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The effect of parental genotype and paternal heterosis on litter size (LS), total litter birth weight (TLW) and average litter birth weight (ALW) was analysed utilizing data from a crossbreeding programme involving the exotic German Fawn goats and local Katjang goats in Malaysia. In this study, these traits were regarded as traits of the litter to consider the effect of service sire genotype. The results revealed that LS was significantly influenced by the genotype of sire. The genotypes of sire and dam had significant effects on TLW and ALW. Estimates of crossbreeding parameter showed significant and negative influence of paternal heterosis on TLW and ALW while there was no significant effect of paternal heterosis on LS. The results of this study stress the need to reconsider the use of local males in the tropics.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes display biased expression of paternal and maternal alleles in mammals. They are marked through epigenetic process during gametogenesis. Characterization of imprinted genes has expanded our understanding of the regulation and function of genes. In the current study, 22 experimentally validated imprinted genes in bovine (Bos Taurus) were analysed. Several supervised machine learning algorithms and attribute weighting methods were used to find characteristics of different types of imprinted genes and suggest a classification method for finding maternally and paternally expressed genes in bovine. For assessing the best model and comparing attributes in other organisms, we have also conducted a comparative analysis for human and sheep imprinted genes. According to the results of the present study, GC contents 10 and 100 kb upstream, Gly and Gln amino acids, Ile/ATC codon usage, LINE and SINE in 100kbup and length of first intron were significantly different between the maternal and paternal genes in cattle. Considering all species together, we found that GC content 100 kb up, LINE 100 kb up and the frequency of amino acids like Gly, Gln and Met were the most important attributes for identifying the paternal and maternal imprinted genes. These findings could imply conservation pattern in the attributes among these species.  相似文献   

Predation on domestic animals by carnivores is a persistent problem wherever carnivores and livestock co-occur. A wide range of management tools to reduce predation has been invoked. However, the evidence of their effectiveness is still limited for a broader range of species and conditions. Using a global analysis of domestic animal predation by native carnivores under a “before-after/control-impact” framework, we assessed the effectiveness of management techniques used to reduce domestic animal predation identifying knowledge gaps and research needs. We reviewed 291 predation cases in 149 studies published between 1990 and 2017 involving 47 carnivores. Lethal control is the most common method to reduce predation in comparison with nonlethal techniques. Yet the effectiveness of both approaches remains poorly evaluated (30.1% of study cases) and largely based on producers’ perceptions (70% of cases where effectiveness was evaluated). Lethal control and night confinement of domestic animals would have no effect on reducing predation, whereas the use of livestock-guarding dogs, fencing, or herdsmen may significantly reduce domestic animal losses. When the effectiveness of each technique to reduce predation was assessed by large and mesocarnivores, fencing significantly reduced predation of domestic animals by the former. Despite little scientifically published material, our findings indicate lethal control would have no effect in reducing animal predation by native carnivores when compared with nonlethal techniques. Our study also indicates the effectiveness may vary depending on the type of carnivore involved in the conflict with livestock activity. The use of an evidence-based framework to measure and assess the differential effectiveness of nonlethal techniques and the use of complementary tools at different spatial and temporal scales must be research priorities to prevent livestock predation while promoting the conservation of carnivores in production-oriented lands as encouraged by the Convention of Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if there are specific steroid hormone aberrations associated with suspect endocrine alopecias in dogs in whom hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism have been excluded. Steroid hormone panels submitted to the UTCVM endocrinology laboratory over a 7.5-year period (783 samples) from dogs with alopecia were reviewed. During this period, 276 dogs met the criteria for inclusion and were comprised of 54 different breeds. Approximately 73% of dogs had at least one baseline or post-ACTH stimulation steroid hormone intermediate greater than the normal range. The most frequent hormone elevation noted was for progesterone (57.6% of samples). When compared with normal dogs, oestradiol was significantly greater in Keeshond dogs and progesterone was significantly greater in Pomeranian and Siberian Husky dogs. Not all individual dogs had hormone abnormalities. Chow Chow, Samoyed and Malamute dogs had the greatest percentage of normal steroid hormone intermediates of the dogs in this study. Baseline cortisol concentrations were significantly correlated with progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) and androstenedione. Results of this study suggest that the pathomechanism of the alopecia, at least for some breeds, may not relate to steroid hormone intermediates and emphasizes the need for breed specific normals.  相似文献   

