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In‐stream wood can increase shelter availability and prey abundance for stream‐living fish such as brown trout, Salmo trutta, but the input of wood to streams has decreased in recent years due to harvesting of riparian vegetation. During the last decades, fine wood (FW) has been increasingly used for biofuel, and the input of FW to streams may therefore decrease. Although effects of in‐stream FW have not been studied as extensively as those of large wood (LW), it is probably important as shelter for small‐sized trout. In a laboratory stream experiment, we tested the behavioural response of young‐of‐the‐year wild brown trout to three densities of FW, with trout tested alone and in groups of four. Video recordings were used to measure the proportion of time allocated to sheltering, cruising and foraging, as well as the number of aggressive interactions and prey attacks. Cruising activity increased with decreasing FW density and was higher in the four‐fish groups than when fish were alone. Foraging decreased and time spent sheltering in FW increased with increasing FW density. Our study shows that juvenile trout activity is higher in higher fish densities and that trout response to FW is related to FW density and differs from the response to LW as reported by others.  相似文献   

Wood in streams functions as fish habitat, but relationships between fish abundance (or size) and large wood in streams are not consistent. One possible reason for variable relationships between fish and wood in streams is that the association of fish with wood habitat may depend on ecological context such as large‐scale geomorphology. We studied the relationship between salmonid assemblages and large wood jams (LWJ) in four settings that differed geomorphically at the scale of the stream corridor along a tributary to Lake Superior in old‐growth conifer–hardwood forest in northern Michigan. The focal fish species of this study were brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), which were wild in the stream. Relocation efforts for coaster brook trout (an adfluvial life history variant of brook trout) were ongoing in the study stream. We measured fish abundance and length in pairs of pools of similar size and substrate, but varying in the presence of LWJ; this allowed us to evaluate associations of fish simply with the presence of LWJ rather than with other channel or flow‐shaping functions of LWJ. The length of Oncorhynchus spp. and young introduced brook trout was not strongly correlated with LWJ presence; however, the presence of LWJ in pools was positively correlated with larger wild brook trout. We also found that the correspondence of LWJ with the abundance of salmonids appears to be moderated by the presence of alternative habitat in this relatively natural, old‐growth forest stream.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout habitat use is often described in high‐gradient, runoff‐driven, heterotrophic streams where geomorphic features and overhanging riparian vegetation provide channel complexity and cover. However, many rainbow trout populations thrive in rivers with contrasting aquatic habitat. We describe rainbow trout habitat use in a low‐gradient, groundwater‐dominated tailwater river where river flow management and macrophyte growth and senescence largely govern available trout habitat. In the summers of 2013 and 2014, available aquatic habitat (depth, velocity, macrophyte cover, substrate size) was quantified, while individual trout location was determined by radio telemetry and linked to environmental variables. Detailed habitat surveys indicate that macrophyte cover increases throughout the summer and is a strong determinant of in‐stream habitat characteristics. Paired logistic regression shows that adult rainbow trout prefer greater depths. Water depth increases with macrophyte abundance at both reach and local scales as plants restrict flow, and available trout habitat is linked to this seasonal pattern. When macrophyte abundance is high, adult trout show secondary preference for localised areas of lower macrophyte cover but otherwise show no selectivity for macrophyte cover, velocity or substrate size. Results suggest that submerged aquatic plants increased the quantity and quality of rainbow trout habitat as a source of channel complexity and cover. Macrophytes may play a similar role in other low‐gradient streams and should not be overlooked by fisheries managers considering habitat suitability.  相似文献   

  • 1. The natural stock of large woody debris (LWD) in the afforested Douglas River (Fermoy, Co. Cork) is very low relative to old‐growth forests, which seems to arise from deficiency both of supply and retention. Woody debris is important to the ecology and physical structure of forest streams, so its abundance is relevant to aquatic conservation and the maintenance and size of salmonid fish stocks.
  • 2. The physical characteristics and fish stocks of 16 contiguous segments of two 200 m stream reaches were surveyed in spring 1998 prior to the installation of 12 partially spanning debris structures on four of the segments. This study investigated the effect of debris structures on the heterogeneity of flow and substratum, and the distribution of brown trout (Salmo trutta), and assessed the potential use of woody debris manipulation as a tool in the management of forest streams.
