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The spinal nerve root origins of the cutaneous nerves innervating the canine pelvic limb were determined in 12 barbiturate-anesthetized, healthy dogs by stimulating the dorsal roots L1-S3 and recording the evoked-action potentials from each cutaneous nerve. The dogs were then euthanatized, identification of each dorsal root and cutaneous nerve was verified by dissection, and the type of lumbosacral plexus (prefixed, median fixed, or postfixed) was determined. With one exception, the dorsal cutaneous branches and lateral cutaneous branches of L1-L3 originated only from their corresponding spinal nerve roots. The genitofemoral nerve received afferent fibers predominantly from L3-L4 nerve roots. The lateral cutaneous femoral nerve originated from L3-L5 nerve roots, and the saphenous nerve from L4-L6 nerve roots. The proximal caudal cutaneous sural nerve originated from L6-S1. The lateral cutaneous sural nerve originated from L5-S1; the deep and superficial fibular nerves arose primarily from L6-L7. The distal caudal cutaneous sural nerve originated predominantly from L7-S1, and the medial cutaneous tarsal nerve originated from L6-S1. The medial plantar nerve originated predominantly from L6-S1 roots, whereas the lateral plantar nerve originated from L6-S2 roots. The middle clunial nerve received afferent fibers primarily from S1-S2; the caudal clunial nerve received fibers from S1-S3. The caudal cutaneous femoral nerve originated predominantly from L7-S2. The dorsal nerve of the penis originated predominantly from S1-S2, and the superficial perineal nerve originated from S1-S3. One dog had a prefixed plexus, 8 dogs had median-fixed plexuses, and 1 dog had a postfixed plexus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study, the spinal nerves that constitute the lumbosacral plexus (plexus lumbosacrales) (LSP) and its distribution in Chinchilla lanigera were investigated. Ten chinchillas (6 males and 4 females) were used in this research. The spinal nerves that constitute the LSP were dissected and the distribution of pelvic limb nerves originating from the plexus was examined. The iliohypogastric nerve arose from L1 and L2, giving rise to the cranial and caudal nerves, and the ilioinguinal nerve arose from L3. The other branch of L3 gave rise to the genitofemoral nerve and 1 branch from L4 gave rise to the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve. The trunk formed by the union of L4-5 divided into medial (femoral nerve) and lateral branches (obturator nerve). It was found that the LSP was formed by all the ventral branches of L4 at L6 and S1 at S3. At the caudal part of the plexus, a thick branch, the ischiadic plexus, was formed by contributions from L5-6 and S1. This root gave rise to the nerve branches which were disseminated to the posterior limb (cranial and caudal gluteal nerves, caudal cutaneous femoral nerve and ischiadic nerve). The ischiadic nerve divided into the caudal cutaneous surae, lateral cutaneous surae, common fibular and tibial nerve. The pudendal nerve arose from S1-2 and the other branch of S2 and S3 formed the rectal caudal nerve. The results showed that the origins and distribution of spinal nerves that constitute the LSP of chinchillas were similar to those of a few rodents and other mammals.  相似文献   

The ventral spinal root origin of the radial nerve, its muscle branches, and brachial plexus nerves which supply shoulder and thoracic musculature was determined in the dog. Electrophysiological signal averaging techniques measured evoked potential from specific ventral spinal roots to individual muscle nerves. The entire radial nerve received input from the sixth cervical (C6) through the second thoracic (T2) spinal roots. The most significant (p less than .05) input to triceps brachii came from C8 while the deep ramus of the radial nerve received its largest input from C7. The brachiocephalicus, suprascapular, and subscapular nerves all received their most significant (p less than .05) innervation from C6. Approximately 90% of the evoked potential to the axillary nerve originated from C7. The thoracodorsal nerve received most of its innervation from ventral roots C7 and C8. The lateral thoracic nerve which innervates the cutaneous trunci muscle was supplied by ventral roots C8-T2. Examination of innervation patterns suggests that only modest variation of spinal root input to specific nerves occurred between individual dogs.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the cutaneous nerves innervating the canine thorax and abdomen was investigated by gross dissection of 38 dogs. Additionally, the cutaneous areas innervated by the thoracic and abdominal cutaneous nerves were mapped in a 2nd group of 33 barbiturate-anesthetized male dogs, using electrophysiologic techniques. The skin of the thorax was innervated by dorsal cutaneous branches, lateral cutaneous branches, and ventral cutaneous branches of the spinal nerves. The dorsal cutaneous branches were branches of the dorsal primary branches of spinal nerves C6 and T2 through T11. The lateral cutaneous branches were branches of the ventral primary branches of spinal nerves T2 through T12. The ventral cutaneous branches were branches of the ventral primary branches of spinal nerves T2 through T10. The skin of the abdomen was innervated by dorsal and lateral cutaneous branches of spinal nerves T12 through L3 (and occasionally L4). The cutaneous areas of the dorsal cutaneous branches occupied the dorsal half of the scapular and thoracic regions and the dorsal 2/5 of the abdominal region. The cutaneous areas of the lateral cutaneous branches covered the major portion of the ventral half of the thorax and the ventral 3/5 of the abdomen. The cutaneous areas of the ventral cutaneous branches occupied the axilla and the ventral part of the thoracic wall.  相似文献   

