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实现西部大开发是党中央、国务院的一项重大战略决策。详细论述了西部开发与排灌事业有关的几个生态环境问题,如治沙防沙、植树造林、南水北调、江河治理、节水灌溉、贯彻水法等,指出了西部开发与排灌事业的密切关系。  相似文献   

黄河断流与节水农业发展浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前以至今后很长的时期内,水资源紧缺,将是制约农业生产和发展的主要因素,特别是黄河中下游地区更是如此。在水源缺乏的条件下,如何发展工农业生产,如何实现农业的高产、稳产、如何实现高效农业、如何实现节水农业,是农业发展的重中之重,本文阐述了节水农业发展的客观因素,发展节水农业的理论体系、技术体系、发展方法以及节水农业应注重的问题。  相似文献   

联合国秘书长加利说:今后某些地区的战争将不是政治的战争,而是水的战争。国务院副总理李岚清指出:我国是个缺水的国家,农业不有靠天吃饭;解决干旱缺水问题,一方面要开源,另一方面要节流;传统的灌溉方式,尖漏损失很大,浪费严重所以在灌溉方式上要来个革命。本文试图阐明他们所提出的问题,其内容有:争水之战,中国水资源、农业、工业、城市节水与排灌事业,水资源管理.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省机电排灌事业发展历史的回顾,阐述了依靠科技进步是排灌事业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

南水北调与排灌事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南水北调工程是我国继三峡工程后,又一次实施水资源优化配置的战略工程,经多年研究,南水北调工程已形成东、中、西三条路线的基本格局。文中叙述了美国调水规划与经验,我国南水北调工程的重大作用及其规划论证要求,东线、中线、西线规划的内容及其影响,排灌工程规划的原则和经验以及排灌工程管理的要求和内容。  相似文献   

黄河自1972年首次自然断流以来,断流频率逐渐增加,断流历时不断加长,断流时间逐步提前,断流河段不断上延,给沿黄地区特别是山东省的工农业生产造成了重大损失,严重影响了居民的生活。黄河断流的原因除近年的气候因素和黄河径流时空分布不均属自然因素外,沿河取水量逐年增加,用水管理不善等人为因素也是引起断流的重要原因。为此,对用工程的、管理的以及经济的方式治理黄河断流的可能性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

农田水利与排灌事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了发展农田水利的技术要求和从事排灌事业的基本依据;简述了有待石拓的污水灌溉和生物排水以及可以更科学地指导排灌技术的土壤-作物-大气连续体理论。  相似文献   

介绍了我国长江流域与排灌事业有关的过去与现在的情况以及三峡工程对该流域排灌事业所起的作用和影响;其中包括:流域现状,发展任务,关键工程,效果论述。  相似文献   

论述了环境工程与排灌事业的历史渊源,环境工程中的水体污染,水源保护,排水系统,污水处理,污水灌溉,水污染综合治理等问题,并探讨了新兴学科分支“环境水力学”和“环境水利学”的内容概要。  相似文献   

Agricultural water productivity assessment for the Yellow River Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural water productivity (WP) has been recognized as an important indicator of agricultural water management. This study assesses the WP for irrigated (WPI) and rainfed (WPR) crops in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) in China. WPI and WPR are calculated for major crops (corn, wheat, rice, and soybean) using experimental, statistical and empirically estimated data. The spatial variability of WPI and WRR is analyzed with regard to water and energy factors. Results show that although irrigated corn and soybean yields are significantly higher than rainfed yields in different regions of the YRB, WPI is slightly lower than WPR for these two crops. This can be explained by the seasonal coincidence of precipitation and solar energy patterns in the YRB. However, as expected, irrigation stabilizes crop production per unit of water consumption over space. WPI and WPR vary spatially from upstream to downstream in the YRB as a result of varying climate and water supply conditions. The water factor has stronger effects on both crop yield and WP than the energy factor in the upper and middle basin, whereas energy matters more in the lower basin. Moreover, WP in terms of crop yield is compared to that in terms of agricultural GDP and the results are not consistent. This paper contributes to the WP studies by a basin context, a comparison between WPI and WPR, a comparison of WP in terms of crop yield and economic value, and insights on the water and energy factors on WP. Moreover, policy implications based on the WP analysis are provided.  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区农田退水回灌对土壤盐分影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在小麦整个生育期内,在相同灌水定额条件下,设置4种不同灌溉方式进行对比分析研究.采用退水回灌,在一定时间内会增加0~30 cm的土壤盐分,尤其对0~20 cm的土层影响较大,对其他层次的影响随着深度的加大而减小;在拔节期和灌浆期,连续使用退水灌溉会使春小麦减产,只在拔节期使用退水回灌能够增产.  相似文献   

随着经济迅速发展和人口增加,河南省引黄灌区水资源供、需矛盾日趋明显。将BP神经网络与基于实数编码的加速遗传算法相结合,建立了基于RAGA-BP方法的区域水资源开发利用综合评价模型,对河南省引黄灌区水资源开发利用状况进行综合评价。结果表明:目标区域水资源利用的程度或水平处于低中级水平,水资源开发仍具有较大的潜力,符合区域实际情况;同时,该评价方法收敛速度快,精度高,可广泛用于相关水资源问题的综合评价。  相似文献   