  • 3. Surveys of stream habitat conditions over a 2 year period following the installation of woody debris showed a change in stream architecture. This created more suitable habitat for trout through development of additional pools in which beds of fine sediment developed, and constraining the main current, increasing the amount of eddies and slack water areas.
  • 4. There were significant increases in trout density and biomass in the debris segments relative to control segments without debris dams 1 and 2 years after debris addition, although trout condition was not modified by the addition of LWD. These results suggest that the addition of woody debris offers a positive and practical management technique for enhancing fish in plantation forest streams.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variation in seasonal survival rates, densities and growth rates of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) were assessed across a size gradient of small, forested streams in the Pacific Northwest. We used a robust, mark-recapture study, stratified seasonally to estimate monthly survival rates of trout in coastal British Columbia (not including young-of-the-year). Survival estimates showed that the summer season had the lowest monthly survival rates (0.907) across all streams in our study (0.927 remainder of year). Within the size range of the seven small streams studied, low-flow habitat availability (defined by residual pool depth in summer) was the best predictor of mean monthly survival rates, supporting the hypothesis that trout survival increases with the quantity of aquatic habitat, particularly depths of residual pools. In addition, there was an asymptotic relation between water depth and survival rates, where beyond ~20 cm of residual pool depth, greater depth did not confer greater rates of trout survival. Growth rates in all but the largest stream were also lowest during summer. While densities tended to be higher in streams with greater residual depth, this was not significant. Body mass in a given season was a good predictor of survival to the next sampling period. The distribution and success of resident cutthroat trout populations in small streams appear to be constrained by summer low-flow periods and specific geomorphologies that support deeper pools.  相似文献   

Brook charr inhabit a wide variety of habitats and exhibit considerable growth variation within and among populations. We used biannual mark–recapture electrofishing surveys and PIT tags at two streams in coastal Maine to examine spatial and temporal variability in brook charr growth. We documented considerable stream‐to‐stream and year‐to‐year variation in the growth of coastal brook charr. Based on 2892 recaptures between 2006 and 2010, we developed a suite of linear mixed models to examine variation in individual growth rates at Stanley Brook as a function of environmental variables. We distilled physical habitat data from surveys in 2010 into principle components for entry into the growth model. Growth was related primarily to an interaction between season and body length, mean water temperature, and instream location. Growth rates were highest in the summer, and smaller individuals grew more rapidly than larger conspecifics in the same stream. Individuals using habitats closer to the head of tide grew faster than those in upstream locations. Physical habitat variation was not an important control of individual growth variation within Stanley Brook. We suggest local variability in growth rates should be considered when developing management strategies for coastal populations.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat on the growth and diet of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocked at the same densities in nine stream enclosures, comprising three habitat types of different quality, were tested. The habitats, which were created based on microhabitat preference data, were a shallow water habitat lacking cobbles (habitat 1), a deeper, mixed cobble-bottomed (128-384 mm diameter) habitat (habitat 2) and a large cobble-bottomed (256-384 mm) habitat of intermediate depth (habitat 3). Brown trout were found to have greater increases in total biomass in habitats 2 and 3 than in habitat 1. The pattern for length did not follow that of biomass as trout had greater increases in total length in habitat 2 than in the other two habitats. Biomass of food in trout diets reflected habitat-specific fish biomass changes, with a greater total biomass of prey as well a greater biomass of the leech, Erpobdella, in habitats 2 and 3 than in habitat 1. There were no habitat-specific differences in the biomass of benthic or drifting invertebrates in the enclosures, with the exception of a tendency for an effect of habitat on the biomass of Erpobdella. Although there may have been habitat-specific differences in food resources that were not detected, it is believed that the higher biomass growth in habitats 2 and 3 may have reflected differences in cover afforded by the deeper water and coarser substrates and/or improved foraging opportunities facilitated by the larger volumes of water in the deeper habitats in which the trout could search for prey.  相似文献   

  • 1. Allochthonous carbon is the basis of the detrital food web in low‐order, warmwater stream ecosystems, and stream‐bed sediments typically function as carbon reservoirs. Many of the same factors that govern carbon input and storage to streams (e.g. riparian vegetation, large wood, heterogeneous boundaries) have also been identified as key attributes of stream fish habitat.