Apart from estrone-3-sulfate (E1S) the bovine placenta produces progesterone (P4), though the corpus luteum is the major source of P4 responsible for maintaining pregnancy. So far the biological function of placental steroids in cattle is largely unknown. However, since the local availability of free estrone (E1) in the placenta seems to be controlled by sulfatase and sulfotranferase, the hypothesis was developed that placental estrogens and P4 might act as local regulatory factors. To test for such a function placentomes from 150, 220, 240, 270 days (D) pregnant and parturient cows were screened immunohistochemically for progesterone and estrogen receptors (PR, ER). PR were found at all stages in the caruncle in stromal cells and capillary pericytes but only at parturition in arterial walls. Percentage of PR-positive caruncular stromal cells (CSC) increased (P<0.05) from 51.8+/-2.6% at D150 to 58.9+/-1.8% at parturition. ER were detected in CSC, caruncular epithelial (CE) cells and in caruncular capillary pericytes. Mean percentage of ER-positive CSC decreased from 39.0+/-5.9% in pregnant cows to 17.5+/-8.3% at parturition (P<0.05). In CE all cells exhibited positive signals with the exception of those immediately surrounding large primary chorionic villi. Proliferation was assessed immunohistochemically by determining the percentage of Ki67-antigen positive cells. Highest values (P<0.001) were obtained for CE (58.0-68.3%), followed by the trophoblast (23.3-25.4%), CSC (10.6-45.3%) and the stroma of the chorionic villi (2.9-10.5%). A transient depression of proliferation in CSC between D150-270 (P<0.05) paralleled local estrogen tissue concentrations. The results suggest that placental estrogens and P4 are important factors controlling caruncular growth, differentiation and function.  相似文献   

Lethal management of large carnivores such as wolves, cougars, bear, bobcat, and coyotes has been found to have negative ecological, behavioral, and socio-political consequences, and has contributed to human–wildlife conflict. Recent research has documented an increase in the popularity of large predators and decrease in support for their lethal removal, particularly when methods are perceived as inhumane or unfair. Our survey results indicated that voters on Cape Cod, Massachusetts overwhelmingly opposed coyote hunting practices such as baiting and supported changing these policies. We suggest that either (1) state wildlife agencies broaden their constituents to include the general public (i.e. not just hunters) in their decision-making; (2) citizens initiate more ballot initiatives to better protect carnivores; and/or (3) policymakers reform carnivore management in line with the compassionate conservation paradigm, which would likely have broad public support given our findings.  相似文献   

Expression of mRNAs encoding cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (P450scc), cytochrome P450 17 -hydroxylase (P450c17), and cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) were characterized by the RT-PCR technique and concentrations of progesterone (P4), testosterone (T0) and estradiol (E2) were measured by radioimmunoassay during follicular development of prepubertal goats. Synthesis of mRNAs encoding P450scc and P450c17 began in preantral follicles, but mRNA encoding P450arom was not detectable until early antral formation. While mRNA for P450scc was expressed in both theca and granulosa cells, mRNA for P450c17 was expressed only in theca cells while P450arom mRNA only in granulosa cells. In nonatretic follicles from prepubertal ovaries, the relative quantity of mRNA expression of all the three enzymes increased with follicle size; however, while the concentration of P4 and E2 increased, that of T0 decreased with follicle size. While expression of mRNA encoding P450scc was unaffected, that of P450c17 mRNA decreased to the lowest level and mRNA for P450arom became undetectable following atresia; accordingly, while the concentration of P4 increased in the atretic medium follicles, that of T0 and E2 decreased to the lowest level after atresia. While the adult follicular stage follicles showed a similar cytochrome expression as the nonatretic follicles of prepubertal goats, the former contained higher levels of E2 and P4 than the latter. The presence of corpus luteum in an ovary decreased expression of P450scc, significantly in large follicles while it increased concentration of P4. These findings indicated that (1) similar to other species, changes in follicular steroid production in goats were explained in large measure by changes in steroidogenic enzyme expression; (2) while mRNA expression was similar, activities of some of the steroidogenic enzymes may differ between sexually mature and immature goats.  相似文献   

A mutation in the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) of the calcium release channel is responsible for increased stress susceptibility in pigs. In the present study, the relation of a mutation in RYR1 with the neuroendocrine (stress-related hormone) response and the immune defense represented by natural killer cell cytotoxicity (NKCC) during a 4-h restraint and recovery phase in 60 male pigs was investigated. Blood samples were collected from pigs previously divided into RYR1 genotypes (nn, Nn, NN), based on PCR amplification and restriction analyses. The blood samples collected during the restraint and recovery phases of the experiment were used to determine NKCC (51Cr-release assay), large granular lymphocyte number (hematologic method), and plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), GH, ACTH, and cortisol (COR) (by specific RIA). The greatest degree of NKCC response (P < 0.05) to restraint stress relative to controls was observed for the stress-susceptible homozygote group (nn). Measures of stress-related hormones were positively correlated with NKCC during the entire experimental period (P < 0.001 for all investigated hormones) in the nn group. Immunostimulatory effects in the early (0–60 min) phase of restraint were associated with increased hormone responses, especially PRL and GH. In the late (180–240 min) phase of stress and the recovery phase (480 min), a decrease in immune response was accompanied by an elevated COR response in all RYR1 genotypes. Moreover, divergent responses of both PRL (greatest in nn, P < 0.001) and GH (greatest in NN, P < 0.001) to the 4-h restraint were observed. Our results suggest that stress-susceptible RYR1-mutated homozygotes develop a greater level of immune defense, including cytotoxic activity of NK cells, and accompanied by more pronounced stress-induced changes in neuroendocrine response than stress-resistant heterozygous (Nn) and homozygous (NN) pigs.  相似文献   

