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In parallel studies with piglets of the country race the applicability of variously treated straw materials was tested in comparison with the conventional feeding of concentrate (I) after an early weaning date (30th-35th day of life) over a feeding period of 8 weeks (1st-8th week of keeping). In the rations containing 10% straw (concentrate-straw mixtures), untreated (II), HCl treated (III:HCl treatment without steaming) and partly hydrolyzed straw meal (IV:HCl treatment with subsequent steaming) were tested. In the 2nd and 8th weeks of keeping blood samples were taken from 4 animals of each group and selected parameters of the protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism were subsequently ascertained from the blood serum. About half of the total of the 13 selected parameters showed reactions of the intermediary metabolism of the test groups caused by the feeding. With the parameters on the whole varying in the normal physiologic range, a decrease in the blood urea and creatinine concentration and an increase in the blood glucose level were detected after the use of the concentrate-straw mixtures (III and IV) in comparison with the sole feeding of concentrate (I) and partly also in comparison with untreated straw meal (II), their intensity varying in dependence on feeding and test duration. Particularly towards the end of the experiment, an increase of the activity of alkaline phosphatase was also characteristic, which was in negative correlation with the P content of the serum and in positive correlation with growth performance. The physiologic parameters are discussed in connection with the higher growth performance at reduced concentrate expenditure achieved in III and IV in comparison to I and II.  相似文献   

In feeding experiments with piglets of the country species variously treated straw materials were used in concentrate--straw meal mixtures after the traditional weaning date (49th day of life) and studies were made of the fermentation of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the large intestine (colon) and of the concentration of selected parameters of the protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism in the blood serum of the animals. The concentrate--straw mixtures with a 10% straw quota contained untreated (II), HCl treated (HCl treatment without steaming, without (III) and with neutralization, IV) as well as partly hydrolysed straw meal (HCl treatment with subsequent steaming, without (V) and with neutralization with CaCO3, VI) were tested in comparison with sole feeding of concentrate (I) and its combination with wheat bran (VII). With regard to the fermentation processes in the large intestine in a comparison of the feeding groups (I-VII) the highest concentration and production quota of VFA was registered in I and the lowest in II. The straw treatment variants (III, IV, V and VI) took a medium position with regard to this and did not differ from each other. After their application of a significant increase in the molar acetate quota was ascertained in comparison with the sole feeding of concentrate (I), which was also characteristic of the other crude fibre sources (II and VII) and was reflected in the extension of the C2: C3 relation. Only few of the total of 15 selected parameters in the blood serum showed reactions of the intermediary metabolism of the test groups caused by feeding. The decrease of the urea concentration in the serum after the feeding of the treated straw materials (III, IV, V and VI) is particularly remarkable. In general, the urea concentration in the serum was negatively related to growth performance of the test groups. The use of HCl treated straw materials (III-VI) proved to be advantageous in comparison to the sole feeding of concentrate (I) and the use of other crude fibre sources (untreated straw meal (II) and wheat bran, VII) in the feeding regime of the keeping stage 'weaned pigs'.  相似文献   

The ad libitum influence of various quotas of partly hydrolysed straw meal (PHSM) on the fermentation and production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the colon in the measuring periods 2nd and 8th weeks of keeping was checked within a feeding experiment with weaned piglets of the country species (42nd-98th day of life; 1st-8th week of keeping). The straw hydrolysis product was fed in a parallel experiment without or after neutralization with CaCO3 in quotas of, 5, 10 and 15% related to dry matter in comparison to the feeding of sole concentrate feed. The measuring in the 2nd week of keeping (adaptation phase) was blurred by the diarrhea in the groups with regard to the concentration, production and molar proportion of VFA. The concentration and production quota of VFA was diminished and the C2:C3 relation as well as the molar quota of branched-chain fatty acids increased in the comparison of the groups above all under the feeding conditions of the sole use of concentrate and--less distinctly--of quotas of 5% PHSM (insufficient dietetic effect) in the feed mixture. Measuring in the 8th week, in which diarrhea did not play a role in any of the groups, showed a significant, ration specific influence on the fermentation pattern of VFA. With the increasing quota of PHSM in the feed mixture (x) a significantly positive relation with the molar acetate quota (y) could be calculated (y = 52.6 + 0.36x;r = 0.50). The C2:C3 relation after sole concentrate feeding rose to 2.6:1 at a 15% PHSM integration. In this, the molar increase of acetate was predominantly linked with a decrease of the butyrate and valerate quotas. A falling tendency of the molar iso-acid quota in the colon digesta was registered with the growing straw quota in the feed mixture. The daily production quota of VFA varied in the measuring period in the 8th week of keeping between 400 and 800 mmol/animal.d without an ascertainable influence of the crude fibre quota of the straw. In comparative calculations with other test results, however, a significant positive correlation between the daily intake of digestible organic matter and the production of VFA in the large intestine could be proved.  相似文献   

