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会东县地处四川省攀西优质蚕桑产业基地核心区,为选择适宜该地区气候特点,产量高、质量好、抗逆性强的桑树品种,改变当地桑树品种单一,桑树病虫害发生严重的现状。会东县在地处金沙江畔的鲁吉乡热水村建立桑树品种比较园,引进10个品种进行区域比较试验,经过比较试验,云桑1号、南1号、川桑98-1、丰田5号等桑树品种在当地表现较好,可逐步替代湖桑、油桑、充桑等老品种。  相似文献   

桑树品种查询系统是根据1993年出版的《中国桑树品种志》所描述的546个桑树品种的植物学特性,按枝条、芽、叶、花、果不同的器官进行分类,再根据各器的不同形态特征分若干个等级,各个等级有不同描述,以每种描述作为一个查询对象建立起的数据库查询系统。只要输入某个桑树的形态特性描述,即可查找到已记录的含该特征的桑树品种,实现了桑树品种的智能查询,为桑树品种的管理和研究提供了方便。  相似文献   

广西桑树品种选育研究与优良品种的推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我站开展桑树品种选育研究已有40年历史,经过几代人的共同努力,在桑树种质(品种)资源的收集、引进和创新;品种和杂交组合选育;优良桑品种和杂交组合的繁育和推广等方面先后开展了大量的工作,为我站桑树育种研究奠定了深厚的基础,推动了广西桑树品种的不断进步。1 桑树品种资源的收集、研究与创新1.1 品种资源的考察、收集、引进和整理桑树品种资源(即遗传资源)是品种选育和品种改良的重要基础,种质(品种)资源的收集、保存和创新是育种的基础工程,品种资源材料的数量和质量则是育种能否突破的重要关键。我站对品种资源的收集和保存历来比较重…  相似文献   

国家蚕桑产业技术体系首席科学家、西南大学博士生导师鲁成教授和浙江省农业科学院蚕桑研究所计东风研究员主编的《中国桑树栽培品种》一书,由西南师范大学出版社于2017年7月出版发行,16开本,精装,定价180元。《中国桑树栽培品种》是现今我国桑树栽培品种之大全,汇聚了我国桑树栽培品种720个,其中通过国家、省级审定的优良桑树品种93个,地方桑树品种572个,果用、茶用、药用桑等特殊品种55个。  相似文献   

<正> 我国古代劳动人民,在长期的生产实践中,培育和发现了各种各样的优良桑树品种。近代科技的进步,又为众多桑树品种的问世创造了良好的条件。据有关资料介绍,目前全国的桑树品种约在1000个以上。这么多桑树品种,除了都可以生产桑叶用来养蚕外,其中一些品种,还具有其他特殊用途,现略作介绍,以飨读者。一、果用桑大部分桑树品种,都具  相似文献   

山东省主要进行了桑树地方品种的整理利用、选择育种、杂交育种、诱变育种等工作。育成了桑树新品种选792、8033、7946等,已在生产中大面积推广应用。为我国桑树育种工作做出了较大贡献。1 桑树育种研究成效1.1 地方品种的选拔利用经过对全省地方品种的搜集与研究,整理出地方品种125个,其中叶用桑品种62个,果桑品种11个,条用桑品种52个。将叶用  相似文献   

桑树品种资源是极其宝贵的自然财富,是选育桑树新品种,促进蚕桑生产发展的物质基础。我省栽桑养蚕历史悠久,桑树品种资源极为丰富,桑树地方品种和野生桑树均是选种的重要材料,若能将这些材料收集起来,并加以研究利用,不仅有利于当前的国民经济建设,并且还将造福于子孙后代。近几年来,我们曾先后到本省几个老蚕区如太和、吉安、高安、修水、南昌等地进行桑树地方品种资源的征集工作,到现在为  相似文献   

为了解和利用广西桑树品种对干旱和盐胁迫的耐性以及干旱和盐胁迫对桑树叶片生长和光合生理活动的影响,以黄落叶率作为鉴定指标,对不同桑树品种进行耐旱性、耐盐性鉴定,并对植株剩余叶片叶绿素含量和最大光合效率进行了分析。结果表明,参试桑树品种中桂椹94257、桂桑5号、桂诱2024品种的耐旱性较强,分别比对照品种高14.58%、12.41%、10.96%;桂椹94257、桂诱2024、桂诱2172、桂桑5号的品种耐盐性较强,分别比对照品种高16.61%、15.45%、15.21%、10.97%。初步对广西主要桑树品种的耐旱性、耐盐性进行了测试,建立了以黄落叶率作为指标的简便、有效的桑树耐旱性、耐盐性鉴定方法。  相似文献   

