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It is generally accepted that the high phenotypic diversity of mammals is a combined result of developmental constraint and ecological adaptation, although the influence of these endogenous and exogenous factors varies in different mammal groups. The rodent family Sciuridae represents an ideal candidate for examining phenotypic diversity in relation to phylogeny and ecological adaptations. In the present study, we investigate the effects of phylogeny and lifestyle on the skull shape in different species of Sciuridae by applying geometric morphometric methods. In addition, we investigate the importance of allometry on sciurid skull shape, because results from geometric morphometrics sometimes dispute those of traditional morphometry. Here, we identify significant associations between patristic distances obtained from molecular phylogeny and shape distances in all 3 views of the cranium and the lateral view of the mandible. Multivariate regression demonstrates that shape differences among lifestyle categories are substantial, especially in the dorsal and ventral structures after the influence of phylogeny is taken into account. Allometry plays an important role in the shape variation, although its importance on different skull structures varies. Our results indicate that complex structures of this highly diverse mammal group, which occupies different niches, are affected by ecological factors and developmental constraint.  相似文献   

The mechanisms for the morphological delimitation of species in Carollia remain poorly understood. This is the first study to assess variation in size and shape from strictly geometric terms. Both factors are assessed by statistical perspectives of distribution, overlap and relative distances. Despite its overlap, the size of the skull seems to be the most influential character for the discrimination of species, with shape playing a much smaller role. The smallest species seems to be the most distinct in shape, not only in terms of distance among centroids in morphometric space, but also in the overall trend and direction of variation. Contrary to previous studies, sexual dimorphism is not given by size but by distinct shapes of the skull. Characters such as the shape of the maxilla, previously described qualitatively as discrete with sharp boundaries, appear to be truly continuous with fuzzy borders among species. Because morphometric space is a gamut of continuous variation and overlap, the taxonomic error rate for size characters seems to be substantial for the medium-sized species (Carollia brevicauda Schinz, 1821), with approximately 30–40% of individuals erroneously assigned to a different species after a jackknifed discriminant function. This taxonomic error is higher for shape characters. Morphological, systematic and ecological consequences of the observed patterns of shape and size variation are commented within the context of previously proposed arguments and hypotheses.  相似文献   

While wing form is known to differ between males and females of the genus Culicoides, detailed studies of sexual dimorphism are lacking. In this study, we analyze sex-specific differences in the wing form of 5 species of the subgenus Avaritia, using geometric morphometrics and comparative phylogenetic methods. Our results confirm the existence of marked sexual dimorphism in the wing form of the studied species and reveal for the first time that while there is a shared general pattern of sexual shape dimorphism within the subgenus, sexual size dimorphism, and particular features of sexual shape dimorphism differ among species. Sexual shape dimorphism was found to be poorly associated to size and the evolutionary history of the species. The tight association of sexual shape dimorphism with aspect ratio suggests that the shape of the wing is optimized for the type of flight of each sex, that is, dispersal flight in females versus aerobatic flight in males. Moreover, the fact that interspecific shape differences are greater and more strongly associated to aspect ratio in males than in females might be indicating that in males the selective pressures affecting flight performance characteristics are more heterogeneous and/or stronger than in females among the studied species.  相似文献   

The mandibles of the Japanese wild pigs (Sus scrofa leucomystax) from various geographical locations, which have been stored in the University of Tokyo and National Science Museum, Tokyo were examined. The mandibles from northern localities were larger in size than those from southern localities. The Oita population was significantly smaller than the Honshu populations. The Mie population was smaller than the Hyogo population in length from the angle of the mandible. In the multivariate analysis, the Kyushu populations could be obviously distinguished from the Honshu populations in the principal component charts. However, each Honshu population did not show the locality-specific distribution of the principal component plots.  相似文献   