The area of skin supplied by afferent fibers in a peripheral nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) of that nerve. The CA of hind limb nerves that were responsive to movement of wool/hairs were mapped neurophysiologically in 25 barbiturate-anesthetized sheep. The CA of the dorsal cutaneous branches of the caudal lumbar spinal nerves and of the sacral spinal nerves extended over the lateral aspect of the thigh. The CA of the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve was restricted to the stifle region, that of the saphenous nerve did not reach the digits, that of the deep peroneal nerve lay between the 3rd and 4th digits, and that of the lateral plantar nerve was confined to the lateral aspect of the 4th digit. The CA of the superficial peroneal nerve enveloped the dorsal, medial, and lateral aspects of the distal portions of the hind limb. In some sheep, the boundaries of the CA of the superficial peroneal nerve were juxtaposed caudally in such way that the medial plantar nerve did not have an autonomous zone. Differences in sizes of the CA resulted in corresponding differences in the overlap between adjacent CA and concomitant differences in the sizes of autonomous zones.  相似文献   

The orbital nerves were examined grossly in eight adult Van cats from either sex. The optic nerve, in a sigmoid curl, reached the eyeball after coursing between the retractor bulbi and medial rectus muscles. The oculomotor nerve gave off dorsal and ventral branches between the retractor bulbi and lateral rectus muscles. The ciliary ganglion was located on the lateral subbranch of the ventral branch of this nerve in all materials. There were short ciliary nerves originated from the ciliary ganglion in all the materials observed. The lacrimal nerve was a branch of the maxillary nerve.  相似文献   

The contribution individual ventral spinal nerve roots made to the canine median nerve, ulnar nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, and their muscle nerve branches was determined electrophysiologically. Each spinal nerve root was sequentially stimulated. Utilizing quantitative signal averaging techniques, the evoked potential was measured at each tested peripheral nerve. Evoked potential to the median nerve originated from the seventh cervical spinal root (C7) through the second thoracic spinal root (T2) with most input from C8 and T1. The ulnar nerve received evoked potential from C7-T2. Although T1 provided the major input to both the median and ulnar nerves, the relative contribution of T1 was greater in the ulnar nerve. The musculocutaneous nerve received input from ventral spinal roots C6-T1 with C6 and C7 providing most of the evoked potential. The ventral spinal roots which supplied the bulk of the evoked potential to a particular muscle nerve were consistent between individual dogs. Variation of evoked potential input was greatest from spinal roots which supplied less than 10% of the total potential.  相似文献   

With 8 figures SUMMARY: This study aimed at revealing the origin, course and distribution of the hypoglossal nerve in 20 adult male New Zealand rabbits. In all the animals dissected, the hypoglossal nerve arose from the ventrolateral side of the medulla oblongata with two main roots and gave off a descending branch to the ansa cervicalis before reaching the division of the common carotid artery. This branch was not seen on the right side of only one case. At the lateral aspect of the hyoglossus muscle, the nerve then divided into the lateral and medial main branches, sent branches to the styloglossus, hyoglossus, genioglossus and geniohyoideus muscles and terminated in the intrinsic tongue muscles. A communicating branch was observed between the hypoglossal and accessory nerves in the right side of one animal and between the hypoglossal nerve and the ganglion nodosum in the right retropharyngeal area of another animal. An additional branch was observed innervating the stylohyoideus muscle in one animal only. A lateral lingual-hypoglossal communication was also seen between the lateral branch of the hypoglossal nerve and terminal branches of the lingual nerve.  相似文献   

