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用波尔山羊改良本地山羊,公羊精液的采集是关键的一环。要想最大限度地采出波尔种公羊的精液,达到提高优秀种公羊利用率,扩大改良数量,必须根据波尔种羊的繁殖特点,准确掌握采精操作中的每一个技术环节。1波尔公羊的繁殖特点1.1波尔公羊性成熟年龄波尔公羊性成熟年龄一般在5~6月龄,刚刚达到性成熟的公羊,必须再经历一段时间后才能达到体成熟。为了不影响公羊肌体的正常发育和今后的正常繁殖能力,波尔公羊一般9~10月龄开始调教采精。1.2波尔公羊性行为特点波尔公羊的性行为序列是:性兴奋(性嗅反射等)—求偶—勃起—爬跨—交配…  相似文献   

用波尔山羊改良本地山羊,公羊精液的采集是关键的一环.要想最大限度地采出波尔种公羊的精液,达到进一步提高优秀种公羊利用率,扩大改良数量,必须根据波尔种公羊的繁殖特点,准确掌握采精操作中的每一个技术环节.  相似文献   

用波尔山羊改良本地山羊,公羊精液的采集是关键的一环。要相最大限度获得波尔种公羊的精液,达到进一步提高利用率,必须根据波尔种公羊的繁殖特点,准确掌握采精操作中的每一个技术环节。  相似文献   

用波尔山羊改良本地山羊,公羊精液的采集是关键的一环。要想最大限度地采出波尔种公羊的精液,提高优秀种公羊利用率,扩大改良数量,必须根据波尔种公羊的繁殖特点,准确掌握采精操作中的每一个技术环节。1波尔公羊的繁殖特点1.1波尔公羊性成熟及可利用年龄波尔公羊性成熟年龄一般在5~6月龄。刚刚达到性成熟的公羊,尚不能马上用来配种,因为整个身体仍在继续生长发育阶段,必须再经历一段时间后才能达到体成熟。所以,为了不影响公羊机体的正常发育和今后的正常繁殖能力,每只公羊的调教和正常采精年龄应根据该羊的个体发育状况而定。波尔公…  相似文献   

波尔山羊原产于南非,是目前世界上公认的专用肉羊品种,用波尔山羊改良本地山羊,发展肉羊生产对提高山羊品质,增加养羊经济效益具有非常广阔的发展前景。然而,在自然交配下,一只波尔种公羊一次交配仅可给一只母羊授精,使波尔公羊的利用率受到了限制。为了提高波尔公羊的配种效率,节约饲养成本,降低疾病(特别是经交配而传播的疾病)的传播,在生产实践中推广人工授精鲜配技术很有必要。1波尔公羊的繁殖特点波尔公羊性成熟年龄一般在5~6月龄,刚刚达到性成熟的公羊,必须再经历一段时间后才能达到体成熟,为了不影响公羊肌体的正…  相似文献   

波尔山羊是我国近年来从国外引进的一种大型肉用山羊,用于纯繁或改良各地地方山羊。因此准确掌握种公羊的采精技术十分重要。1采前准备采精用的一切器械,使用前必须经过彻底洗刷及严格消毒。确保完整无损,并做好种公羊体表的清洁及消毒工作,用0.1%的高锰酸钾溶液擦拭公羊的下腹部,挤出包皮内积尿及其他污物,洗净公羊包皮外部并且拭干。2采精方法将种公羊牵到羊台前,采精员蹲在羊台后部,右手持已准备好的假阴道,当种公羊爬跨羊台时,其阴茎还未接触到台羊时,用另一只手协助迅速将阴茎导入假阴道内。采精时注意假阴道的倾斜度,应与公羊阴茎伸出…  相似文献   

波尔山羊的人工授精是用波尔山羊杂交改良本品种山羊的首要环节。只有正确掌握其采精技术,才能获得量多质优的波尔山羊精液,达到迅速扩大本品种山羊杂交改良数量,促进山羊业快速发展。  相似文献   