In studies with weaned piglets of the land race the usability of partly hydrolysed straw meal (PSM) in concentrate - straw meal mixtures was tested over a period of 56 days (42nd-98th day of life; 1st-8th week of feeding. The hydrolysed straw product was there tested in a parallel experiment each without and after neutralization (by means of CaCO3) in quotas of 5, 10 and 15% as supplement to the concentrate feed (based on dry matter) in comparison to a sole concentrate feeding. Daily weight gain and feed and energy expenditure as well as nutrient digestibility and the buffer effect of the PSM rations were ascertained. Measured by weight gain, feed intake and concentrate- and energy expenditure related weight gain, a 10% quota of partly hydrolysed straw meal in a period near weaning (1st-4th week of feeding) had the highest effect and was far superior to traditional concentrate feeding. Lower quotas of PSM in this period did not show a sufficient dietetic effect (diarrhea symptoms), higher reduced the effect on the performance parameters. In the period more remote from weaning (5th-8th week of feeding) the effect of the straw meal integration was generally reduced, a quota of about 5% proved optimal. The registered higher daily weight gains in the total test period (1st-8th week of feeding in which concentrate - straw meal mixtures (relative 106-130%) were closely related to the daily intake of digestibility organic matter. The decrease in digestibility of organic matter in the total ration remained small with the use of the well fermentable crude fibre from the hydrolysed straw product and the balance was overcompensated by higher feed intake. A pH-value decrease of the feed mixtures and a physiologically suitable influence on the pH-value in the stomachs of the test animals could be ascertained due to the buffer capacity of the hydrolysed straw products used. With regard to this, the non-buffered hydrolysed straw product had a higher effect, which was, among other things, reflected in higher performances.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments with a total of 28 breeding sows of the country species studies were made of the fermentation, production and absorption of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the large intestine after feeding variously treated straw materials in concentrate--straw meal mixtures. Experiment 1 ascertained that supplements of untreated (I), HCl treated (II) and partly hydrolysed straw meal (III, treatment with subsequent steaming) caused a decrease of the VFA concentration as well as considerable molar changes of the VFA in the caecal and colonal digesta in comparison of the sole feeding with concentrate (IV). The straw fibre integration increased the molar acetate quota at the expense decreased propionate and butyrate fermentation. Considering the straw meal variants this effects was least distinct after the feeding of partly hydrolysed straw meal (III). In experiment 2, which comprised the simultaneous ascertainment of VFA production in the feeding variants I and III and which was based on a representative number of animals per test group (n = 10), there were significant differences between the production quotas (I = 992; III = 1,300 mmol/animal.d) and in the absorption quotas of VFA (I = 63; II = 78%). The digestible energy from the VFA in the large intestine amounted to 711 kJ/d (I) and 1,183 kJ/d (III). The derived higher net energy gain from the hydrolysed straw product (III) was calculated at 590 kJ (40EFUpig/kg DM) and discussed together with results of feed value increase from the digestibility experiments.  相似文献   

孙炬仁 《中国饲料》2022,1(4):65-68
文章旨在研究日粮用碎米完全替代玉米对断奶仔猪生长性能、血清生化及蛋白质代谢的影响.试验将180头21?d断奶、平均体重为(6.48±0.04)kg的仔猪随机分为2组,每组5个重复,每个重复18头.两组断奶仔猪分别饲喂以45%玉米和碎米为主的日粮,试验共持续14?d.结果:与玉米组相比,碎米组仔猪断奶后8~14?d平均日...  相似文献   

