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Many studies have documented that hatchery‐reared salmonids generally have inferior survival after being stocked compared with wild conspecifics, hatchery and wild salmonids have been observed to differ in their antipredator responses. The response of brown trout (Salmo trutta) juveniles (0+) of differing backgrounds to a live predator was compared in two experiments. First, the antipredator behaviour of predator‐naïve hatchery‐reared brown trout and wild‐exposed brown trout were assessed in behavioural trials which lasted for eight days. Second, predator‐naïve and predator‐conditioned hatchery‐reared brown trout were assessed in identical behavioural trials. Brown trout were ‘predator‐conditioned’ by being held in a stream‐water aquarium with adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and adult brown trout for two days prior to behavioural trials. Predator‐conditioned hatchery‐reared brown trout spent more time in shelters in the trial aquaria than predator‐naïve hatchery‐reared fish, but did not differ in time spent in the predator‐free area. Predator conditioning may account for the increased time spent in the shelter, but does not appear to have affected time spent in the predator‐free area. However, even if significant alteration in behaviour can be noted in the laboratory, the response might not be appropriate in the wild.  相似文献   

Abstract– To assess the levels of gene introgression from cultured to wild brown trout populations, four officially stocked locations and four nonstocked locations were sampled for one to three consecutive years and compared to the hatchery strain used for stocking. Allozyme analysis for 25 loci included those previously described as providing allelic markers distinguishing hatchery stocks and native populations. Different levels of hybridization and introgression with hatchery índividuals were detected in stocked drainages as well as in protected locations. These findings indicate that new policies for stocking and monitoring hatchery fish are needed if gene pools of wild Spanish brown trout populations are to be preserved.  相似文献   

During 1985-88, a total of 17500 under-yearling (0+) brown trout. salmo trutta L., were released in Låktabäcken Creek in Swedish Lapland. Of these, 15500 had been reared in a pond adjacent to the creek during their first summer, where they fed on natural prey. The other 2000 were conventionally reared hatchery fish fed dry food pellets. All fish were released in the autumn (size 6O-70mm) at the confluence of the pond outlet and the creek. Electrofishing revealed that the stocked fish gradually spread downstream from the point of release at the expense of the resident wild trout population. In 1989, stocked fish accounted for 70-90% and 30-50% of the trout population in the upper and lower stretches of the creek respectively. No long-term changes in total trout densities or standing crop occurred as a result of stocking. First-year survival of fish released in the creek varied between 15 and 30% over the 4 years. After 3 years, 5% of the stocked fish remained in the creek. Planted fish grew less rapidly than wild fish during the first year in the creek. Pond fish had a higher survival rate than hatchery fish and showed a greater propensity to disperse from the point of release.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two groups of 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., one pond-reared and one hatchery-reared (fish length 32-80mm), were released in eight small streams in three different areas of Norway between 1984 and 1987. Hatchery and pond fish were reared at different sites, but releases were made both near the rearing site and in the home area of the other group. A total of 2550 fish were recaptured by electrofishing the year after stocking. We found great variations in the recapture rates of pond and hatchery fish in one stream between years, and between streams in different areas the same year. These results indicate that the rearing method is not essential to the recapture rate. Both pond and hatchery fish generally had higher recapture rates in streams near their rearing site than in the distant areas. Thus factors associated with transportation seem to influence the survival of stocked fish. The results also indicate that size at stocking may be an important factor for the recapture rate.  相似文献   

Stocking is an important management tool for enhancing fisheries resources, but its actual contribution to fisheries resources is controversial, taking into consideration both the positive and negative effects. This study compared density and biomass of hatchery (otolith thermal marked) and wild masu salmon parr between stocked and unstocked rivers to evaluate the contribution of stocking with hatchery‐reared fish. Density and biomass of all fish did not differ between stocked and unstocked rivers. Moreover, density and biomass of wild fish in the stocked rivers were lower than those of the unstocked rivers. Density and biomass of hatchery fish in a non‐natural reproducing river were similar with those of all fish in natural reproducing rivers. These results indicate that hatchery stocking does not have positive effects on population density or biomass but replaces wild fish with hatchery fish and that non‐natural reproducing areas are more suitable as stocking sites.  相似文献   