1 母羊繁殖性能 1.1 发情:波尔山羊为早熟性和多次发情动物。波尔山羊母羊的初情期一般为6月龄~8月龄,全年均可发情。在春、秋气温适宜和食物充足的季节里,发情比例会略高一些。性周期平均为21  相似文献   

With the aid of a transmission electron microscope we studied the ultrastructure of frozen and thawed ram sperm. The cryoprotective agents do not completely prevent the occurrence of structural changes in spermatozoa. The sperm membrane system is affected. The greatest and most frequent damage is to the acrosome, the cell membrane and mitochondria are less injured. We observed regional differences in the damage to the cell membrane. It is most damaged above the acrosome, least in the postacrosomal area and in the principal piece of the tail. We found considerable variability in the changes among individual spermatozoa from the same ejaculate. The changes are not in the nature of mechanical damage as a result of the occurrence of ice microcrystals. We therefore think that the occurrence of structural changes is dependent on damage at molecular level and consists of a change in the physical-chemical properties of membranes.  相似文献   

Described in this paper is a technique by which to separate the components of the sperma acrosin system. Included in the method are extraction of all components by means of acetic acid, separation of acrosin inhibitors on Sephadex G 100 as well as biochemical determination of proacrosin and acrosin. While species-related peculiarities were of minor importance, alterations were found to occur to the acrosin system in response to deep-freeze preservation of bull, boar, and ram sperma. Those alterations grew manifest primarily through decline in total acrosin activity and shifting of the proacrosin-acrosin ratio in the direction of proacrosin activation. Detachability of membrane-bound acrosin inhibitors was increased with significance, following in-vitro capacitation of bull sperma under heparin action.  相似文献   

波尔山羊冻精解冻方法效果的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对影响冻精配种受胎率的各种因素,总结分析了几年来在波尔山羊冻精配种中,采用不同解冻方法 解冻冻精对精子活力、存活时间、顶体完整率、死活染色率以及受胎率几方面的影响,结果表明:80℃高温干解冻优于40℃低温湿解冻;干解冻效果与温度呈正相关关系,以80℃-0.4,存活时间12 ̄18h;80℃高温干解冻优于40℃低浊湿解冻;干解冻效果与堇 正相关关系,以80℃为最好,湿解冻与温度呈负相关关系,以40℃  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated the importance of mitochondria to sperm functionality, as the main source of ATP for cellular homoeostasis and motility. However, the role of mitochondria on sperm metabolism is still controversial. Studies indicate that, for some species, glycolysis may be the main mechanism for sperm energy production. For ram sperm, such pathway is not clear. Thus, we evaluated ram sperm in response to mitochondrial uncoupling and glycolysis inhibition aiming to assess the importance of each pathway for sperm functionality. Statistical analysis was performed by the SAS System for Windows, using the General Linear Model Procedure. Data were tested for residue normality and variance homogeneity. A p < .05 was considered significant. Groups treated with the mitochondrial uncoupler Carbonyl cyanide 3 chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) showed a decrease in the percentage of cells with low mitochondrial activity and high mitochondrial membrane potential. We also observed that the highest CCCP concentration promotes a decrease in sperm susceptibility to lipid peroxidation. Regardless the lack of effect of CCCP on total motility, this substance induced significant alterations on sperm kinetics. Besides the interference of CCCP on spermatic movement patterns, it was also possible to observe such an effect in samples treated with the inhibitor of glycolysis (2‐deoxy‐d ‐glucose, DOG). Furthermore, treatment with DOG also led to a dose‐dependent increase in sperm susceptibility to lipid peroxidation. Based on our results, we suggest that the glycolysis appears to be as important as oxidative phosphorylation for ovine sperm kinetics as this mechanism is capable of maintaining full motility when most of the cells have a low mitochondrial membrane potential. Furthermore, we found that changes in the glycolytic pathway trough glycolysis inhibition are likely involved in mitochondrial dysfunction and sperm oxidative unbalance.  相似文献   

