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Balsam pear bacterial wilt was observed in Nanning, Guangxi, China. Based on bacteriological identification, pathogenicity tests and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis, the pathogen was identified as Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al. This is the first report of R. solanacearum causing bacterial wilt on balsam pear in China. 相似文献
空心菜青枯病病原菌的鉴定 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
空心菜青枯病是近年来在广东空心菜产区新发生的病害,病株率一般为5%~20%,严重达50%以上。症状初始表现为植株上部1~2片叶萎蔫、下垂,病叶失去光泽呈灰绿色;随着病情的发展,病叶不断增多,最终整株萎蔫,甚至倒伏。经细菌学鉴定、室内致病性测定、16S rDNA序列比较及系统进化分析,结果表明引起该病害的病原是茄科雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum);致病性和碳水化合物利用试验结果表明,该病原菌属茄科雷尔氏菌1号生理小种,生化变种4。 相似文献
星油藤(Plukenetia volubilis L.) 是一种重要的藤本油料植物,在我国华南地区广泛种植。青枯病是近两年在海南星油藤种植区发生的新病害,为探究星油藤青枯病菌的基本特性及种下分化情况,本研究对分离的6株代表菌株进行了相关分析。细菌学鉴定及致病性测定结果表明,该病害是由类茄科雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum)侵染引起。同时,从传统分类及分子生物学不同层面分析了星油藤青枯病菌的遗传分化情况。生理小种及生化变种的测试结果表明,星油藤青枯病菌属于1号生理小种和生化变种Ⅲ;16S rDNA和egl基因部分序列聚类分析显示,星油藤青枯病菌属类茄科雷尔氏菌演化型Ⅰ即亚洲分支菌株,序列变种34。 相似文献
星油藤(Plukenetia volubilis L.) 是一种重要的藤本油料植物,在我国华南地区广泛种植。青枯病是近两年在海南星油藤种植区发生的新病害,为探究星油藤青枯病菌的基本特性及种下分化情况,本研究对分离的6株代表菌株进行了相关分析。细菌学鉴定及致病性测定结果表明,该病害是由类茄科雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum)侵染引起。同时,从传统分类及分子生物学不同层面分析了星油藤青枯病菌的遗传分化情况。生理小种及生化变种的测试结果表明,星油藤青枯病菌属于1号生理小种和生化变种Ⅲ;16S rDNA和egl基因部分序列聚类分析显示,星油藤青枯病菌属类茄科雷尔氏菌演化型Ⅰ即亚洲分支菌株,序列变种34。 相似文献
芝麻细菌性青枯病病原菌及其生化变种鉴定 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
芝麻细菌性青枯病是我国南方芝麻生产上的重要病害。调查研究表明,芝麻青枯病除前人报道的萎蔫、顶梢常有溃疡裂缝等典型症状外,还有植株畸形、茎秆表皮泡状突起、溃疡裂缝延伸至茎秆中下部、折断茎秆可见菌脓形成的透明细丝等症状。分离获得的病原菌菌株经菌体形态、菌落形态、培养性状、致病性、烟草过敏性反应及16S rRNA基因和16S~23S rRNA基因间区ITS序列测定,证实了芝麻青枯病是由青枯菌Ralstonia solanacearum引起。江西省15个县(市)的22个代表性菌株的生化变种鉴定显示,20株菌属于生化变种Ⅲ,占90.91%,2株属于生化变种Ⅳ,占9.09%。说明生化变种Ⅲ菌群是诱发芝麻青枯病流行的优势种群。 相似文献
对罗汉果青枯病菌的生长温度、pH、碳氮营养等生物学特性进行了测定。试验结果表明,罗汉果青枯病菌Lu L3菌株能在pH5.0~8.5和12~40 ℃的范围内生长,最适生长的pH范围为6.0~7.5,最适生长的温度范围为28~35 ℃。测试的6株病原菌株,其生长均能利用蔗糖、葡萄糖、乳糖、山梨醇、麦芽糖、甜醇和甘露醇作为碳源,利用蛋白胨、牛肉浸膏、酵母浸膏、硝酸铵、硝酸钾和脲作为氮源。气温、土壤种类和罗汉果的生育期对病原菌入侵寄主有影响。在20~35 ℃范围内,气温升高利于病原菌的入侵,病害发生严重;病原菌在黏土中入侵寄主容易,在壤土中入侵寄主困难;罗汉果植株越小越利于病原菌的入侵,花蕾期后,未观察到植株被病原菌侵染。接种病原菌Lu L3菌株后,12 h时植株的根表分离到接种的病原菌株;24 h时根内分离到接种的病原菌株;36 h时茎内分离到接种的病原菌株。 相似文献
为有效治理浙江省杭州地区桑树上严重发生的新病害,开展了病原及其特性研究。从临安市和桐庐县的青枯桑树上分离出15株致病细菌,经25项主要细菌学特性、菌落形态、致病性、Bi-olog、脂肪酸分析、RAPD-PCR鉴定及与4株标准菌株比较,证实了这种桑青枯病是由Ralstoniaso-lanacearum引起,属于生化型Ⅴ和Ⅳ,它们在15株分离菌中分别占73.3%和26.7%。同时,在该病原细菌的鉴定中,建立了简便易行的桑青枯病病原细菌致病性测定新方法。 相似文献
为了确定南方根结线虫侵染早期罗汉果植株中与侵染相关的WRKY基因,以接种南方根结线虫7 d后的罗汉果侧根为材料进行转录组测序分析。基于测序序列的Nr、SwissProt注释结果,共鉴定到21个WRKY基因,其中有4个转录因子含有2个WRKY结构域,其余17个转录因子只有1个WRKY结构域。系统发育分析表明,5个WRKY转录因子为第一家族成员,2个为第三家族成员,其余14个为第二家族成员。有8个WRKY转录因子与已报道的根结线虫诱导相关WRKY转录因子同源性较高,初步推测下调表达的SgWRKY2、SgWRKY3和SgWRKY17可能与南方根结线虫的早期侵染有关,它们很可能参与了线虫取食位点与巨细胞形成的复杂调控作用。本研究将为今后阐明根结线虫与罗汉果互作的分子机制提供参考依据。 相似文献
为明确罗汉果新病害斑枯病的病原菌种类并筛选出有效的防治药剂,采用组织分离法分离病原菌并通过柯赫氏法则验证其致病性,根据菌落特征、菌株形态及ITS序列分析进行病原菌的鉴定;采用生长速率法测定了12种杀菌剂对病原菌的室内抑制活性。结果表明,罗汉果新病害的病原菌为Stagonosporopsis cucurbitacearum;供试的药剂中,60%咪鲜胺锰盐WP(0.5g/L)、80%戊唑醇WP(0.25 g/L)、45%甲霜?恶霉灵WP(1 g/L)、60%唑醚?代森联WP(0.5g/L)室内对该菌菌丝的抑制率均达100%,可进一步进行大田药效试验,将药效好的药剂推荐田间使用。 相似文献
