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Fisheries managers have implemented suppression programmes to control non‐native lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), in several lakes throughout the western United States. This study determined the feasibility of experimentally suppressing lake trout using gillnets in an isolated backcountry lake in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, for the conservation of threatened bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley). The demographics of the lake trout population during suppression (2009–2013) were described, and those data were used to assess the effects of suppression scenarios on population growth rate (λ) using an age‐structured population model. Model simulations indicated that the population was growing exponentially (λ = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.16–1.28) prior to suppression. However, suppression resulted in declining λ (0.61–0.79) for lake trout, which was concomitant with stable bull trout adult abundances. Continued suppression at or above observed exploitation levels is needed to ensure continued population declines.  相似文献   

Management agencies in several western states of the United States are implementing suppression programmes to control non‐native lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), for the conservation of native species. This study was implemented to ascertain the population demographics of an expanding lake trout population and use those data to construct an age‐structured model to inform suppression efforts. Population projection matrices were used to model population growth and identify age or stage classes with the greatest influence on population growth. The size and age structure of lake trout sampled was skewed towards juveniles, indicating strong recruitment and a growing population. Matrix‐model simulations corroborated the observed size and age structure, as the lake trout population was predicted to grow exponentially (λ = 1.35, 95% CL: 1.25–1.43) with no suppression efforts. Elasticity analysis of matrix models indicated the relative contribution of survival rates to population growth among immature age classes was equal from age 0 to age at first maturity, but immature survival rates contributed more than adult survival and fertility rates. These results emphasise the importance of targeting juvenile lake trout for suppression efforts during exponential growth in recently established populations.  相似文献   

The common practice among researchers who study fish growth is to a priori adopt the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM), which is the most used and ubiquitous equation in the fisheries literature. However, in many cases VBGM is not supported by the data and many species seem to follow different growth trajectories. The information theory approach frees the researcher from the limiting concept that a ‘true’ growth model exists. Multi‐model inference (MMI) based on information theory is proposed as a more robust alternative to study fish growth. The proposed methodology was applied to 133 sets of length‐at‐age data. Four candidate models were fitted to each data set: von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM), Gompertz model, Logistic and the Power model; the three former assume asymptotic and the latter non‐asymptotic growth. In each case, the ‘best’ model was selected by minimizing the small‐sample, bias‐corrected form of the Akaike information criterion (AICc). To quantify the plausibility of each model, the ‘Akaike weight’wi of each model was calculated. Following a MMI approach, the model averaged asymptotic length for each case was estimated, by model averaging estimations of interpreting Akaike weights as a posterior probability distribution over the set of candidate models. The VBGM was not selected as the best model in 65.4% of the cases. Most often VBGM was either strongly supported by the data (with no other substantially supported model) or had very low or no support by the data. The estimation of asymptotic length was greatly model dependent; as estimated by VBGM was in every case greater than that estimated by the Gompertz model, which in turn was always greater than that estimated by the Logistic model. The percentage underestimation of the standard error of , when ignoring model selection uncertainty, was on average 18% with values as high as 91%. Ignoring model selection uncertainty may have serious implications, e.g. when comparing the growth parameters of different fish populations. Multi‐model inference by model averaging, based on Akaike weights, is recommended as a simple and easy to implement method to model fish growth, for making robust parameter estimations and dealing with model selection uncertainty.  相似文献   

The effects of an artificially prolonged photoperiod on growth, survival rate, colouration, and sexual maturation in brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis during pre‐ and post‐spawning periods from 21 June to 06 November were investigated. Fish of mean initial weight ?150 g were reared at ambient photoperiod as well as with an artificially prolonged photoperiod produced by either a light‐emitting diode or a metal‐halide light. The fish groups subjected to a prolonged period of artificial light grew significantly larger and had a higher survival rate (p < 0.05), regardless of sex, and showed lower occurrence of fungal disease compared to controls reared in the natural photoperiod. We found a significantly higher number of sexually mature fish in the control groups compared with experimental groups. The increased photoperiod effectively delayed gonad development and increased somatic growth in both male and female brook trout, and also increased resistance to fungal disease. The increased photoperiod produced an observable difference in fish colouration, with control groups exhibiting more intensive spawning colouration.  相似文献   