<正>四川幅员辽阔,地形地貌极为复杂,具有悠久的栽桑历史,在漫长的历史演变过程中,孕育了丰富珍贵、类型独特、种类繁多的桑树品种。为了摸清全省桑树品种区域分布及推广应用情况,加快良桑品种区域化进程,我们采取问卷方式对全省19个市、州,83个区县的桑树品种区域分布及推广应用情况进行了调查,获得了大量数据资料,基本弄清了四川桑树品种推广种类和部分主推品种情况,对认识推广品种经济价值和进一步  相似文献   

从根际土壤微生态环境了解对桑黄化型萎缩病不同抗性的桑树品种的根系生理活动,为进一步探讨根系分泌物介导的根际土壤微生态环境对桑树抗病能力的影响提供依据。检测结果表明不同抗病性桑树品种根际土壤的重金属含量、酶活性存在差异。中抗、高抗桑树品种根际土壤中的硝酸还原酶活性显著高于易感品种;中抗桑树品种根际土壤中的亚硝酸还原酶活力达到0.072 U/g,显著高于高抗和易感品种。不同抗性桑树品种根际土壤中的酸性磷酸酶和硝酸还原酶活性与重金属Ni的含量呈显著正相关,与Cu和Pb的含量呈显著负相关;亚硝酸还原酶活性与Cr的含量呈显著负相关。基于微生物16S rRNA扩增产物的DGGE图谱显示,不同抗性桑品种的根际土壤微生物群落结构存在一定的差异。综合分析表明,抗性强的桑树品种其根际土壤中的硝酸还原酶活性较高,重金属含量较低,微生物群落结构也存在特异性,而抗性弱的桑树品种其根际土壤中的重金属含量较高;根际土壤中的酸性磷酸酶活性与桑树的抗病性关系不大。  相似文献   

Morphological information on the reproductive system allows the understanding of ecological and behavioural aspects of different species as well as supports the development of conservational strategies. Unfortunately, for many species, not enough relevant and precise information is available. In the present study, we describe for the first time the macroscopic and histological aspects of female genital organs and external female genitalia of Saimiri macrodon, Saimiri cassiquiarensis and Saimiri vanzolinii. We perform a comparison between these three peripatric species and investigate the possibility of their reproductive morphology to act as a factor of reproductive isolation. We have found that these species share many similarities in most of the analysed organs. Although some important differences were identified that may play an important role in the evolution of the components of the reproductive system of these species, those differences are not enough to compose a mechanism of reproductive isolation for these three species of Saimiri. The results of this study may be used to support the development of biotechnological approaches of reproduction and strategies for conservation programmes and management of threatened species of this genus, particularly S. vanzolinii, considered to be a vulnerable species to extinction.  相似文献   

青藏高原几种嵩草的生物量及其幼苗生长发育的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了青藏高原4种嵩草属植物的枝条发育状况,生物量积累特征以及3种嵩草幼苗的生长发良规律。结果表明;各嵩草营养枝条的季节变化有两个高峰期,而线叶蒿草的生殖枝有一个明显的高峰期,其它嵩草无高期峰。  相似文献   

Staphylococci are important opportunistic pathogens in most animal species. Among the most relevant species are the coagulase positive species Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Methicillin resistance has emerged as an important problem in both of these organisms, with significant concerns about animal and public health. The relative importance of these staphylococci on different animal species varies, as do the concerns about zoonotic transmission, yet it is clear that both present a challenge to veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区粉蝶多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区,选取5个林场:(a)官滩沟林场,(b)麻家寺林场,(c)兴隆山林场,(d)马坡林场,(e)上庄林场做为样地,共采集粉蝶标本306号,对粉蝶科(Pieridae)昆虫进行了多样性研究。结果表明,所采粉蝶隶属于3亚科6属12种。其中豆粉蝶属(Colias)4种133只,云粉蝶属(Pontia)1种28只,粉蝶属(Pieris)3种66只,绢粉蝶属(Aporia)1种4只,钩粉蝶属(Gonepteryx)2种74只,小粉蝶属(Leptidea)1种1只。即豆粉蝶属的种类和数量均为最多、粉蝶属次之。小粉蝶属和绢粉蝶属均只有1种,是该保护区的稀有属种。首次计算并分析了保护区5个林场中粉蝶科昆虫的多样性指数、物种丰富度、优势度指数、均匀度指数。不同林场之间各指数存在明显差异,说明生境的变化对粉蝶科昆虫乃至蝴蝶的多样性产生了明显的影响。  相似文献   