The performance of hatchery‐reared juveniles either in aquaculture grow‐out systems or stock enhancement is likely to be dependent on a range of factors during the hatchery phase of production. With recent progress in the development of hatchery systems for the mud crabs Scylla spp., there is growing interest in evaluation of the quality of hatchery‐reared juveniles relative to wild seed crabs as currently used in aquaculture. Hatchery‐reared and wild‐collected Scylla paramamosain juveniles were stocked either together in ponds or separately. All crabs were tagged with microwire‐coded tags, so that origin could be determined in the mixed groups. Preliminary validation demonstrated that tagging did not affect survival or growth, with a tag retention of 94%. After 106 days of culture, there was no significant difference in survival at harvest between the two sources of crabs. The wild juvenile crabs had a significantly higher initial weight:carapace width (CW) ratio compared with those from the hatchery, indicating a difference in condition. However, where crabs were stocked separately, the hatchery‐reared animals exhibited significantly faster growth than those collected from the wild, both in terms of specific growth rate and CW increase per month. However, in the mixed ponds, where there was competition with wild crabs, there was no significant difference in growth rate between crabs from the two sources. Overall, the results demonstrate that the growth performance of hatchery‐reared S. paramamosain can at least equal that of wild‐collected seed crabs in ponds culture.  相似文献   

Abstract  This study examined stocking with three early life stages of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in the context of rehabilitating a native lineage. Experimental sections in five streams were stocked successively with three stages (I: unfed fry at the end of the reabsorption phase, II: fed fry measuring 2–3 cm and III: fed fry measuring 4–5 cm) derived from a hatchery stock bred from wild spawners. The three stages were distinguished by single or multiple fluoromarking of the otoliths with alizarin redS. The index of relative stocking efficiency was greater for stage II than for stage I in all sections and equivalent or greater than that for stage III. Stage II achieved significantly larger mean length and weight in autumn than stage III stockings.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were first introduced into Australia over 100 years ago, and forms the basis of important recreational inland fisheries and an aquaculture industry in south‐eastern Australia. This paper investigates the genetic variation within and between samples of Australian rainbow trout using allozyme electrophoresis. The levels of genetic diversity within Australia do not show marked differences from those observed in hatchery and wild populations from throughout North America, New Zealand and South Africa, but there is evidence for the loss of some rare alleles during translocation from California to Australia via New Zealand. No appreciable difference in genetic diversity was apparent between hatchery and self‐sustaining wild populations of rainbow trout from mainland Australia. However, significant differences in allelic frequencies were observed, with consistent genetic differences between Victorian and New South Wales samples most likely reflecting state‐based hatchery and stocking policies.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We compared the growth and prey consumption of juvenile hatchery and wild brown trout of similar genetic origin in 12 wire mesh cages in a natural river in North-Eastern Finland. Wild trout started feeding shortly after the start of the experiment, and clearly earlier than novel hatchery trout, but ate less in the presence of hatchery trout. When accompanied with wild trout, novel hatchery trout started to feed earlier, consumed more live prey, and lost less weight than when in allopatry. Hatchery trout grew more slowly than wild trout. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that hatchery trout benefit from the presence of wild, experienced trout in a complex semi-natural environment. However, our results also indicate that the benefits to hatchery fish are not transferred to wild fish, and ultimately that care should be exercised in management actions when using hatchery trout to supplement wild populations. On the other hand survival potential of the novel hatchery brown trout could be better in the wild when also undomesticated trout are present.  相似文献   

Non‐native predators may interfere with conservation efforts for native species. For example, fisheries managers have recently become concerned that non‐native brown trout may impede efforts to restore native salmon and trout in California's Trinity River. However, the extent of brown trout predation on these species is unknown. We quantified brown trout predation on wild and hatchery‐produced salmon and trout in the Trinity River in 2015. We first estimated the total biomass of prey consumed annually by brown trout using a bioenergetics model and measurements of brown trout growth and abundance over a 64‐km study reach. Then, we used stable isotope analysis and gastric lavage to allocate total consumption to specific prey taxa. Although hatchery‐produced fish are primarily released in the spring, hatchery fish accounted for most of the annual consumption by large, piscivorous brown trout (>40 cm long). In all, the 1579 (95% CI 1,279–1,878) brown trout >20 cm long in the study reach ate 5,930 kg (95% CI 3,800–8,805 kg) of hatchery fish in 2015. Brown trout predation on hatchery fish was ca. 7% of the total biomass released from the hatchery. Brown trout only ate 924 kg (95% CI 60–3,526 kg) of wild fish in 2015, but this was potentially a large proportion of wild salmon production because wild fish were relatively small. As large brown trout rely heavily on hatchery‐produced fish, modifying hatchery practices to minimise predation may enhance survival of hatchery fish and potentially reduce the abundance of predatory brown trout.  相似文献   