Rations containing 12% sunflower oil (Ration II) and 12% coconut fat (Ration III) were compared with a control ration (Ration I) in a 34 day experiment with growing boars of the German Landrace breed (12-30 kg body weight). The relationships between DP and ME were held constant for all 3 rations, and because of the higher ME contents of the two fat rations, this was achieved by reducing the feed intake, relative to that of the control ration. Parameters measured were growth, composition at slaughter, the apparent digestibility of the crude nutrients and energy, the N-balance and the concentrations of urea, insulin, glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood. In comparison to Ration I, the apparent digestibilities of crude protein in Rations II and III were 5 and 4% (p less than 0,05) higher, respectively. There was little difference in the apparent digestibility of crude fat between the Rations II and III. However, large differences in the values were determined depending upon method of extraction. There were little differences in the productive performance of the animals fed the fat diets. The control animals had, however, a 13% lower growth rate (p less than 0,05) when compared at similar ME-intakes. As the energy concentration and the growth rate were higher in groups II and III, the feed conversion efficiency and the ME required per kg growth were approximately 30 and 13% lower than that of the control animals. The efficiency of protein utilization of the animals in group III was 4% higher (p greater than 0.05) and the blood urea concentration 20% lower (p less than 0.05) than that in group II. The values for the control animals were intermediate. A similar result was obtained concerning the fat content of the animals. The fat content of the animals in group III was 15.9% and this was significantly lower (p less than 0.001) than that of 21.1% measured in group II. That of the control animals, 18.6%, was not significantly different from the above values. The differences in feeding over the relatively short period of 34 days lead to marked differences in the fatty acid pattern of the backfat. The contents of myristic acid and linoleic acid were significantly different between group II and III; for the former values of 0.8% and 16.9% were determined, respectively, with corresponding values of 48.7 and 11.3% for the latter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in concentrations of metabolites of the main nutrients in the blood plasma, caused by weaning and by different body weight gains, by starvation, exogenous adrenaline and ASTH administration were studied in 141 weaned piglets of the Large White breed at an age of 26 to 69 days. After weaning, the total protein level showed a faster decrease in the intensively growing piglets than in those with lower growth rates. This rapid decrease was induced by adrenaline. The post-weaning levels of glucose decreased irrespective of the growth rate of the piglets. Adrenaline caused hyperglycaemia and, after 48 hours of starvation, hypoglycaemia. Urea levels significantly increased after weaning. During starvation they remained unchanged, even under exposure to hormonal effects. Cholesterol concentration decreased after weaning, after ACTH and adrenaline administration also showed a decrease. The concentration of non-esterified fatty acids decreased after weaning, the decrease being more pronounced in the piglets with less intensive growth. The action of adrenaline, ACTH, together with an increased level of glucocorticoids, increased the concentration of these acids even in the state of starvation. It is assumed that early piglet weaning implies great metabolic changes which need not impair growth if their character is transient. The author evaluates the suitability of the starter used and parameters chosen for the determination of the metabolic profile of pigs.  相似文献   