In‐stream wood can increase shelter availability and prey abundance for stream‐living fish such as brown trout, Salmo trutta, but the input of wood to streams has decreased in recent years due to harvesting of riparian vegetation. During the last decades, fine wood (FW) has been increasingly used for biofuel, and the input of FW to streams may therefore decrease. Although effects of in‐stream FW have not been studied as extensively as those of large wood (LW), it is probably important as shelter for small‐sized trout. In a laboratory stream experiment, we tested the behavioural response of young‐of‐the‐year wild brown trout to three densities of FW, with trout tested alone and in groups of four. Video recordings were used to measure the proportion of time allocated to sheltering, cruising and foraging, as well as the number of aggressive interactions and prey attacks. Cruising activity increased with decreasing FW density and was higher in the four‐fish groups than when fish were alone. Foraging decreased and time spent sheltering in FW increased with increasing FW density. Our study shows that juvenile trout activity is higher in higher fish densities and that trout response to FW is related to FW density and differs from the response to LW as reported by others.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A new practical growth model through the partial reconstruction for the von Bertalanffy function (VBF) has been proposed. In numerous studies on various species, VBF has been recognized as an appropriate function to describe growth. Here the difference in growth dynamics between soft and hard tissues is considered using VBF. A differential equation in which the growth rates of these two tissue types are described, gives a four parameter model. This advanced model showed characteristics such as: (i) S-shape curve similar to the Gompertz model; (ii) unfixed point of inflection; and (iii) definition as an implicit function. The characteristic indicated in (iii) makes it impossible to apply the method of least squares to data analysis. Therefore, a solution was introduced combining Lagrange's method of indeterminate coefficients and the Newton method. Data analysis for verifying the performance of the advanced model was conducted on published data on growth of the bivalve Spisula sachalinensis . As a result of the comparison among the existing growth models, the advanced model produced the minimum value of Akaike information criterion (AIC).  相似文献   

Several habitat models have been proposed to predict population size for stream fishes and to guide habitat assessment and monitoring techniques. However, most models do not incorporate the potential advantage of molecular genetic markers. We conducted a field survey and microsatellite DNA analyses to quantify the relationships among genetic diversity, census/effective population size and habitat variables in fragmented populations of white‐spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis). The census population size significantly increased with the stream length, the number of pools and a pool‐riffle sequence index, a proxy for channel‐unit habitat type complexity within reaches. Population density was correlated with the pool‐riffle sequence index only. Genetic diversity and effective population size were not correlated with the habitat variables or census population size. There was a lack of isolation‐by‐distance population structure in the studied populations. Our results suggest that stream length and the number of pools within reaches associated with habitat complexity are the habitat variables that explain the majority of variation in population size of white‐spotted charr. Our findings provide further evidence that census population size per se is a poor indicator of the inclusive genetic diversity within populations in a fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that Atlantic salmon parr grew suboptimally according to the water temperature regime during the ice‐free season (from May to September) in the subarctic River Reisa (northern Norway). A laboratory‐based growth model was used to estimate the optimal growth which was then compared with the observed growth of the parr in the river. Water temperatures were recorded every second hour with a submersible data logger, and observed and predicted growth of several age classes were compared at two nearby nursery habitats. Except for parr aged 2, most age classes showed no significant change, or even a weight loss, from May to July, whereas from July to September, positive growth was found for all age classes coinciding with favourable temperatures above a critical temperature for growth. The parr growth rates were suboptimal, being lower than the predicted values, but values for observed and predicted body mass were not significantly different in five of 12 comparisons. Hence, the fish were sometimes unable to grow according to the optimal baseline set by the temperature regime. Therefore, factors other than temperature, such as limited food resources and resource competition, may also be a major determinant of Atlantic salmon parr growth. Our study demonstrates how growth predictions based on mathematical models may be employed by fish ecologists to identify growth deficiencies in wild fish populations.  相似文献   

Anadromous Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), was introduced to a sub‐Arctic river–lake system near the village of Kujjuuaq, Nunavik, and the stable isotope values and diets of key resident fish species were used to assess changes in feeding patterns. Stable isotope values for most species did not differ significantly between the pre‐ and post‐introduction periods, with observed shifts being within the bounds of expected natural variation. Lake chub, Couesius plumbeus (Agassiz), were the single species to show a difference between study periods, with a small but significant increase in δ15N. No significant post‐introduction changes were seen in lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), omnivory or in any of the assessed quantitative food web metrics. Gut contents of major fish species similarly showed significant temporal overlap between the pre‐ and post‐introduction periods, and there was no significant change in species' weight–length relationships. The minor ecological impact was interpreted in relation to the availability of open niches exploitable by ecological generalists such as Arctic charr. The explanation accords with the known habitat and feeding flexibility of Arctic charr and the ecological immaturity of sub‐Arctic lakes known to have driven adaptive variation among Arctic charr. Findings suggest that anadromous Arctic charr may be introduced at moderate densities to other sub‐Arctic watersheds without major negative food web consequences for other resident fish species.  相似文献   