We investigated the profiles of circulating levels of inhibin A and total inhibin in beef cows with follicular cysts in relation to the patterns of follicular development and circulating gonadotropins and steroid hormones. Turnover of follicular waves was monitored in five cows every 2 days for 70 days from 10 days after detection of estrus without ovulation. The mean interwave intervals were 19.6 ± 1.0 days (n = 18 waves with cysts from the five cows). Circulating levels of inhibin A were approximately 170 pg/ml before emergence of follicular waves with cysts and increased (P < 0.05) concomitantly with follicle emergence. High concentrations of inhibin A (greater than 300 pg/ml) were noted for 7 days during the growth phase of cystic follicles, but inhibin A levels decreased gradually when development of the cysts reached a plateau. This profile of inhibin A was similar to those of total inhibin and estradiol, but was inversely related to the changes in plasma FSH concentrations. LH pulse frequency and mean concentrations of LH in cows with cysts were higher than those observed in the luteal phase of normal cyclic cows. These results indicate that the capacity to secrete inhibin, as well as estradiol, is maintained in cystic follicles, the growth of which is extended by LH secretion at levels greater than those seen in the normal luteal phase. Inhibin A plays an important role in the extension of interwave intervals by suppressing recruitment of a new cohort of follicles.  相似文献   

It has been well recognized that interactions between the gut microbiota and host-metabolism have a proven effect on health. The gut lumen is known for harboring different bacterial communities. Microbial by-products and structural components, which are derived through the gut microbiota, generate a signaling response to maintain homeostasis. Gut microbiota is not only involved in metabolic disorders, but also participates in the regulation of reproductive hormonal function. Bacterial phyla, which are localized in the gut, allow for the metabolization of steroid hormones through the stimulation of different enzymes. Reproductive hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and testosterone play a pivotal role in the successful completion of reproductive events. Disruption in this mechanism may lead to reproductive disorders. Environmental bacteria can affect the metabolism, and degrade steroid hormones and their relevant compounds. This behavior of the bacteria can safely be implemented to eliminate steroidal compounds from a polluted environment. In this review, we summarize the metabolism of steroid hormones on the regulation of gut microbiota and vice-versa, and also examined the significant influence this process has on various events of reproductive function. Altogether, the evidence suggests that steroid hormones and gut microbiota exert a central role in the modification of host bacterial action and impact the reproductive efficiency of animals and humans.  相似文献   

Perforin and granzymes are essential components of the cytotoxic granules present in cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. These proteins play a crucial role in a variety of conditions, including viral infections, tumor immune surveillance, and tissue rejection. Besides their beneficial effect in most of these situations, perforin and granzymes have also been associated with tissue damage and immune diseases. Moreover, it has been reported that perforin and granzymes released during viral infections could contribute to the pathogenesis of diseases. In this review, we summarize the information available on human perforin and granzymes and their relationship with neurological infections and immune disorders. Furthermore, we compare this information with that available for bovine and present data on perforin and granzymes expression in cattle infected with bovine alphaherpesvirus types1 and -5. To our knowledge, this is the first review analyzing the impact of perforin and granzymes on neurological infections caused by bovine herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG; indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), as well as sexual and adrenal steroid hormones' concentrations (radioimmunoassay) were determined in 63 (male and female) Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonine) at different developmental stages (weaned pups, juveniles and adults). In females, IgG values (mean+/-S.D.) were higher (P<0.05) in adults (15.9+/-6.5mg ml(-1)) than in juveniles (7.9+/-4.0mg ml(-1)), but similar to weaned pups (12.0+/-5.0mg ml(-1)). Estrogen concentration was higher (P<0.05) in adults than in the weaned pups. In females, a significant (P<0.05) correlation (R=0.4) between serum IgG level and progesterone concentration was observed. In males, testosterone concentration was higher (P<0.05) in adults than in the juveniles and weaned pups. Aldosterone and cortisol concentrations were higher (P<0.05) in weaned pups (1056.0+/-643.1pmol 1(-1) and 272.7+/-110.0 nmol 1(-1), respectively) than in the juveniles (638.6+/-579.7pmol1(-1) and 152.9+/-97.3nmol 1(-1), respectively) and adults (386.5+/-209.1pmol (-1) and 145.7+/-67.3nmol 1(-1), respectively). These findings indicate that weaned pups are subjected to a higher natural stressful condition in the field. Despite this, humoral immunity, measured through IgG concentration, is not impaired in weaned pups.  相似文献   

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