Three groups of male, castrated piglets of the German Landrace breed, weight range 3-30 kg, were used to study the relation between fattening performance and blood parameters when feeding rations containing different amounts of fat. The fat content of the rations was either 5% (group I), 18% (group II) or 35% (group III). Concomitantly with the increased metabolizable energy (ME) content of the ration the content of digestible protein (DP) was increased and the amount of feed reduced in order to guarantee an equal intake of ME and DP in all three groups. The digestibility of the crude nutrients and protein retention of the subjects were determined in nine subsequent trials each lasting 7 days. At a body weight of 27 kg the blood concentrations of insulin, glucose, free fatty acids, neutral lipids and cholesterol were determined at different times after feeding. In addition, an oral glucose tolerance test was made and the in-vitro synthesis of fat from glucose was measured. The apparent digestibility of fat amounted, unexpectedly, to approximately 94% on the high rat rations II and III. In all groups a significant positive relation between body weight and digestibility of the fat was determined. Despite equal daily intakes of ME in all groups, in group III daily weight gain and protein retention were 7% (p less than 0.01) and 4% (p less than 0.01) higher than in group I, respectively. Blood urea levels of group III were 67% (p less than 0.01) lower than in group I. The mean daily nitrogen retention of the three groups rose gradually from 4 g at a body weight of 5 kg to 16-17 g at a body weight of 25 kg. The feed conversion of group I was lower by 22 and 36% as compared to groups II and III, respectively. Highly significant differences were observed among either groups (p less than 0.01). It has been calculated that in group III the consumption of ME/kg weight gain was about 8% (p less than 0.05) lower than in the two other groups. According to the increased fat percentage of the rations, body protein content diminished from 17,1% in group I to 16,5 and 16% in groups II and III, respectively. Only the difference between groups I and III proved to be significant (p less than 0.05). In group I feed intake resulted in an increase in the insulin level by 55% (p less than 0.05) whereas glucose did not change significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In experiments with colostomized broiler hens apparent digestibility of the crude nutrients of the ration after straw meal supplements of 20, 30 and 40 g per animal was determined. In addition, the 15N digestibility of straw meal and wheat was ascertained on the basis of straw meal supplements. The digestibility of the crude nutrients of the rations decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after the straw meal supplement. The adaptation of the test animals to the straw meal intake resulted, at a daily consumption of 20 g straw meal, in an increase of the apparent crude fat digestibility (P less than 0.05) in dependence on the time of straw meal feeding, in which the original values without straw meal supplement were not reached. The digestibility of the 15N excess (15N') of the wheat was, at 86 +/- 1%, largely independent of the straw meal intake. The apparent digestibility of the straw-15N excess in broiler hens of 42 +/- 8 to 55 +/- 2% is surprisingly high.  相似文献   

Two groups, each of 9 castrated male piglets of the German Landrace breed, body weight 13-29 kg, were fed ad libitum for a 5 week period in order to determine the influence of the fatty acid composition of the dietary fat on protein and fat retention. The concentrations of urea, insulin, glucose, free glycerol and triglycerides were also determined. That fat in ration I (derived from 27% sunflower seed) contained 50% linoleic acid while that of ration II (derived from 12,5% coconut kernels) had a maximum lauric acid content of 41,8%. The relationship between digestible crude protein and ME-content was calculated to be similar in both rations. In addition protein quality was calculated to be similar in both rations. Protein deposition was determined from both nitrogen and comparative slaughter procedures. The results can be summarized as follows: The animals fed ration I had a higher daily ME-intake and growth rate than those fed ration II, although no great difference was observed in ME required per kg body weight gain. The efficiency of protein utilization was significantly better in group I and this was associated with a lower blood urea concentration. The concentrations of insulin and glucose in the blood, measured before as well as 20, 45, 60 and 120 minutes following feeding, showed little differences between the groups. The triglyceride concentration measured before and 1 and 5 hours following feeding was significantly higher (p less than 0,01) in group II. There was no significant difference in the protein and fat content of the body as well as in the daily protein and fat deposition. The fatty acid composition of the back fat was significantly influenced by the fatty acid pattern of the dietary fat. In group I the linoleic acid content was 3,6 times higher and the lauric- and myristic acid content 11,7 times lower compared to that of group II.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of different sources of protein on the growth performance of newly weaned piglets, 72 newly weaned piglets were randomly assigned to three groups fed different diets (soya bean, casein and dried distillers' grain with solubles (DDGS) feeds). Casein and DDGS feeds consisted of soya bean feed in which 5% of the CP was replaced with casein‐ or DDGS‐derived CP respectively. Blood and chyme samples were collected from each piglet 2 h post‐feeding on days 0 and 28 of the feeding period. The DDGS feed decreased DMI (p = 0.024) and increased FCR (p = 0.025) due to lower nitrogen utilization (p = 0.078) than those of other feeds. Total amino acid content in chyme demonstrated that casein feed digested rapidly in the duodenum (p = 0.005), whereas DDGS feed was digested primarily in the distal jejunum (p = 0.003) and ileocecum (p = 0.002). However, polypeptide profiles in chyme exhibited a pattern different from those of amino acids. There were no differences in the polypeptide profiles in the stomachs of piglets fed soya bean or casein feeds (p > 0.05), but soya bean group had greater amounts of small polypeptides (mass under m/z 3000 Da) in the duodenum (p = 0.052) than other groups. In contrast, the DDGS feed group had more large polypeptides (m/z 3000–4000 Da) in the stomach than the other groups (p < 0.001). In addition, 10 pairs of polypeptides with matching masses were identified in the plasma and digesta, indicating that polypeptides may have been transported across the intestinal epithelial cells and into the blood. Taken together, substitution of 5% of the CP in soya bean meal‐based feed with DDGS‐derived CP decreased the growth performance of newly weaned piglets due to poor digestibility and N utilization of DDGS feed, as well as untimely digestion of casein feed.  相似文献   