The present report describes Syphacia (Syphacia) maxomyos sp. n. (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) from two species of spiny rats, Maxomys musschenbroekii from Sulawesi and M. whiteheadi from Sumatra. It is characterized by a cephalic plate extending laterally with dorsoventral constriction and stumpy eggs with an operculum rim reaching pole. It is readily distinguishable by the former feature from all of hitherto known representatives of this genus in Indonesia, but it resembles parasites in Murini and Hydromyni rodents in continental Asia and Sahul. This is the first Syphacia species distributed in both the Sunda Shelf and Sulawesi with the exception of Syphacia muris, a cosmopolitan pinworm found in rodents of the of genus Rattus. It is surmised that S. maxomyos is specific to Maxomys and that it was introduced to Sulawesi by dispersal of some Maxomys from the Sunda Shelf.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of three shrew species (Mammalia, Soricomorpha, Soricidae) from Nepal were examined for the first time. Based on the karyotypes and overall differences in skull size, the current Episoriculus caudatus appeared to include two distinct species: the larger E. caudatus and the smaller Episoriculus sacratus. Episoriculus sacratus has three subspecies, E. s. soluensis in Nepal and Sikkim, E. s. umbrinus in Assam, Myanmar and the Yunnan Province of China, and E. s. sacratus in the Sichuan Province of China. Soriculus nigrescens had a diploid chromosome number (2n) and fundamental number (FN), including two X chromosomes, of 64 and 92, respectively, consisting of 11 metacentric or submetacentric, two subtelocentric and 18 acrocentric pairs of autosomes, a metacentric X and an acrocentric Y chromosome. Episoriculus sacratus soluensis had 2n = 74 and FN = 126, consisting of 12 metacentric or submetacentric, 13 subtelocentric and 11 acrocentric pairs of autosomes, a submetacentric X and an acrocentric Y chromosome. Episoriculus caudatus had 2n = 60 and FN = 118, consisting of 19 metacentric or submetacentric, nine subtelocentric and one acrocentric pair of autosomes, a subtelocentric X and an acrocentric Y chromosome. The karyotypes of these three species are characterized by their large 2n and FN values compared with other Soricidae.  相似文献   

In this study, we present an assessment of the evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships of Asian mountain voles of the subgenus Aschizomys, genus Alticola, based on extensive sampling and phylogenetic analyses of data from mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Two species of this subgenus are widespread in the mountain areas of north‐eastern Asia. However, both their distribution and taxonomic borders remained questionable for more than 100 years. Our study showed discordance in the phylogenetic patterns between nuclear and mtDNA markers. We found that mtDNA in A. lemminus is paraphyletic relative to A. macrotis, but nuclear markers demonstrated reciprocal monophyly. According to species distribution modeling, ranges of A. macrotis and A. lemminus experienced a secondary contact during the Last Glacial Maximum (approximately 22 kyr BP), and thus a hybridization event seems plausible during that period. Species tree analyses recovered a sister group relationship between the two species of the Aschizomys subgenus, with an estimated divergence date of around 0.8 Ma. Our results provided good support for currently recognized subspecies within both A. macrotis and A. lemminus based on mitochondrial and nuclear datasets. A new, yet undescribed form, supposedly of a subspecific status within A. lemminus, was found in the Bureinskiy Range in the Khabarovsk area. This finding expands the current species distribution range further to the southeast.  相似文献   

This study reports the histochemistry and the distribution of glycoconjugates (GCs) in the zona pellucida (ZP) of preantral, secondary, tertiary, polyovulatory and atretic follicles of ovaries from non‐pregnant (NPr) and pregnant (Pr) females of Lagostomus maximus. GCs were studied using histochemical and lectin histochemical methods. The viscacha ZP was positive to all the histochemical techniques. In addition, it was observed that the intensity of staining of the ZP was constant in the different follicular stages between both female groups. The lectin histochemical study revealed that ZP was positive for certain lectins (WGA, RCA‐I and CON‐A) and that the labelling did not vary between the different follicular stages, but between the two groups of females. By using both histochemical techniques, it was established that the GCs present in the ZP label the complexity of the area. These results allow us to increase our knowledge on the biology of the viscacha's ovary, particularly contributing to the study of polyovulation.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):160-176
The degree of maxillary molar tooth-row eruption and wear were used to assign samples of the social giant mole-rat, Fukomys mechowii, from Zambia, into nine relative age classes in order to assess ontogenetic (age) variation and craniometric sexual dimorphism, with reference to body mass. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses showed craniometric differences between age classes 1–3 and age classes 5–9, with age class 4 being intermediate between these two age class groupings. This suggests that age class 4 lies at a point on a hypothetical growth curve where growth begins to stabilize. The intermediate placement of age class 4 in multivariate space broadly coincided with body mass categorizations into juveniles (age classes 1–3; <100 g), subadults (age class 4; c. 100–150 g), and adults (age classes 5–9; >150 g). The analyses also revealed the absence of sexual dimorphism in the relatively younger age classes 1–4 but its presence in the relatively older age classes 5–9, and these results are supported by data on body mass. These results may have implications in our understanding of the population and social structures, and reproductive strategies in this little-studied giant mole-rat.  相似文献   