Fresh aerial tissue and roots of 14 wild plants in Okinawa prefecture were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against Ralstonia solanacearum , which causes bacterial wilt of potato. A 70% aqueous ethanol extract of fresh aerial tissue of Geranium carolinianum L. showed strong antimicrobial activity against R. solanacearum . This extract also showed antimicrobial activity against the pathogens causing common scab of potato and soil rot of sweet potato. The antimicrobial substance could be extracted with hot water, and was effective against R. solanacearum in soil. In the field test, a treatment combining incorporation of dried aerial tissue into the soil and solarization was highly effective for control of bacterial wilt of potato. These findings suggest that G. carolinianum L. could be used as a biological agent for the control of bacterial wilt of potato. 相似文献
Ralstonia solanacearum strain OE1-1 causes bacterial wilt on tobacco plants. The popA -mutant 31b, derived from OE1-1 by insertion of transposon Tn 4431 , did not cause wilt on tobacco plants inoculated through the roots. However, when 31b was directly inoculated into xylem vessels, the tobacco plants wilted, similarly to those inoculated with OE1-1. 31b retained its exopolysaccharide productivity and its type-III secretion function. Furthermore, 31b grew in intercellular spaces and systemically infected tobacco plants, similarly to OE1-1. popA consists of an operon with popB and popC , and suppression of popB and popC expression resulting from polar mutation by transposon insertion did not affect the virulence of 31b. The mutated popA ( popA31b ) was composed of 960 nucleotides, including 39 derived from Tn 4431. A recombinant mutant from OE1-1, where popA31b was introduced by marker exchange, showed the same phenotype as 31b. PopA31b protein was extracellularly secreted by 31b co-cultured with Arabidopsis thaliana . These results suggest that PopA31b extracellularly secreted by 31b in intercellular spaces may be implicated in suppression of disease development, leading to inability of the bacteria to induce wilt on plants. Taken together, interactions between host plants and R. solanacearum existing in intercellular spaces immediately after invasion may be involved in disease development. 相似文献
Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most devastating bacterial diseases of plants worldwide. Management of bacterial wilt in tomato and other crops has been difficult, and so novel but easily implemented control methods are being sought. To evaluate the effect of cold-water irrigation on bacterial wilt of tomato, four treatments were used in which CF (chemically fertilized) soil and CF + FYM (chemical fertilizer + farmyard manure [FYM]) soil were inoculated with a bacterial suspension (R. solanacearum strain YU1Rif43) at 106 colony forming units (CFU) g?1 soil. Tomato seedlings were grown in Agri-pots in a plant growth chamber. The soil was irrigated with water that was kept at the same temperature in each treatment: 4, 10, 20, or 30°C. Incidence and severity of wilt, counting of the colonies of the culturable population of pathogen, and dry-mass and height of the plants were examined. After 45 days and in both kinds of soil, most of the plants had wilted in soil irrigated at 30°C. Wilt incidence was substantially reduced when transplanted seedlings were irrigated at lower temperatures (4–20°C). Survival of R. solanacearum was also reduced after being irrigated with water at lower temperatures, indicating that the reduced incidence of wilt was linked to reduced survival of the pathogen. Dry-mass and plant height were slightly higher under control conditions than in soils irrigated at lower temperatures. This study suggests that cold-water irrigation could significantly reduce bacterial wilt of tomato and have an adverse effect on survival of the wilt pathogen. 相似文献