针对设施园区草莓规模化种植对水肥管理方式和水平提升的需求,建设了智能水肥一体化系统,并在园区23栋日光温室草莓灌溉施肥环节开展种植试验。试验结果表明:相对于传统文丘里吸肥器技术,设施园区应用智能水肥一体化系统优势明显,可提高劳动生产率12倍,并显著降低人工劳动强度;可实现灌溉施肥精准调控,减少肥料倾倒遗撒浪费,并具有一定的生态效益;可为草莓产量和品质稳定提供保障,草莓产量提高1.7%;试验园区经济效益每年可提高26 037元/hm2。上述结果可为广大设施园区建设智能水肥一体化系统和经济效益计算提供参考。   相似文献   

世纪之交我国水利排灌事业的思考   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
简要回顾了20世纪中国水利排灌事业的发展历程,且从全球性水资源匮乏的角度,对21世纪我国水利排灌事业的发展趋势进行了思考。从近年的洪、涝、旱灾害的特点对人民生命财产靠民损失的严重性出发,提出了以人为本的水利排灌工作;从水资源的综合利用出发,提出了以资源为本的水利排灌工作;从水污染和水土流失的严重性出发,提出了以环境为本的水利排灌工作;从市场经济的角度出发,提出了以市场为本的水利排灌工作。  相似文献   

随着城镇污水收集处理能力的不断提高,农业面源污染逐渐成为黄河流域尤其是引黄灌区天然河流的主要污染来源,其治理成为流域水污染防治面临的重点和难点.当前,农村水系综合整治和水美乡村建设为引黄灌区退水的生态净化提供了条件.对黄河流域3种优势沉水植物的生境特征、氮磷去除能力和环境适应能力进行了分析比较,为基于引黄灌区农业面源污...  相似文献   

农业科技企业孵化器的运作模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展农业科技企业孵化器是推动我国农业科技产业化发展的有效方式。对农业科技企业孵化器的性质和构成要素进行了系统地界定,从运行流程和孵化环境角度对其运行机制进行深入解析,并对农业科技企业孵化器实践中的行政主导型、市场主导型和混合投资型孵化器进行了研究。  相似文献   

在总结分析黄河下游引黄灌区近40年来泥沙处理的主要方针和泥沙公布状况的基础上,客观评价了当前及今后灌区泥沙治理环境,分析了黄河下游引黄灌区泥沙治理及分布的主要发展趋势。认为在渠首自流集中沉沙的优越条件日渐丧失的条件下,今后引黄泥沙将主要采取浑水灌溉,远距离输沙及分散沉沙的处理方式,黄河下游悬河的现状及古黄河冲积区洼地的存在为这种处理方式提供了前提。提出了结合黄河大堤淤背处理引黄泥沙的设想,开阔了泥沙治理的视野。  相似文献   

Water resources allocated to the agricultural sector in the Yellow River basin are being reduced due to severe water scarcity and increased demand by the non-agricultural sectors. In large-scale irrigation districts, the application of water-saving practices, e.g., improving the canal system, using water-saving irrigation technology and adjusting cropping patterns, is required for the sustainable agricultural development and the river basin environmental equilibrium. Adopting water-saving practices leads to lowering the groundwater table and to controlling salinity impacts related to excessive irrigation. However, assessing the effects of water-saving practices on the groundwater system requires further investigation. The Jiefangzha Irrigation Scheme of the Hetao Irrigation District is used as a case study for analyzing the temporal and spatial dynamics of the groundwater table. A lumped parameter groundwater balance model has been developed with this purpose and to assess impacts of various water-saving practices. The model was calibrated with monthly datasets relative to the non-frozen periods of 1997-1999 and validated with datasets from 2000 to 2002. Results indicate that canal seepage and deep percolation account for respectively 48% and 44% of the annual groundwater recharge. Groundwater discharge by direct evaporation and plant roots uptake represents 82% of the total annual groundwater discharge. After validation, the model was applied to assess the impacts of various canal and farm irrigation water-saving practices. It was observed that improvements in the canal system (e.g., canal lining, upgrading the hydraulic regulation and control structures, improving delivery schedules) might lower the groundwater table by 0.28-0.48 m, depending upon the level of implementation of these measures. Higher declines of the groundwater table are predicted when water-saving technologies are applied at both the canal and the farm systems. That decline of the water table favours salinity control and reduces capillary rise, thus reducing the groundwater evaporation and uptake by plant roots; that reduction may attain 128 mm. However, predictions may change depending on the way how water-saving measures are applied, which may be different of assumptions made; therefore, there is the need to perform a follow-up of the interventions in order to update predictions. Results indicate the need for appropriate research leading to improved irrigation management when the decline of the groundwater level will reduce groundwater contribution to vegetation growth.  相似文献   

根据目前我国市场经济发展状况,对引黄灌溉用水权的有偿转让机制、目前黄河灌区引黄灌溉用水权的转让现状、引黄灌溉用水权的有偿转让过程中已出现的问题以及怎样解决、怎样保护农民的合法权益、引黄灌溉用水权的有偿转让途径与方法等进行了研究。研究结果证明,实现引黄灌溉用水权的有偿转让,对于实现黄河水资源优化配置,提高水资源的利用效率与效益,寻求节约用水的途径、政策、方法、措施及法规等综合对策,保护农民的合法权益,使农民得到受益,节水灌溉工程得以改善,促进当地经济的快速发展,保护生态环境等都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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