The area of skin supplied by the afferent fibers in one cutaneous nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) for that nerve. The CA of peripheral branches of lumbar and sacral spinal nerves responsive to the stimulation of hair follicle mechanoreceptors were mapped in 27 dogs. The amount of overlap among the CA was similar to that found for other CA of the body. The CA of peripheral branches of the sciatic nerve were restricted to the lateral, cranial, and caudal aspects of the pelvic limb distal to the stifle. The CA of the saphenous nerve was located on the medial side of the limb, except for a small area located on the lateral side of the crus. The distal part of the CA of the saphenous nerve was completely overlapped in the hind paw by branches of the superficial peroneal nerve laterally and the medial plantar branch of the tibial nerve medially. The CA for the deep peroneal nerve was located on the dorsal surface of the webbing between digits 2 and 3 and the adjacent skin of these digits. The CA of the plantar branches of the tibial nerve were small in comparison with the diameter of the nerve, suggesting that these branches contained nerve fibers supplying other, deeper structures in the hindpaw and that damage to these nerves would interfere with cutaneous sensation in only a small region on the plantar surface of the hindpaw. Knowledge of the CA of the various branches of the sciatic nerve allows more accurate localization of injury to the sciatic nerve or its branches by using areas of anesthesia.  相似文献   

Wild felids often suffer spinal and limb disorders; however, their nervous system anatomy is poorly studied. Herein, the lumbosacral plexus (Plexus lumbosacralis) of an adult puma and the motor and sensitive innervation of the pelvic limb is described. We found anatomical similarities to other felids, but also some differences. Branches L4-S3 form the lumbosacral plexus (Plexus lumbosacralis) in the puma. The femoral nerve (N. femoris) arises from the union of L4-L5, while in other felids, it is formed by L5-L6. Unlike in the cat, the sartorius muscle receives branches from the saphenous (N. saphenous) and femoral nerves (N. femoris), and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and superficial digital flexor muscles are innervated by a branch of the soleus muscle.  相似文献   

The course of spinal nerves and the corresponding cutaneous areas are fundamental for numerous therapeutic approaches used in complementary veterinary medicine. Positive effects of these methods are primarily based on segmental reflex arcs which are associated with the course of the spinal nerves. In this morphological study, the lateral cutaneous branches of the thoracolumbar dorsal branches from Th9 to L7 were examined in cats with special regard to their anatomical course. A four-layer dissection was carried out to reveal the course of nerves between the intervertebral foramina and their point of entry into the skin, starting in the dorsal midline. Dorsal branch courses and covered distances were documented and measured in each layer. The covered distance was evaluated by the Caudal Shift Index (CSIn) on both body sides and within each layer. The ‘back region’ was used as relative dimensional unit, describing the distance between the cranial tips of two consecutive spinous processes. Overall, the mean CSIn for dorsal branches of Th9 to L7 amounted to three back regions from the intervertebral foramen to the skin entry point of a dorsal nerve branch. This provides therapists with clues and should be put into practice, by extending the treatment area up to three segments caudally from the nerve exit point. Furthermore, the results of this study present new data on inferred lumbar dermatomes in cats, data which until now have only been transferred from other species. These results may serve as an anatomical foundation for manual therapies.  相似文献   

The area of skin supplied by the afferent fibers in a peripheral nerve is called the cutaneous area (CA) of that nerve. The CA responsive to movement of wool or hair in the genital regions were mapped in 17 ewes, with the identifications of the peripheral nerves and of the spinal nerves contributing to the pudendal plexus being checked at necropsy. Differences were found in the origins and extent of CA of the cutaneous branches from the sacral plexus. The CA of the caudal rectal nerves and of a nerve that passed caudally between the caudal vertebrae and the ventral sacrococcygeus muscle lay lateral to the anus and in the adjacent skin of the tail. The CA of the proximal cutaneous branch and of the distal cutaneous branch from the pudendal nerve (or plexus) overlapped craniocaudally (by approx one-half) the CA of the distal cutaneous branch extending ventrally and ending just caudal to the ipsilateral mammary gland. The deep perineal nerve innervated the skin immediately lateral to the anus and vulva. The dorsal nerve of the clitoris innervated hairs on the ipsilateral half of the vulva. Other fibers in the pudendal nerve were presumed to pass into the mammary branch of the nerve. They innervated the skin ventral to the vulva, the ipsilateral mammary gland, and (in some ewes) areas of the skin cranial to the mammary gland. The CA of the genitofemoral nerve included the ipsilateral teat and the inguinal fossa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study, the left and right cranial cervical ganglia (ganglion cervicale craniale) of eight young (four male, four female) domestic pigs weighing around 70-80 kg were inspected macro anatomically. The cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) was found cranio-ventrally of the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, medial of the jugular process extremity, ventral of the atlas, dorsal of the epiglottis base and medial of the common root (CR) established by the internal carotid and occipital arteries. The internal carotid nerve and jugular nerve ramified from the cranial part of CCG. The jugular nerve gave branches that merged with the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. Other nerve branches originating from the cranial part of the ganglion reached to the external carotid artery and CR. The internal carotid nerve varied among cadavers in number of branches (two to four). These branches did not travel along the side of the internal carotid artery. The central part of CCG gave thin nerve branches that reached to various anatomical structures including the first and second cervical nerves, wall of the pharynx, accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve, vagus nerve, external carotid artery and CR. The caudal part of CCG gave nerve branches that merged with the vagus, cranial laryngeal nerves, and common carotid artery. The external carotid nerves, which were two or three in number, also originated from the caudal part of CCG. In conclusion, the nerves ramifying from CCG of the pig varied in number among cadavers. Compared with literature raised in other species, there are also differences in number of nerve branches and course pattern of these nerves.  相似文献   