Walleye Sander vitreus Mitchill have been progressively raised in hatcheries to larger sizes under the paradigm that larger stocked fish have higher survival. However, extended time in hatcheries may result in domestication, with stocked individuals lacking behaviours that promote survival. The objective of this study was to evaluate behaviour and survival of wild versus stocked fingerling (>200 mm) walleye in two Iowa reservoirs. Radio telemetry was used to evaluate walleye movement rates, depth use, home range size, habitat selection and apparent survival. Depth use increased with days since stocking and varied between lake‐years but was similar between walleye groups. Daily movement rates varied by the interaction between group and day, with rates declining through time. Home ranges did not differ between groups but were significantly greater in Big Creek than Brushy Creek. Walleye in both lakes generally used habitat in proportion to availability, with few differences between groups detected. Weekly apparent survival ranged from 0.948 to 1.000, varied across lakes, years and seasons, and was higher for stocked than wild walleye in Big Creek but not Brushy Creek. The results indicate that hatchery‐reared fingerling walleye behave similar to but can have higher survival than wild fish, suggesting that domestication may not be occurring and that stocking autumn fingerling walleye may help supplement year‐class strength.  相似文献   

This research, which is part of a larger study designed to assess the feasibility of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, stock enhancement in New Hampshire, identifies hatchery feeds that optimize feeding‐related performance of fish once released in the wild. Fish reared on post‐nauplii of brine shrimp, Artemia sp., white worms, Enchytraeus albidus, common burrower amphipods, Leptocheirus plumulosus, and formulated pellets were evaluated post‐release from in situ cages using survival, growth rate, feeding onset and incidence, stomach fullness, diet composition, and nucleic acid‐based condition as indicators of hatchery diet suitability. Amphipod‐reared fish had the highest mean stomach content index of all feed types, including wild fish. Wild and worm‐reared fish exhibited the most similar survival, overall stomach fullness, and diet composition profiles over time. Amphipod‐reared fish ranked highest in overall performance; however, if wild fish performance is viewed as the ideal for a stocked fish, worm‐reared fish performed optimally. This study describes hatchery feeding strategies that may ease the transition of flatfish released into the wild for stock enhancement.  相似文献   

Abstract. An examination of biochemical-genetic variation at seven polymorphic loci was carried out among five year classes of wild Atlantic salmon, Salar L., in the R. Bush and in a hatchery strain derived from the wild population. Within some of the year classes, gene frequencies at several loci differed significantly between wild and artificially reared salmon. Highly significant temporal variation in gene frequencies was detected among successive year classes of the hatchery strain, while this was less significant among the wild salmon. Samples of wild salmon taken as 0+ and 1 + parr in the river showed no significant temporal variability in allelic frequencies. Heterozygosity levels among the wild and hatchery-reared salmon were comparable, averaging 0·185 and 0·176 respectively. The genetic variability of the artificially reared salmon is discussed in relation to numbers of broodstock and breeding regime used at the hatchery.  相似文献   

In this study, shoals of hatchery‐reared and wild sea bass juveniles (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) were tested for differences in their antipredator responses towards a visual (shadow) and a mechanical (dummy bill) overhead stimulus. Two behavioural variables – distance from the bottom and freezing duration – were measured during post‐stimulus phases of each test and compared between wild and hatchery‐reared shoals, composed of 10 juveniles each. The results showed that in both hatchery‐reared and wild juveniles, stimulus exposure elicited a significant decrease in the mean shoal distance from the bottom. Similarly, individuals from both groups engaged a freezing reaction, but the mean freezing duration was significantly higher in wild‐ than in hatchery‐reared juveniles. Results are discussed in the light of their relevance for the enhancement of restocking programmes.  相似文献   

Abalone populations have declined worldwide, generating interest in enhancement using hatchery‐reared individuals. In many cases, such restoration efforts have met with limited success due to high predator‐induced mortality rates. Furthermore, the mortality rates of outplanted hatchery abalone are often considerably higher than for wild individuals. This study uses northern abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) as a case study to determine whether hatchery‐reared abalone behave differently than their wild counterparts. In the field, outplanted hatchery‐reared abalone were significantly less responsive than wild abalone, in terms of number of abalone responding and intensity of response, to nearby movement and to physical contact with an inert probe. Also, when encountering a cue to which all abalone responded (a seastar predator), hatchery‐reared individuals remained subdued. Anti‐predator behavioural deficits in hatchery‐reared abalone were more pronounced in 4‐year‐old individuals than in 1‐year‐old individuals, suggesting an influence of either age or amount of time spent in the hatchery environment. These behavioural differences are expected to increase the vulnerability of hatchery‐reared abalone to predators, and are likely a major cause of their elevated predator‐induced mortality when outplanted.  相似文献   