Extruded soybean meal (ESBM) showed increased digestibility of crude protein, amino acids and fat, better oil retention capacities, attenuated anti‐nutrient factor effects and improved its nutritive value compared with raw soybean meal, indicating a promising application prospects for ESBM in fish culture. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of substituting fishmeal with ESBM on growth performance, hepatic antioxidant capacity and the resistance to hypoxia stress on juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma). Five hundred and forty fish were randomly assigned to six groups fed with iso‐nitrogenous and iso‐energetic diets with ESBM for replacement of 0% (control), 10% (G1), 20% (G2), 30% (G3), 40% (G4) and 50% (G5) fishmeal. After an 81‐day feeding trial, groups fed ESBM substituted diets (G2 to G5) showed no significant differences in survival rates, final body weights, weight gain rates, feed conversion ratios, specific growth rates, hepatosomatic indexes and condition factors with the control group (G0), reflecting normal food intake and growth performance. The hepatic enzyme activities of total antioxidant capacity, catalase and superoxide dismutase were not affected by ESBM substituted diets, showing no harmful effects on ROS eliminating abilities. Hepatic HSP70 expression levels had increased 1.3 times for G5 group, reflecting a less tolerance to hypoxia for fish fed diets with high substituting level of ESBM. In conclusion, replacing, despite 50%, fishmeal with ESBM in diets had no detrimental effects on growth performance and hepatic enzyme activities, but lowering the hypoxia tolerance of juvenile Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma).  相似文献   

We investigated the drift of passive particles on the Newfoundland Shelf and western Labrador Sea using numerical simulations to assess the possible sources of plankton collected at a high frequency sampling site (S27; 47.55°N, 52.59°W) located near the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. We also summarized data detailing the seasonal stage succession of Calanus finmarchicus at that site, as well as along three oceanographic sections sampled in the spring, summer and autumn across the adjacent continental shelf. Simulations indicated that the Labrador and Newfoundland Shelves represent the major sources of particles transiting through the S27 site, with relatively minor contributions from the western Labrador Sea which are significant during a few months each year. The latter point may be affected by uncertainty in the representation of cross‐shelf transport associated with seasonal or short‐term variations in atmospheric and oceanic forcing, which may also affect the strength and location of bifurcation of the inner branch of the Labrador Current around the Grand Banks. Nevertheless, our results indicated that drift along the inner shelf is likely to be the primary source of copepods collected at S27 throughout most of the year. This in turn suggested that there may be a higher degree of connectivity between conditions in coastal areas of Newfoundland and those in Baffin Bay and west Greenland than with the southern half of the Labrador Sea.  相似文献   

基于生长和死亡参数变化的官井洋大黄鱼资源现状分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
依据2010—2011年福建官井洋水域渔业资源监测调查资料,对2 098尾大黄鱼的体长、体质量、生长、性腺进行测定。据此,利用von Bertalanffy生长方程和死亡参数分析官井洋大黄鱼资源现状,并讨论了拐点年龄,临界年龄等渔业生物学特征。结果表明,目前官井洋大黄鱼平均体长132.6 mm,优势体长组为110~150 mm,占55.96%;平均体质量45.1 g,优势体质量组为10~50 g,占61.77%,大黄鱼幼鱼和补充群体已成为渔业生产的主要捕捞对象。大黄鱼体长—体质量间的关系式为W=2.001×10-5L3.006。用ELEFAN技术拟合的von Bertalanffy生长方程参数分别为L∞=385.4 mm、k=0.43及t0=-0.32a,拐点年龄为2.2龄。对照20世纪80年代福建近海海域大黄鱼群体L∞值从555.4 mm下降到现在的385.4 mm,拐点年龄由2.97下降到2.2,均表明当今大黄鱼群体小型化且低龄化严重。生长系数k由0.36增长到0.43表明大黄鱼的生长速度加快。总死亡系数(Z)为3.12,自然死亡系数(M)为0.45,捕捞死亡系数(F)为2.67,资源开发率(E)为0.856。大黄鱼M值出现上升,可能与福建近海环境质量下降有关,而高强度的捕捞促使大黄鱼捕捞死亡系数由0.84上升到2.67,说明大黄鱼资源已经处于过度开发状态。在官井洋大黄鱼现行资源状态下,应努力降低捕捞死亡水平,保护大黄鱼生存环境,而对目前以小型化和低龄化为主的大黄鱼群体,建议以控制大黄鱼的开捕年龄(t0)为主。  相似文献   