Chromosomes from cultured fibroblasts of two southern African ground squirrel species, Xerus inauris (2n = 38) and X. princeps (2n = 38), were compared using G-banding, C-banding and silver nitrate staining for the detection of NORs (nucleolar organizer regions). The karyoptypes of the two species, whose taxonomic status is the subject of some uncertainty, are largely identical except for a subtle heterochromatic difference which affects a single autosomal chromosome pair in X. inauris. The species specificity of this marker in their zone of contact indicates an absence of gene flow between these taxa and gives credence to the recognition of X. inauris and X. princeps as two biologically distinct species.  相似文献   

Otoliths are calcareous anatomical structures in the inner ear of fishes, and they can be used in the discrimination of fish species and stocks due to their species-specific shape. Sagittal otoliths in the Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and Lepidorhombus boscii, two flatfish species of the same genus distributed in the Aegean Sea, were compared using morphology, morphometry and contour shape analyses. Blind and eyed side otoliths of Lepidorhombus species were evaluated separately due to their morphological features and statistical differences in morphometric measurements (p < 0.05). Four analysis groups were formed: blind side otolith of L. whiffiagonis, eyed side otolith of L. whiffiagonis, blind side otolith of L. boscii and eyed side otolith of L. boscii. Morphometric differences in otolith shape were performed by canonical discriminant analysis, and the first discriminant axis explained 97.4% (Wilks λ = 0.270) of the variance between the groups, and the second axis explained 2.3% (Wilks λ = 0.620). Classification success between Lepidorhombus species based on CDA is 100%, and the overall CDA classification score between groups is 76.5%. The wavelet functions obtained in the contour analysis showed high variability in the anterior, posterior-dorsal, antero-dorsal and ventral regions of the otoliths among these four analysis groups. Consequently, it is thought that this study will contribute to the taxonomic classification of fish with the morphological and morphometric differences in the blind and eyed side otoliths and the analyses made with the high discrimination success obtained in Lepidorhombus species.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia is a region of high biodiversity, containing species of plants and animals that are yet to be discovered. In this region, bats of the subfamily Kerivoulinae are widespread and diverse with six species recorded in Vietnam. However, the taxonomy of the Kerivoulinae in Asia is complicated. In our study, we used diagnostic characters and multivariate analysis to determine morphological differences between the genera Kerivoula and Phoniscus. We showed that the two genera are distinguishable by the size of second upper incisors, the shape of skull, nasal sinus, canines, second upper and lower premolars. In addition, the two genera can be osteometrically separated by measurements of the braincase height, interorbital width and shape of anterior palatal emargination. Our data clearly revealed the morphological variations in the skull shape of Kerivoula hardwickii in Vietnam. This suggests a possible separation into three morphotypes, representing cryptic species supported by statistical differences with wide variation in skull shape, size and teeth. These results demonstrated Kerivoula hardwickii can be separated three subspecies, and the result will serve as the basis for the future assessment and classification of this group in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Intestinal establishment and reproduction of adult Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella nativa, Trichinella britovi and Trichinella pseudospiralis were examined as single species or mixed species infections in foxes. This is the first study of intestinal dynamics of Trichinella spp. in a carnivore model and the results suggest that the intestinal phase is relatively short as only very few worms were recovered 10 days post-inoculation (dpi). In mixed species infection with equal doses of T. nativa and T. spiralis, molecular typing demonstrated that 64% of the intestinal worms and 78% of the muscle larvae were T. nativa. Conversely, T. spiralis dominated in the mixed species infections with T. pseudospiralis, constituting 66% of the intestinal worms and 94% of the muscle larvae. Although, the individual recoveries of intestinal worms were only up to 5.6% on day 1, and up to 1.5% on day 4 post-infection, the muscle larvae establishment was comparable to other fox studies. Infectivity, measured as muscle larvae burden did not differ among the four species of Trichinella, which is in contrast to other models with mice, rats, pigs or herbivores. Although statistically significant differences in intestinal worm burdens were found for some days, no distinct species were recovered in consistently higher numbers than the others.  相似文献   