Seven heads and necks of Bactrian camels were dissected to investigate the origin, course, branches anddistribution of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve in the cranial cervical region. The spinal root and external branch of the accessory nerve were not present, but there was a delicate communicating branch between the dorsal root of the first cervical nerve and the root of the vagus nerve. The sternocephalic muscle was innervated by the second cervical nerve while the brachiocephalic and trapezius muscles were supplied by the sixth and seventh cervical nerves. In the head and cranial cervical region of the Bactrian camel the vagus nerve gave oft the auricular branch, pharyngeal branch, cranial laryngeal nerve, a common trunk to the larynx, oesophagus and trachea, and some communicating branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, first cervical nerves and the cranial cervical ganglion.  相似文献   

Anatomical variations in lumbosacral plexus or nerves to genitourinary structures in dogs are under described, despite their importance during surgery and potential contributions to neuromuscular syndromes. Gross dissection of 16 female mongrel hound dogs showed frequent variations in lumbosacral plexus classification, sympathetic ganglia, ventral rami input to nerves innervating genitourinary structures and pudendal nerve (PdN) branching. Lumbosacral plexus classification types were mixed, rather than pure, in 13 (82%) of dogs. The genitofemoral nerve (GFN) originated from ventral ramus of L4 in 67% of nerves, differing from the expected L3. Considerable variability was seen in ventral rami origins of pelvic (PN) and Pd nerves, with new findings of L7 contributions to PN, joining S1 and S2 input (23% of sides in 11 dogs) or S1–S3 input (5%), and to PdN, joining S1–S2, unilaterally, in one dog. L7 input was confirmed using retrograde dye tracing methods. The PN also received CG1 contributions, bilaterally, in one dog. The PdN branched unusually in two dogs. Lumbosacral sympathetic ganglia had variant intra‐, inter‐ and multisegmental connectivity in 6 (38%). Thus, the anatomy of mongrel dogs had higher variability than previously described for purebred dogs. Knowledge of this variant innervation during surgery could aid in the preservation of nerves and reduce risk of urinary and sexual dysfunctions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the gross anatomy of the ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves in capuchin monkey (Sapajus apella) and compare with humans and other primate species. Eight specimens, prepared in 10% formalin solution and dissected following routine standard techniques, were used. The animals presented 13–14 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves emerging from the intervertebral foramen and divided into dorsal and ventral rami. The ventral rami of the first 12 or 13 pairs represented intercostal nerves and the latter referred to the subcostal nerve. The intercostal and subcostal nerves gave off muscular and cutaneous branches (lateral and ventral), which promote innervation of muscles and skin associated with the chest and abdominal wall. Atypical anatomy was verified for the 1st, 2nd and 7th to 13th intercostal nerves as well as for the subcostal nerve. The morphological characteristics were similar to those observed in humans and some non‐human primates, especially in the absence of collateral branches.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the brachial plexus in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), which has not been previously reported, was first examined bilaterally in a newborn hippopotamus. Our observations clarified the following: (1) the brachial plexus comprises the fifth cervical (C5) to first thoracic (T1) nerves. These formed two trunks, C5-C6 and C7-T1; in addition, the axillary artery passed in between C6 and C7, (2) unique branches to the brachialis muscle and those of the lateral cutaneous antebrachii nerves ramified from the median nerve, (3) nerve fibre analysis revealed that these unique nerve branches from the median nerve were closely related and structurally similar to the musculocutaneous (MC) nerve; however, they had changed course from the MC to the median nerve, and (4) this unique branching pattern is likely to be a common morphological feature of the brachial plexus in amphibians, reptiles and certain mammals.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old cocker spaniel bitch presented with severe lumbosacral pain and acute onset left pelvic limb lameness. A diagnosis of asymmetric lumbosacral transitional vertebra with disc protrusion at L6-L7 was made by computed tomography. The cauda equina and left L6 nerve root were surgically decompressed with a dorsal laminectomy and lateral foraminotomy, which led to rapid resolution of the clinical signs.  相似文献   

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