Three approaches for multivariate analysis of fish growth in aquaculture experiments with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus L.) based on the von Bertalanffy growth curve are presented and compared. The approaches are: an extended Gulland‐and‐Holt (GH) plot, a forced extended GH plot and a multilinear regression analysis for the growth parameter K. All three models provide valuable insight into the major environmental factors influencing the daily growth rate and explain 28–46% of the variance of the observed daily growth rate of the used data set. For all three methods, the modelled parameter is significantly related to the net yield of Nile tilapia and can, therefore, be used for the predictive modelling of management scenarios. The extended GH plot loads the influence of environmental parameters upon L, while the forced extended GH plot and Direct fitting of K load the influence on the growth parameter K. The latter is more in the tradition of aquaculture research. But the forced extended GH plot and Direct fitting of K can only be applied if L of the cultured species is known, as the selected L influences the variance in the regression variables.  相似文献   

Using rainbow trout plasma protein (IGF-BP) which specifically binds human insulin-like growth factor (IGF) (Niu and Le Bail 1993), we have developed an assay to measure plasma IGF-like levels in different teleost species. Before the assay and to prevent interference by IGF-BP, IGF-like was extracted from all samples, using SP Sephadex C-25 in acidic conditions. After this treatment, contamination of the IGF fraction by IGF-BP which was estimated by binding assay, was approximately 5%, and was not detectable by western ligand blot. Human IGF-I was used as standard and labelled hormone. Sensitivity of the assay was 0.15–0.40 ng/ml (ED90) and ED50 was 1–3 ng/ml. hIGF-II crossreaction was partial and no significant displacement was observed with Insulin from different species or with other hormones. Inhibition curves were obtained with plasma IGF fractions (but not with tissue extracts) from teleost and mammals and are parallel to the standard curve. These results suggest that the protein binding assay can quantify an IGF-like factor in the plasma of teleost and that the binding sites of IGF are well conserved during vertebrate evolution. Using this IGF binding assay, IGF-like was measured in parallel with growth hormone (GH) in plasma from young rainbow trout killed every 1.5h throughout one day. The daily profiles for both hormones, which appear pulsatile, are similar. A significant correlation was observed between GH levels and IGF-like levels with a 1.5h delay. Analogous observations were obtained in individual catheterized adult rainbow trout. Although plasma GH levels differ greatly between fish, less variability is found with IGF-like. In a third experiment, rainbow trout were starved or submitted to bovine GH treatment for four weeks. Starved fish, in which plasma GH levels increased, had plasma IGF-like level significantly lower than in fed fish. In bGH injected fish, plasma IGF-like level was significantly higher than in non-injected fish. These results suggest that, as in mammals, IGF-like secretion depends on plasma GH level and could be modulated by the nutritional status of fish.  相似文献   

Several fish species of the genus Salvelinus are used for stocking freshwaters in North and South America and much of Europe but there is little information about their growth and carcass composition. Lake trout (S. namaycush), brook trout (S. fontinalis) and their hybrid F1 splake (S. namaycush × S. fontinalis) (initial body weight ca. 2–4 g) were raised at 6.4, 10.6 and 14.9 °C to examine growth and nutrient deposition as a function of water temperature. In all species, weight gain and feed intake increased significantly with water temperature and feed efficiency was significantly lower at 6.4 than at 10.6 and 14.9 °C. In brook trout, Thermal‐unit Growth Coefficient (TGC) growth rate was significantly lower at 6.4 than at 10.6 and 14.9 °C, while in F1 splake TGC was only lower at 6.4 than 10.6 °C. Expressed in terms of relative composition a significant effect of temperature was observed. In all species, moisture content decreased while crude protein, lipid, ash and energy contents increased with increased temperature. Expressed in absolute terms, however, a significant effect of temperature was not observed. In all species carcass contents increased significantly with increased live body weight and were best described by simple linear equations. Gross energy concentration was significantly affected by both water temperature and body weight. These data indicate that the growth of these species is a function of water temperature and, in absolute terms, carcass composition is mainly a function of body weight and not water temperature. Also, such simple linear equations bode well for modification of existing feed requirement and waste outputs models; improving their applicability to these species.  相似文献   