Neothada hades n.sp. from South Africa is characterized by the posession of small but distinct stylet knobs, 149-175 body annules intersected by 14 longitudinal lines (incisures), protruding lateral fields marked by four incisures, and an elongate-conoid tail with bluntly rounded tip. Reasons are given why N. canceilata (Thorne 1941) and N. tatra (Thome & Malek 1968) are regarded as two distinct species, and why N. canceilata apud Andrassy, 1982 is regarded as distinct from Thome’s species. Andrassy’s species is renamed N. andrassyi n.sp. A key is presented for the six recognized species of Neothada.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs and caecal contents sampled from 58 cane toads (Bufo marinus) in St George’s parish, Grenada, during a 7‐month period in 2011 were examined by an enrichment and selective culture method for presence of Salmonella spp. Twenty‐four (41%) toads were positive for Salmonella spp. of which eight were Salmonella enterica serovar Javiana, and eight were S. enterica serovar Rubislaw. The other serovars were as follows: Montevideo, 6; Arechavaleta, 1; and serovar: IV:43:‐:‐, 1. The high frequency of isolation of serovar Javiana, an emerging human pathogen associated with several outbreaks in the recent years in the eastern United States, suggests a possible role for cane toads in transmission of this serovar. Although S. Rubislaw has been isolated from lizards, bats and cases of some human infections, there is no report of its carriage by cane toads, and in such high frequency. The rate of carriage of S. Montevideo, a cause for human foodborne outbreaks around the world was also over 10% in the 58 toads sampled in this study. The antimicrobial drug susceptibility tests against amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole showed that drug resistance is minimal and is of little concern. Antimicrobial resistance was limited to ampicillin and amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid in one isolate of S. Javiana and one isolate of S. Rubislaw. This is the first report of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibilities of various Salmonella serovars not identified previously in cane toads in Grenada, West Indies.  相似文献   



Salmonella spp. have been isolated from a wide range of wild animals. Opportunistic wild carnivores such as red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and badgers (Meles meles) may act as environmental indicators or as potential sources of salmonellosis in humans. The present study characterizes Salmonella spp. isolated from the intestinal contents of hunted or dead red foxes (n = 509) and badgers (n = 17) in northern Italy.


Thirty-one strains of Salmonella belonging to 3 Salmonella enterica subspecies were isolated. Fourteen different serovars of S. enterica subsp. enterica were identified, among which were serovars often associated with human illness.


Wild opportunistic predators can influence the probability of infection of both domestic animals and humans through active shedding of the pathogen to the environment. The epidemiological role of wild carnivores in the spread of salmonellosis needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is a worldwide emerging disease of weaned piglets. The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge regarding PMWS, its causative agent, mode of transmission, diagnostic techniques to detect PCV-2, the possible control measures, and the association of PMWS and PCV-2 with porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS). The causative agent of PMWS is porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), however, not all pigs infected with PCV-2 develop the syndrome. PCV-2 is consistently associated with PMWS and PMWS is considered not to occur without it. Both the syndrome and the virus are not regarded as new. Co-factors that could activate PCV-2 to cause PMWS are considered. This enigmatic nature of both the syndrome and the virus is triggering a concern towards uncertainties of the viral transmission, its introduction in to the herd, effective tools of diagnosis, and control strategies.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs from 62 green iguanas (Iguana iguana), including 47 wild and 15 domestic ones from five parishes of Grenada, were sampled during a 4‐month period of January to April 2013 and examined by enrichment and selective culture for the presence of Salmonella spp. Fifty‐five per cent of the animals were positive, and eight serovars of Salmonella were isolated. The most common serovar was Rubislaw (58.8%), a serovar found recently in many cane toads in Grenada, followed by Oranienburg (14.7%), a serovar that has been causing serious human disease outbreaks in Japan. Serovar IV:48:g,z51:‐ (formerly, S. Marina) highly invasive and known for serious infections in children in the United States, constituted 11.8% of the isolates, all of them being from domestic green iguanas. Salmonella Newport, a serovar recently found in a blue land crab in Grenada, comprised 11.8% of the isolates from the green iguanas. The remaining four less frequent serovars included S. Javiana and S. Glostrup. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests conducted by a disc diffusion method against amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole showed that drug resistance is minimal, with intermediate susceptibility, mainly to streptomycin, tetracycline and cefotaxime. This is the first report of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibilities of various Salmonella serovars from wild and domestic green iguanas in Grenada, West Indies.  相似文献   

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