  • 2. Effects of channel incision on sand‐bed stream carbon reservoirs and indices of biological integrity (IBIs) based on fish collections were examined for four streams exhibiting a range of incisement in northern Mississippi. Observed mean C concentrations (mass percentage) ranged from 0.24±0.36% for a non‐incised stream to only 0.01±0.02% for a severely incised channel, and were not correlated with large wood (LW) density, perhaps because LW density at one site was elevated by a habitat rehabilitation project and at another site by accelerated inputs from incision‐related riparian tree fall. Fish IBI was positively correlated with bed C (r=0.70, p=0.003), and IBIs for reference streams were more than 50% greater than those computed for the most severely degraded sites.
  • 3. More testing is needed to determine the efficacy of stream bed C as an indicator, but its importance to warmwater stream ecosystems, and the importance of covarying physical and hydrologic conditions seems evident.
Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract— Due to species introductions, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occur together in many North American streams and typically exhibit a pattern of distribution in which brook charr numerically dominate headwaters and rainbow trout dominate downstream reaches. It has been suggested that 1) the two species compete or 2) the two species do not compete because they are differentially adapted to environmental conditions found in upstream and downstream zones. We assessed whether there were differences in growth and macrohabitat (pool, run and riffle) selection of brook charr and rainbow trout in upper, middle and lower stream zones of a small Pennsylvania stream. Brook charr and rainbow trout placed in replicate paired enclosures set in upstream and downstream reaches showed no significant differences in growth and survival rates upstream, but brook charr had significantly greater growth rates than rainbow trout downstream. Enclosed fish and free-ranging fish both had negative growth rates during the summer. Enclosed fish lost significantly less weight than free-ranging fish. Instantaneous growth rates of free-ranging adult brook charr and rainbow trout from May to August were negative for both species in all stream zones. Underwater observations of adult brook charr and rainbow trout showed both species occurred significantly more often in pool macrohabitats than expected on the basis of macrohabitat availability, except for rainbow trout in the upstream zone. The proportion of pool macrohabitat was not significantly different among stream zones. Brook charr do not appear to be better adapted to upstream environments in Powdermill Run based on growth, survival and macrohabitat selection during summer. Negative biotic interactions acting along with differential environmental adaptations may explain the pattern of distribution of brook charr and rainbow trout in streams, but long-term transplant experiments with additional life stages will be necessary to examine this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Many investigators have examined the importance of suitable in‐stream habitat and flow regime to salmonid fishes. However, there is much less known about the use of small (<5 l·s?1 discharge) first‐order streams within a larger stream network by salmonids. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of small headwater streams by juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta in the Emmons Creek stream network in Wisconsin, USA, and to determine whether abundance was related to habitat variables in these streams. Fishes in eight spring‐fed first‐order streams were sampled during a 7‐month period using a backpack electroshocker and measured for total length. Habitat variables assessed included stream discharge, water velocity, sediment composition and the abundance of cover items (woody debris and macrophytes). Densities of YOY trout ranged from 0 to 1 per m2 over the course of the study and differed among first‐order streams. Stepwise multiple regression revealed discharge to be negatively associated with trout density in spring but not in summer. All other habitat variables were not significantly related to trout density. Our results demonstrate the viability of small first‐order streams as nursery habitat for brown trout and support the inclusion of headwater streams in conservation and stream restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Coastal Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations are found from northern Canada to New England. The extent of anadromy generally decreases with latitude, but the ecology and movements of more southern populations are poorly understood. We conducted a 33‐month acoustic telemetry study of Brook Trout in Red Brook, MA, and adjacent Buttermilk Bay (marine system) using 16 fixed acoustic receivers and surgically implanting acoustic transmitters in 84 individuals. Tagged Brook Trout used the stream, estuary (50% of individuals) and bay (10% of individuals). Movements into full sea water were brief when occurring. GAMM models revealed that transitions between habitat areas occurred most often in spring and fall. Environmental data suggest that use of the saline environment is limited by summer temperatures in the bay. Movements may also be related to moon phase. Compared to more northern coastal populations of Brook Trout, the Red Brook population appears to be less anadromous overall, yet the estuarine segment of the system may have considerable ecological importance as a food resource.  相似文献   