Countergradient variation (CGV) is defined as genetic variation that counteracts the negative influences of the physical environment, minimising phenotypic variability along an environmental gradient. CGV is thought to have relevance in predicting the response of organisms to climate variability and change. To test the hypothesis that growth rate increased with latitude, consistent with CGV, young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, were examined along a ~27° latitudinal gradient in central and eastern Canada. Growth rates were estimated from fork lengths standardised by the thermal opportunity for growth based on experienced water temperatures derived using otolith oxygen stable isotopes. Results demonstrated patterns consistent with CGV, where northern populations demonstrated faster growth rates. A secondary aim was to test for similar geographical patterns in otolith‐inferred metabolic rates, which reflect the energetic costs of standard metabolic rate (SMR) and other processes such as feeding, locomotion, thermoregulation, reproduction and growth. Results demonstrated a significant, positive relationship between otolith‐inferred metabolic rate and latitude, which may reflect an increase in one, or a combination, of the above‐noted physiological processes. The similar latitudinal pattern in growth and otolith‐inferred metabolic rates suggests greater intake of food per unit of time by northern fish. The phenotypic variation in physiological traits observed here demonstrates the significant adaptability of Arctic charr to different thermal regimes with different growing season lengths. Determining the relative contributions of phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation to the observed latitudinal variation will be critical to predicting the responses of Arctic charr to climate change more accurately.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the antifungal effects of essential oils of oregano (Origanum onites) and laurel (Laurus nobilis) on Saprolegniasis, a disease that occurs in rainbow trout eggs during the incubation period. Oregano and laurel were ground after drying, and essential oils were obtained by water distillation method using a Clevenger apparatus. The essential oils were added to potato dextrose agar (PDA) at the rates of 1–1000 ppm, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined as 250 ppm whereas the minimum lethal concentration (MLC) was determined to be 500 ppm for both plants. In the in vivo trials, fertilized eggs were treated with predetermined doses either by bathing during water hardening and incubation period or only during incubation period, and death rates were monitored during embryological development. The best larvae hatching rate was determined in 500 ppm oregano and 500 ppm laurel groups treated during water hardening plus daily as 82.11% and 79.87%, respectively. According to the results, it was determined that oregano and laurel essential oils exhibited better results in all doses compared with the negative control group, and 500 ppm dose had a better effect than the positive control group treated with formalin.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), are able to raise a protective immune response against Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (AS) following injection vaccination with commercial vaccines containing formalin‐killed bacteria, but the protection is often suboptimal under Danish mariculture conditions. We elucidated whether protection can be improved by increasing the concentration of antigen (formalin‐killed bacteria) in the vaccine. Rainbow trout juveniles were vaccinated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection with a bacterin of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain 090710‐1/23 in combination with Vibrio anguillarum serotypes O1 and O2a supplemented with an oil adjuvant. Three concentrations of AS antigens were applied. Fish were subsequently challenged with the homologous bacterial strain administered by perforation of the tail fin epidermis and 60‐s contact with live A. salmonicida bacteria. The infection method proved to be efficient and could differentiate efficacies of different vaccines. It was shown that protection and antibody production in exposed fish were positively correlated to the AS antigen concentration in the vaccine.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (VTG) was purified from the plasma of estradiol-17β (E2) treated male brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis; bt) using gel filtration and anion exchange chromatography. An antiserum to bt-VTG was raised in rabbits, then used to detect bt-VTG by Western blot analysis. Purified bt-VTG and its antibody were then used to develop an antibody-capture, competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Confirmation of the purified protein as bt-VTG was based on the characteristics of high molecular weight (∼562 kDa), dominant plasma protein in vitellogenic females and induction by exogenous E2 treatment in males. The antiserum recognized a major 184 kDa polypeptide as well as minor bt-VTG degradation products (150–66 kDa) in purified bt-VTG and in plasma from vitellogenic females. Low levels of antibody cross reactivity were shown with plasma from nonvitellogenic females, control rabbit serum, and several other antisera known to not contain VTG. The ELISA had a minimum detection limit of 8 ng ml−1 and intra- and inter-coefficients of variation less than 9% and 15%, respectively. The ELISA demonstrated parallel binding slopes among dilution curves of purified bt-VTG standard and plasma from diploid and triploid brook trout females. Using the ELISA, maximum plasma VTG levels of 93.5±33.6 mg ml−1 were detected in vitellogenic diploid females, whereas only 0.18±0.15 mg ml−1 were detected in triploid females of the same age (n=5 for each). Diploid and triploid males cohabitating with vitellogenic females showed measurable levels of plasma VTG during vitellogenesis in females (i.e., 0.17 and 0.06 mg ml−1, respectively (n=1)). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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