Rheotaxis of sperm using a microfluidic device was explored in human, mice and bull. However, the rheotaxis of ram sperm and its role in fertility are unknown. Herein, we described the sperm rheotaxis in ram using microfluidic devices and focused on rheotaxis as potential markers of in vivo fertility. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) with controlled flow velocity was used to explore the kinematic parameters of sperm, total motility and positive rheotaxis (PR). The percentage of PR was defined as the number of PR sperm cells over the number of motile sperm cells. Then, according to the percentage of PR sperm, rams were classified into two groups; sperm with ≥40% PR and <40% PR, although the two ram groups showed similar total motility and kinematic values of sperm evaluated by CASA (p > .05). Two groups of rams mated one hundred thirty ewes naturally (10 ewes/ram). In the results, the pregnancy rate was higher in ≥40% PR (94.4%) than in <40% PR (42.5%, p < .05) after natural mating. Besides, the pregnancy loss was higher in <40% PR (33.3%) than in >40% PR group (8.1%, p < .05). In conclusion, the PR examination in semen can contribute to evaluate the reproductive performance of ram that will provide valuable insights into the semen evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of kisspeptin-10 (Kp10) injection on semen characteristics, testosterone (T) production and sperm rheotaxis using microfluidic devices in immature ram. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) with controlled flow velocity was used to explore the kinetic parameters of sperm and positive rheotaxis (PR %). PR % was defined as the number of PR sperms over the number of motile sperms. Healthy Ossimi rams were randomly divided into two groups; a saline-treated control group and Kp10-treated one (5 µg/kg body weight). Treatments were given by intramuscular injection once a week for 1 month. After 1 month, the semen was collected and evaluated weekly for 6 weeks, while the blood samples were collected every 2 weeks for the next 8 weeks. Semen properties were significantly affected by Kp10 injection (p < .01). The Kp10 increased the volume, sperm concentration and percentages of live sperm compared with those of control. Additionally, sperm trajectories and rheotaxis get improved by the injection of Kp10 with time. Furthermore, kisspeptin improved the secretion of testosterone levels throughout the period of study. In conclusion, injections of the Kp10 had a positive impact on semen characteristics as well as improved sperm rheotaxis of Ossimi rams in subtropics.  相似文献   

波尔山羊冷冻精液制作试验说明:滴冻温度对精液冷冻效果影响很大,并提出了波尔山羊冷冻精液制作时比较理想的滴冻温度是-100~-110℃,冷冻后精液活力在0.3以上的比例为76.92%,冷冻精液受胎率达到50%以上,具有推广应用价值。试验还表明,公羊个体、营养水平、气候条件都影响精液冷冻的效果。  相似文献   

The effects of hemi-castration upon compensatory hypertrophy, serum gonadotropin and testosterone concentrations, testicular gonadotropin receptors and daily sperm production (DSP) were studied in 10 crossbred ram lambs. At 4 mo of age lambs were either hemi-castrated (HC; n = 5) or left intact (INT; n = 5). Blood samples were collected every 2 h for the first 24 h post-surgery, every 6 h for the next 24 h and then three times weekly for the following 14 wk. Serial blood samples (15-min intervals for 8 h) were collected during the 4th, 8th and 12th week following hemi-castration. Individual mean testicular and epididymal weights increased (P less than .05) 48 and 33% in HC compared with INT rams, respectively. Serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) increased (P less than .05) within 8 h after HC, reached peak concentrations within 1 wk and remained elevated for 4 wk before returning to concentrations of INT rams. Neither mean serum luteinizing hormone (LH) nor pulse patterns of LH or FSH were different (P greater than .05) between these two groups at any period examined. Serum testosterone (T) concentrations were lower (P less than .05) during the first 48 h post-surgery in HC rams, but by 1 wk concentrations were similar (P greater than .05) to those in INT rams. Remaining testes from HC and INT rams were removed at 7 mo of age, 3 mo after initial gonadal manipulation. On a per-testis basis there were more (P less than .05) LH and FSH receptors in HC than INT rams, respectively; however, concentrations of receptors were not different (P greater than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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