The sustainability of freshwater fisheries is increasingly affected by climate warming, habitat alteration, invasive species and other drivers of global change. The State of Michigan, USA, contains ecologically, socioeconomically valuable coldwater stream salmonid fisheries that are highly susceptible to these ecological alterations. Thus, there is a need for future management approaches that promote resilient stream ecosystems that absorb change amidst disturbances. Fisheries professionals in Michigan are responding to this need by designing a comprehensive management plan for stream brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations. To assist in developing such a plan, we used stream‐specific regression models to forecast thermal habitat suitability in streams throughout Michigan from 2006 to 2056 under different predicted climate change scenarios. As baseflow index (i.e., relative groundwater input) increased, stream thermal sensitivity (i.e., relative susceptibility to temperature change) decreased. Thus, the magnitude of temperature warming and frequency of thermal habitat degradation were lowest in streams with the highest baseflow indices. Thermal habitats were most suitable in rainbow trout streams as this species has a wider temperature range for growth (12.0–22.5 °C) compared to brook charr (11.0–20.5 °C) and brown trout (12.0–20.0 °C). Our study promotes resilience‐based salmonid management by providing a methodology for stream temperature and thermal habitat suitability prediction. Fisheries professionals can use this approach to protect coldwater habitats and drivers of stream cooling and ultimately conserve resilient salmonid populations amidst global change.  相似文献   

Abstract – Streams in the Aiako Harria Natural Park (Basque Country, Spain) have excellent water quality, but are physically impoverished after centuries of snagging. In an attempt to restore channel complexity and ecosystem functioning, especially in‐channel retention of sediments and organic matter, large woody debris (LWD) was introduced into four mountain streams (channel width 3–13 m) following a before/after, control/impact (BACI) design. Logs were introduced by means of hand‐held machinery and located uncabled, mimicking the natural amount and disposition of LWD in streams. Floods disrupted most of the structures at the large stream, but caused little damage to those in the small ones. Only minnow and brown trout inhabit in the area. Before wood addition, trout densities were fairly high in the small streams, low in the large one, where recruitment seemed very poor. In the small tributaries, trout populations showed a strong imbalance towards young fish, adults being only found in the spawning season. Wood addition produced some interesting trends in trout, although statistical significance was low as a result of large environmental variability. Fish densities showed small changes, but biomass increased, especially in the spawning season. Also, there was a trend towards more aged 2+ or larger, thus suggesting wood addition improved adult habitat. Although restoring LWD is extremely unusual in Spain, the changes in physical habitat and the trends in fish populations detected in the present project suggest it is worth making more experiments, at least in safe settings where there is no risk of flooding or damaging properties.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of native communities by means of eradicating unwanted fish species using piscicides is an example of employing disturbance to achieve conservation successes. Such projects provide a valuable opportunity to test the efficiency of the tool and the impacts on the receiving aquatic communities, as disturbance occurs at a known time. The piscicide ‘rotenone’ has been widely used to eradicate invasive or unwanted fish species worldwide. However, there is little information regarding the impact on native fish being reintroduced to a stream after rotenone treatment. The mass depletion of aquatic invertebrates due to rotenone dosing is of particular concern, as food‐limitation could negatively impact on fish growth, condition and recruitment, compromising the aims of rehabilitation. For the first time in New Zealand, rotenone was employed to eradicate brown trout (Salmo trutta) from two streams that also supported populations of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus). Impacts on fish and aquatic invertebrates were studied in two treatment and two reference streams in Karori, Wellington. Analysis showed that invertebrate densities declined significantly in the treatment streams in the 2‐week to 2‐month period after dosing. Following reintroduction after rotenone treatment, banded kokopu condition declined significantly and levels of fish mobility were variable. One year after rotenone dosing, there was recruitment of banded kokopu juveniles in the treatment streams indicating successful reproduction, with no equivalent increase in the reference streams. Results are a positive indication for the use of rotenone as an effective conservation tool to remove unwanted fish species where they threaten native populations.