In studies with piglets of the country race the applicability of variously treated straw materials was tested in comparison with conventional concentrate feeding (I) after an early weaning date (30th-35th day of life) over an 8-week period (1st-8th week of keeping). In the rations containing 10% straw (straw-concentrate mixtures), untreated (II), HCl treated (III: HCl treatment without steaming) and partly hydrolyzed straw meal (IV: HCl treatment with subsequent steaming) were used in the feeding. Samples were taken of 4 killed animals each in the 2nd and 8th weeks of keeping for the qualitative histologic assessment of palatum durum, oesophagus and stomach, duodenum and caecum, colon ascendens, colon descendens and rectum. Although significantly lower pH values in the stomach were registered after the feeding of feed mixtures III and IV due to increased acidity (pH value decrease by 1.3 to 1.5 units) in comparison to the values in I and II, the lamina epithelialis of the palatum durum remained intact in all groups and without any signs of cauterization. Equally, considerable changes in the comparison of the feeding groups could not be detected in the structures of the oesophagus and the stomach walls or in the qualitative histologic assessment of the duodenum and the caecum. However, there were clearly distinguishable group specifics with regard to the formation of lymphoreticular tissue in the stomach and for the colon ascendens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of lysine restriction and subsequent realimentation on growth performance, blood profiles and gene expression of leptin and myostatin, 128 weaned pigs [initial body weight (BW) 6.96 ± 1.07 kg, 26 ± 2 days of age] were randomly allotted to four treatments. The starter diets during the first 2 weeks (P1) contained 100%, 80%, 70% or 60% of recommended lysine levels ( National Research Council, 1998 ). Then, common grower 1 and 2 diets were offered for 2 weeks (P2 and P3) each. During P1, average daily gain (ADG) was linearly reduced (p < 0.05) with the increasing levels of lysine restriction. Growth rate was greater in pigs previously fed lysine‐restricted diets than well‐fed pigs although it did not reach a significant level during realimentation. However, the final BW and overall ADG were the lowest (p < 0.05) and F/G was poor in pigs fed 60% lysine diet. Relative visceral organ weights and composition of skeletal muscle were similar (p > 0.05) among the treatment. Blood triglyceride and glucose levels were increased (p < 0.05) during P1, while blood urine nitrogen, total protein and albumin levels were decreased (p < 0.05) during P2 with the reduction in dietary lysine levels. The abundance of myostatin mRNA in skeletal muscle and leptin mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue were lower (p < 0.05) in lysine‐restricted pigs than in pigs fed non‐restricted diets. In conclusion, 80% and 70% lysine restriction of starter diets resulted in inferior growth and compensatory growth effect was noted during realimentation, while 60% lysine restriction had a negative influence on growth performance. Moreover, the changes in myostatin and leptin mRNA abundance caused by nutritional manipulations may be involved in the regulation of protein and fat deposition in young pigs.  相似文献   

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and bilirubin content, blood picture and liver vitamin A were determined in six groups of lambs fattened on different rations, in comparison with a control group. The results are presented in graphs and tables. There was no clear difference between the various groups, in the criteria examined.  相似文献   