Conservation of migratory salmonids requires understanding their ecology at multiple scales, combined with assessing anthropogenic impacts. We present a case‐study from over 100 years of data for the endemic landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) and brown trout (Salmo trutta, Salmonidae) in Lake Vänern, Sweden. We use this case‐study to develop life history‐based research and monitoring priorities for migratory salmonids. In Vänern, small wild populations of salmon and trout remain only in the heavily regulated Rivers Klar (Klarälven) and Gullspång (Gullspångsälven), and commercial and sport fisheries are maintained by hatchery stocking. These populations represent some of the last remaining large‐bodied (up to 20 kg) landlocked salmon stocks worldwide. We found that one of four stocks of wild fish has increased since 1996; the other three remain critically low. Hatchery return rates for three of four stocks appear stable at roughly 1% and annual fisheries catch is roughly 75 metric tons, with an estimated 7.5% of hatchery smolts being recruited to the fishery; this also appears relatively stable since 1990. Our analysis reveals much uncertainty in key data requirements, including both river return and fisheries catch rates, estimates of wild smolt production and survival, and hatchery breeding and genetics protocols. These uncertainties, coupled with a lack of information on their riverine and lacustrine ecology, preclude effective management of these unique populations. We conclude with a framework for a life history‐based approach to research and monitoring for Vänern salmon and trout, which should be applicable for all endemic, migratory salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Stocking has had a considerable effect on wild brown trout, Salmo trutta L., populations throughout Europe. To elucidate this impact and to outline further management strategies, the genetic structure of 25 wild populations and five hatchery stocks from Czech Republic and Slovakia were analysed using mitochondrial (control region) and nuclear DNA (microsatellites, LDH‐C1*) markers. Stocking practices have caused massive hybridisation between the Atlantic and Danube brown trout strains in the central Danube basin and have lead to a loss of among‐population divergence in Slovakia and the eastern part of Czech Republic. Comparison with studies from neighbouring countries revealed substantial differences in haplotype, allele frequencies and genetic diversity across Central Europe. Differences in stocking management and origin of breeding stocks appear to be crucial factors for the spatial variability of the genetic structure of brown trout.  相似文献   

Sea trout, Salmo trutta L., populations in the Slupia River basin have been affected by mass stocking with smolts and fry. This work is focused on a small‐scale differentiation in sea trout populations from one basin with a strong emphasis on the relationship between wild and hatchery origin fish. A total of 216 sea trout were genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Global FST obtained by amova was low at 0.0165. Pairwise FST were significant for all tests except wild and stocked adults. The highest pairwise difference was found between the hatchery sample and Kwacza (FST = 0.038). Analysis of the genetic structure revealed micro‐geographical differentiation with four subpopulations. The quality of the artificial spawning was found not to be adequate with a high risk of adverse effects to the whole population. All future stocking actions in the basin should consider the existing population structures.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study aimed to evaluate otter predation on stocked trout. Large hatchery-reared trout (16–30 cm) were stocked into two Danish rivers with different fish populations. Otter diet before and after trout stocking was determined by analysing 685 spraints, collected regularly during the 35-day study period. Fish composition in the rivers before stocking was assessed by electrofishing. In River Trend, a typical trout river, the proportion of trout in the otter diet increased from 8% before stocking to 33% a few days after stocking. Moreover, trout lengths in the diet changed significantly towards the lengths of stocked trout, indicating that newly stocked trout were preferred to wild trout. In River Skals, dominated by cyprinids, there was no change in otter diet after stocking of hatchery trout, i.e., these were ignored by otter. Otter predation should be taken into account together with fish and bird predation, when stocking is used as a measure for conserving endangered salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are a commercially important coldwater species reared in Wisconsin and the Midwestern United States. Brook trout are raised by private, tribal, state, and federal fish hatchery facilities in Wisconsin. Approximately 10% of private coldwater aquaculture operations are presently raising brook trout of various strains for stocking uses and a limited amount for food markets. Growing brook trout to a larger size, if they can be reared in a shorter time span, may present a potential new sector for the aquaculture market in the Midwestern US. The present study reports hatchery production attributes, i.e., growth, survival, fin condition, feed efficiency, water chemistry requirements and general husbandry of Lake Superior strain (Nipigon) brook trout reared in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), operated at an average temperature of 13 °C. The recycle system at NADF reared 1379 kg of brook trout over a 10-month period from fingerling (9 g) to market size (340–454 g). The trout grew faster (0.84 g/day and 0.64 mm/day) in the RAS than fish cultured in traditional flow-through tank culture utilizing ground water at 7.6 °C (0.14 g/day and 0.35 mm/day). Final average weight of RAS fish was 260 g, while the flow-through fish averaged 65 g. Final tank densities for the RAS averaged 40.4 kg/m3 while flow-through tanks averaged 31.2 kg/m3. Throughout the project, feed conversions in the RAS ranged from 0.9 to 1.3. Water quality variables such as TAN, nitrite, DO, temperature, TSS, CO2, ph, etc. were within safe limits for brook trout and will be discussed. It does appear from this initial research project that market size brook trout can be raised successfully in a recycle system within a similar time frame as a rainbow trout produced in a Wisconsin typical flow-through facility.  相似文献   

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