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of water from streams and groundwater is increasing in Midwestern North America and is a potential threat to coldwater fishes. We examined the effects of summer water withdrawals on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis populations and water warming rates by diverting 50–90% of summer baseflow from a 602‐m treatment zone (TZ) in a groundwater‐influenced Michigan stream during 1991–1998. We compared density of brook trout in fall, and spring‐to‐fall growth and survival of brook trout, between the TZ and an adjacent reference zone (RZ) whose flows were not altered. Flow reductions had no significant effects on the density of brook trout in fall or spring‐to‐fall survival of brook trout. However, spring‐to‐fall growth of brook trout in the TZ declined significantly when 75% flow reductions occurred. Cold upstream temperatures and the relatively short study reach kept thermal habitat conditions excellent for brook trout in the TZ throughout the dewatering experiments. These findings suggest that brook trout can tolerate some seasonal loss of physical habitat if temperature conditions remain suitable. In summer 1999, we experimentally assessed the influence of flow reduction on the warming rate through the TZ by diverting from 0% to 90% of flow around the TZ in 3‐ or 4‐day trials on a randomised schedule. Average daily temperature increased exponentially as stream flows declined from normal summer levels. Our findings suggest the risk of trout habitat loss from dewatering is potentially large and proportional to the magnitude of withdrawal, especially as thermal conditions approach critical levels for trout.  相似文献   

  • 1. Riparian management is becomingly increasingly recognized as an important tool for reducing harvesting impacts on plantation forest streams. To provide information for a riparian management decision support system, this study investigated effects of riparian tree type (plantation Pinus radiata D. Don versus four native species) on the development of epixylic biofilms, and colonization and feeding by invertebrates on wood at two contrasting stream sites in the central North Island, New Zealand.
  • 2. Electron micrographs revealed a diverse microflora colonizing all wood types, which generally had similar ergosterol concentrations, microbial activity and algal biomass after 1–2 years immersion.
  • 3. Wood type (pine versus native) did not have a significant effect on densities of total invertebrates or dominant taxa. Percentage abundance of some dominant invertebrate groups differed between wood species, apparently in relation to surface complexity, but overall physical habitat differences appeared to override any effects of wood type on community composition.
  • 4. The mass of fine particulate material produced by larvae of the conoesucid caddis fly, Pycnocentria funerea McLachlan, differed significantly among wood species, but this was not related to whether the wood was from native trees or plantation pine.
  • 5. Overall, the results indicate that local variations in habitat heterogeneity and differences in wood surface texture were more important than wood type in influencing epixylic biofilm development, and utilization by invertebrates. Alien pine wood generally provided habitat conditions and trophic resources during initial decomposition that were within the range of variation of native wood species expected to colonize riparian planting set‐backs in northern New Zealand pine forests.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research has revealed that non‐native rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss have largely replaced a native cyprinid, the Breede River redfin Pseudobarbus burchelli, as the dominant species of fish in many headwater streams in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. Moreover, differences in the composition of benthic communities in CFR headwater streams with and without trout suggest that trout do not functionally compensate for the native redfin which they have replaced in these food webs. In this study, we used gut content and stable isotope analyses to characterise and compare the trophic niches and diet compositions of allopatric populations of trout and redfin in six CFR headwater streams (three containing trout, three containing redfin). Results indicate that native redfin exploit a broader trophic niche, and a more omnivorous diet, than do trout. Gut content analyses showed terrestrial invertebrates to be an important prey source for trout, which could potentially offset predation pressure on aquatic invertebrates and explain why benthic invertebrate density in streams with trout is higher than that in streams with no trout. Contrastingly, redfin diet appeared to be dominated by aquatic invertebrates, with terrestrial prey a less important food item in the guts of redfin. That redfin and trout exploit nonequivalent trophic niches may have consequences for benthic community composition in CFR headwater streams, and this study highlights the importance of quantifying how the functional role of predators changes following a predator replacement for understanding and managing the consequences of non‐native predator invasions.  相似文献   

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