五台山蓝花棘豆群落优势种群生态位研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
采用Shannon-Wiener和Levins指数以及Petraitis特定重叠指数对五台山蓝花棘豆群落的18个优势种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠进行了研究。结果表明,蓝花棘豆和小江菊的生态位最宽,这是由于它们对环境的广泛适应性。建群种如蓝花棘豆、地榆和披针苔草之间重叠值最大,且它们与其他15个种群的特定重叠值远小于15个种群与它们的特定重叠值。生态位宽度相似的物种之间特定重叠值较大,如蓝花棘豆与地榆;生态学特性相似的物种之间的特定重叠值较大,如细叶鸢尾与石竹。有8个种对之间存在完全特定重叠。18个优势种群之间不存在完全普遍重叠,这主要与它们对水分和光照的适应性不同有关。  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):266-274
Feeding habits and trophic relationships among three mormyrid species (Petrocephalus bovei, Marcusenius ussheri and Marcusenius furcidens) were assessed in the man-made Lake Ayame in Ivory Coast. The index of preponderance combining the occurrence and weight percentages of the identified prey items showed that these three mormyrid species mainly feed on invertebrates, especially aquatic insects. Petrocephalus bovei mainly feeds on chaoborid larvae, whereas both Marcusenius species preferentially feed on chironomid larvae. This segregation of food items associated with the relative abundance of chironomid larvae may reduce interspecific competition between these three fish species, and may therefore allow their coexistence. Horn’s food overlap index revealed highly significant similarities in the trophic spectrum between both Marcusenius species, and for the dry as well as the rainy season.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Bartonella species DNA and antibodies for Bartonella henselae were studied in 40 clinically healthy cats (Felis catus, Linnaeus 1758) submitted to a spay/neuter program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Additionally, the prevalence of Bartonella species DNA was investigated in the fleas found parasitizing the subject cats. For this purpose, blood samples were obtained from all cats, and DNA extraction was performed on the blood, and blood clotted samples, as well as on pools of fleas obtained from them. Antibodies for B henselae were detected on serum samples. Bartonella species DNA was detected in 17 cats, whereas serum reactivity for B henselae was found in 19. A total of 20 cats were flea-infested and nine of these 20 had Bartonella species DNA in their blood. In four of the 20 flea-infested cats, Bartonella species DNA was detected in the fleas obtained from those cats, but only one of these four cats had Bartonella species DNA in its blood.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission dynamics is highly variable throughout Africa: inoculation rates vary from almost null to more than a 1000 infective bites per year, transmission can occur throughout the year or only during a couple of months, and heterogeneities are also observed between years within the same locale. Depending on the area, as much as five different anophelines species can transmit parasites to the human population. Major vectors are Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nili and Anopheles moucheti. They all belong to species complexes or groups of closely related species that are very difficult to set apart on morphological grounds. Recent research on the bionomics, morphology and genetics of these mosquito species and populations produced innovative results. New species were described and straightforward molecular identification tools were implemented. We review here these recent findings and discuss research opportunities in light of recent advances in molecular entomology and genomics.  相似文献   

The obstacles discussed in this article can be overcome as training and continuing education in this field become more readily available, making work with these fascinating species a part of the repertoire of the small animal clinician. The scientific literature concerning these species is growing rapidly, and medical standards are improving steadily.  相似文献   

The distributions of 96 anuran species in South Africa were mapped using published locality records, and the collections of the South African and Port Elizabeth museums. Centres of richness, endemism and Red Data Book (RDB) richness were identified, and compared with currently protected areas, using a geographical information system (GIS). Maputaland and the Kwazulu/Natal coast were identified as centres of species richness. Endemic ‘hotspots’ occur in the vicinity of Pietermaritzburg, Durban and Ihe fynbos region of the Western Cape, The Western Cape was also identified as a centre of RDB species richness. A large portion (95,8%) of South African anuran species are found in protected areas. The effective long-term viability of populations of many of these species within these areas, must be assessed. Currently four South African frog species are not found within protected areas. The Karoo biomes were identified as being under-represented, both in the species database and in the proportion of conserved areas. While a large proportion of the fynbos biome is contained in reserve areas, the low-lying fynbos habitats have almost disappeared as a result of urbanization and agriculture. Remnants of the sandy coastal fynbos and renosterveld veld types require urgent conservation. Several areas in the Western and Eastern Cape were identified as requiring additional research and conservation measures. A GIS proves a useful tool in the analysis of species distributions and the prioritization of areas and species for conservation. The importance of accurate collection data, for incorporation into species databases, and the regular publication of reserve species lists is emphasized.  相似文献   

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