In studies with 16 breeding sows of the country species the feed value of straw materials and their fitness for use were ascertained in a long-term experiment. On the feeding basis of a concentrate ration (IV) untreated (I), HCl treated (II = HCl treatment without steaming) and partly hydrolysed straw meal (III = HCl treatment with subsequent steaming) were tested. In the course of the experiment and at a nutrient level of 1 (maintenance requirement), the digestibility of the organic matter of the ration and that of some major and trace elements, N and mineral balances as well as feed passage rate and water excretion in faeces were ascertained at selected measuring times. The following mean results were achieved: The integration of all straw materials tested lead to a significant reduction of the digestibility of the organic matter of the total ration, the least negative effect was caused by partly hydrolysed straw meal (III). The fractions crude protein, crude fibre and N-free extracts were mainly affected. Straw meal integration had a gravidity-conditioned influence on the daily N balance. Increased N excretion in faeces could only be compensated by non-pregnant animals by a decreased N excretion in urine. The mineral balance (Ca, P, Na, Cu and Mn) remained largely uninfluenced by the straw supplement. The feed passage rate was reduced by the use of all straw meal variants to ca. 50% of the value measured after the sole feeding of concentrate (IV). Feed passage rate and water excretion in faeces were approximately reciprocal. The digestibility of the organic matter of the straw materials ascertained according to the difference method amounted to 7.4 (I), 18.1 (II) and 27.9% (III); that of the N-free extracts in the same sequence to 10.0, 22.0 and 34.9%. The calculated energetic feed value was for I = 70.7, for II = 154.9 and for III = 240.7 EFUpig/kg DM.  相似文献   

In continuation of our earlier investigations on the range of environmental factors in housing systems with perforated floors and the experiments with or without free choice on litter or deep litter the effects of the size of the area and the environmental temperatures on the behaviour of early weaned piglets (8 kg to 30 kg) kept on litter and deep litter have been investigated. Both factors had a crucial but diametrical influence. While for the total activity of the pigs the size of the compartment proved more important than room temperature, for the total inactivity it was the other way around. Therefore some essential requirements have to be obeyed even for housing systems with litter or deep litter, which can be considered more suitable for the housing of pigs from the start on. Because of their different importance for the activity (20% of the total behaviour) and the inactivity (80%) the factors can't replace each other. For housing systems with litter size allocation shouldn't amount less than 0.45 m2/animal and with deep litter not less than 0.70 m2/animal with room temperatures starting at about 25 degrees C and 20 degrees C, respectively.  相似文献   

A two-month trial was conducted to investigate the effects of pelleting rations with 70:30, 65:35, and 60:40 concentrate to high-quality roughage (alfalfa hay) ratios on hematological and biochemical parameters of ostriches. A total of 18 seven-month-old male ostrich chicks, initially weighing an average of 60–70 kg, were distributed into three different outdoor paddocks at a stocking density of six birds per paddock. In the morning, blood collection was made from the wing vein after about 12 h of fasting. All rations resulted in no significant change in hematological parameters. However, with increasing alfalfa inclusion rate, the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio tended to be lower (P?=?0.089); whereas the values of hemoglobin, packed cell volume (PCV), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) tended to be higher (P values 0.069, 0.072 and 0.094, respectively). In terms of plasma biochemical parameters, increasing the ratio of concentrate to alfalfa hay in ostrich diets resulted in significant (P?<?0.05) depression in the values of glucose (up to 20.2 %), total cholesterol (up to 19.2 %), creatine kinase (up to 27.9 %), and aspartate aminotransferase (up to 29.9 %). Additionally, the 65:35 or 60:40 rations caused a decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level (27.9 and 42 %, respectively; P?=?0.008) compared to the 70:40 ration. Without exception, no rations affected the values of leukocyte subsets, total protein, albumin, globulin, uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and very low density lipoprotein. Based on our results, the concentrate to alfalfa ratio of 60:40 could be suggested as optimum ratio for good health conditions of juvenile ostriches.  相似文献   

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