, semivariograms of these parameters showed a heterogeneous distribution at UG79 sites and a more homogeneous distribution at CG sites, whereas nugget to sill ratios indicated a high small-scale variability. At the plant scale, semivariances of all investigated parameters were one order of magnitude higher at UG79 sites than at CG sites. The heterogeneous pattern of topsoil properties at UG79 sites can be attributed to a mosaic of vegetation patches separated by bare soil. Ranges of autocorrelation were almost congruent with spatial expansions of grass tussocks and shrubs at both steppe types. At CG sites, consumption of biomass by sheep and hoof action removed vegetation patches and led to a homogenization of chemical and physical soil properties. We propose that the spatial distribution of topsoil properties at the plant scale (<2 m) could be used as an indicator for degradation in semi-arid grasslands. Our results further show that the maintenance of heterogeneous vegetation and associated topsoil structures is essential for the accumulation of SOM in semi-arid grassland ecosystems. 相似文献
By definition ‘ecosystem engineers’ are those organisms capable to modify physically the environment by producing ‘biogenic’ structures (BS). Large macroinvertebrates like termites, earthworms and ants produce BS with distinguishable physico-chemical properties. We measured total Corg, and contents in the BS produced by two species of Neotropical termites (subfamily Nasutermitinae) in a gallery forest (GF) of the Eastern Plains of Colombia. We sampled from the top of the BS to the edge at proportional distances, i.e. 20-100% for the largest BS in the soil surface and 50-100% for the smallest arboricole BS. Control soil was sampled 1 m apart from the BS. Values of total Corg were high in the BS produced by Nasutitermes sp1 (epigeic mound), while a high N mineralization process was observed in the same BS and in the Nasutitermes sp2 arboreal nest. The role of these two ecosystem engineers in nutrient cycling is discussed. 相似文献
Field-scale spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity on a recently constructed artificial ecosystem 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) influences water storage and movement, and is a key parameter of water and solute transport models. Systematic field evaluation of Ks and its spatial variability for recently constructed artificial ecosystems is still lacking. The objectives of the present study were; (1) to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity of an artificial ecosystem using field methods (Philip-Dunne, and Guelph permeameters), and compare their results to the constant-head laboratory method; (2) to evaluate the spatial variability of Ks using univariate and geostatistical analyses, and (3) to evaluate the ability of five pedotransfer functions to predict Ks. The results showed that Ks varied significantly (p < 0.05) among methods, probably reflecting differences in scales of measurement, flow geometry, assumptions in computation routines and inherent disturbances during sampling. Mean Ks values were very high for all methods (38.6-77.9 m day− 1), exceeding values for natural sandy soils by several orders of magnitude. The high Ks values and low coefficients of variation (26-44%) were comparable to that of well-sorted unconsolidated marine sands. Geostatistical analysis revealed a spatial structure in surface Ks data described by a spherical model with a correlation range of 8 m. The resulting kriged map of surface Ks showed alternating bands of high and low values, consistent with surface structures created by wheel tracks of construction equipment. Vertical Ks was also spatially structured, with a short correlation range of 40 cm, presumably indicative of layering caused by post-construction mobilization and deposition of fine particles. Ks was linearly and negatively correlated with dry soil bulk density (ρb) (r2 = 0.73), and to a lesser extent silt plus clay percentage (Si + C) (r2 = 0.21). Combining both ρb and Si + C significantly (p < 0.05) improved the relationship and gave the best predictor of Ks (r2 = 0.76). However, evaluation of five PTFs developed for natural soils showed that they all underestimated Ks by an order of magnitude, suggesting that application of water balance simulation models based on such PTFs to the present study site may constitute a bias in model outputs. Overall, the study demonstrated the influence of material handling, construction procedures and post-construction processes on the magnitude and spatial variability of Ks on a recently constructed artificial ecosystem. These unique hydraulic properties may have profound impacts on soil moisture storage, plant water relations and water balance fluxes on artificial ecosystems, particularly where such landforms are intended to restore pre-disturbance ecological and hydrological functions. 相似文献
Nigussie Haregeweyn Jean Poesen Jan Nyssen Gerard Govers Gert Verstraeten Joris de Vente Jozef Deckers Jan Moeyersons Mitiku Haile 《CATENA》2008
In Tigray-northern Ethiopia, lack of sediment yield data and appropriate methodologies for predicting sediment yield have contributed to poor planning resulting in rapid sedimentation in reservoirs and storage capacity loss. The objectives of this study were: (1) to assess the spatial variability of absolute sediment yield (SY) and area-specific sediment yield (SSY) and to identify their controlling factors for 11 representative catchments and (2) to develop models to predict sediment yield. We quantified sediment yield from reservoir sediment surveys and studied the role of bio-physical characteristics of the catchments and their interactions in controlling SY and SSY variability. 相似文献
Kate L. Baker Silke Langenheder Graeme W. Nicol Dean Ricketts Kenneth Killham Colin D. Campbell James I. Prosser 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2009,41(11):2292-2298
Soil physicochemical properties and microbial communities are highly heterogeneous and vary widely over spatial scales, necessitating careful consideration of sampling strategies to provide representative and reproducible soil samples across field sites. To achieve this, the study aimed to establish appropriate sampling methodology and to determine links between the variability of parameters, utilising two sampling strategies. The first (design 1) involved extracting 25 cores from random locations throughout the field and pooling them into five sets of five cores. The second (design 2) involved a further 25 cores within five 1 m2 sub-plots. Sub-samples from each sub-plot were pooled in order to determine between and within sub-plot variability. All samples were analysed independently and as pooled sub-samples. Results indicate that pooling spatially separated samples significantly reduced the variability in pH, compared to individual samples. Pooling samples from a small area resulted in lower within sub-plot variability than between sub-plots for pH and bacterial community composition assessed by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Following multivariate statistical analysis, a large amount of variation in community composition was explained by soil pH, which is remarkable given the relatively small size of the sampling area and minor differences in pH. Moisture content was also important in determining bacterial communities in the random design (design 1). In the 1 m2 sub-plot design (design 2), the spatial location of the plots explained a large degree of the variation in bacterial community composition between plots, which was due to spatial autocorrelation of pH and possible additional environmental parameters. This study emphasises the importance of sampling design for obtaining representative samples from soil. 相似文献